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13479845 No.13479845 [Reply] [Original]

Why is there not any zero carb Ice cream, Chocolate or Candy?
Why can they make Zero carb soda but not the other stuff? Asking for a friend.

>> No.13479851

Stop being fat, you can eat carbs like humanity has been doing since forever

>> No.13479852

Snickers nickers

>> No.13479854

>humanity has been eating carbs since forever.

Well we know who failed out of high school.

>> No.13479855

Soda is a liquid that's zero carb anyways if you leave out the sugar.

Ice cream is a frozen cream or custard, with other flavoring ingredients that contain carbs. if you leave out the sugar, it won't free correctly. they do have low carb ice cream. Halo top is a propular brand that regularly goes on sale. it's frozen specially to keep the proper consistency. but in turn it has to use emulsifiers and other stuff that's no or low carb.

cocoa is pretty low carb or carb free, they do make sugar free chocolate that's almost zero carb, if not 0. it usually uses sugar alcohols though which make you doodoo.

>> No.13479859

Objectively true

>> No.13479862

If you were as concerned at the calories on your candy as you are at the carbs on it, you probably wouldn't be fat.

>> No.13479863

We also know who never progressed beyond highschool

>> No.13479865

Fatties are hilarious, have you tried not eating candy and ice cream? You ridiculous fat fuck

>> No.13479867

yeah i meant zero calories.

>> No.13479868

You know meat was a luxury for like the first 190,000 of human life right you fucking simp?

>> No.13479869


>> No.13479870

have you tried living without electricity?
because you can if you really wanted to.

>> No.13479874

You can make your own low carb ice cream pretty easily. Put some frozen berries, some heavy cream and some sugar substitute in a blender and blend.

>> No.13479875

>Hur Dur literally our primary source of calories was a luxury.

Imagine being this retarded

>> No.13479879


>> No.13479883

zero calories though.

>> No.13479884

Electricity doesnt make me fat. Fatties comparing candy to electricity first made me laugh the simply sad

>> No.13479897

>Electricity doesnt make me fat
neither does zero calorie candy. retard.

>> No.13479898

Holy fuck, what are you talking about. Humans would spend miles upon miles stalking the animals they wanted to kill. They weren't eating meat on the regular. See you, they're called "hunter-GATHER". They did a fuck ton more gathering of berries, plants, etc, than hunting.
And they fasted a lot.

>> No.13479903

This is what the sugar free fatties believe

>> No.13479907

it's hard for something to be zero calories. everything has calories. a calorie is just the amount of energy it takes to heat up water. wood has calories. you can't digest wood though, so your body absorbs no calories. if your body can use it for nutrients and absorb it, it's almost always going to have calories. Water and micronutrients are the exception. Alcohol (kinda-sorta). Fat, protein, and carbs will have calories.

>> No.13479908

oh please tell me your wife tales about how pepsi max made you fat.

>> No.13479911

well it can have one or two. You know what i mean.

>> No.13479916

Thank God I'm not a fat fuck and understand moderation

>> No.13479923

That wont help.
Just making it zero carb won't make it healthy.
You'll still be an unhealthy fat fuck.

>> No.13479929

you'll still be a nigger that lives in america and has no healthcare.

>> No.13479947

> t. fat fuck

I hope that tomorrow you decide to get healthy, and you go for a walk. On your walk you trip and fall and hit your head then you die alone in the woods and nobody finds your body, so you are no longer a tax on our healthcare system.

>> No.13479953


Ice cream is dairy. Dairy has lactose and lactose is a carb. Lactase brakes lactose into glucose which is still a carb.

>> No.13479958

Our eyes literally evolved color vision to spot ripe fruit which had the maximum amount of sugar.

>> No.13479963


Literally 100% not true. Especially in cold environments. Agriculture is a new invention compared to the 100,000s of years modern humans have been around.

>> No.13479966

>he wants to eat chemicals and sawdust just because its OMG ZERO CALORIES

get some exercise you fatass

>> No.13479971


Vegan mental illness and most likely a left over trait from our primate ancestors who actually did eat mainly fruits. Many other carnivores besides humans can see color.

>> No.13479975

americans are the biggest consumers and they're dumb and fat as shit. just look at this thread


>> No.13479978

Wrong, read new research.

>> No.13479982


>all those spear heads and mammoth bones with tool marks found everywhere anchient human remaines where found arent real.

Meat was where we got our calories you fucking retard.

>> No.13479983

Wrong! We developed colour long before we were even human, it has nothing to do with a human picking a ripe apple you dumb fuck.

>Around 90 million years ago, our primitive mammalian ancestors were nocturnal and had UV-sensitive and red-sensitive color, giving them a bi-chromatic view of the world. By around 30 million years ago, our ancestors had evolved four classes of opsin genes, giving them the ability to see the full-color spectrum of visible light, except for UV.

>> No.13479986

And they fucking trekked hundreds of miles to get that mammoths you idiot.
They weren't eating meat all day.

>> No.13479989

Have you never eaten a fruit?

