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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13405495 No.13405495 [Reply] [Original]

I've been spending so long to try and find a decent recipe for a fucking spaghetti sauce and all I get are retarded recipes like this.

He wants me to put in fucking chicken livers.

The last one I watched put in lamb mince and the one before that had cauliflower.


>> No.13405505

Have you tried reading a recipe from a book or are you restricted to YouTube?

>> No.13405510

I don't own any books and I don't have any family or friends.
I also can't afford to buy books or go to a store to read them.

>> No.13405514

You can download a book or just search for 'traditional bolognese' and read some articles or websites

>> No.13405519

I have a good recipe. You have to precook your meat and use a crock pot for about 6 hours. I’ll post it if you want it

>> No.13405528

I'm willing to put in the effort please post.

>> No.13405545

It’s very good. I usually use a pound of each meat..so 2 pounds per batch..and it turns out great. I’ve made this multiple times and the seasonings are right on, minus a little extra salt or some red pepper. If I have it I’ll sometimes put a Parmesan rind in the slow cooker for extra flavor. This is a very good and basic recipe that makes a lot and everyone likes it. If you do it on the stove top you need to simmer at minimum 2-3 hours. Substitute fresh for mushrooms and tomatoes if you want.


1 pound bulk Italian sausage
1/2 pound ground beef
1 large onion, chopped
1 celery rib, chopped
3 garlic cloves, minced
1 tablespoon olive oil
1 can (28 ounces) diced tomatoes
1 can (10-3/4 ounces) condensed tomato soup, undiluted
1 can (8 ounces) mushroom stems and pieces, drained
1 can (8 ounces) tomato sauce
1 can (6 ounces) tomato paste
1 tablespoon sugar
1/2 teaspoon pepper
1/2 teaspoon dried basil
1/4 teaspoon dried oregano
Hot cooked spaghetti

In a large skillet, cook the sausage, beef, onion, celery and garlic in oil over medium heat until meat is no longer pink; drain. In a 4-qt. slow cooker, combine the diced tomatoes, tomato soup, mushrooms, tomato sauce, tomato paste, sugar and seasonings. Stir in sausage mixture.
Cover and cook on low for 6-8 hours or until flavors are blended. Serve with spaghetti.

>> No.13405546

What's weird about lamb mince?

>> No.13405550
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Thank you very much.
Will make it this weekend.

>> No.13405554
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>Tomato soup
Don't seem italian to me

>> No.13405557

Follow the recipe, adjust seasoning to taste before serving and I think you will be very happy with the results. Salad and garlic bread are always a plus.

>> No.13405558


>> No.13405568

Then don’t use it in the recipe. Im not posting authentic Italian anything. It’s a good recipe tho. I’m sure more paste could be used to replace the soup but idk what that turns out like. I’ve made this multiple times for many situations and I promise you it’s very good sauce. If you want “authentic” Italian sauce then I wouldn’t recommend this recipe.

>> No.13405569

Just follow Gennaro Contaldo's recipe for bolognese.

>adding a tablespoon of sugar and then cooking it for 6-8 hours
Are you retarded or do you just have no taste buds at all? Are you trying to make ketchup or what?

Also, carrots, white wine and grated parmesan should be obligatory.

>> No.13405571

>a very basic recipe
>fuckin' tomato soup, canned mushrooms
>recipe for tomato sauce: contains 1 can "tomato sauce"

Mirepoix meat wine and tomatoes
This isn't rocket surgery

>> No.13405581


>> No.13405584

Op, don’t pay attention to these cooking posers that are eating fucking ramen noodles, mc chicken and bean burritos The recipe that person posted is good and fine. I make one very similar and it’s legit

>> No.13405590

Just watch Gennaro Contaldo

>> No.13405602

Rich as all fuck to accuse others of eating trash food in relation to this sausage&can abomination

>> No.13405607

>1/2 teaspoon dried basil
>1/4 teaspoon dried oregano

I too enjoy not tasting any spices in my sauce.

>> No.13405611

The level of disrespect people show towards Italian food is disgusting.

