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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13408802 No.13408802 [Reply] [Original]

Used to be seven. Now there is only six.

>> No.13408805 [DELETED] 
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>> No.13408823

Even if the package got a bit circumcised, they are still the only hotdogs worth eating. (Not counting your local butcher’s homemade ones, STFU hipster)

>> No.13408830

>Hebrew National
that can't be real

>> No.13408899

What’s not real?
Hebrew National is one of the most well known brands of hotdogs on North America. About the only ones that are more well known are Oscar Meyer because of the wiener mobile and Nathan’s because they sponsor all those gross hot dog eating contests.
Hebrew National is the only famous hot dog brand that is famous for their hot dogs actually being good.

>> No.13408912

Wal-Mart sells a family size package of 20 for $9.98.

>> No.13408917
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>Jews ripped me off

>> No.13408920

>Jew complaining about Jewish behavior

>> No.13408949

Bullshit, Nathan's and Boar's Head both beat the fuck out of Hebrew National for flavor and texture. Oscar Meyer gets the jingle but they're barely above Bar S for quality.

>> No.13408960

They do the count to be off from the bun count to make you buy more. That is a pretty fucked up practice.

>> No.13408970

The only solution to fucked up marketing practices such as getting the count off vs. the bun count and costs ending in .99 or .98 is to not buy them in the first place. Just like turning off the TV.

>> No.13408972

Yeah, it's too bad there are no other alternatives. SO FUCKED UP, HOW COULD THEY DO THIS?

>> No.13408976

"They?" They is you and you allowed them by watching their stupid commericans instead of turning off your TV.

>> No.13408979

Next time, tell me that before I post.
Yeah they're pretty good and solid material for making slow cooked beer dogs. I thought there was symbolic stuff going on with the number seven, while other hot dogs pack 8. Maybe this is the second time they pulled this crap.

>> No.13408985


>> No.13408987

Can’t speak to Boars head. They have decent deli meats, didn’t know they made dogs, will try them if I see them.
Natan’s? You’ve gotta be fucking kidding me unless you are east coast and they save the good ones for locals and ship out shot to the rest of us. Nathan’s hotdogs here are the nastiest squishy excuse for a hot dog I’ve ever had. They are like watery meatfoam that congealed in a condom.

>> No.13408992

Ever wonder where all those missing cats and dogs go?

>> No.13408994

What? I've never had a Nathan's like that, ever. They always are firm with a decent snap and actually distinguishable flavor. You aren't boiling them, are you?

>> No.13409034

Nope, dogs either get grilled over charcoal or broiled under the broiler.
When you said they beat Hebrews in texture I knew we had to be getting different products. You mentioned Bar-S, in the Midwest Nathan’s are priced the same and are of similar quality to a Bar-S... I’m guessing this is like the differences in frozen pizzas in their home markets vs anywhere else. Aka don’t buy a frozen Gino’s East pizza more than 50 miles from Chicago.

>> No.13409055

>Nathan’s hotdogs here are the nastiest squishy excuse for a hot dog I’ve ever had.
Gotta agree with this. I tried them once and it was worse than some store-brand chicken and pork dogs.

>> No.13409058 [DELETED] 
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Fuck you, and your jew dogs.

>> No.13409069
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I spent 30 minutes finding this picture, and I don't even remember who I was going to reply to with it.
Something about a good texture I think.

>> No.13409072

Why is everyone on here such shit people? You're living human garbage and I have to watch you exist. I fucking hate it. I'm not even anywhere close to jewish and I utterly hate you and if you were in a room with me I'd stick your ass and watch bleed out.

>> No.13409088

Kill yourself

>> No.13409111

Lead by example.

>> No.13409114
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>I'd stick your ass and watch bleed out
Why are a leftys so gay.

>> No.13409125

Obviously he's a jew, I bet he'd stab you over 7¢.

>> No.13409135

I'm .. I don't even know Probably english scottish irish maybe? I'm whiter than bleach. And I'd cut your heart out of your body and let you watch. God I wish I was joking.

>> No.13409141

Where is the line between hotdog and sausage if made by a butcher?

>> No.13409142

You sound more like an angry 12 year old. Try cutting someone's heart out and let me know how well it goes for you.

>> No.13409200
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Boar's head's hotdogs are probably the best you can buy in a normal store.

Sabrett is my long time favorite tho. Since Coney Island is known for Nathans there's the common misconception that they're the hotdog of nyc but it's actually sabretts

>> No.13409201

>I don't know what race I am
Typical mutt.