>> No.13479991

Yeah, all winter long when there is zero vegetation, they were just keeping those berries in their freezer for the winter right? Fuck you are dumb.

And if you kill a big animal you have food for weeks! You don’t need to constantly stuff your face either. That’s why we have evolved to have a fat storage mechanism.

>> No.13479996


Nope, not true. Vegan shills make up random bullshit to cope with the fact humans have always been meat eaters and it counts as "new research" since they graduated from college.

>> No.13479998


>> No.13480010

>denying science
Ok, no further replies needed

>> No.13480021

>food for weeks
just put it in the refrigerator.

>> No.13480037


Carb addicts will say anything to cope and continue their addiction. High carb intake for years in the form on grains also causes full blown mental illness.

>> No.13480042

No one eats ice cream for health. They eat it cause it's delicious. That said low carb ice cream is hard as a fucking rock out of the freezer.

>> No.13480051

You can feel the obesity from this post.

>> No.13480053

Because soda is literally liquid ehich means it's just water with additions and since water has no calories then if you put additions that also don't have any (or little) calories, of course it's going to stay non-caloric. You can't do that with solid objects, idiot.

>> No.13480058

ice cream isn't a fruit, amerifat

>> No.13480059

>No one eats ice cream for health
Then why care about the amount of carbs?

>> No.13480061

non fat yogurt with some aspartame and vanilla tastes kinda like ice cream
eat that.
you can also make yogurt at home easily incubating the milk culture in a waterbath on top of a hotplate set to very low.

>> No.13480062

sugar dissolves in the cream anyway

you'd just have frozen cream with sweeteners in it

>> No.13480066

because that would be less carbs.
I know that's a ground breaking thought for you.

>> No.13480072

frozen? can you add stuff to that?

>> No.13480091

Nope. But it is known that we used to eat partially rotten flesh.

>> No.13480092

Yeah but if you don't care about your health it's kinda pointless to worry about carbs.

>> No.13480095
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>I care about the amount of carbs because that would be less carbs

>> No.13480113


I only deny (((science))) when research has been contaminated by agendas and money from multi-billion international food corporations.

>> No.13480121

if they actually tried it would be made out of stuff that would make you shit your brains out just from half a snickers bar worth.

>> No.13480123
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>t. Obease, fatty liver, carb addict.

>> No.13480134

Are we supposed to ignore how every keto activist is a lardarse and how the countries with the lowest obesity rates eat carbs? Are we supposed to ignore how blaming a macronutrient for weight gain is convenient for deluded fatties? Are we supposed to ignore the rules of Thermodynamics?

>> No.13480136

americans just have to see everything in black and white.
If i want to enjoy some ice cream or candy from time to time. Then obviously it matters if there is a trillion calories and carbs or there is less.
How is that such a hard concept to grasp?

>> No.13480148

apparently. And then on top of it.
If you ask for a lower carb/calorie version of something you are automatically a "fat fuck"

>> No.13480153


if you have to be worried about having some ice cream from time to time you are already a fat ass to begin with

>> No.13480154

Laws of thermodynamics only apply to closed systems, stop parroting memes about thing you don't understand

>> No.13480161
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of course they are, because normal people who are active exercise dont even care about this

do you think micheal phelps worries about pizza and pasta and icecream and pancakes?

>> No.13480166

just stop arguing about carbs

it's added sugar which everyone with a brain knows is horrible for you, and is easily replaceable. why would anyone be against calorie free sweeteners in junk food? it's a strict improvement

>> No.13480169

>if you have to be worried about having some ice cream from time to time you are already a fat ass to begin with
you are retarded. So let's do some math here.
Maybe you can finally figure this out.
Let's say the ice cream that i eat one day came with half (50%) the calories.
Would i be able to eat MORE or LESS ice cream without putting on weight.
Hint: it doesn't matter what my current weight is you niggerbrain.

>> No.13480170

wow just be an olympic athlete. great solution

>> No.13480175

>Comparison of weight-loss diets with different compositions of fat, protein, and carbohydrates.
>CONCLUSIONS: Reduced-calorie diets result in clinically meaningful weight loss regardless of which macronutrients they emphasize.
>Ketogenic low-carbohydrate diets have no metabolic advantage over nonketogenic low-carbohydrate diets
>KLC and NLC diets were equally effective in reducing body weight and insulin resistance, but the KLC diet was associated with several adverse metabolic and emotional effects. The use of ketogenic diets for weight loss is not warranted.
>Energy expenditure and body composition changes after an isocaloric ketogenic diet in overweight and obese men.
>The carbohydrate-insulin model of obesity posits that habitual consumption of a high-carbohydrate diet sequesters fat within adipose tissue because of hyperinsulinemia and results in adaptive suppression of energy expenditure (EE). Therefore, isocaloric exchange of dietary carbohydrate for fat is predicted to result in increased EE, increased fat oxidation, and loss of body fat. In contrast, a more conventional view that "a calorie is a calorie" predicts that isocaloric variations in dietary carbohydrate and fat will have no physiologically important effects on EE or body fat.
>CONCLUSION: The isocaloric KD was not accompanied by increased body fat loss but was associated with relatively small increases in EE that were near the limits of detection with the use of state-of-the-art technology.