>> No.13405614

What part of season to taste do you retards not understand

>> No.13405620
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I wish i had an italian wife to cook for me.

>> No.13405624

Ugh small bit of finely diced onion sweating in a saucepan with butter, few cloves of minced garlic, salt and pepper, few punches of oregano. Handfuls of peeled tomatoes. Cover and simmer for an hour. Uncover and simmer for two hours, S&P to taste. Done. How hard is that?

>> No.13405630

This. It should be reserved for Italian people.

>> No.13405631

No meat? No tomato paste? No olive oil? What kind of tomatoes fresh or canned?

>> No.13405633

Sure but then you'd be married to an Italian, fate worse than death

>> No.13405644
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Better then a useless whore white woman or a bitchy Asian, no?

>> No.13405648

Not really. Get yourself a corn fed southern woman that’s not on meth

>> No.13405650 [DELETED] 

italian "cuisine" is absolute and total shit, well below English slop. I hope all italians suffocate on a piece of their favorite frozen Dr. Oetker pizza from superior Germany

Thank you to all Americans for improving italian cooking, thank you to the Philipines for making the best carbonara!

>> No.13405654

Adam Ragusea is part italian though. He butchers italian food willingly, not because he doesn't know better.

>> No.13405661

italian "women" are loud, angry, feel entitled, dumb like children, and they age almost faster than zipperhead women: after 25 they basically turn into a grandma with a hunchback over night.
They're like negresses without colored skin

>> No.13405665

His forebears may have been Italian. Adam is an American. No one in Italy would see the sons of immigrants as Italian.

>> No.13405669 [DELETED] 
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>italian "cuisine" is absolute and total shit, well below English slop. I hope all italians suffocate on a piece of their favorite frozen Dr. Oetker pizza from superior Germany
>Thank you to all Americans for improving italian cooking, thank you to the Philipines for making the best carbonara!

>> No.13405702

I would substitute the tomato soup with an equivalent can of tomatoes. Also using diced can tomatoes is not necessary if you summer it for 6 hours, even whole tomatoes disintegrate completely over an hour.
Also I wouldn't use mushrooms, but I guess that's taste.
Seems nice altogether!

>> No.13405703

If im making straight tomato sauce just to have on hand, no meat, I can add whatever I want later, its a blank slate used for so many different things. Dont need tomato paste if it reduces properly but its handy when you dont have time. Olive oil is only for when i have the good stuff on hand, butter is my substitute for it. I like fresh tomatoes but canned can be used too. Get San Marzano if you can theyre the king of the canned world. Think of that recipe like a tomato canvas and not a sauce you eat straight after. Want meatballs or bolognese? Fry your meat up, deglaze with the sauce, simmer. Want to flair up a sandwhich? Spread a tablespood of sauce on it. Need pizza sauce? Add some more spices and give 'er.

>> No.13405846
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Just take this book and be done with it

>> No.13405850


>> No.13405855

Books are tools of Capitalists.

>> No.13406176

I always cook spaghetti in the smallest pot I have, I fill it up halfway because the rest of the volume will be taken by the spaghetti. At the end there is very little liquid left in. Sometimes I don't even pre-cook the pasta and instead put it in the pan with the sauce and cook it in the sauce with the exact amount of water it needs to be al dente. It comes out perfect every time. But rest easy, I never break the spaghetti in half.

>> No.13406211

why do people come up with all these crazy recipes of theirs when the original ragu instructions are available from that old archive?

>> No.13406287

Because people evolve and improve recipes its called culture you retarded braindead mutt

>> No.13406324

That's fine. I was talking about the chicken livers, which are also fine to use, but are not included in bolognese sauce. Mainly, my problem is the use of the name to describe people's own meat sauces.

I can't take a bunch of raisins, cooked them with egg and call it a beef burger.

>> No.13406334

Just follow this recipe

>> No.13406348

I improved your mom last night

>> No.13406412

You haven't even tried it though. Ragusea's bolognese is insanely good and I doubt I'll make bolognese without chicken livers again. Keep in my mind I would never really eat liver otherwise

>> No.13406497

ATK added chicken liver to bolognese long before that faggot Ragusea did.

