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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 143 KB, 745x497, IMG_1831.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13418346 No.13418346 [Reply] [Original]

>go to europe
>the common breads are so rough and tough it hurts my jaws to chew on it for a long time

why dont europeans like soft fluffy pillowy breads like we eat all the time in asia? whats so appealing about having a tug of war between your teeth and the leathery dense bread?

>> No.13418363

Because I like it that way. Crunchy outside and soft in the inside. I also like to chew and don't swallow my food like a dog or a duck. I once ate American bread and when I took I bite it already was dissolved in my mouth. Pretty unsatisfying.

t. German

>> No.13418365

It's a nice contrast between the fluffy inside. Also the crust has a very intense flavor.

>> No.13418415
File: 105 KB, 1280x720, serveimage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Strong nordic bread makes strong Nordic jawlines
Plus it is well known that Asians have drier mouths than occidentals and therefore need softer, moister bread than normal.

>> No.13418434 [DELETED] 

Whites have masculine strong jaws, Asians have weak unmasculine jaws, that’s why they make the perfect sissy ladyboys.

>> No.13418452

If a 500g loaf of bread isn't still edible after being shot through a window at 60km/h, it's not good bread. Cakes can be light and fluffy. Many cakes are better the fluffier they are, but bread needs a certain heft to it.

t. Finn

>> No.13418457
File: 320 KB, 800x667, E24B4FC5-791C-4F15-9E7D-704BC420B179.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do europeans really??

>> No.13418463
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Because it tastes really nice.

>> No.13418465

White people are only strong on TV. It's like how you see a smart black guy, always on TV.

>> No.13418477

British gun control means they need to be inventive about self-defense. And the Swiss will of course weaponize anything to ensure their independence and neutrality are respected.
Imagine you try to rob some unarmed dude and suddenly you're knocked down with a broken eye socket by a chocolate bar.

>> No.13418483

>no bites

>> No.13418506

>literally eating chunks of tree bark

i didnt know WW2 was still going on

>> No.13418952

Aahh it all makes sense now. No wonder Asians have weak jaws. You fuckers need to eat tougher food

>> No.13418993


>> No.13419108

Wow is that true?

>> No.13419129
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Boba Tea Popular in JP Due to Youth having Weak Jaws

>"I often hear people tell me that the squishy yet chewy texture of tapioca pearls 'soothes' them," Ushikubo said. "In Japan, the number of young men and women with poor chewing ability, or weak jaws, has increased in recent years. Even when it comes to chewing gum, soft, squishy types are now more popular than the hard types we used to have."

>The 1980s saw an increase of Japanese children who developed a habit of not properly chewing their food. This led to a growing preference for softer foods, which food manufacturers catered to. The result was a generation accustomed to eating soft foods and neglecting strengthening their jaws through conscious chewing.


>> No.13419149
File: 100 KB, 600x900, naan1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hard baked breads with a crust keep longer in a colder climate. It Asia it doesn't matter as all bread left around goes stale regardless so traditional Asian breads like South/West Asian flatbreads and East Asian buns are just made & consumed straight away soft which is quicker.

That's it no pol crap. So the colder the ciimate the tougher the bread. It's noticeable in Britain as you move north from the soft fluffy farmhouse whitebreads of Southern England to harder denser traditional Northern English and Scottish breads. That's literally it. Probably the same in Mexico, the U.S. & Canada even with modern refrigeration.

>> No.13419150 [DELETED] 

>bread crust
>intense flavor
Fucking wh*tes

>> No.13419163


You peasant! Your weak body couldn't even handle the hardiness and health benefits that eating German bread would bring! Your jaw is not even strong enough to part the baked goods which our ancestors spend aeons perfecting it. You regressive cult known as the unhealthy eating habits of Americans has made your flesh weak and flabby. So walk away in shame imbecile knowing your choices made you a weakling only fit for eating bread made for babys and old people!

*screams from his mountain of perfect German bread parcels.

>> No.13419176

don't worry, soft middle eastern flatbread is replacing crusty white people bread at a fast pace, mashallah.