>> No.13480179

I really don't care what Michael Phelps eats.

>> No.13480186

It's not an improvement really. Even if you miss the calories, your brain still thinks it's sugar and will still trigger a big overdose of insulin. If you have a room temperature iq or above you know that frequent insulin spikes are a bad thing for your health. This is the diet soda and those water flavor things are so bad. They usually cause people to gain weight just as much as if they were eating things with regular sugar. Especially when they're used frequently

>> No.13480187
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>putting on weight.

>he cant enjoy ONE icecream without putting on weight

how about stop eating the entire tub to begin with

>thinking micheal phelps is not a human being too
how about you jog or swim once every few days and you can also enjoy that icecream that you want to without getting fat
you are SUPPOSED to exercise anyway

>> No.13480197

what nonsense

>> No.13480207

And if there was 50% less calories in ONE ice cream i could eat TWO ice creams.
There you go. Wow i know that was hard for you to wrap your little brain around.

>> No.13480211

amerifats are insane

>> No.13480215

>gaining weight from insulin spikes
So the next time there is a famine we just give them aspartame and they will get fat from the insuline spike? Are you retarded??

>> No.13480222

>i could eat TWO ice creams.
why would you even -want- to eat two icecreams you fat fuck. They are so sweet and cloying


never going to make it, you are 99% obese

>> No.13480227

>why would you even -want- to eat something that taste good

>> No.13480239


>> No.13480240

If that were the case, diabetics would be dead

>> No.13480243

The insulin response makes you really hungry. Read a book maybe?
These artificial sweeteners have a chemical structure really close to that of regular sugar. It's not nonsense at all to realize that your brain and pancreas don't know the difference

>> No.13480250

>lots of sugar and heavy creams taste good
>so good that I want to have 2 of them

personally I dont have a sweet tooth, sorry. If you want to eat 2 of them then just put in the work (aka EXERCISE) instead of clamouring for chemical filled fake """icecream""" made of plastic and shit

>> No.13480255

I've seen a lot of angry people online and I really can't figure out what you're so mad over

>> No.13480260

did i accidentally click on /v/ and go into a gaming fuel thread? I'd bet the loudest people here railing on op for wanting zero/low calorie ice cream are actually the biggest fat asses.

>> No.13480267

angry at fat people who dont understand low calorie =/= healthier

to make low calorie foods taste good they would have to pump it full of junk and fillers. They think they are being healthy when they could just exercise and take responsibility for their lives instead of asking food scientists to enable their lazy habits

>> No.13480276

hey i have a question. How does Sumo wrestlers get fat?

>> No.13480280

Sounds like some made up fucking bullshit you are spouting right there fat ass. Or can you actually provide any evidence of pepsi max/cola zero being more unhealthy for you that the regular kind? Stop larping and get some fucking exercise you tub of lard.

>> No.13480291

ok I'd love to see a person given 1L of cola per day gain the same amount of weight as someone given 1L of diet cola

and sugar does all that anyway, if it's even true. so wow it's not an improvement, except having no calories which is literally the whole point

>> No.13480292

>without putting on weight
Over eating 1000 kcal one day a month or even once a week isn't going to make you fat if you have an otherwise healthy diet. No need to eat a deficit. Your body is perfectly capable of dealing with fluctuations in calories, you get fat because you over eat every fucking day.

-t. Someone who lost 15kg last year and still eats the occasional chocolate and ice cream.

>> No.13480293

ok what if he wants to eat one
but now it's half calories with no sugar and he is even more ripped and healthy


>> No.13480295

. they eat giant hotpots filled with food. They consume tons and tons of food.

exercise is not equal. There is strength training exercises (to build muscle) and cardio exercises (to lose fat).

>thinking that lab created chemicals that mimic sugar is better for you than actual sugar made from plants

"Diet sodas may be calorie-free, but they could be worse for your health and your waistline than ones with sugar, a new report suggests."

"Over the long term, fake sweeteners like aspartame, sucralose, and saccharine might mess with our bodies' abilities to process the calories from sweet things, making it harder for us to metabolize the sugars we get from other sources like candy, cookies, or even fruit. "


>> No.13480297

Well i'm op and i'm not fat. I would just love some low calorie candy and was genuinly wondering why there was zero calcarb soda but not the other things.
I didn't think it would be controversial.

>> No.13480309

Right so saying i should excercise is sort of idiotic because i still have to watch how many calories i eat. Even a professional athlete can put on weight if they want to.

>> No.13480311

>he doesnt read
I told you to jog and swim which are both cardio exercises. So you can maintain your weight and eat the ice cream you want without getting fat. Capiche??

