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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 93 KB, 682x1023, depositphotos_102897662-stock-photo-lots-of-fresh-yellow-lemons.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13434545 No.13434545 [Reply] [Original]

Retarded relative went shopping and bought like 2 kilos of lemons. I've never bought more than a few pieces of lemons before. What the fuck should I do with it?

>> No.13434547

ram it up your fuckin ass, whole or diced is fine

>> No.13434548

When life gives you lemons

>> No.13434560

okay, funny, kekeke loolololo, but I need some kind of recipe here which requires ungodly amounts of these yellow bastards

>> No.13434562

...lemon cake?

>> No.13434578

Make jelly, I guess. Takes some getting used to but you be hooked on that shit.
t. tree in yard.

>> No.13434582

make preserved lemons and lemonade

>> No.13434584

lemon pickle

>> No.13434591

Make a massive lemon tart

>> No.13434631
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lemon chicken, lemon pepper chicken, lemon herb chicken, lemon ginger chicken, lemon garlic chicken, repeat with pork or seafood and certain vegetables, lemon curd, lemon cheesecake, lemon pie, lemon tart, lemon muffins, lemon scones, lemon fudge, lemon bars, lemon cookies, limoncello, preserved lemon, lemon preserves, candied lemon, cringer (it's a cooked and cooled tart fruit beverage), lemon punch, lemon cocktails, lemon candy, lemon tea, lemon ice, lemon sorbet, lemon jello, lemon pudding, lemon mousse, lemon bread, lemon bread pudding, gremolata, lemon chutney, lemon relish, lemon salad dressing (of all sorts)

>> No.13434669
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Moroccan preserved lemons, super easy to make and absolutely fantastic with a wide variety of stuff.

>> No.13434673

>I've never bought more than a few pieces of lemons before
Lemons don't come in pieces. They're individual entities. What the fuck have you been buying?

>> No.13434699
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All sorts of good stuff

Lemon bars
Lemon jelly
Lemon curd
Lemon drizzle cake
Lemon chicken
Lemon sugar
Lemon tart
Lemon meringue pie

>> No.13434711

Okay OP hear me out
Lemon juice

>> No.13434730

Just eat them

>> No.13434742
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Make crash helmets for small and medium animals

>> No.13434744

Add a slice of lemon to your glass of water for a refreshing zing ;^)

>> No.13434750

>recipe requires
>shitload of lemons
>shitload of salt
>bay leaves (optional)
>cinnamon sticks (optional)
Gonna go with this. Thanks, mate.

Question: I've read somewhere that the outer layer of lemon contains high % of insecticide. Is it true? What do?

>> No.13434807

candied lemon peel and lemonade

>> No.13434823


>> No.13434830

Lemonade does require a lot of lemons actually

>> No.13434910

>Retarded relative went shopping and bought like 2 kilos of lemons. I've never bought more than a few pieces of lemons before. What the fuck should I do with it?
They should last at least a month in the crisper drawer in your fridge. Slow down there.

A lot of fresh lemon juice makes a nice key lime recipe custardy pie, and with the
graham cracker crumb crust, they freeze like a champ. I bake them 2 at a time, and I'm sure it's about 10 lemons to get the right amount of juice. You could sugar the leftover peels, if they are organic. Chocolate dip them or just use them chopped in recipes like quick breads
>Question: I've read somewhere that the outer layer of lemon contains high % of insecticide. Is it true? What do?
You make recipes like this if they are organic, otherwise, no, you can't clean off the insecticide.

>> No.13434919

1. Make preserves/marmalade.
2. Make lemon liqoeur.
3. Have it with every drink of water, soft drink or cup of tea from now on.
4. Make some Jamaican food the next two weeks.
5. Flambée some banana with cognac that you've first sprayed with lemon.
6. Bake some lemony stuff.
7. Make sorbet.
And last, but not least: 8. Get rid of your retarded relative's shopping privileges.

When uncle Bob gives you lemons, flambée the banana.

>> No.13434927

In general, lemons do not require insecticide or fungicide, however, they can be covered in antibacterial sprays because of some odd lemon diseases. However, if your lemons come from Australia, it probably is covered in insecticide due to the risk of lemon scab and the likes.

