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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13437071 No.13437071 [Reply] [Original]

I'm not really a fan of steak, I'll eat it if it's served to me, but i don't care for it at all, and if i prefer it well done if possible (i usually don't mention this when someone is serving steak because it usually starts arguments)

i really don't understand why steak is considered a delicacy, especially with the way it's typically prepared, plain with no sauce or seasoning, usually just salt
rare or medium rare steak is chewy, slimy and flavorless to me

am i the only person who feels this way about steak?

>you just haven't had one made properly
i've had dozens and dozens of steaks throughout my life, prepared by a variety of friends, family, and restaurants

>> No.13437073

No, it's just you

>> No.13437077
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>> No.13437088

op is a fag
a good juicy medium steak is goddamn heavenly

>> No.13437090
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why do americans eat uncooked meat

>> No.13437098

I've eaten blue and been fine. Have you tried not being a little bitch?

>> No.13437103

Most steak is mediocre. If spend enough money, you can get a steak that’ll make you cum, but at that point the cost makes it not worth it.

>> No.13437116

You'll grow out of it, kid.

>> No.13437120

>you just haven't had one made properly
Not so much this, but more

>you probably haven't have very good cuts

>> No.13437126

there's literal scientific proof that uncooked meat is flavorless though

do you guys just really like the texture or something? i seriously can't figure this steak thing out, what does it taste like to you? to me it's really bland, medium well or well it has more flavor, but still is fairly bland
i mean i guess it's possible, but i've went to tons of restaurants from cheap to expensive and tried steaks, i've also had friends and family who are great cooks give me what they said was a good steak

what kind of cut should i try and what price should i expect to pay?

>> No.13437129

Seriously though, steak is a really simple food so if you aren't really into the taste of plain beef then there's not much else to like about it. Odds are a lot of people trick themselves into liking steak or just pretend they do because it's easy to stomach and gets treated like a symbol of masculinity for some reason. You ain't a salad-munching fag boi, are ya? Yeah I have no difficulty imagining some people just eat it as a weird dick-measuring thing.

>> No.13437136

>prefer well done
>durr i dont really like steak
If you intentionally cook it shittily you shouldn't act surprised when it comes out shitty.

>> No.13437146

yeah, i'm inclined to think this is often the case
i've only had it well done a few times in my life
i don't like steak, why would i be buying it and cooking it well done? most people don't prepare steak well done

most of the steaks i've had were medium rare or medium, because they were not prepared by me

>> No.13437157

I don't know, I've always liked it and practically all other meat. Maybe OP isn't a fan of fatty meat or something, but I would say he's in an extreme minority. It's like not liking sugar, maybe they're out there but it's sorta odd.

>> No.13437158

>Maybe OP isn't a fan of fatty meat or something,
i love ground beef, and all forms of pork, love ribs, which are very fatty

>> No.13437166

>dad has 80 acres great for 15-20 cattle
>let uncle run his cattle out there for free as long as keeps the fence up and fixes the bridge
>get as much beef as we could ever want piled up in our freezer
>eat hamburger in some form twice a week
>steak twice a month - more if we want it
>way more when we get some venison steaks in the fall
>this isn't counting restaurants
>literally too much steak
I don't like steak that much anymore.

>> No.13437174
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>Not liking steak no whatever meat cut or way of cooking is used.

I know this is /ck/ man but ffs how much of a tastelett can you be as a carnivore?

Oh fuck off you know nothing is gonna happen if you don't behave like a dumbass in the 5 minutes it takes to sear this thing.

>> No.13437182

i don't get it, no other food would ever be served in the plain way steak is almost always and supposedly "meant" to be served

i can't think of any other meat that is served this way

>> No.13437185

I've eaten and enjoyed all of the above as well as fully raw.

Speaking of tartar steak, has anybody made some? Did you take any precautions to avoid surface contaminants ending up in the food? I've been thinking about trying it but it seems a little risky.