>> No.13419182
File: 443 KB, 760x964, Screenshot_20191226-174846.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Tapioca pearls are highly toxic. Fuck that shit. Anyone who drinks that crap deserves the mantits, limp dick and irreversible kidney damage.


>> No.13419362
File: 282 KB, 1600x1066, ruislimppu2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Personally I really like how rye bread tastes. The insides aren't really that hard, and there's more texture to it than white bread.

>> No.13419386

Why do you think that their teeth are so fucked up, they grew up gnawing on shit.

>> No.13419388

Because we are real men

>> No.13419389

Uhm yes. If you eat GOOD bread, the crust will have a very nice flavor.
We're not talking about Wonder Bread here.

>> No.13419392 [DELETED] 

Nah, usually crust is too spicy for whiteoids.

>> No.13419404

No, the first civil world war is coming up.
Political and racial tensions are higher than ever before and that on a global scale.

>> No.13419407

haha this dumb nigga doesn't understand the maillard reaction
everyone point and laugh

>> No.13419409

The Dutch make the same called roggebrood tastes pretty good.

>> No.13419417

To no ones surprise it's the same Roggenbrot in germany.

>> No.13419422


>> No.13420668

I like the taste of rye but a 100% rye loaf is pointless. Also rye was historically only grown in lands with soil not fertile enough to grow wheat. Hence I make a lot of german style "mutt" breads, various mixes of various flours.

>> No.13420944

Im german that's called a "Roggenmischbrot"

>> No.13421022

my grandma eats crusty bread and she has dentures, you fucking goof. If eating bread is the new marker of masculinity we might as well give up right now

>> No.13421453

depends for how long you leave it on the open

>> No.13421511

it's baked in a way so that you're supposed to dip it in soups, like biscotti. you philistine.

>> No.13421531
File: 135 KB, 800x452, sunbeam.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He eats hard, brown materialist bread instead of soft, white bread that wants you to get right with God

>> No.13421535
File: 168 KB, 1175x800, notbybreadalone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly the most based advertising I've ever seen.

>> No.13421541

>strongman competitions always dominated by slavic men
Try again homo

>> No.13421542
File: 54 KB, 750x712, 1572377731663.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>based off of a random girl she didn't even know but stole the likeness of

>> No.13421550
File: 75 KB, 720x474, 1571600009814.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not him but
>strongman competitions
us gays are the biggest fans of WSM
i would eat out eddie hall's asshole as if it were my last meal ever

>> No.13421553
File: 74 KB, 320x454, 1574460399790.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>christcucks thinking they belong on 4chins

>> No.13421564

Chinese here. OP chink must have been one of those rude ass Chinese tourists and gotten some week old stale bread.

Real European bread is crusty on the outside and soft/chewy on the inside.

Chinese suck at bread honestly... and most baking compared to Euros for that matter. It's not our thing.

>> No.13421594

i get my bread warm from a baker with no yeast
get on my level pleb

>> No.13421612
File: 47 KB, 600x425, sunbeam-bread-christian (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In the 1940's, little blonde girls in New York City were a common sight. The illustrator was doing something akin to nature photography. There were thousands of girls who looked just like that. It was like drawing a bird. Now I'm sure there are so few they could sue for using the likeness.
>Revolutionary Grill Utena
Yurikuma Arashi is the superior Ikuhara show. I couldn't even finish that 90's clusterfuck. I think my religious beliefs would be considered monist polytheism and/or panentheism.
Anyways, listen to this song. It's better than argument.

>> No.13422040

crunchy outside and soft inside is the way to go for bread. soft crust just feels like old bread. i make my day-old bread wet and put it in the oven so it's crunchy again. no idea what you're on about the leathery part

>> No.13422055

This cant be fucking real lmao

>> No.13422068
File: 77 KB, 1000x750, well-fired-roll-west-calder2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where I live, these are made like this deliberately.
I buy them routinely.

