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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13551692 No.13551692 [Reply] [Original]

Reminder that there's literally nothing unhealthy about sugar.

>> No.13551700

Yes there is.

>> No.13551709

Not true, I fed my dog sugar and he barfed.

>> No.13551719

It's bad for your teeth if you aren't careful. That's mostly it, I guess.

>> No.13551720

There is a lot bad about added sugar. And that's objectively speaking. Naturally occurring sugars in food is fine

>> No.13551722

most unhealthy things aren't when taken in considerate amounts

>> No.13551734

I agree.

>> No.13551769

Just give a little bit of it to kids and you will see how fast it can transform someone into a junkie.

>> No.13551791

did a robot post this?

>> No.13551833

this fucking board really went to shit

>> No.13551859


>> No.13551863

Steven Universe fanbase proves otherwise.

>> No.13552254
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>inb4 another instagram book recommendation

>> No.13552531

whenever this board talks about health it makes me want to gut myself

>> No.13552917

Incorrect. Reminder that cancer is actually a fungus that feeds on sugar

>> No.13552921


>> No.13553171
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Imagine defending the literal jew of the food world

>> No.13553191


this board was always shit and has one of the highest sociopath percentages on the entire site

>> No.13553215

Shut up reddit

>> No.13553221

Added sugar should be avoided

>> No.13553236
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Sugar and Cancer - Bench to Bedside

The Case Against Sugar

>> No.13553262

And you guys shit on pol.

>> No.13553304

correct.... as long as you avoid eating it.

>> No.13553315


this is also one of the most reddit boards on the site you autistic mouthbreather, go back to your shithole

>> No.13553328

yeah, a moderate amount of sugar is supposed to be like 30g per day total. but there are plenty of people having double or triple that amount.

>> No.13553332
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in moderation, that's true! american shit like pic related is the problem

>> No.13553377

>pic related is the problem
1 “MOST STUF” cookie = 3 regular cookies. So eat 1 MOST STUF cookie

>> No.13553408

I eat a ton of sugary garbage, like I'm an absolute pig, and I can tell you that sugar is terrible for you. I feel shit after I eat it, have terrible gas, get diarrhea, feel hot and uncomfortable, get sweats, etc. It's very obvious that I'm putting small amounts of poison into my body when I eat a lot of sugar

>> No.13553427

Based and Peat pilled

>> No.13553430

I think you’re lost Karen, this isn’t a Facebook comment section

>> No.13553435

damn we got a phd in youtube over here

>> No.13553443

and what exactly are the sugary things you eat? things like cake and oreo cookies that are actually made of mostly enriched flour and vegetable oil?

>> No.13553445

>I eat a ton of sugar
>I’m putting small amounts of poison into my body when I eat a lot of sugar
Moderation, retard.

You know you can poison yourself with water too, right?

>> No.13553453

chocolate, ice cream, skittles, sour gummies, jolly ranchers, stuff like that

>> No.13553456

your body literally cant tell the difference

>> No.13553458

literally everyone that has eaten sugar has died. coincidence? i think not

>> No.13553463

yes, but who the fuck is going to poison themselves with water? sugar is addictive and you can eat a ton of it before you're anywhere close to feeling full, and it's like a whole body awfulness. You don't even need to eat that much to begin feeling shitty. Eat a bag of skittles and you'll feel like shit. Eat a bag of potato chips and you'll feel fine

>> No.13553480

People have poisoned themselves with water before.

>> No.13553501

And how do you know it’s the sugar that’s making you feel bad and not any of the number of other ingredients in those foods?

>> No.13553504

>Eat a bag of skittles and you'll feel like shit. Eat a bag of potato chips and you'll feel fine
Placebo. I feel fine after either

>> No.13553538

because the main ingredient in them is sugar and homemade food that's high in sugar doesn't make me feel that much better

make and eat caramel like you can make a meal out of it and you'll feel shit pretty fast

>> No.13553541
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>> No.13553546

Sometimes i think it would be nice if they made /ck/ a flag board. Would definitely root out whos opinion does not matter and about double the bant output of the board. For instance if this was a flag board, OP would definitely be American or Canadian

>> No.13553580

aight dude, keep eating them like there's nothing unhealthy about them

>> No.13553601

Your body should feel utterly nauseated after a bag of pure sugar like skittles

>> No.13553613

>because the main ingredient in them is sugar
> homemade food that's high in sugar doesn't make me feel that much better
Very vague. We don’t know what your “homemade” food is.
Does fruit make you “feel bad”? Because fruit’s calories are over 90% from sugar

>> No.13553616

Well there is. I just don't give a fuck.