>> No.13437196

>there's literal scientific proof that uncooked meat is flavorless though
why didn't you post it, stupid

>> No.13437217

I tricked myself into liking steak when I was younger. I realised that I didn't really like it, either. It's not awful or anything, but I do think people will think I'm gay if I suddenly stop liking it. After I started telling people I like it cooked medium-well, I grew my beard to throw them off about it.

>> No.13437219

Used to not like it, but for a different reason. My diet was mostly vegetarian for about six months, in order to save money when I first moved out on my own. When I got financially secure enough to buy meat regularly, I found that I didn't want beef or pork. The thought of chewing through a whole steak was gross as fuck, and it was probably another four or five months before I started eating it again.

>> No.13437221

i can't, they're pay walled academic journals

>> No.13437271

I rarely get to eat steak. A good fillet steak tastes of wet earth and grass and rain. It's like eating a memory.

>> No.13437290
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is it wrong to order medium? i dont like the flavor of well done unless its a fatty ribeye and i dont like the gumminess of medium rare

>> No.13437296

I love steak. A properly cooked steak has a lovely, smoky, flavorful sear and a juicy, moist interior. I could eat nothing but a nice big slab of meat and be perfectly happy with that, but it's even better if you make a pan sauce and serve it with some sort of potatoes and vegetables. You can make any kind of sauce you like, pick any kind of vegetables, there's unlimited options.

It's also exceptionally easy to make. As long as you have a good quality piece of meat and pay attention to what you're doing, you can't fuck it up. And even if you have a low quality piece of meat you can still make it work with a little bit of effort.

You do you OP, but for me nothing beats a good steak.

>> No.13437298

anything below medium-well is ok

>> No.13437303

What gave you the impression that there is a wrong way? It's your money, just do whatever you like.

>> No.13437310

people harass me about it. especially here
good to know thx

>> No.13437322

>i can't think of any other meat that is served this way
Seared ahi.

>> No.13437323

Actually cooking above medium rare is not common in french cooking. The retarded amerifats that go to france always complain that their steak is underdone.

• Bleu – Done on a very hot grill for one minute on each side.

• Saignant – Meaning bloody. Very rare, but cooked slightly longer on the second side than a bleu steak.

• À point – rare for British or American standards. This implies that a steak is cooked a little longer than a saignant one.

• Bien cuit – ‘well cooked’. This level will still often have some pinkness in the middle of the meat. A ‘steak bien cuit’ is cooked until the juices run brown on the surface of the steak.

• Très bien cuit (!) – should get you a steak that is totally cooked through!

>> No.13437325

Who gives a fuck? It's an anonymous site. Watch,
See? Nothing happens.

>> No.13437329

i forgot to mention reddit too

>> No.13437331
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>plain with no sauce or seasoning

yeah i dont understand why people are such purists when it comes to steak. i really enjoy a nice sauce with my steak.

>> No.13437341

i honestly wouldn't have so much of an issue with steak if it wasn't such a weird contentious topic

if you ask for medium well people will literally argue with you, and serving it with a sauce is also out of the question for most people
i have also had this happen, and many restaurants will literally tell you you're doing it wrong if you order anything but medium rare
i would probably like that, actually, though would prefer it to be cooked a bit more

>> No.13437347

People are idiots.

You should always try the recommended way first, and try to shoot for it when serving to others. But if it's just you, it doesn't matter if you prefer the meat burned to cinders, completely raw, or anything inbetween.

Personally I like to have some variety, so if it's just me I'll use anything from blue to well-done depending on what I feel like.

Certainly medium rare is objectively the best way to bring out all the good properties of a piece of meat, but maybe you happen to not like the way the rare middle part feels in your mouth, or maybe you'd frankly just eat raw meat if you weren't worried about contamination. There is absolutely no shame in making food for yourself the way you like it.

>> No.13437362


>> No.13437427

>many restaurants will literally tell you you're doing it wrong if you order anything but medium rare

There are some pretentious chefs out there who think of their food like some sort of art piece that's meant to be enjoyed in specifically the way they envision it. If that's the sort of place you're at it's best to just embrace it and go with the flow. If it's just another steak house they really have no business acting that way, and they're just elitist pricks who enjoy feeling smugly superior at others' expense. My advice then is to take your money elsewhere because that's not how you treat a paying customer.