>> No.13409207

Doesn't matter if you're white. You're clearly upset about the fecal color of your skin

>> No.13409217

>Mutt making race jokes

>> No.13409220

Still white. Half of your family is Muslim lel

>> No.13409228
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I'd rather be a paki, thank you.

>> No.13409372

>Used to be seven. Now there is only six.
>Hebrew National
I don't want to say it, but...

>> No.13409389

who care if its 7 or 6. the pack of buns has 8. if it doesn't have 8 hot dogs I'm not buying it

>> No.13409560

7 hot dogs? What do you need 6 hot dogs for? 5 is quite enough for your backyard BBQ!

>> No.13409596

For the six million goy

>> No.13409611

>snap dog
why name the company snap dog if your hotdogs have no snap

>> No.13409612

Ballpark Angus dogs are pretty good even if they do have corn syrup as an ingredient. Still not sure why, but Hebrew National has soy protein in theirs as well and that's weird as fuck too.

>> No.13409623

Agatha Christie, And then there were none. That was required reading in grade school, if passed we got to see the movie.

>> No.13409631

That's obvious, their demographic is niggers hence the name.

>> No.13409635

I like hot dogs. Hebrew national is great but too expensive and n my area so I get Oscar Meyer bun length beef hot dogs and smoke them for 2 hours. Tastes like a sausage. The only hotdog I refuse to eat is Bar S brand. Super bad.

>> No.13409834
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Pic related are delicious

>> No.13409912

>buying kosher food as a goy
>financing your oppressors

Why? I don’t eat halal shit as a non inbred Muslim.

>> No.13409969
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If you can get them, these are the bomb.

>> No.13409974

Ah yes, wagyu hot dogs. For when only the finest grade of ground cow assholes can sate your palate.

>> No.13409983
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I don't know what to do with you two.
Your efforts will be appreciated.
I say nothing to you.
Super based
I have no smoke :(. Slow cooking beer dog taste Christmas though.

>> No.13409991
File: 152 KB, 768x768, Retail-Beef-Hot-Dogs-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>these are the bomb.

>> No.13409994
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That's not Hygrade wieners

>> No.13410716

>They have decent deli meats
They have walmart tier deli meats.

>> No.13410724

Nah, you're just retarded.

>> No.13410731


>> No.13410753

>Agatha Christie
>required reading
Those are like dime westerns for the mystery genre. Books for idiots that can barely read. You must have gone to a truly shitty school.

>> No.13410870
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HA dumb fucking GOY

>> No.13411003

no u

>> No.13411023

>open cheap hotdog pack
The race is on

>> No.13412492


>> No.13412565

Lick my asshole, boars head is fantastic.

>> No.13412690

I'm sure it's the best product in the entire trailer park.

>> No.13412774

Wagyu have assholes too. Gotta do something with them.

>> No.13412789

Why the fuck would there be 7? That's already jewing you out of an 8th dog. Imagine selling food not only in odd numbers but literally in prime numbers. Can't divide them evenly unless you're one person or 7 people.

>> No.13412850

Pork hotdogs are superior

>> No.13412857
File: 234 KB, 320x240, I SPY JUDEN.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think any of us really are all that surprised.

>> No.13413308

Horrendously anti-Semitic post. You should be ashamed.

>> No.13413338

Disrepectfully disagree

>> No.13413442

The actual name of that book is Ten Little Niggers, nigger. Gtfoh with your revisionist bullshit. Faggot.

>> No.13413454

Only a few were left from the Magnificent Seven but they got the job done, that's helping some innocent poor town folk kill off some stupid gangsters, those gangsters didn't know what hit them.
The Clash - The Magnificent Seven

>> No.13413455

You're right, I forgot about that.
Thanks for reminding me, it's good to get a reality check from time to time.

>> No.13413459

gonna cry faggot

>> No.13413462
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>> No.13413463

>arguing about which hot dog is the best when the whole category is absolute bottom of the shelf tier
it's literally the bits that are too shitty for actual sausages, and sausage meat is shit from the beginning.

>> No.13413468
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I order the immediate use of ludicrous speed!

>> No.13413473

That's why they're dogs, they chase their tails around and lick each other's assholes. Trying to figure that out is a losing proposition.

>> No.13413507

Enjoy hell.

>> No.13413527

The Wegmans close to me used to have a dedicated Kosher deli section with Hebrew National corned beef. That was the best corned beef I have ever had except for Attmans in Baltimore. They closed that section like four years ago and stopped carrying that brand.
I can't find it anywhere now.