>> No.13434976
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wash and slice them and freeze them. Ice cold lemon wedges are great to pop in drinks.


>> No.13434978

That’s actually a very clever and simple idea. Thanks anon.

>> No.13435033
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I want to grab a hammer and smash those fuckers to smithereens.

>> No.13435062
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go on

>> No.13435098

lemons seem to last for months in the fridge so i wouldn't be that worried

>> No.13435099

that's for pumpkin, anon

>> No.13435103

limoncello, if you drink alc*h*l.

>> No.13435107

I make beef stue

>> No.13435109

based and petardpilled

>> No.13435110

Don't just make desserts, make some lemon chicken and buy some good flatfish to fry, squeezed lemon is amazing on flounder. Why am I saying this? I don't know.

>> No.13435112

You've done it.

>> No.13435135

Lemon juice and pie

>> No.13435157 [DELETED] 

Before you jerk off, make a papercut on your shaft, sprinkle some salt on the laceration, then squeeze lemon juice. Proceed to choke yourself with a belt and a thumb up your asshole while you jerk it and the resulting pain and ecstasy will be so immense it will result in the greatest orgasm of your life. But while you're edging, donkey punch yourself then climax

>> No.13435175
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>> No.13435200

Yep, just need a zipper sealed bag, or else they will start drying out. My limes last at least 2 months.

>> No.13435203


>> No.13435209

what are you, an insect? Just eat it

>> No.13435562

Preserves lemons are fucking based as fuck. Make at least 10 of those bastards into preserved lemons. Forget about them for 6 months and thank me later.

>> No.13435624

Make Indian style pickled lemon rinds aka achaar.

>> No.13435629

I'd juice it and make cocktails., you can also candy the peels but thats a fuckton of work.

>> No.13435820

lemon jelly and candy the rinds

>> No.13436238

If you are buying them from a supermarket instead of a farmer's market or co-op or something like that with smaller sources, you will want to wash the skins thoroughly because some large scale sources put a waxy spray on them so they look nicer. It's edible, but it'll mess up a lot of those sorts of recipes.

>> No.13436283

pickle them

>> No.13436295

We all know this is a shitpost thread. Prove us wrong and timestamp pic said lemons,
otherwise turn this into a Mc Chicken thread please.

>> No.13436297

This belongs on /v/

>> No.13436300

Lemon wine

>> No.13436674

become an alky. i go through lemons like nobody's business.

>> No.13436688

Why can't OP hold all these lemons.

>> No.13436711

This. I was an alky for years. I would mix 1 lemon's juice with 1 litre tap water and down the lemonade with moonshine. I could go through 3 litres of the lemonade easily.

>> No.13436739


>> No.13436763

Lemon Bars my dude

>> No.13436922

>Retarded relative
You mean yourself.

>> No.13437908

Wash your face with them

>> No.13439172

lemon piglets for luck in the new year

>> No.13439182


>> No.13439431

you make lemon piglets

>> No.13439474
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>Maxes out your luck stat for New Year's

>> No.13439590
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Here you go. I made the Moroccan preserved lemon thing. Took like 5 minutes.

>> No.13439607

>because communism is a sustainable system we have so many communist countries
Better dead than red!

>> No.13439610

In communism you would have no lemons and no bread either.

>> No.13439613

Cut de lemos in half (wash them first ofc).

Put in 10 liter bottle

Fill with water

500g sugar

>> No.13439615
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>buys too many lemons
>capitalism has failed

>> No.13439696
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>> No.13439818
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That's cute. I'll buy a lemon and make one in a couple days when I'm back home.

Under Marxism there wouldn't even be any lemons.

>> No.13439827

"Lemons are illegal." - Karl Marx

>> No.13439866

I think he could have managed slicing and freezing lemons without a wikihow

>> No.13440006

Hi there newfag

>> No.13440113

>preserved lemons
op do this, slice them and stick them in jars with


like salt or sugar or whatever idk

>> No.13440180

i did

>> No.13440210

make Limoncello and lemonade

>> No.13440564

Can't you just take them back to where you bought them?

>> No.13440856

lemon pig army, obviously. rule the kitchen with a sour fist

>> No.13441081

>financial collapse in 2020

thanks for the tip just bought more amazon

>> No.13441396

my wife tats so cute