But it is hard to deal with people like that in everyday life. It's the same everywhere. People will always try to find things they can pretend to be experts at by learning that one thing and repeating it like a caveman ('hurr durr medium rare good well done bad muh TV chef said so it must be true'.) This is how you can tell someone doesn't actually have any genuine passion for food or cooking, because they have no interest in trying anything new, they just want to have the same old thing but also find a way to feel better than others for it.

It's the same with Whisky. I love whisky. I've had it with and without water, at different temperatures, I've tried mixing it with things, I enjoy trying different types and in different combinations even if they sometimes just plain don't work because the act of trying it is an experience. Purists who arbitrarily decide that there's only one proper way of drinking it are missing out on a wealth of experiences, and they're being smug about it. Because they don't care about the whisky itself so much as signalling to others how superior they are.

>> No.13437634

Any grilled meat pretty much?

>> No.13438206
File: 3.31 MB, 2448x3264, pork steak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what a strange man you are

>> No.13438409

Either 14 or 50. Do you need someone to cut it for you too? Maybe add some ketchup and pour you an orange soda?

>> No.13438411

Or you can learn to cook it properly and eat amazing steak without paying out the ass....

>> No.13438417

why do japanese eat raw fish. why do hispanic countries eat bugs. why do euros eat expired whitefish in a can. because they want to stfu nigger

>> No.13438418

Literally every cut of meat can be prepared like steak... man how many cereal eating non cooks are here?

>> No.13438419
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>expired whitefish in a can

>> No.13438426

a lot i made a thread about air frying beer battered fish and nobody replied ...because most people on chan larp

>> No.13438431

yes its a thing i shouldnt say expired its formented

>> No.13438433

Sounds like a fun experiment anon, howd it turn out? Basket style or tray style fryer?

>> No.13438435

well thats kinda different isnt it
can fermeted food have an expiration date? isnt it like curated dry meat where it doesnt expire or how does it work?

>> No.13438437

Actually modern pork is relatively low fat, and a lot of ground beef they sell in supermarket cases is pretty lean although it varies. Ribs though beats me man.

>> No.13438444

im trying it tomorrow for new years eve.did try it with grouper and a bread crum coating and that came out well. i used the basket with grape seed oil so it wouldnt stick.
i have no idea i was just saying its a thing lol

>> No.13438461

In order for steak to be really really good you need very high heat that would likely smoke up the inside of a home or apartment.

>> No.13438465


It's a troll image, there's an accurate original one. That was great info though I hope to order a blue steak in france someday now

>> No.13438466

exactly my nigga the carmalization of the fats

>> No.13438486

I love steak but one time I ordered steak sliders from an uptown restauraunt and every bite tasted like toasted turds.

>> No.13438500

sounds like you went to outback shit house

>> No.13438502

If you don't like steak then you are a proven homosexual.

>> No.13438512

Did the same thing with chicken and panko and turned out great. Make a thread tomorrow just dont make the pic an air fryer.

>> No.13438517

ight bra i will post an update thread. be on the lookout

>> No.13438521

Will do

>> No.13438542

There is nothing wrong with a peppercorn, mushroom sauce, or some sort of unique butter. Or quality horseradish for prime rib. I dont think there is a "purist" that is against that. Anyone who respects steak though thinks "steak sauce" is an absolute abomination.

>> No.13438562

yesssssss finally someone who understands steak suace is bullshit!!!!!!!!!!!!!! fuck A1 and fuck hinze. you only use that shit when you fucked up the meat and dont want to throw it away.

>> No.13438780

hmmm from reading comments around the internet, I definitely think a lot of people are against sauces of any kind, compound butters, etc.

>all a good piece of beef needs is salt and pepper!!