>> No.13422078

that would be a tad too much on the burnt side for me

>> No.13422079

what the fuck was going on in the 80s

>> No.13422083

Germans love work so much they even want to do it at the dinner table

>> No.13422084
File: 109 KB, 500x470, why.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People that only eat soft foods have bad jaw formation and dental arcade (the arch shape) crowding.

That's why island people that traditionally eat lots of soft fish (e.g. UK and JP) are notorious in their respective continents for having terrible teeth.

>> No.13422087

there's some truth to it, that softer food has made modern jawlines softer compared to ancestors with the same genotype. how much exactly, we're not sure

>> No.13422088

an explosion of softer processed foods

>> No.13422094

Get a load of this guy

>> No.13422145

you forgot to say "cam" at the end

>> No.13422167

Sourdough or bust, maybe potato bread for BLTs and grilled cheese sometimes.

>> No.13422175

i dont think eating fish has been a large part of the diet in the uk since the medieval period(iirc meat was banned on fridays). we've always had plenty of sheep, pigs, and cows, yes fish and chips is a standard takeaway and fish is quite common in our diet but nothing compared to japan. terrible teeth comes from tea stains and our tv shows hiring people with imperfect teeth unlike say Hollywood where everyone has to be perfect with neon white teeth and 6 packs

>> No.13422182

yeah I bake my bread in a covered loaf-pan and then wrap it in tea towels while it's cooling so that I get a very soft crust.

If I want a hard crust I can toast my bread. But I usually don't because it rips up my mouth and causes blood blisters to form. very nasty.

>> No.13422187

Real bread bites back

>> No.13422188

because we know how to make bread and weak asian """"men"""" can go fuck themselves. Faggots

>> No.13422191

if you don't put tree bark in your bread you might as well just replace all your bread with twinkies

>> No.13422215

i would say in regards to 'terrible' teeth that since most dentistry in the UK is in the NHS, dental treatments focus on function over form

you could shell out an obscene amount of cash to have barbie teeth, but most people will be content to pay a smaller sum for teeth that merely work

>> No.13422222
File: 246 KB, 1280x720, few chewing required.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most of your dishes tend to be on the soft and mushy side though with or without meat. Most of your fibrous veggies are well cooked and the meats are in stews, sausages, pies, etc.

Few of your foods require real chewing.

>> No.13422223

Waste of quints. Sad.

>> No.13422231

true but i was mostly talking about fish

>> No.13422236

Did you wish your funne le fune xD "I wish my cartoon wife was real :(" comment got the quints?

>> No.13422244
File: 468 KB, 1184x1046, 1576040023132.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dentistry in the UK is in the NHS, dental treatments focus on function over form
That is why the UK statistically has one of the lowest cavity rates in the world, but still carry the stereotype of having the ugliest teeth

>> No.13422250

*often true stereotype

>> No.13422278
File: 4 KB, 125x124, 1572612052256.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's not how evolution works at all

>> No.13422287

stereotypes are generally true

>> No.13422295

Slavs aren't white

>> No.13422299

The UK and Netherland have soft brain. France like it dry as fuck and Germany like it rough. I'm french and always buy bread at marks and spencer or fresh baguette at the bakery.

>> No.13422306

Yes, it is. We humans have the weakest jaws of all predators and is (most likely) because we cook or food and make it softer

>> No.13422307

>soft brain
soft bread**

>> No.13422309

He's not saying that eating softer food affected the genes related to jaw development.

There are some things that affect the morphology of the bones that your personal life can affect. For example, mouth breathing makes the face longer because the lack of pressure on the upper dental arcade and palatine (and other upper mouth) bones. Another example is strenuous exercise making the bones of the limbs you use a lot much thicker and heavier. Like so, eating softer foods crowds up the dental arcade which makes the jaws thinner and narrower.

>> No.13422319

"soft brain" sounds like an insult cavemen would use

>> No.13422320

I would've regaled the thread with tales of my penis ravishing your dad's asshole. But you ruined it.

>> No.13422321

you're the stupid bitch, if the genotype hasn't change then there hasn't been evolution. he's saying not working out our jaws has led to softer jawlines, which is true as our skeletons do change based on stress they're put under.
for example, not jaw but same principle

>> No.13422328

this is why you probably have a slack jaw and a small pee pee

>> No.13422346

fuck you

>> No.13422357

wtf? where is you live nigga?