>> No.13553620

I don’t really eat candy but when I do I don’t get these weird symptoms you guys talk about. You guys have some kind of mental complex about sugar where the guilt you feel manifests in psychosomatic symptoms

>> No.13553638

100 cals of sugar in a cube is digested the same as 100 cals of apple
what an idiot

>> No.13553648

Nowhere in my post do I discuss “digestion.” If sugar actually makes you feel bad, then it should be able to produce those same negative feelings regardless of what food it comes from

>> No.13553662

>the way something is digested doesnt affect you
keep digging your hole, idiot

>> No.13553672

So now it’s not sugar that’s bad, but the way it’s digested in some foods? Keep digging your own hole broscience retard

>> No.13553677

Salt is though. Salt can be physically addictive.

>> No.13553681

that's because you have diabeeters you stupid fat fuck

>> No.13553682

no, sugar's still bad, its just the effects are diluted when its not concentrated, you know like everything

>> No.13553687

I know for a fact this is untrue because I get tested often

>> No.13553692

So you agree your logic leads you to conclude apples are unhealthy and make you “feel bad.” Thanks for your time dumbfuck

>> No.13553696

That’s because of you, not me. Faggot

>> No.13553713

yes, apples are unhealthy

>> No.13553720

Good boy, now go eat your stupid ketocarnopaleoretard diet

>> No.13553723

fruit is like 90% water bro

you gonna ignore the caramel?

>> No.13553755

You can get an equivalent amount of sugar from eating fruit as you get from eating candy. It’s really not that hard. Two apples is like the same amount as a bag is skittles

>> No.13553781

I don't eat two apples so I can't tell you how I'd feel afterwards but I'm pretty sure that apples aren't full of the refined kind of sugar that's in sweets

>> No.13553785

If anything, the sugar in apples is even more refined. Apples have a lot of free fructose whereas table sugar (sucrose) has the fructose bound up with glucose

>> No.13553797

bro I'm not a nutritionist but everyone knows skittles are worse for you than apples, why are you doing this

>> No.13553800

Because I like to school brainlets like you that think the sugar molecules in apples are somehow less “refined” than sucrose

>> No.13553838

I don't think it's brainlet to not know nutrition very way and just have a few rules of thumb to follow like "don't eat a lot of sugar, don't eat a lot of synthetic food, don't eat food that makes you feel bad" but aight man

>> No.13553848

t. brainlet

>> No.13553849

Jews defend their own

>> No.13553856

what's brainlet about it bro?

>> No.13553866

your brain. it’s small

>> No.13553892

because I haven't gone out of my way to learn about nutrition that doesn't interest me or serve my life in a meaningful way?

>> No.13553896

Oh I don’t think you go out of your way to learn anything bud

>> No.13553904

I do tho dude

>> No.13553952

Do some of you idiots actually believe it's okay to eat 50+G of sugar every day?

>> No.13554165

Yep I do it everyday and have higher testosterone and lower cholesterol than you

>> No.13554303

It's the amounts, you fucking RETARD

>> No.13554698

One day I decided to quit __*ADDED*__ sugar and artificial sweeteners cold turkey. Some people get lost at the "added = bad, natural = good" part, as simple as it is. I was like a Nazi jew hunter but for avoiding sugar. If it had ANY sugar in ingredients AT ALL, I avoided it. I kept this up for over 2 months. I lost weight CRAZY fast. Over 15 lb/month! My memory and problem solving skills were 10x better. Srsly, I'd look at a problem/puzzle I previously thought was too difficult, solved it and said "how tf couldn't I do it before??". I had more energy; constantly had a "let's go do something" feel, like when I was young. I was ridiculously horny. Hunger was a lot easier to ignore. I went over 24 hours between meals several times without realizing it. when I did realize, I felt like I could have easily gone another 24 if I wanted. My perception of things was affected in a lot of ways, too. It's hard to explain but I felt like I was "in reality", like I woke up. Maybe you could say I was more self aware... Maybe? I was also becoming a lot more sociable. My head was affected in a lot of ways. Eventually I decided to try something sweet, to see what happened. As little sugar as what is in ONE life savers breath mint (about 3.5g sugar), had me wired. It was not pleasant. I felt like I chugged a couple cups of coffee. I was 215 Lbs at the time. A few hours later, that "let's doing something" turned in to "let's do it later".There's a ton more stuff I could go on about, but it's bed time.One peculiar thing I didn't expect and can't explain..I couldn't tell the difference in flavors of soda. They all tasted the same, like sweet soda water with no other flavor. I couldn't even tell the difference in diet and non diet.

