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13480976 No.13480976 [Reply] [Original]

Has anyone tasted "faux-nuggets" before? I can't imagine that they taste as good as normal ones.
The audience for chicken nuggets would probably cringe when presented this kind of shit. Not greasy or fried enough.


>> No.13480986
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Fact: All faux-meat will never pass. We will just have to wait until they come out with in-vitro grown animal tissues (adulterated with nearly undetectable carcinogens, mind control agents, and hormone disruptors)

Pic related lurks your inner hospice walls with pliers.

>> No.13481011
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>kill the chicken nugget

>> No.13481021

In the end it will come down to cost effectiveness. If they're cheaper to make, goodbye chicky nugs. Chicken nuggets don't have much chicken flavor. I had fake chicken nuggets in the 90s which tasted the same as real chicken nuggets. It's the proper cuts of meat that they're going to have trouble replicating, not this stupid junk.

>> No.13481097

we've already had nuggs that had basically no chicken in them for a long time, this seems like an investor scam

>> No.13481915

Nuggets are an easy one to surpass as they're already entirely processed and quite frankly don't even resemble meat. When they produce a passable vegan steak I'll be impressed.

>> No.13482017

thank you mistress Greta
I've been such a bad carnivore

>> No.13482028

All faux meat at its best is cafeteria quality unless you're going to a restaurant that makes it in house

>> No.13482031

Non-vegetarian who has tried several of the currently available "plant-based" """""meats""""" here. Today, in fact, I had Aldi's new meatless """"""""meat""""""""" for lunch. Was not quite, but almost, entirely unlike meat.

Anyway, some chick'n products I've had have been fairly convincing inasmuch that they're highly processed bits of foodstuffs moulded into a patty or nugget shape. If someone were to give me one and say 'this is chicken,' I wouldn't know otherwise. I'd think it's just another shitty chicken patty à la Tyson or Encore. Of course, if you're talking about approximating the taste and texture of a whole piece of chicken, such as a breast or thigh, which is cut into nugget-y sizes, no product available would currently be up to the task. None. And I don't think any really would be any time soon, either. These mofos can't even make a decent burger-alike just yet.

>> No.13482076

it tasted like a mushy plant, didn't enjoy it, it was like a deep fried bean/plant tasting paste.
went outside the vendors to Fudd Ruckers for chili cheese fries and ate it in front of the other vegans

>> No.13482083

Do you get fake nugs if you have negative good boy points?

>> No.13482134


This is great! I've been looking for other estrogen delivery methods

>> No.13482416

Why don't they just use fauxmeat and flavour it with animal fats? Uses much less animal products and probably tastes enough like meat that everybody's happy.

>> No.13482421

how is emulating chicken a challenge

>> No.13482427
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the point of vegans is they don't use any animal products

>> No.13482435

Normally these faggots say that these aren't marketed to vegans but to meat eaters because the reason the earth is dying is because America eats beef so we all have to switch to bugs, soi and pea mush.

>> No.13483251

I would imagine so.

>> No.13483275

I like both chicken nuggets and "vegan chicken nuggets." To be fair, I've never been a fan of super greasy food. and Vegan chicken nuggets are overpriced for what they are.

>> No.13483282

The government could already switch you to a pure soi diet if they wanted to

>> No.13483291
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People, particularly journalists, are just the worst.

>> No.13483300

>adulterated with nearly undetectable carcinogens

>> No.13483306

You sound like an insufferable faggot.

>> No.13483309

You pass.

>> No.13483322

You will never pass.

>> No.13483331

Dude, he literally just passed. Can you not read?

>> No.13483354

You should try dairy products. Filled with animal estrogen. Not that plant "estrogen" that doesn't have any actual effects on the human body.

>> No.13483355

No it couldn't.

>> No.13483360

>alternative meats are trying to force us to stop eating meat! WAAAAHHH

Imagine thinking this way. What's it like living in constant fear? Meat is going nowhere. If vegans want more stuff that they can eat and people want to try it, who the fuck cares? If you legitimately think that even if they wanted to replace all meat that it would work, you are 100% full-blown retarded.

>> No.13483369

With sauce it's just another cheap reconstituted nugget. Without sauce not so much. Soy and wheat have too much off flavour. Never tried Quorn.

>> No.13483376

Because moms hate fillerz

>> No.13483552

His pass does not pass.

>> No.13483570

>the duckfag is posting on /ck/ now

>> No.13483580

>killed the burger

it literally taste the same and is just as bad for you if not worse and its more expensive why would ever buy it?

>> No.13483641

breaded tofu chunks

not if we eat the government

>> No.13483649

i've had vegan nuggies in my freezer regularly for years and it's only making headlines now because it's more trendy

>> No.13483776

Imagine. Instead of the already junk cuts of meat used for chicken nugget, we will now use synthetic "plant-based" slop as a replacement. You all can eat the goo if you want to. I won't.

>> No.13483817

I don't think people who eat chicken nuggets are really the experimental sort.

>> No.13483832


Why don't we make meat-based plants instead and try to make the vegans eat that?

>> No.13483863
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>> No.13483865

I just realized that kids won't get enough calcium if they eat vegan mcnuggies because it doesn't contain enough chicken bones and egg shells to make up for all the damage the pop does to their teeth

>> No.13484242

in Vienna and some german towns there are vegan restaurants called swingkitchen.

I was draged there by the girl i wanted to fuck(didnt happen still a virgin) and while the burgers where kinda good for what they were,

the nuggets were great, tasted like chicken nuggets with a different flavored coating.
no shit 9.5/10

>> No.13484265

I want to hug Greta

>> No.13484270

Nice Hitchhiker's Guide reference.

>> No.13484276

No, science is about "how", it's never been about "why". That's what religion is for

>> No.13484295

Goddamn that bitch ugly

>> No.13484305

That's racist. She just looks like she has Finnish genes, that doesn't make her ugly

>> No.13485119

Not him but you're right, Cow milk sucks. Still doesn't mean I'm going to eat a diet with high amounts of soy (which westerners are eating more than the Chinese and Japanese) and high inflamation (seed oils/PUFAs and anti nutrients) Still going to eat my meat, fish and eggs and see no harm in it other than 'ethical reasons.'

>> No.13485134
File: 51 KB, 491x352, consumption_im01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you really think lying so blatantly is a good tactic or something?

>> No.13485147

devout carnivore here, fake chicken nuggets are actually decent and taste almost the exact same as real ones, since a fried chicken nugget is already a shitty cut of meat and you're cooking it in hot oil. fake burgers and dogs taste like shit, they'll never be good, but fake nugs are ok.

>> No.13485290

Quorn has been replicating the taste and texture of cheap chicken nuggets for decades. This article is pure shillery.

>> No.13485875

I wonder if 11 in years to now there was a rise in soy products which vegans/vegetarians. Or if that study only just counts soybeans and not products made out of soybeans like milk, soybean oil and meat replacements.

>> No.13485879

>impossible whopper
>faux nuggets
what's next, imposter hotdogs?

>> No.13486106

I’ve had Morningstar’s veggie chicken patties. They’re fine, the texture’s just a bit different.