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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13504572 No.13504572 [Reply] [Original]

How do you eat potato chippies without getting your hand oily?

>> No.13504582

with your penis or chopsticks if your gay

>> No.13504622

chopsticks desu

>> No.13504628

Crush them up in the bag, and snort them.

>> No.13504629

I spread them all over my naked chest and you eat them off one by one using only your mouth

>> No.13505237

Fuck that. How do you eat chips without getting crumbs everywhere?

>> No.13505238

This doesn't work out very well. She will end up pulling out your chest hair with her teeth. It kind of hurts. Don't recommend.

>> No.13505239

same way, but you use a funnel with a lid

>> No.13505243

I'm naturally oily so I think it has stopped me from noticing that could be an issue. I just eat them out of the bag with my hands and if I'm home I lick my fingers and wash my hands after.

>> No.13505245

Potato chip crumbs in your chest hair doesn't feel very good, either. I just can't recommend it. Sometimes everybody has to agree that it is better to get your fingers oily.

>> No.13505250

if my gay what

>> No.13505253

Kys weeb

>> No.13505259

if your gay is homosexuality

>> No.13505316

Finger condoms

>> No.13505339

have a moist toilette next to plate, replace after every few chipps

>> No.13505343

>no one said gloves yet
gloves dumbass that's what they're for

>> No.13505388
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you just grab those oily chippies with your stickies

>> No.13505618
File: 57 KB, 215x600, op.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all the black kids at my school would always buy salt and vinegar chip and crush then entire bag into crumbs and just pour the crumbs into their mouths, they'd also shake up their soda to intentionally make it go flat

>> No.13505785

crushing up the chips enough so that you can pour it into your mouth actually would solve OP's problem.
The soda thing I don't get though, flat soda is usually disgusting.

>> No.13505788

By killing animus with my bare hands. I strangle them until their gurgles cease and the light leaves their dead eyes. Animus exist for my sexual pleasure and it excites me when they die slowly and painfully.

>> No.13506013

i forgot about the pickled eggs and hot sausage and jolly ranchers that combined to makes some o the worst breath imaginable

>> No.13506022

You don’t. Always wash your hands and mouth immediately after finishing a bag or you’ll be greasy

>> No.13506377

>she doesn't own a pair of chip gloves
Dear me, that's certainly the least fanciest thing I've heard all day.

>> No.13508016

I just use cheap $1 for 100 sandwich bags as gloves to eat.

>> No.13508034

What the heck is this from and why is that anime girl being admonished for keeping her fingers clean

>> No.13508104

Rocket Girls

>> No.13508117

I put them in a cup and tilt it back into my mouth

>> No.13508140

By eating pork rinds.

>> No.13508432

Chopsticks of course

>> No.13508637

i have seen the same thing used to flip bacon with but in plastic (i dont know the name)

In japan people use those little plastic thingys to get the chips while they study and stuff , so they dont ruin the paper

>> No.13508651


>> No.13508657

I thought I was the only one.

>> No.13508675

When I was in high school all the kids would snort the powder from sour skittles. It fucking hurt. We would also snort that listerine spray stuff that they came out with. We were doing real drugs at the same time too, I'm not sure what we thought we were accomplishing.

>> No.13508832

A gentleman has gloves for chip eating.

>> No.13509029

some sick fuck on /k/ posted gloves at his station and ended up telling us that he eats "wet" foods with gloves on... needless to say i eat all my hot wings with gloves now.

>> No.13509088

Carefully pour them into your mouth.

>> No.13509106
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>> No.13509135
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I literally have no problem eating chips.
>get bowl
>pour chips in bowl
>bring bowl up to face
>stick tongue on chip
>retract tongue with chip cargo
>enjoy not eating chips like a greasy-fingered cro magnon

>> No.13509158

>start off eating one chip at a time
>before i know it im putting a stack of 5 or 6 in my mouth at a time

anyone else know this feel?

>> No.13509411

Maybe with Pringles because they turn into mush in your mouth when you eat one.

>> No.13509440


>> No.13509544

I do both of these, wtf I'm black now

>> No.13509560

I do both of these. Soda tastes better flat anyway

>> No.13509562

just when you think canada can't get more based

>> No.13509619

Potato chip gloves out for repair, eh?
Just rent a pair from the local shop while you're waiting.

>> No.13509698

Have shamicock feed you.

>> No.13509795
File: 1.27 MB, 320x180, DIjwSK.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based anteatertungpilled

>> No.13509799

dubs confirm, you are indeed black now

>> No.13509816
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