For the record,I ate TONS of sugary fruit and things. On a typical day, I'd eat 1-3 bananas, 2-5 apples, 1 - 2 cups pineapple, etc. Lots of cheese, tons of milk (sometimes like 1/2 gallon in 1 day)


>> No.13554709

But thats 3 less cookies.

>> No.13554762

>I couldn't even tell the difference in diet and non diet. [soda]
that's weird. people who drink diet soda say always that

>> No.13554768

Sugars contribute to excess calorie intake, which contrubutes to many many unhealthy effects.

>> No.13555966

Mental illness

>> No.13555989

pedantic contrarianism is awful

>> No.13556062

Seethe ketofag. Don’t be jealous of my consumption of hundreds of grams of sugar per day

>> No.13556139

the apple also contains a ton of water and fiber and vitamins and minerals. The fiber slows down the digestion and absorption of the sugar, that's why whole foods are always more healthy than processed foods.

>> No.13556386

Exactly what vitamins are in apples? The topsoil is probably wrecked in the areas they grow them from decades of harvesting, so mineral content of most apples you buy is probably not ideal.

>> No.13556414

Apples are also full of fiber which inhibits the negative effects of sugar

>> No.13556434

Dont go overboard with the weight loss. I was like you a while ago and dropped to 52kg from 60 at 170cm. My health was not good and it was very hard to regain the weight i lost

>> No.13556445

Retarded. If the soil was wrecked they wouldnt grow first of all and second couldnt produce as much sugar because that process needs fucking minerals as well do you think it just appears or what you brainlet?

>> No.13556510

You could have just said you weren’t american. A single can of any of the soft drinks all the fat fucks drink has 50 grams of sugar. I’ve never seen anyone stop at 1.

>> No.13556520

i mean yeah as long as you take care of your teeth and don't overdo it it's fine but that rule also applies to literally everything else so

>> No.13556610

>a moderate amount of sugar is supposed to be like 30g per day total.

Says who? Some scrawny little ketofag?

>> No.13556624

actually it's not
the fiber in the apple slows the absorption of the sugar
that's why eating fruit isn't nearly as bad as drinking soda


>> No.13556656

are you too dumb to look up nutrional data for yourself?

>> No.13556667

this board was always shit, picture /tv/ with a bit more shitposting then they do

>> No.13556684

You've never seen anyone drink just one can of soda?

>> No.13556893


>> No.13557073

Seethe, ketoboi

>> No.13557429

the sugar in fruit is generally surrounded by cellulose, which we can't digest directly

you get the sugar after bacteria eat away enough cellulose, which happens gradually
this limits the rate at which it enters your blood stream, giving you a steady supply rather than a spike of sugar

and if you have a healthy bacteria population, they'll eat some of the sugar for you

>> No.13557757

Chewing releases a looot of the sugar from the cell walls. Go chew an apple. As you bite into it, sweet apple juice comes out and into your mouth

>> No.13557769

it also lowers your testosterone levels which in turn makes you burn less fat among other things which makes you a fat slob

>> No.13557809

but it doesn't release all of the sugar--nor would chewing be the best way to release the sugar from an apple

>> No.13557887

Also your kidneys and liver, trying to figure out what the fuck you did to get undiluted, pure sugar.

>> No.13558051

> it also lowers your testosterone levels
I know what you’re going to do next. You’re going to post a study showing an acute decrease in testosterone after eating sugar. What you *don’t* realize is that eating FAT also produces an acute decrease in testosterone; in fact after any kind of meal, testosterone goes down! (Acutely)

>> No.13558059

You know honey exists in the wild right? And is essentially just pure sugar syrup?