>> No.13413603

the Juice also make you pay for a hole filled with nothing but air every time you buy a donut.

>> No.13413606

hot dogs are nothing but pig buttholes.

>> No.13413623

>stopped carrying that brand.
That's a bummer. I've never seen that brand corned beef, and I grew up in Miami, where Publix has the dedicated section too. They'll always have 2 brands of corned beef Moser or something Irish sounding as you get closer to St. Patrick's Day.

>the Juice also make you pay for a hole filled with nothing but air every time you buy a donut.
WTF is with this rampant, every single thread, Anti-Semitism on /ck. Why are these people not yet banned?

>> No.13413676

>Hebrew National
Americans have no shame.

>> No.13413731 [DELETED] 

Jews jewing the goyim

Based JIDF. Burn in an oven like your grandpa, Moshe

>> No.13413735

Oy vey, the Jew cries out in pain as he threatens you.

>> No.13413786

Some people have families and don't mind paying for them to have a meal. Try it out sometime you miserly freak.

>> No.13413796

it's not anti anything, it's 4chan, if you don't like it you can leave, don't let the door hit you on your ass as you leave.

>> No.13413982

Not a Jew but a big fan. I figured some would get a kick out of a little joking around and wanted to start a talk on beerdogs >>13409983
. That never took off. I never met a jew I didn't like but I only have known a handful. Just having fun. Internet. Who knows?

>> No.13414190

Nathan's, Oscar Mayer, and Hebrew National are ALL jew-owned. Can't speak for Boar's Head but I wouldn't be surprised.

>> No.13414212

hebrew national are not jewish, nor are they kosher.

>> No.13414217

naw bruh heb nats FTW!

>> No.13414235

Why are you talking bullcrap?

>> No.13414327

Forgot to mention, I buy these to shove up my asshole, 7 felt pretty good but 6 is like the proverbial hotdog in a hallway

>> No.13414357

Everybody knows OP is a fag. You are redundantly redundant. One OP is enough.

>> No.13415220

Fuck off, this is my thread.

>> No.13415453

I abdicate. You can have it. Now you are the faggot.

>> No.13415463

>8 hotdogs
>7 in package
Why would you want 6 hotdogs?

>> No.13415469

Hebrew Nationals, and Nathan's are about the same. Never had board head.

>> No.13415503


What do you mean "in the midwest"? Here at my local Jewel Osco in Illinois Bar-s are 1-2 bucks for an 8 pack and Nathans are 6-7 bucks.

>> No.13415547

Don't ask me math questions. I want as many as I can get. I had ten, so far, today.
Should I leave the OP questions for you? Do your job.

>> No.13416138

I keked

>> No.13416161

Seven is a Holy and complete number. The number six is a mockery & afront to G-d. I'm not saying Hebrew National was taken over by Satanists but...

>> No.13416166

ShopRite brand are better

>> No.13416207

>hebrew national are not jewish, nor are they kosher.
Yikes. At the Wegmans I was talking about earlier they weren't even allowed to cut that corned beef on the same shaver as the rest of the deli. It had to only touch the machine that cut other kosher meats. That;'s probably why the closed that part off because it was too expensive to maintain all those cutters.

They actually had yet another cutter that could only touch "kosher for passover" meats during Passover.

>> No.13416228

What's your point? You'd rather have them be owned by palastinians or arabs?
You cunts come across as total scumbags.

>> No.13416237

That's a good thing, instead of being filthy arabs / islamics that wear diapers on their heads they have some health standards but you people need to complain 24/7. Have you considered that you really suck?

>> No.13416246

Defending your filthy ass palastinian/arab/islamic sacks of shit is not in my interest.

>> No.13416367

That's kinda what I was thinking but I was afraid to say it out loud.

>> No.13416371

No one would do this on Christmas.
It's Christmas!

>> No.13416377

boars head is garbage

>> No.13416386

Wikipedia says they are. Maybe depends on how seriously you take jewness.

>> No.13416443

Did I say it was a bad thing you fucking Christ Killer.

>> No.13416513

remember the six franks, goy!

>> No.13416579

Tell me more?

>> No.13416999
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Yall mother fuckers just need to buy the hotdogs, goyim.

>> No.13417158

Brats > dogs

>> No.13417240

Just wait until the eight legged freaks start going after you, then you'll wish for a merciful god!
Eight Legged Freaks (2002)

>> No.13417262