>> No.13406514
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>Ragusea's bolognese is insanely good and I doubt I'll make bolognese without chicken livers again.

The recipe for ragù alla bolognese is enshrined in the Chamber of Commerce in the city of Bologna.

Whatever Ragusea made it's not bolognese.

>> No.13406520

What a retarded pissing contest you're trying to get into.

>> No.13406527
File: 928 KB, 1000x1500, Gregorys.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no chicken livers
>no cauliflower
>no lamb mince
lmao what a shitty third rate bolognese recipe

>> No.13406533

It is bolognese with a couple changes. It is virtually the same dish. Don't be autistic

>> No.13406616

>1/2 bicchiere di latte intero
>1/2 bicchiere di panna fresca (facoltativo)
i have never heard of bolognese with either milk or cream. this sounds like bullshit.

>> No.13406620

That doesn't make him ok either.

>> No.13406637

>i have never heard of bolognese with either milk or cream
That’s because you know fuck all about cooking.
Go find a fast food thread.

>> No.13406641

>i have never heard of bolognese with either milk or cream.
Probably because you've never read the actual recipe.

Milk and panna add come sweetness to it.

>> No.13406643
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>non-Italians opining on this like they have any fucking idea
Here you go OP, academy of Italian cuisine in Bologna itself, this is the gold standard for Bolognese for obvious reasons. Much better off following this than 1/64th Italian-Americans or third worlders that have burned off their tastebuds by overseasoning.

I'm sure you can put it through a translator no problem. Only one point I'm going to clarify is that the cream ONLY goes in if you are using it with pasta that is not tagliatelle, do not use it for tagliatelle unless you want it to be way way too gooey/slimy.

This anon >>13406514 is correct. Also Gennaro Contaldo basically makes this recipe, with some small changes.

>> No.13406646

cook meat, cook veg, add the tomato stuff and pasata, simmer for a while, cook the spaghetti. there you go

>> No.13406649

>Milk and panna add come sweetness to it.
alternatively, you can just let it simmer for a little longer, or even add a pinch of sugar

suck my dick you uppity fag lol

>> No.13406658

>never heard of bolognese with milk

>> No.13406675

>thinking you know better than Italians.
good grief, boy.

>> No.13406679

well then why don't you tell these italians to put milk in their ragù, huh?

>> No.13406687

why are italians like this

>> No.13406708

>derr milk sounds like bullshit
>proven wrong
point is there's usually milk in authentic bolognese you fucking mouth breather. I don't care what the random schmucks you linked do. people in said country are still capable of making a dish that's not fully authentic.

>> No.13406723

Low iq

>> No.13406733

>4chan is one person
kys you schizo retard

milk in ragù is not more authentic just because the mayor of Bologna said so. At the end of the day it is just a way to compensate for lazy cooks who don't want to simmer their sauce for enough time. That's all.
The only reason the milk is in the recipe is to balance the acidity of the tomato sauce, but merely simmering the sauce for long enough serves the same purpose. it's why it tastes sweeter when you re-heat the next day.

>> No.13406757


>> No.13406771

t. autist

>> No.13406778

Fuck off Ragusea, and stop stealing ATK ideas.

>> No.13406779

It's fucking mirepoix, wine, beef, tomato paste

>> No.13406784

Americans were a mistake

>> No.13406785

Best food in the world and enough pride in it to uphold it.

>> No.13406791

No, you stupid faggot. Why are you commenting on something you've never even made. The milk is added in at first and then simmered out to leave the fat and sugar. The fat makes the sauce more rich and coats the beef which helps it not become tough. You don't need anything to cut the acidity of tomatoes in bolognese because you cook it so long and it has so much fat anyway that it's not acidic tasting. If YOURS is so acidic that you need to cut it with sugar then you are fucking up on a fundamental level. Try properly simmering it for 4-5 hours and then think about how stupid you are

>> No.13406802

If it's the best food in the world then why did America have to fix Italian food?

>> No.13406804

I've never heard of bolognese without milk. It adds more richness to the sauce

>> No.13406839

>I've never heard of bolognese without milk. It adds more richness to the sauce
half of italy hasn't heard of bolognese *with* milk either.