>> No.13480317

now we have pro sugar shills linking business insider

didn't think this board could get any shittier

>> No.13480321

>being such a absolute beta he has to reply passively aggressively instead of giving me a (You)

>> No.13480323

yeah I know you're a troll but the thread is still shit

>> No.13480326

>you are a troll!!1
>you dont approve of chemical JUNK so you must be a pro sugar shill!!!

go ahead and drink all that fake soda so you can ruin your body even more

>> No.13480327
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Vegan sugar shills will get the bullet soon.

>> No.13480329

Business insider isnt evidence

>> No.13480332

Diet soda is something different than cola zero/pepsi max you absolute fucking retard. Stop spouting baseless information. Not every natural thing is good for, not every lab created thing is bad for you. Fucking larping fat piece of lard.

That's just some fucking larping retard who has nothing going for him in his life and therefore needs to be a retard on 4chan to feel better about himself. After learning about the zero calorie soda's i was wondering the same thing.

>> No.13480333

you are too dumb for even basic adition.

>> No.13480340

"Purdue University scientist Susan Swithers found in a meta-analysis of 26 health and diet studies that artificially-sweetened sodas — unlike water — were often still associated with many of the same ailments common in people who drink sugary sodas, and may actually increase the risk of obesity, metabolic syndrome and Type 2 Diabetes.

We first heard about Swithers' analysis via NPR. She discussed the results in an an opinion piece published in the July 10 issue of the journal Trends in Endocrinology and Metabolism."

they have actual links and sources. How about you actually read the article instead of defending fucking diet soda.

>> No.13480343

It's weird because there are zero calorie fresh mints.

>> No.13480345

ok are you aware that it is a sugar substitute and there is a mountain of evidence that sugar is bad for you? so advocating sugar is pretty idiotic

>> No.13480348

>associated with

>> No.13480350

How about you actually link the studies instead then? Surely you know so much from your Google PhD that you can provide them and explain the studies? No? I wonder why.

>> No.13480352


>cant even spell
>calling people dumb

>its a sugar substitute so its good for you! hmmmm

>> No.13480362

>cant even spell

>> No.13480365

Ketofats have managed to be more annoying than vegans and feminists put together

>> No.13480369

I actually used to make mints in one of the restaurants i worked at. You need to add a lot of confectioners sugar for it to actually get edible. So replacing that sugar with a no calorie artificial sweetener gets rid of all the calories.

>> No.13480370

when it substitutes for something bad. yes it improves your diet

>> No.13480375

t. lardass who cant make good tasting nutritional food

>> No.13480377
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So why can't other candies be like this?

>> No.13480379

wow meta-analysis. may increase the risk (by any number of mechanisms)

vs the billion studies feeding people sugar and watching them get fat

>> No.13480381


"Diet sodas may also undermine health by changing other habits. A 2012 study suggests that diet soda may change how the brain responds to sweet flavors by affecting dopamine, a neurotransmitter that plays a role in pleasure, motivation, and reward.

Frequently drinking diet soda might cause a person to crave more sweets, including both sweet snacks and more soda"


>omg he didnt put the ' in "can't" he cant spell too!!!11

grammar is -not- spelling, retard

soy is a substitute for meat so its 100% better for you, right?

>> No.13480383

case studies are not clinical trials
a case study is a paper written by a graduate student spending his minimum wage research grant on drugs

>> No.13480384

>moving the goalposts this hard

>> No.13480396

I just don't care about pop science

literally everything has been found to be associated with this or that over the years

perhaps people who don't enjoy diet soda were never fat to begin with? or don't eat out as much? don't eat fast food? wow it's not very hard to imagine

>> No.13480397

Depends on the candy. Hard candy for example is made by heating sugar to a liquid and letting it cool down (plus other steps that i'm not going into for this argument) and you can't use that same technique on artificial sweeteners. Ice cream is milk+sugar+flavors, you can't get milk with no calories, and thus can only make low calorie ice cream.

>> No.13480402
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>moving goalposts too
so keep drinking that fake chemical swill you call diet soda. Please. Keep doing it and wonder why you cant lose weight at all.

>perhaps people who don't enjoy diet soda were never fat to begin with?

bingo ding ding ding

>> No.13480409

i’m not even the same person retard
and there are no chemicals in diet soda

>> No.13480410
File: 129 KB, 500x782, donald-j-trump-o-realdonaldtrump-follow-i-have-never-seen-43818306.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Americans love to project don't they?

>> No.13480414

I hate to be reddit but maybe you could learn about correlation vs causation?

perhaps a person who enjoys sweets is more likely to enjoy diet soda and also more likely to become fat, but feeding that person SUGAR makes that person fatter than feeding him a sugar-free substitute

>> No.13480415
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>there are no chemicals in diet soda


where did he say he wasnt fat...?

>> No.13480419

You guys should actually read the links he posted, they are absolute fucking retarded.

>> No.13480421

if a person is fat he needs to quit the habit of drinking any kind of soda and not try and substitute it with another dubious product

>> No.13480422
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here you go.

>> No.13480425


>> No.13480428

It's also from an university in Indiana. Hmm i wonder who their donors are..