>> No.13438912

>you just haven't had one made properly

>> No.13438916

>am i the only person who feels this way about steak?
that's pretty much how i feel about it too. i tried a lot of rare, medium-rare, and medium steaks, all different cuts and qualities, prepared at home, by friends who were trained chefs, at steakhouses, and it just always seems worse than well-done to me. but i prefer braised fatty meats anyway, so maybe that's why, because a well-done steak is closer to that. i think i'd rather even have a really good burger instead of a steak desu.

>> No.13438995

Then you are wrong who has not gone to high end quality restaurants.

>> No.13440171

Please, the only reason men grow beards these days is to hide their double chin.

>> No.13440481

wanna try that sentence again buddy?

>> No.13440495

If you gave me a cut of beef seasoned with only salt and pepper and prepared any way, I would prefer the same cut off a hog seasoned and prepared exactly the same. Fuck you beefeaters pork is king.

>> No.13440539

Yeah, steak is crappy without the gravy and sauces. It appeals to those who have a myopic view of how food should taste.
Fat equals flavour and steaks don't have much of this except for certain higher grades from species like wagyu or angus.
Feed lot farming and grains standardised the composition and lack of complexity of the final flavours.
To most consumers, that's how they like it.

>> No.13440674

I just consider it a simple meal to prep and cook when I want something easy. It's not bad, but nowhere near as good as other cuts of beef braised, stewed or slow cooked.

>> No.13440715

so of the hundred+ steaks ive had in my life in a huge variety of places were all made wrong? i find this very hard to believe

>> No.13440747
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You know, it is scientifically possible for people to be born with certain disinclination to certain foods.

It took me a few years to figure out why milk was so disgusting to me. it always made me feel like shit afterwards and I associated the flavor of milk with the symptoms of my lactose intolerance and sort of despised it. This baffles my dairy farmer father to no end. (but that's what he gets for impregnating an asian.)

OP may not be allergic to beef, but it could be something that they genetically aren't able to handle or enjoy. I wonder if vegan-babies experience this from parents who are also vegan.

>> No.13440963

i like beef just fine, i just don't like steak specifically, and the way it's served

i like ground beef, i like roasts that are cooked in gravy/sauce etc, i like stew beef in stews, or even braised beef in tacos etc

it's a plain, medium rare steak that i don't understand

>> No.13441014
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Huh. Interesting. Is it the texture, I wonder? When you say "plain", you mean no salt or pepper or seasonings, right? I can't imagine many people like an unseasoned steak over a seasoned one.

I like my steaks sizzling in butter with salt and pepper on each side.I like med-rare so each bite is thick and tender and the butter and bloody juice and the creamy fat all just kind of work together. I'm a monster like that, I guess.

>> No.13441115

sometimes just salt, sometimes salt and pepper, sometimes nothing, all of which i consider to be pretty plain (salt and pepper is obviously preferable for me)

i don't like the texture, but due to it being mostly raw, it has very little flavor, it just tastes like mushy watery goo, which doesn't break up when you chew it, and simply mushes up into a gooier texture that you then swallow as a blob of goo

well done steak has a lot more flavor to me, however it also has an undesirable texture for different reasons(dryness), i prefer braised beef, or to be cooked into a stew or sauce, etc

>> No.13441210

nah i do it to hide my weak chin :)

>> No.13441301

you can do a reverse sear in my toaster oven and finish it with a blowtorch

>> No.13441342

Hey, there's no problem with how much you like it cooked. People live to give shit for well done, but I was a fan of well done as a kid because I liked the crispy char flavor and the texture. Don't worry about it, man. Just stick with a nice pork chop or chunk of chicken when you go out.

>> No.13441510

eat smaller bites than you driveling idiot

>> No.13441556

thanks bud
there have been a lot of reasonable replies in this thread, so the world seems a bit less crazy now

>> No.13442099

I think steak is overrated too.

I get that high quality beef enjoyed on its own can be a good thing, but to me beef tastes better with spices and accompaniment.

Give me a good beef bourgineon over a good steak any day

>> No.13442167

>You ain't a salad-munching fag boi, are ya?

this. MUH STEAKS AND WHISKY. sometimes im in the mood for fish and dont want to choke down a steak to put on a show for the people im with.

>> No.13442185

lmao you a faggot