>the fat makes the sauce more rich and coats the beef which helps it not become tough.
lmao what are you using, horse meat?
this is some next-level bullshit right here
It's fucking ground meat, mate. If YOURS is so tough that you need to soften it with milk then you are fucking up on a fundamental level. Try properly simmering it for 4-5 hours and then think about how stupid you are

>> No.13406851

It's in literally every early, traditional bolognese recipe. But I get it, you're acting retarded on purpose.

>> No.13407060

Who needs a recipe? It’s a basic sauce.

Brown ground beef or a mixture of ground beef, pork and/or veal. Remove then sauté diced onions in oil and a knob of butter. Season with salt. Cook for 10-15 minutes on medium to medium high, then add diced carrots and finely chopped celery. Cook another 10-20 minutes. Turn heat down to medium-low and add minced garlic. Cook for for 3 minutes. Then add tomato paste, cook 3-4 minutes. Then add red wine and turn heat up to high, to reduce. Once reduced add ground meat back in, add beef stock, canned diced tomatoes, a pinch of sugar, worcestershire sauce, bay leaves, thyme sprigs, a little oregano, salt, pepper and a dash of heavy cream or whole milk.

Then transfer this to an oven at around 320 and let cook for 2-3 hours, stirring occasionally and adding a tiny bit of water if it reduces too fast.

Remove from oven and then remove bay leaves and thyme sprigs and stirring through a generous knob of butter. Season to taste then let rest covered with a lid for at least 30 minutes.

>> No.13407074 [DELETED] 

>transfer this to an oven at around

just top

>> No.13407084

That's not even how the milk/cream is supposed to be added. You need to learn technique before you try and tell others how to make shit. The milk is added to the meat and mirepoix then simmered out before adding wine.

>> No.13407088

No it’s not.

>> No.13407384

No it fucking isn't

>> No.13407393

I've never used chicken livers this way, but it sounds like a good idea so I'm definitely going to try it. Thanks.

>> No.13407407

I've only ever used chicken livers for catching cat fish on the Chattahoochie river. Never thought about eating them myself.

>> No.13407424

what if you had an italian wife like this

>> No.13407438

deep-fried chicken livers and chicken hearts are fantastic snacks

>> No.13407458


1/2 lb. ground beef ($2.65)
1 Tbsp olive oil ($0.13)
1 small onion ($0.32)
2 Tbsp butter ($0.13)
28 oz. crushed tomatoes ($0.89)
1/2 tsp Italian seasoning blend ($0.05)
Freshly cracked pepper ($0.03)
Salt, to taste ($0.02)
Add the ground beef and olive oil to a pot and sauté over medium until the beef is cooked through (about 5 minutes). If you're using a higher fat content beef (10% or higher), you may want to drain the excess fat once the beef has browned.
While the beef is cooking, finely dice the onion. Add the diced onion and butter to the cooked beef. Continue to sauté until the onion is soft and translucent (about 5 minutes).
Next, add the crushed tomatoes, Italian seasoning blend, and some freshly cracked pepper (10-15 cranks of a pepper mill). Stir everything to combine.
Place a lid on the pot and allow it to come up to a simmer. Once simmering, reduce the heat to low and let the sauce simmer for 30 minutes.
After a minimum of 30 minutes simmering, add about 1/2 tsp salt, stir to combine, then taste and add more if needed. The flavor of the sauce will deepen and the complexities will pop once the salt is added. Serve over pasta or your favorite roasted vegetables.

>> No.13407471

Weird. I don't know why you would be on a board about food and cooking if you're not interested in food and cooking.

>> No.13408106

One nice thing to add is a tiny pinch of dried chilli flakes, not enough to make the sauce spicy by any means, but it adds a subtle background heat. It makes the sauce more interesting.

>> No.13408236

this shitty thread just proves that americans CANNOT cook

>> No.13408319


>> No.13408488

Go to the library stupid

>> No.13408493

Also Goodwill and thrift stores have great deals. Stop being retarded please.

>> No.13408496

Thats whats called a base you ragoomuncher.

