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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 22 KB, 400x300, eyeball1tuna.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13549484 No.13549484 [Reply] [Original]

why do asians love to eat gross stuff like this..?

how would you even cook it.......?

>> No.13549491

you dont

>> No.13549495
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>> No.13549497
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>> No.13549543

t. asian

>> No.13549545

they sell as much of the fish to get the most money out of it, they're just yellow skinned jews

>> No.13549958



>> No.13549977

Looks good.

>> No.13550008

I ate the eyeballs once when I had live carp in bean curd at a chjnese restaurant in NYC. They weren't bad. The ball was firm but the surrounding tissue was gelatinous.

>> No.13550013

make a soup with it. or feed it to your dog

>> No.13550014


>eating an animal alive

>> No.13551112

>eww why do x people eat a part off a dead animal instead of a different part of a dead animal

>> No.13551151

>why do asians love to eat gross stuff like this..?
Because most of their cultures have gone through so many famines that they have to try everything.

>> No.13551203

the correct question is, why the western hemisphere is """grossed out""" by eating certain animal parts and not the other?
i bet you're that kind of faggot that would never even consider butchering themselves and buys pre cut chicken in one of those don't-touch-the-meat-packagings

>> No.13551211

I bet it'd be jelly like, similar to melted cartilage but salty .

>> No.13551212

If its safe to eat it should be eaten, westcuck.

>> No.13551498

no one is explaining what to do with these ingredients

>> No.13551578

that's actually an interesting question

but have you ever eaten fish eyes? I can only assume the texture to be similar to how it looks
i love eating fish cheeks but the eyes never jumped out to me as something I wanted to put in my mouth
from what I know, most people remove them when making fish stock along with the gills because they add bitterness
prairie oysters are a fairly common 'oddity' food here where you basically prank your friend into eating them, I feel like that's a more realistic interpretation than op because I just honestly can't imagine an average asian going out for a bowl of fish eyes

>> No.13551591


Even various types of animals show preference for certain types of flesh or offal over others. It's just a matter of what we like in terms of taste and texture.

>> No.13551872


>> No.13551905

i observe my cats cutting open the mice belly and remove some green intestines
one leaves the head to rot and another swallows the whole goddamn mouse in one bite

>> No.13551913
File: 298 KB, 1280x976, duck tongue 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13553012
File: 153 KB, 677x760, gremlins2-hatchling-puppet-display-3_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What am I looking at?

>> No.13553058

Texture is boss in cooking a crunch and a crumb and a slide and a chew is all anazing.

>> No.13553065

I've had duck heads before so maybe similar? Really lean, and sinewy, but surprisingly tasty. They braise it in some kind of dark broth that stains the skin. Speaking of which, the skin is also delicious.

>> No.13553083

It wasn't alive at serving, just alive and swimming when I ordered it. It was just a bad translation for the menu.

>> No.13553110
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>> No.13553395


It's mermaid vagina. I've seen the Lighthouse.

>> No.13553411


It's like using shanks and testicles and sweeetbreads, only Japan is an island nation that has historically relied heavily on the sea to provide protein and general sustenance...if you're being serious. Chinks and other wannabe japs are just copycats or poorfags or bored/adventurous richfags

>> No.13553428
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>> No.13553599
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>> No.13554164

I've eaten plenty of fish eyes

they're not great. when cooked some sort of protein or something hardens within the eye, and it becomes very disgusting to chew, almost chalky in texture, and white

the surronding is nice though, some good fats in the face/eye area

>> No.13554177

This. I remember an Iron Chef episode where the theme ingredient was turkey and the panel were all like 'wtf is that nigga? How do you eat it'? But when it comes to squid vagina and crab testicles they're all like 'oh shit, this shit is bomb af, I'm having some this weekend'.

>> No.13554197

Fish eyes have bones inside them. You're not supposed to chew the bone. You're supposed to suck the goo out.

>> No.13554205

not him but im sure hes not talking about the core(bone..?) of the eye

cooked fish eye has this fatty skin layer, surrounding white dry 'meat' (what hes talking about), surrounding the hard inedible core

never had it gel like, do you eat it raw?

>> No.13554313

I agree with this completely. I know an older woman who has managed to make it her whole life without overcoming disgust of animal bones to the point she won't even touch or be near a cooked rotisserie chicken. She'll only buy deboned meat or fish and will freak out if she accidentally comes into contact/near vicinity of animal bones. The fact that this isn't considered severe mental illness amazes me. She's at the far extreme, but most people I know won't consider eating organs or any "non-standard" parts and consider breaking down a clean, de-feathered chicken gross. I admit though, as much as I feel I'm more open minded than most, it took me a lot of courage and some gagging to try balut. It tasted fine, but I don't think I bought the best eggs and couldn't get past a few bites especially after cracking a cooked one and finding no broth.

>> No.13554333

No, I pluck them out of the fish after roasting it.

>> No.13554963

'don't waste'

>> No.13555014

ah 99 ranch, never change

>> No.13555028

fish eyes are the most delicious and nutritious part of the fish. Modern """men""" have just been conditioned to consoom the most expensive yet flavorless parts of animals by marketing and think anything is "yucky" that reminds them that they are actually eating an animal like a grown up human. Western men used to eat every part of the animal until marketing turned them into picky eaters and faggots.

>> No.13555651

Nigger eggs

>> No.13555936

I fish as a hobby, and always put heads, skin, and bones in broth. No guts though, the digestive track is not easy to separate form the nutritious organs.

>> No.13556482

because most super traditional asian cooking comes from when we were all broke as fuck.

>> No.13556485


>> No.13556608

99 insight