>> No.13558297
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>> No.13558546

Still no memes about lactic acid

Im selling something 101

>> No.13558594

God these carnivore faggots are the epitome of pseudo intellectual shithead

>> No.13558614

>Reminder that there's literally nothing unhealthy about sugar.
fructose isn't so great
glucose is nectar of the gods, however.

>> No.13558623 [DELETED] 

>I eat a ton of sugary garbage,
ok what do you eat, I want a list of exactly what you're eating.

>> No.13558632

chocolate and ice cream have tons of fat in them. chocolate is basically a bar of fat with some added sugar, you goofball. it's the fat making you feel like crap.

try eating a big plate of boiled plain potatoes and see how you feel afterward, spoiler, you will feel fine.

>> No.13558652

shit thread, try again

>> No.13559062


>> No.13559067

There is. Stfu.

>> No.13559084

I eat way more skittles and stuff like that, it's not the fat

>> No.13560385

diabetes, insulin resistance, obesity, cancer, alzheimers (maybe)

>> No.13560393

and heart disease

>> No.13560403

It's mostly due to eating too much fat and not doing enough physical activities

>> No.13560447 [DELETED] 

I don’t think that’s right the whole diet heart hypothesis has been researched a bunch over the past few decades and never been proven meanwhile the studies showing sugar being toxic are just piling on

>> No.13560460

are you sure? how does fat cause insulin resistance which is highly linked to all these other diseases

>> No.13560470
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Based jew. I'll make sure to use it when backing you.

>> No.13560495
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>> No.13560535

>Salt is though.

>> No.13560544

You know any sugar and starch you eat is converted to glucose before entering your bloodstream so your liver and kidneys don't have shit to figure out

>> No.13560549

Ok, can anyone post studies that show how salt and fat are bad for you?

>> No.13560560

incorrect fructose has to be metabolized in the liver like alcohol

>> No.13560565


>> No.13560572

>Sodium intake was associated with cardiovascular disease and strokes only in communities where mean intake was greater than 5 g/day. A strategy of sodium reduction in these communities and countries but not in others might be appropriate.

>> No.13560574


>> No.13560577


>> No.13560579

Did they account for body weight?

>> No.13560590

Did they account for other food they eat or other lifestyle habits?

>> No.13560593

>We assessed community-level associations between sodium and potassium intake and BP in 369 communities (all >50 participants) and cardiovascular disease and mortality in 255 communities (all >100 participants), and used individual-level data to adjust for known confounders.

I’m assuming they would control for circulating volume which would be a possible confounder but I haven’t dug in to the study enough to know for sure I just had seen this get a bunch of media attention a while back specifically relating to general dietary guidelines

>> No.13560617

>Overall, mean systolic BP increased by 2·86 mm Hg per 1 g increase in mean sodium intake, but positive associations were only seen among the communities in the highest tertile of sodium intake (p<0·0001 for heterogeneity). The association between mean sodium intake and major cardiovascular events showed significant deviations from linearity (p=0·043) due to a significant inverse association in the lowest tertile of sodium intake (lowest tertile <4·43 g/day, mean intake 4·04 g/day, range 3·42-4·43; change -1·00 events per 1000 years, 95% CI -2·00 to -0·01, p=0·0497), no association in the middle tertile (middle tertile 4·43-5·08 g/day, mean intake 4·70 g/day, 4·44-5.05; change 0·24 events per 1000 years, -2·12 to 2·61, p=0·8391), and a positive but non-significant association in the highest tertile (highest tertile >5·08 g/day, mean intake 5·75 g/day, >5·08-7·49; change 0·37 events per 1000 years, -0·03 to 0·78, p=0·0712). A strong association was seen with stroke in China (mean sodium intake 5·58 g/day, 0·42 events per 1000 years, 95% CI 0·16 to 0·67, p=0·0020) compared with in other countries (4·49 g/day, -0·26 events, -0·46 to -0·06, p=0·0124; p<0·0001 for heterogeneity). All major cardiovascular outcomes decreased with increasing potassium intake in all countries.

>> No.13560648


>> No.13560861

>how does fat cause insulin resistance
why don't you look it up yourself. fat is the primary cause of insulin resistence and diabetes.
the fat you eat causes insulin resistance and overeating, and fat that accumulates in tissues also causes insulin resistance. dietary fat also makes the pancreas work extra hard, which is bad because it can cause pancreatitis.

>> No.13560890

That's not how the burden of proof works. Also sources for these claims?