>> No.13422432

based carbon bro

>> No.13422472

I'm with you, OP. I think hard / crunchy foods of any sort should be outlawed. Not very friendly to somewhat older folks who no longer have spry youthful perfect teeth. And it's brutal on your guts if you don't have the teeth to thoroughly break hard or crunchy foods down, so either way you lose.

>> No.13422555

you'a'need to get regular checks for colorectal cancer f@m

>> No.13422778

Red meat was banned on fridays. This did not apply to fish. I don’t know if it applied to chicken but people didn’t eat much chicken back then anyway.
Funnily though people would eat beaver on Fridays if they were really desperate for red meat that day, they would argue that since it swims it must therefore be a fish. English beavers have since gone extinct.

>> No.13422799
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For anyone interested, they're commonly sold in parts of Scotland. In the West of Scotland, these are the three main types of bread roll.

>> No.13422856
File: 9 KB, 225x225, 2093875234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you left out the best one, which only True Scotsmen™ prefer, bloody-well-fired

>> No.13422990

What's american bread?

>> No.13423112

I'm guessing he means white bread.

>> No.13423129

Your bread is pure carb, no roughage. It’s cool if your continent wants to have runny poops all the time, but us white people like a little texture when we shit.

>> No.13423336
File: 325 KB, 900x900, 1524377024506.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

where in europe, you absolute mong?
You're looking fir Brioche, France.
Or Milchbrötchen, Germany

>> No.13423484

faggotville, Europa

>> No.13423506

You're right, he's wrong about the fish thing. It has more to do with industrialization and more processed foods.

>> No.13423515

Europa, Dunklin County, Missouri?

>> No.13423616


pullman loaf, also known as english bread in some countries. it's a european loaf from the 18th century designed to have minimal crust. the primary intended use of the pullman loaf is for sandwiches.

>> No.13423749

>Based entire perspective on a freak accident.
Mine as well never eat any meat against since we have had plenty of recalls out for those

>> No.13423834

Japan peaked economically in the 80s

>> No.13423943

>>13418346 west europe does the best bread in the world you fool

>> No.13424028

I prefer a middle ground, soft inside but it's tough enough that it's somewhat chewy.

>> No.13424036

You can buy every type of bread from a bakery in the west unless you live in bumfuck nowhere,if you want soft bread go for focaccia or rice bread


>> No.13424069

this is the funniest thing ive read today so far

>> No.13424077

A post after my own heart

>> No.13424081

at least it ain't wonderbread.

>> No.13424087
File: 40 KB, 720x405, thumbnail.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's so hot it's ridiculous

>> No.13424098

Cool, I actually read a lot about german breadmaking a couple of years ago and it influenced my own breadmaking. It's rare that I ever make a loaf using just one kind of flour now.

>> No.13424102

Too fucking true, always strikes me as the definition of what a demanding power bottom looks like. Someday a man like that will sit on my face for hours on end.

>> No.13424108
File: 499 KB, 960x960, d82phyr-e1f312f3-c766-4c49-8e75-f086e31d9c99_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wanna climb into his ass and nap in his belly

>> No.13424150

A slav who lives in my street responded to being told he was stupid by saying "no I have brain, full brain"

>> No.13424165
File: 61 KB, 500x500, bc63c96ff49d762d94a1e845c510ef1b.500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because yuropoors are flooded with third worlders and they made their bread though and put overwhelming flavors in them because of the extreme degeneracy. Literally not even ok to be white there anymore. It's starting to happen here too, this new Panera thing is everywhere, pushing their diversity bread

>> No.13424292


>> No.13424307

I dream of a 4chan without american and their projection

>> No.13424903

>Get a loaf of this guy

>> No.13424946


Asian “bread” is just cake, go eat some cake.

>> No.13424967

Imagine claiming it was burnt deliberately and people believing you.