>> No.13480431


"wow this is a advertisement of a celeb using a product it must be 100% real and everything... OMG taytay drinks diet coke for reals i have to be like her too. I bet she likes diet coke so much she did it for free and didnt accept any money at all"

>> No.13480434

Imagine actually falling for the aspartame is bad bandwagon, i bet this guy also thinks 5g is going to kill all of us.

>> No.13480439

So a fat person can't drink sparkling water?
You fucking idiot.

>> No.13480441

>carbonated water
>caramel color
heated carbs?
most researched sweetener on the market and all clinical trials prove it’s safe? could also buy stevia diet soda?
>phosphoric acid
also in coffee
>potassium benzoate
potassium is dangerous?
>natural flavors
derived from plants?
>citric acid
found in coffee
found in coffee
so what evil chemicals are you worried about?

>> No.13480445

because its best to quit cold turkey when possible and not prolong the suffering trying to lie to yourself. Drinking diet soda to be "healthier" does jack shit when you dont actually change your living habits. Its not going to help you when you still stuff your face full of pizza and junk food and not exercise at all.

>> No.13480446

so why can’t you eat healthy while drinking diet soda?

>> No.13480449

So yet again there is nothing showing any form of insulin spikes and metabolic wards regarding outcomes. It at most demonstrates decreased satiety and increased hormonal activity regarding hunger. No direct association was actually found

>> No.13480452

>Keep doing it and wonder why you cant lose weight at all.
ok but I lost 62 lbs the last year and I drank gfuel and/or diet soda almost every day

people like you give such shit advice
>hey everyone I don't like sweet things very much! I eat an ice cream cone once a year and that's it! so just only eat REAL SUGAR ICE CREAM like me because it's natural, muh chemicals

>> No.13480453

okay now explain why a normal healthy person shouldn't drink diet soda?

>> No.13480455

It's the typical thing were if you drink 10 liters of aspartame or something like that you might get sick so soccer moms think they will die from it.

>> No.13480456

you really think a fat person is going to eat healthy while drinking diet soda? Why wont he drink healthy too while hes at it?

nope, diet soda is the domain of greasy fat nerds who are convinced they are putting in actual effort because they chose to drink diet soda instead of actual soda.

"its totally not my fault im still fat, guys. Look! im even drinking diet soda and everything. It must be my genes, I tried everything"

>> No.13480458

>Drinking diet soda to be "healthier" does jack shit when you dont actually change your living habits.
that is changing your living habits if you were already drinking regular soda...

>> No.13480460

>Its not going to help you when you still stuff your face full of pizza
Who said anything about eating pizza other than your fat projecting ass?

>> No.13480462

Sssh, don't point out how retarded he sounds, i want to keep this going.

>> No.13480463

no, thats shifting your habits. You are putting in 1% of the required effort to lose weight. It takes way more than that.

>> No.13480468

changing, especially unpredictably.

>> No.13480470

not my question
why do you have to stop drinking diet soda to be healthy?

The present results, showing no effect of aspartame or its constituent amino acids on serum glucose or insulin in normal subjects, confirm and extend several previous reports demonstrating no change in these measures in diabetic and normal subjects after oral administration of aspartame.

>> No.13480475

>only poor people turn the light off when they leave their home
>if you turn the lights off to save electricity you are probably poor and you might as well let the lights on because you're not gonna get rich from saving money on the electric bill
This is your logic.

>> No.13480476

I meant a complete overhaul of your daily habits. Stop begin retarded.

"omg I already changed which soda I drink. WHY ARENT I LOSING WEIGHT??"

>> No.13480477

tbqhwy bros I think people still putting sugar in products when it can feasibly be replaced need to get drone striked like that salamaney guy

>> No.13480482

>not leaving the light on to give the illusion you are at home
>being worried about that $0.005 from leaving the light on

cant afford it....?

>> No.13480485

why wouldn’t someone lose weight if they reduced their calorie intake by 500 by drinking diet soda?

>> No.13480486

and when are you replacing the meat in your diet with soy?

>> No.13480490

>Drinking diet soda to be "healthier" does jack shit when you dont actually change your living habits.
>that is changing your living habits
>no, thats shifting your habits.
>shifting is a other world for changing
>I meant a complete overhaul of your daily habits. Stop begin retarded

Okay sure thing jimbo, stop projecting so hard and start losing some weight fatty.

>> No.13480495

if it were -that easy- we would have seen a drop in obesity rates as the consumption of diet soda rose drastically over the years. Think about it. Its so easy...? fat people can become thin just by drinking diet soda?

its not.

>screeching about how i must be fat
do you want to do a timestamp of our arms and see who is fatter?

>> No.13480499

>do you want to do a timestamp of our arms and see who is fatter?
Yes, lets do it faggot.

>> No.13480502

soy doesn't taste or cook like meat

coke zero tastes 99% as good as regular coke imo. sugar-free syrup sweetens just as good as sugar

>> No.13480503

if someone consumes less calories they won’t lose weight? so are you a schizophrenic or what’s your issue?

>> No.13480505

>coke zero tastes 99% as good as regular coke imo. sugar-free syrup sweetens just as good as sugar

your tastebuds are fucking fried, dude.

