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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13497075 No.13497075 [Reply] [Original]

Instead of spending $5 a day for a cup of coffee on the way to work, just make it at home for less than a dollar a cup.

>> No.13497084

Thanks mum!

>> No.13497103

or just drink free coffee at work

>> No.13497117

For me, it's the moka pot.

>> No.13497121

For me, it's a full night's sleep

>> No.13497126

It must suck being this senstive to caffeine.

>> No.13498885

I don't think even starbucks exceeds $2.75 a cup.
Also if you buy Folgers it works out to $0.11 a cup.

>> No.13498893

Myyyyyy negro

>> No.13498894

Exactly this

Morningshift starts at 5:30 and it's literally one of the nightwatches jobs to make sure there is coffee for the handover

>> No.13498910

Whenever I drink coffee I feel like I'm going to have a heart attack and can't focus at all

>> No.13498913


Stop adding cocaine to your blend.

>> No.13498921

I drink coffee about 3 times a year and didn't start until I was 24

>> No.13498932

Remember when charity pests would say "that's less than a cup of coffee a day" when trying to get you to sign on to their scam? I always took great pleasure in telling them that I don't drink coffee, had no intention in contributing, and only ever listened because it was the first time a woman had spoken to me that month. That doesn't happen anymore, and I miss it.

>> No.13498980

>drink coffee
>get absurdly distracting butterflies in stomach, sweat like all hell or become incapable of eating anything for the next 2 hours
>effect changes randomly

>> No.13498995
File: 285 KB, 1600x1200, portafilter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I used to drink coffee like a fiend but now I can't stomach it or take it because i end up like a shivering asshole. I have an espresso machine that sits unused.

>> No.13499166

I know what you watch

>> No.13499183

>only ever listened because it was the first time a woman had spoken to me that month.