>> No.13424993

You are so weak, like a little baby, that even chewing food is a huge effort to you. It is not to real men and even women, though.

>> No.13425049

Damn, that's a pretty sexy girl.

>> No.13425260

and I dream of a 4chan without seething yuros posting faggotry 24/7 but alas we don’t get everything we wish for

>> No.13425277

>crusty bread is baked in cold countries
>colder the climate, the tougher the bread
I'm from south Italy, which is quite warm year round. Our bread has a strong crust, several mm in thickness, which requires a strong jaw to even bite into. Brits and othern north Europeans who visit are fed softer breads at restaurants because "they don't have teeth," as is commonly joked, since they're unable to bit into a proper loaf.
Northern European "breads" are more akin to a dense cake, with little discernible difference between the music-sheet-thin "crust" and the crumb within. You can soak the crust from a south Italian loaf in liquid for hours and it still retains its shape, changing in texture only so far as to lose its crispiness, while a north European "bread" dissolves into sludge near immediately upon contact with liquids.
Furthermore, these "breads" are soft yet also paradoxically dense and, ever more puzzling, brittle, being ill-suited to folding because a slice of such a bread will just snap in twain were you to try folding it.

tl;dr, north euro breads are a dense cake with little to no crust, requiring no chewing, while south euro breads are a light loaf with a strong, thick crust requiring heavy chewing

>> No.13425298

yaeba died out years ago

>> No.13425309
File: 69 KB, 990x600, gigers-alien_alien_feature.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dissolved in my mouth
that's not normal

>> No.13425319

>tfw some softbrainer from the grasslands is talking shit on your cave-aged Stoneloaf

>> No.13425426

No, that is the American sized Toblerone.

>> No.13425433

>Sad attempt at humour by an American trying to be a Euro.

Fucking kill yourself please.

>> No.13425450

Oh right, it's "American bread", hence it's SOFT, just like their hands.

>> No.13425455

>No Yeast

Are you sure the baker isn't just filling you with his "yeast"?

>> No.13425459

>Not eating red meat on a Friday (the day when working men celebrate the end of the week), because of some unseen "Sky Person"
>What a bunch of cucks.

Fuck Religion.....

>> No.13425462

Unlike America that peaked in the 70's after the Ford Company died a death.

>> No.13425465
File: 259 KB, 1680x1050, capa-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Agreed, Portuguese bread Pic related

>> No.13425469
File: 47 KB, 800x533, 20180102134804-pao999.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cont. Look at that crust imagine it with butter yum

>> No.13425492

underrated comment

>> No.13426129
File: 17 KB, 640x480, 1381992939176.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go to europe
Everyone who says this should be fucking banned. Say the fucking country and not the continent you dimwit retard

>> No.13426143

They're all the same just like America is all the same

>> No.13426223

Bread with 10x the sugar every other country puts in theirs.

>> No.13426230
File: 23 KB, 271x269, hAAgBM4.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are WEAK

>> No.13426247
File: 58 KB, 201x197, 1495463661663.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why are gay people so fked up

>> No.13426252

That's literally just a rock.

>> No.13426258

jesus christ. Come on asians. how do you not expect me to cuck you when you're like this?

>> No.13426573


There's well fired and then there's just burnt. I refuse to believe anyone wants their morning roll like that.

>> No.13426672

intolerant! learn to respect scottish culture

>> No.13426701

While Ameribread is sweet, yes, it ain't got shit on the cake that gets passed off as bread in Chinese bakeries in SG. Like... holy shit.

>> No.13426721

Europigs are backwards savages. No surprise.

>> No.13426798

Bros I hate americans so much, I really do.

>> No.13426854

Shut up, we all know you’re American...

>> No.13426907

>wtf straight people are NEVER into anal vore!

>> No.13426923

The sort branded as toast bread here in Europe.
Think a dry cake that tastes like bread.