>> No.13480510

Did you ever partake on a group blind cola taste test? A lot of people say the diet coke is the tastiest.

>> No.13480512
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>Yes, lets do it faggot.

i expect you to be thinner than me

>> No.13480520

why am i not surprised a shitskin falls for momscience

>> No.13480521
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Admit it, you just wanted to post your boner.

>> No.13480522

fuck off faggot

>> No.13480523
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>> No.13480524

post a photo like you said you would or shut up

>> No.13480526

And once you actually sift and read through the results, after they adjust for lifestyle factors, the associations become nonexistent insignificant

>> No.13480530

>fat people can become thin just by drinking diet soda?
A person eats 3 chicken breast and a salad every day plus 30 liters of regular coke.
The person starts drinking diet coke instead.
What do you think would happen?
I made it really easy for you.

>> No.13480535

they reformulated coke zero. and that's aspartame I think

sucralose tastes fine to me

>> No.13480542


>30 liters of regular coke.
>30 litres of fluid in a day
>thinking thats even possible

dude, you dont even understand grade school education. People only drink about TWO LITRES of liquids a day

"hurrr what if, they drank like 2 million litres a day and changed to diet soda?? checkmate LOL"

>> No.13480544

but you clearly said earlier that someone would not lose weight by consuming less calories

>> No.13480552

weight loss is about changing your habits and mindset permanently, its not as easy as that in actual life

like i said, if it were so easy, there wont be fat people around anymore

>> No.13480558

>what if, they drank like 2 million litres a day
well according to you it would make no difference.

>> No.13480559

so why wouldn’t someone who permanently changes from drinking soda to drinking diet soda lose any weight?

>> No.13480560


>> No.13480566

You dont know what any of those words mean, stop humiliation yourself

>> No.13480573

So you can gain weight from your mindset?
We should tell the somalis that.

>> No.13480581

because if they dont exercise and not eat junk food and not practice self control they -will- still be a fat ass

>lacking reading comprehension this much

trying to lose weight by drinking diet soda is like trying to bail a leaky ship in a storm using a small mug

not wanting to eat a pizza every 2 hours is a mindset, dear ESL student

>> No.13480584

so you can’t lose weight if you restrict yourself to a 1200 calorie diet or junk food every day?

>> No.13480585

>stop humiliation yourself
>stop humiliation yourself

you mean HUMILIATING? hah!

>> No.13480589

>shitskin can't make any logical arguments
Big surprise

>> No.13480590

>literal shitskin calls people ESL

>> No.13480597

How much water is the ship leaking?
btw. i don't eat pizza.

>> No.13480598

>trying to lose weight by drinking diet soda is like trying to bail a leaky ship in a storm using a small mug
your argument has shifted from
>diet soda causes brain damage and spikes your insulin
which was proven wrong so you shifted to
>diet soda doesn’t actually cause you to lose weight
when confronted with calorie deficits shifted to
>sure it helps but not as much as x

>> No.13480599

>t if you restrict yourself to a 1200 calorie diet
sweaty, call me when you are even achieving that in the 1st place. And you have to do it for months.

>cant win so he resorts to racism on a cooking board of all places
how does it feel to lose this badly, its embarrassing desu

>> No.13480604

>sweaty, call me when you are even achieving that in the 1st place. And you have to do it for months.
so if you eat junk food while at a calorie deficit will you lose weight or not?

>> No.13480606

>he actually thinks he's winning this argument

>> No.13480610

>post arms
>"ok here's a photo of my groin"
Illiterate and homosexual.

>> No.13480617

>nonwhites must be bad at english
>white people must be good at english
so every german and swede and polack and norwegian speaks perfect Queen's english? got it

says the person who brings up skin colour in a discussion not even regarding it

>> No.13480621

We /fit/ now.

>> No.13480625


still waiting on my photo, btw

>> No.13480632

A man is on a 1600 calorie diet and gets 400 calories from soda. The man changes from regular soda to Coke zero. He doesn't lose any weight because he didn't change his mindset tho and he's a fat fuck.

>> No.13480643

so where are all the newly thin people when everyone and their mother is drinking diet soda now?

>> No.13480658

Because they substitute the calories you retard. None of which come from diet soda which your own studies even say

>> No.13480662

insulin spikes from the sweeteners cause him to subconsciously eat more food, increasing his calorie intake to 2000 and he gains back the weight. Additionally, over time the sweeteners had destroyed his body's ability to process normal sugar so now he cant even have a single cupcake without gaining 4 lbs.

>> No.13480665

>Because they substitute the calories you retard

so they didnt change their mindset and stayed fat despite switching to diet soda?

thank you for agreeing with me.

>> No.13480683

they didn't eat their mindset. They ate food with CALORIES in it.