>> No.13560932

>cancer is a fungus feeding on sugar
I don't know what to say anymore.
This board is filled with uneducated fucks who didn't even finish highschool. 80% of this board are shitty fast food thread or absolutely retarded and bad vegan bait threads. But I don't know where else to go to talk about cooking.

>> No.13561062 [DELETED] 


>> No.13561085

By the early 2000s, researchers studying fructose metabolism had established certain findings unambiguously and had well-established biochemical explanations for what was happening. Feed animals enough pure fructose or enough sugar, and their livers convert the fructose into fat — the saturated fatty acid, palmitate, to be precise, that supposedly gives us heart disease when we eat it, by raising LDL cholesterol. The fat accumulates in the liver, and insulin resistance and metabolic syndrome follow.

>> No.13561091

As it was explained to me by Craig Thompson, who has done much of this research and is now president of Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center in New York, the cells of many human cancers come to depend on insulin to provide the fuel (blood sugar) and materials they need to grow and multiply. Insulin and insulin-like growth factor (and related growth factors) also provide the signal, in effect, to do it. The more insulin, the better they do. Some cancers develop mutations that serve the purpose of increasing the influence of insulin on the cell; others take advantage of the elevated insulin levels that are common to metabolic syndrome, obesity and type 2 diabetes. Some do both. Thompson believes that many pre-cancerous cells would never acquire the mutations that turn them into malignant tumors if they weren’t being driven by insulin to take up more and more blood sugar and metabolize it.

What these researchers call elevated insulin (or insulin-like growth factor) signaling appears to be a necessary step in many human cancers, particularly cancers like breast and colon cancer. Lewis Cantley, director of the Cancer Center at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center at Harvard Medical School, says that up to 80 percent of all human cancers are driven by either mutations or environmental factors that work to enhance or mimic the effect of insulin on the incipient tumor cells. Cantley is now the leader of one of five scientific “dream teams,” financed by a national coalition called Stand Up to Cancer, to study, in the case of Cantley’s team, precisely this link between a specific insulin-signaling gene (known technically as PI3K) and tumor development in breast and other cancers common to women.

>> No.13561550

The liver is where glycogen is stored, so seeing as fructose can’t be used directly like glucose, and instead has to be converted to glycogen, it makes perfect sense that fructose is processed there. Nice job trying to make it sound bad by adding “like alcohol” though, unoriginal keto faggot

>> No.13561558

Well if fructose converts to saturated fat then ketotards should love it! Learn to be consistent

>> No.13561624

Its not necessarily bad put if you are going to consume significant amounts when your glycogen stores are full your liver has to convert it into fat which is not good. Also fun fact the storage for glycogen in muscle is larger than the livers storage iirc
equating dietary saturated fat to saturated fat in the blood those are two very different things the latter being a cvd risk marker

>> No.13561647

>Also fun fact the storage for glycogen in muscle is larger than the livers storage iirc
It’s the other way around. Liver is the main storage site, and muscles keep some additional glycogen for bursts of intense activity
> equating dietary saturated fat to saturated fat in the blood those are two very different things the latter being a cvd risk marker
You don’t think dietary saturated fat makes it into the blood? It does

>> No.13561684

Glycogen functions as one of two forms of long-term energy reserves, with the other form being triglyceride stores in adipose tissue (i.e., body fat). In humans, glycogen is made and stored primarily in the cells of the liver and skeletal muscle.[4][5] In the liver, glycogen can make up 5–6% of the organ's fresh weight, and the liver of an adult weighing 1.5 kg can store roughly 100–120 grams of glycogen.[4][6] In skeletal muscle, glycogen is found in a low concentration (1–2% of the muscle mass) and the skeletal muscle of an adult weighing 70 kg stores roughly 400 grams of glycogen

I don't know but from the clinical data I've seen saturated fat in normal quantities is probably fine if you have a source on that I'd love to see it

>> No.13563195

improbably based and grossly redpilled

>> No.13563837

Reminder to Ethical Vegans:
Ethical Vegans can't into Sugar, because Sugar production uses animal bone char.

>> No.13563893
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fruitfags btfo by irrefutable science and logic

>> No.13564937

No? Saying that refined sugar should be limited to 30g per day doesn't mean you're saying all carbs have to be limited to 30g per day.

>> No.13565936

So are sat and fat inherently bad for you?