>> No.13408499

>condensed tomato soup
oh no...

>> No.13408541

I get all of my cookbooks from thrift stores they're like a dollar each and there's always a handful

>> No.13408549


The official recipe for Bolognese, the only one that won't trigger an Italian's food autism.

>> No.13408558


>> No.13408585

This is literally the recipe that the Bologna Chamber of Commerce recognized as the official recipe for Bolognese.

>> No.13408657

do not reason with the amerilard, he will just shit all over the place.

>> No.13408709

>Every authentic italian recipe says its ok to use milk/cream.
>Says that even if bolognese people say its ok/usually done that way, it doesnt mean its authentic/ok.

Uppity autist candy ascots like you make italian cusine learning insufferable

>Nooooo even if everything else is authentic you cant use milk or its not authentic its for lazy cooks aaah
Lol hoes mad

>> No.13408715

The poster you're replying to is American. Why don't you go down to Aldi's and pick up some McEnnedy chicken wings and wish you could live in the GREATEST COUNTRY ON EARTH.


>> No.13409043

Look at the official recipe, you dumb fucks. That is objectively how the milk is supposed to be added. God damn it must be embarrassing to have an American know more about food than you LOL

>> No.13409176

>more official than the Bolognese Accademy of Cuisine
I know you're baiting but just gotta clarify in case some other dumb retard falls for your bullshit.

>> No.13409186

Op you fucking retard

>> No.13409202

Ah so you're being retarded on purpose. Got it

>> No.13409253
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>> No.13409299
File: 447 KB, 899x1447, Meat sauce for spaghetti.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This recipe book was my grandmothers, 100% guaranteed hipster free. It hasn't ever heard of authenticity. It hasn't even heard of Italy. It just presents a meat based tomato sauce for spaghetti.

Meat Sauce for Spaghetti

2 large onions
2 cloves of garlic
1 tablespoon oil
½ pound minced beef
1 cup stock
1 can (1 pound) canned tomatoes
1 little can concentrated tomato puré
Salt, freshly ground pepper
½-1 teaspoon dried basil or 1 tablespoon fresh.
Additionally: Boiled spaghetti, parmesan cheese, green salad.

Peel onions and garlic and chop both.
Heat oil in a thick bottommed pot.
Fry both until the onions are translucent and lightly golden.
Add the meat and stir until it separates.
Add the stock and lower the heat.
Chop the canned tomatoes into smaller pieces and pour them into the dish together with the liquid from the can and the tomato puré.
Add the seasoning.
Boil the meat sauce under lid at very low temperature for 15 minutes.
Take the lid off and boil further for approximately 10 minutes.
Add additional stock if the sauce is too thick.

½ a pound of diced mushrooms can be added to the meat sauce.
They should only boil for 5 minutes.
Can be seasoned with rosemary, marjoram or oregano.

>> No.13409395

>4chan isn't one person!!@11
Whatever dipshit. I'm calling you, specifically, a moron. Most recipes that I've seen with milk still simmer for hours so your point is already moot. Other people have already shat fury on your little autistic fit so I'll leave it at that.

>> No.13409538
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>ese let me tell you what's authentic, I'm 1/512th Italian

>> No.13409591

Does posting that image make you feel better about living in a mud hut?

>> No.13409603

I made this and it was awesome. I have enough sauce leftover to make a small lasagna. The only thing I changed was I used all ground beef and more garlic and olive oil. The kids ate it, adults ate it. It was very well received. Thank you so much.

>> No.13409606

Is that some Frk. Jensen?

>> No.13409640


>> No.13409755

The ACTUAL recipe does NOT call for heavy cream. It calls for panna di latte, which is entirely different. At any rate, the pannais optional.

>> No.13409774


Just use this recipe

>> No.13410087

>dumb bitch didn't add soffritto
your grandma was a retard, m8

>> No.13410398

"God mad, let at lave," the foundational cookbook in my family. I never had one until I inherited my grandmother's a few months ago but my mom and dad had two because they'd each been gifted one when they moved out.

>> No.13410403

kill yourself, say it to her face.