>> No.13480694

>doesnt understand what mindset means

so they didnt change their mindset and continued to eat junk food?

that was my entire point from the start you dumb pig

its no use counting calories when you have no discipline and go FOOD FOOD FOOD FOOD YUM PIZZA. Rules dont mean shit when you break them

>> No.13480711

>its no use counting calories
>if you eat to many calories

>> No.13480717

Zcs does not cause insulin spikes

>> No.13480722

You're so fucking stupid it hurts

>> No.13480732

yes genius, its no use counting calories if you dont change the way you think and feel about food. People will subconsciously cheat and lie to themselves(no change of mindset)

if losing weight was as simple as "counting calories" NOBODY will be fat.
diet soda has been around for more than 10 years now btw. Literally more than 10 years now.

If all it takes to lose weight is by drinking diet soda and """"counting calories""" everyone will be slim and fit by now.

>> No.13480739

Doesnt matter how much you want to straddle your sausages if you dont count the calories in them you fat fucking retard

>> No.13480740

>its no good eating less calories
>if you subconciously cheat and eat to many calories

>> No.13480749

they dont actually eat less calories, dumbass.
counting calories =/ = actual calories
they lie to themselves and think they are making progress.

"huh, that extra large creamy pasta I had...must be......200 calories. Yup! sounds about right! I feel so good about myself"

protip: thin people dont count calories, only fat people do

I am thin because I know when to stop and I dont crave foods. I dont bother looking at calories.

>> No.13480754

Stop fucking breathing, retard. Disprove the fundamental math and physics behind CICO

>> No.13480759

are you mentally damaged or did you just ignore like 95% of my post?

counting calories DONT WORK because people dont live in a science lab, dumbass

>> No.13480775

Hey retard? Are you still breathing? You should stop. Otherwise disprove the math and physics behind CICO. Appealing to your own stupidity literally doesn't disprove it

>> No.13480783


you order takeout and have a Lo Mein.

Is it actually 400 calories or 600 calories? or even 700 calories? do you even know for sure or are you just making up numbers as you go along? google says 500 calories but their "lo mein" is the exact same as yours, right?

counting calories is a joke, just eat less fatass. Imagine being this butthurt about being autistic with numbers. Nobody has the time to count how much calorie is in one slice of carrot cake.

>> No.13480794

This has literally nothing to do with CICO. Your stupidity doesn't disprove biology

Stop breathing

>> No.13480800

>people who count calories lie to themselves
>unlike me who don't count calories

>> No.13480808

>how do you know the calories of Lo Mein when it doesn't say so on the takeout box
counting calories btfo

>> No.13480813

>has literally nothing to do with CICO

it literally does because you cannot calculate CICO without being 100% sure of what you ate for the day or even being disciplined about it

unless you live in a science lab and have a team of scientists analyse and control every. single. thing. you eat its not going to work.

I actually dont. I'm the skinny lanklet who posted the photo a while back.

>> No.13480815

Stop breathing

>> No.13480821

you actually cant?

the figures given on websites are very generalised and depend entirely on the sample of the dish they tested. So if their lo mein is 500cals they are going to list 500cals. But you local takeout might be 700 or 400 depends on the ingredients and amount of oil they use so who even knows for sure.

>> No.13480829

>stop breathing!
>stop breathing!
>stop breathing!

>cant argue and have to repeat a phase over and over to convince himself hes right

>> No.13480834

There is no argument. Theres a retarded tranny arguing against math because he's too fucking stupid to do it. Kill yourself

>> No.13480837

Well then don't order Lo Mein you fat fuck fatso fuck.

>> No.13480838

so with all that "math and physics" you arent fat, right?

show me a timestamp pic to prove you are not fat and "cico works"

>> No.13480844


Aspartame is good but doesn't accept high heat treatments so it cannot be added with dough and such.

Stevia is also good but... well maybe it's too expensive?

>> No.13480847

Are you going to kill yourself yet or hormonally whine about how math is wrong because you're not sure what to input into the equation?

>> No.13480851

Stop eating icecream.

>> No.13480852

but it applies to ALL restaurant food not just lo mein
so you are not going to eat out, ever, right..?
you are going to count every single leaf of veggie that goes into your entirely home made salad and count every step you take "for the calories". Of course.

show me a timestamped pic or kindly stfu

>> No.13480855

Kill yourself. Seriously. There should be zero possibility your microdick lets out any fertile sperm whatsoever into anything

>> No.13480859

>doesnt want to post any pic at all

so you ARE a fatass, lmao.

keep "counting calories" my friend. One day you might even be finally skinny

>> No.13480866

Tell me what x(y) equals you retarded tranny

>> No.13480871

thank you for admitting you are fat. I dont even care what you post now anymore. I have won already.

>> No.13480880

what does restaurant food have to do with zero calorie soda/ice cream etc. It's gonna be on the fucking package you nigger.
And tell me this. If i drink coke zero with my Lo mein instead of regular coke will i get less calories ?

>> No.13480886

Exactly what I thought. You will always look like a gremlin shitskin tranny. You will always be a retarded gremlin shitskin tranny. And you act like a good tranny, and kill yourself

>> No.13480891

Now he's going to pivot some bullshit about mindset because he's a 30 IQ shitskin on HRT

>> No.13480911

>y-you are skinny so you must be a tranny!!!1
>you look so effortlessly slim you must be on HRT or something!