>> No.13426924

>how dare you kink shame me!
>n-no u
Beyond pathetic

>> No.13426931
File: 349 KB, 600x477, 1556683154160.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kink shame away i know my fetish is gross
you're just a fucking dumbo for pretending it only applies to gays when a single search on even rule34.xxx proves otherwise
"beyond pathetic" lmfao you are so fucking stupid

>> No.13426939 [DELETED] 
File: 113 KB, 1544x1054, 1575156384792.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Divide and conquer. Your day is getting nearer, kike.

>> No.13426958

>everyone who makes a shitpost is a kike
Seethe harder faggot.

>> No.13426960

same, upboated

>> No.13426967

dilate incel tranny boomer mutt

>> No.13426971

Hahaha you havent ate farmers dark bread yet :D put some caviar on it :D

>> No.13426972
File: 52 KB, 600x449, 1507481491871.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dont understand this picture.

>> No.13426990

Read your leaflet. I'm not saying it'll help with understanding anything but you may feel fulfilled.
>>>/pol/ this way

>> No.13426996

Buy a loaf of dark farmers bread, get an axe to slice it but you will shit like an elflord then next day :D

>> No.13427580

You left out the bit where north European breads are commonly 100% rye on purpose, didn't you?
Wheat can't be compared to other grains you two digit IQ mong.

>> No.13427718
File: 69 KB, 562x530, 1488532160898.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That wasnt me but I agree with him, your faggotry is something extra disgusting.

>> No.13427757
File: 130 KB, 700x838, dc bread.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dutch crunch baby

>> No.13427952
File: 69 KB, 1024x768, 1024px-Broodje_Bapao_Driekwart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The best way to cook bread is steaming, because it makes it soft and fluffy all the way through.

>> No.13428127

>that is the American sized Toblerone
>picture has British price stickers

>> No.13428542

>why dont europeans like soft fluffy pillowy breads like we eat all the time in asia?
Because we are Real Men and not pansy-assed ladybois.

>> No.13428597

>He doesn't know what size means

>> No.13428882

>You can't compare bread to bread!!! Wtf is wrong with you?!?!

>> No.13428910

you belong in a death camp, my man.

god willing this great country will elect a Hitler for our generation.

>> No.13428921

you probably dont suck as much cock, which would explain the weak jaws

>> No.13428937
File: 219 KB, 1200x900, 1200px-Plain_bread.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

plain bread: when the crust hurts your teeth

>> No.13429493

Moving goalposts? Fuck off spaghettinigger.

>> No.13429745
File: 135 KB, 340x340, ruismcfeast.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a 100% rye loaf is pointless
>t. someone who hasn't tried a burger with rye bread
they sell McFeasts with rye buns in my country and it's twice as good as a regular one

>> No.13429776

American are lazy obese pigs and it shows by their bread texture :)

>> No.13430141

Reverse it. Traditional American styles of bread making are all over the place but usually trend softer while Mexican baked goods are dry as sand.

>> No.13430154

rye doesnt contain enough gluten for the dough to actually rise in the oven or something
i honestly dont know the complete workings but i learned the hard way that a 100% rye flour bread wont rise for shit, you gotta mix it with other grains that contain more gluten or whatever
personally ive had luck with a 2 parts spelt to 1 part rye mix

>> No.13430178

Not a European, but I'm pretty sure good bread should have at least some level of crispiness. Not necessarily tough to eat, but it doesn't *need* to be pillowy and soft.

>> No.13430187

The crust should. If the interior is crisp, the bread is stale and you can basically only use it for dishes made specifically for stale bread. Even rye bread shouldn't feel like eating a cracker.

>> No.13430219

>middle ages
>saturdays free of work

>> No.13430255

Same with Italy,why would i eat Brad without a crunchy crust?

>> No.13430257

>a north European "bread" dissolves into sludge near immediately upon contact with liquids.
You've literally never had northern European bread, have you?

>> No.13430262

It is if you're eating refined horseshit American loaf.

>> No.13430285

They eat toast bread as normal bread? What the fuck is wrong with them

>> No.13430683

i have and he's right. that shit is dense, but put it into a stew and it basically melts into a sludge

>> No.13430686

see >>13428882

>> No.13431492


>> No.13431511

i agree with the fag on this one

>> No.13431538

why are you this fucking stupid?