>being this mad (and fat)
>doesnt even have the balls to post pics of himself while taking shit
>making one post after another (because hes mad)

>> No.13480919

You will always be a grimy gremlin tranny

>> No.13480921
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>> No.13480928
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>> No.13480932

we did see you were a basically a nigger though.

>> No.13480936


so how much calories do making these butthurt posts consume? 20? 50? 100?

you ARE doing CICO, right?


>> No.13480947

>being slim is akin to being a tranny
How many chins does this guy have?

>> No.13480967

You will never be a real woman

>> No.13480973

>being a twig with no hair is masculine
Ask me how I know you've attempted to castrate yourself

>> No.13480980

Hi there. I am a 22 year old boy with a learning disability and just want to let you no that your negative language about my condition very much hurts my feelings and makes a difficult life harder than it needs to be.

>> No.13480983
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if i wanted to be a woman i would have -actually- shaved my legs you dumb fatty
just because im silm doesnt mean im a tranny, just take the L already lmao

>> No.13480990

Why do you shave your thighs?

>> No.13480993


>> No.13480994

you're a shitskin.

>> No.13481003

i dont shave my thighs i just naturally dont have visible there, im asian. I have hair in lower legs, pubes and pits and thats about all

>> No.13481006

Wow, you have as much hair as I did when I was 10. Good god

>> No.13481022

Do you have a small phimosis cock and are slightly chubby in the belly? that'd be hot

>> No.13481049

>posting your oddly haired pakistani legs to somehow prove that low carb ice cream is a bad idea and wont help you lose weight even though that was never even the premise to begin with anyway.

>> No.13481063

post pits

>> No.13481088

it is a bad idea because you are still feeding and enabling the habit of eating ice cream instead of changing the root cause of it. Normal well adjusted adults should not feel the need for ice cream every single day

>> No.13481092

they can. they choose not to.

>> No.13481098

The root problem is caloric intake. If that is not at a surplus you are in the clear in terms of weight

>> No.13481106

>252 replies
>34 posters

BIG yikes

>> No.13481118

good luck asking for commitment from people with weight issues in the 1st place

>> No.13481128

>ice cream every single day
projecting pajeet

>> No.13481137

only fatties ask for low calorie stuff....

>> No.13481156

Ricola is a hard candy though. They just use isomalt instead of sugar

>> No.13481160

imagine isomalt marabou.

>> No.13481169

fellow swede? still up?
I've found sugar free choc and it's pretty good

>> No.13481219

Dane. Were?

>> No.13481390

Mostly but not only in my experience. I'm quite thin and swapped to low-calorie ice cream over Christmas to curb my calorie intake. Turns out I actually lost weight during that period anyway, so it seems like a psychosomatic cope rather than a legit dieting tactic for overweight people.

>> No.13481451
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>> No.13481457

>yes mr scientist please invent some more cardboard fake ""foods"" so i can continue to eat like a pig, thanks

>> No.13481496
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Seek help you sugar addict.

>> No.13481511

>pigs are fat
>pigs don't drink coke zero

>> No.13481888

it's probably a lot harder than you think

>> No.13481935

The question the other guy is asking is why do you want to eat two? Why not eat a normal amount, which is one?

>> No.13482988

it's like asking why i would want to save money on something if i could just not buy it.
It's a pointless discussion.

>> No.13483015

Why not? If they can make it harmless and palatable I'm all for low calorie food. Replace most of the fat and sugar by cellulose and gimme more ice cream.

Oh no it allows hedonistic indulgence without downsides, the horror. No one here should throw stones about how people spend their time.

>> No.13483049

Next you're gonna tell me you think it's okay to have casual safe sex..

>> No.13483087

Seriously though, OP must think that one ice cream is a one gallon tub. There's a serving size suggestion on the back that I'm sure that his tubby ass ignores

>> No.13483268

>eating one little ice cream stick like a kid

>> No.13483276

Rebel ice cream
It tastes pretty good

>> No.13483878
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>> No.13483897

Because the carbs in soda is just sugars. Replace it with any sweetening agent and boom, no carbs.
Carbs in candy is structural. Can't just boil Splenda to get caramel, you know. When they do replace it, it gives everyone wicked gas and is a bad time.

>> No.13483910

WTF people are having a discussion instead of shitposting once with a wojak and leaving wtf bros this isn't the 4chan I love

>> No.13483924

>mass replying
kill yourself, autistic retard

>> No.13483934
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Ah, yes, all these vegetables and fruits on cave paintings, mate.

>> No.13484424

>diet soda is the domain of greasy fat nerds who are convinced they are putting in actual effort because they chose to drink diet soda instead of actual soda.
People drink diet soda because it's zero calorie and they don't want to waste calories in sugar water that could be used for food instead. No one actually thinks that drinking diet pop is a weight loss plan except for the straw man you've created.

>> No.13484449

yes, thats what adults are supposed to do. Take some responsibility, fatass