>> No.13432708
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The answer is that Asian people produce less saliva then Europeans, the lighter texture of their bread is supposed to compensate for that. Then again I learned it from a baking-but-with-superpowers show, so take it with grain of salt.

>> No.13432745

whitebread is reserved for literal children
>the common breads are so rough and tough it hurts my jaws
I believe you

>> No.13432752

I usually bake with just all purpose flour/yeast/salt/driz of oil to make bread what would you call this loaf in europe?

>> No.13432770


>> No.13432773

holy fucking shit, you cant be that retarded, can you?
how you can you put so much bullshit in one post which makes so little sense?
How the fuck do you even want to try to 'force diversity' while making bread?
Our bread (German) isn't white and has the texture of a sponge because we arent fucking retarded and know how to make bread.

>> No.13432798

In germany we would probably call this a Weizenbrot (Wheat bread) which is a kind of white bread. But im not familiar with baking so im not sure which bread you can make with these ingredients

>> No.13432800

>we're just grown men
>talking about bread

>> No.13432826

seems to be right, how common is it?

>> No.13432838

It's personal taste. Some people like white bread and some like more darker bread. My grandparents for example eat white bread because their teeth are bad. I like most kinds of bread expect Schwarzbrot which is a very dark kind of bread which is kind of sticky and sour.

>> No.13432872

>on TV
White people have to work really hard to be strong, and they have to find new sports to compete in to be strong while everyone else isn't into the sport yet.

>> No.13433764

>Go to north america
>Get shot
>Go to south america
>Get beheaded
>Go to europe
>Get stabbed and robbed
>Go to australia
>Get eaten by wildlife
>Go to africa
>Get hostaged by warlords
>Go to asia
>Get raped

Which is preferable??

>> No.13433790


Whitebread was the upper and middle classes bread, the poor ate dark bread.

>> No.13433817

>racist american is scared of Slav immigrants and their brown bread.
>invents shittier, less nutritious bread because of autistic obsession with whiteness
>bread is so shitty they have to add vitamins back into it to make it worth eating
>marketing calls it "enriched". as if needing to add nutrition to a food you just fucked up is an improvement

it boggles my mind that people still eat white bread. that shit is basically sponge cake

>> No.13433833

yuri-bears?? what kind of toilet did you pull that shitty taste out of?
Utena > Sarazanmai > Mawaru Penguindrum > Yurikuma Arashi.
Never watched Sailor Moon S or R, so I can't rate those

>> No.13433917

>be American Hispanic
>love tough bread
Man there's just something godly about a bread that has some tug to it. It just makes the meal feel more gritty and fulfilling.
Soft airy bread never feels filling.

>> No.13433958

oh you mean tiger bread?

>> No.13433979

Seething Slav angry at Americans not eating his disgusting, teeth-cracking rye abomination against God

>> No.13434003
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so rough and tough

>> No.13434007
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Thanks man

>> No.13434020
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This basically.
There’s nothing better that some chewy rye bread.

>> No.13435255

That looks amazing. I dont know what it is, but I secretly crave burnt foods. Makes my mouth water.

>> No.13435296

You're supposed to cut it into slices.

>> No.13435305

small lel

>> No.13435410

"was" is the key word. candy and purple clothes were also for the upper class, but is now reserved for fatties, children and clowns

>> No.13435638

*cums in u*

>> No.13435757

Where the fuck can I get bread like that
I live in america

>> No.13435771

Civil world war would be kino

>> No.13435776

actual America, or flyover country? Any hipster bakery will have that or something close to it

>> No.13435788

he mentioned france already, no need to repeat

>> No.13435800

Central New York state. . Next time I'm in one of the big cities around here I'm looking for a hipster bakery.
There's one local bakery in my area that I buy generic bread and donuts from because they taste good

>> No.13435836

reading this thread while downing a whole loaf of white bread

>> No.13436047

It's hyper common and cheap. Also good for sandwiches and toast, which is our primary use for bread, here.

>> No.13436123


>> No.13436183
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>> No.13437189
