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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 109 KB, 700x845, PBF182-Food_Fight.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13391111 No.13391111 [Reply] [Original]

Do "FOOD FIGHT!"s exist? Did you ever participate in/start one? What food did you throw? and why?

>> No.13391131

my middle school would have food fights like every month. in high school like once every 6 months

>> No.13391136

My school NEVER had food fights. I literally thought this was just a hollymeme

Maybe it wasn't ghetto enough.

>> No.13391137

yeah mine was like 98% hispanic

>> No.13391149

An older kid was bullying me at a pool party so I dumped soda on his head.

>> No.13391156

Haha I do this sometimes on the weekend. I put on a YouTube video of crowd noises and throw pasta across my kitchen. It's really fun when I put shirts on the back of chairs and a balloon in the hood. Sometimes I draw a face. If you close your eyes and slap yourself with the noodles it seems like they're fighting with you haha

>> No.13391164

I do literally the exact same thing.

>> No.13391170

I pressured a retarded kid into throwing his salad on a girls leg to start a food fight... He probably just wanted me to like him. I think he got suspended for that. Sorry Cody.

>> No.13391194
File: 801 KB, 1156x655, 1571510164497.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13391392

That autistic boy looks nice and all, but what about the handsome black gentleman?

>> No.13391438

Only been in one, it was crazy how fast it started. I dodged a burrito like neo in the matrix

>> No.13391500

It's like you throw food at someone and miss but it hits someone else. Then the person you hit gets angry and throw food at you and misses but hits another person again. So he retaliates and now you've got four people involved in the food fight and it just keeps escalating. All along there is this one guy on the side who is watching and laughing at what he is witnessing. But then eventually he too is hit by food that was thrown at someone else. He looks shocked and horrified.

>> No.13391525

I put a cup of margarine in a kid's hair because I was upset he got the last Smucker's® Uncrustables®

>> No.13391605

Why did you have a cup of margarine?

>> No.13391613

it was the 90s

>> No.13391648

It was one of those little paper ketchup things, not an imperial cup

>> No.13391652

No, everyone wanted their cafeteria pizza like their lives depended on it, this was before politicians fucked with school food though.

>> No.13391743

Very anti-Semitic image 0/10

>> No.13392159

got me

>> No.13392362

I had a ghetto middle school where we had a food fight. Some nigger threw its food at a kid and missed, causing retaliation from the intended victim and the accidental food receiver. Naturally the shit they flung hit other people and it was on from there. Kids throwing their packed lunches, kids throwing their cafeteria trays, when they ran out of shit to throw they ran to the lunch line for more ammo. The whole ordeal maybe lasted 10 minutes, probably just over 5 before the principal and co. got control of the room. We had silent lunches for the next month.

>> No.13392576

Some friends and I threw bread rolls at one another and started a chain reaction once. We had to write a three page paper on famine after that

>> No.13392697

Once i whipped an orange as hard as I could at this other kids face. No particular reason. He went crazy and beat the shit out of me after.

>> No.13392724

the eh brown skin type individuals in my school had a big one during Christmas one year. they were last in line and started shoveling through. one guy got upset and shoved back. guy got mad, grabbed a handful of meatballs and the thing was fucked. I can't even tell you how I managed to get out. I just remember feeling hungry as shit the rest of the day while the teachers yelled at us for being scum. damn mother couldnt think of anything better to make than meatloaf a la grey in the evening.. blueh

>> No.13392748
File: 9 KB, 272x185, school lunch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me
>middle school
>eating my soggy school lunch chicken sandwich
>fat kid in front of me
>someone yells his name
>he turns
>rectangle pizza smacks him square in the face and sticks like a cartoon

>> No.13392753

My family used to hang out with another family when we were younger and we'd go to this place that served an icecream sink with 24 scoops of ice cream. There were about 8 of us kids. Both our mums had gone to the trendy coffee store next door.

One of the younger kid hated my little brother and threw a spoon of ice cream at him just cause he had the shits with him. His brother called him a retard and threw a spoonful at him. The one that threw the first spoon then had 3 people throwing ice cream at him for being a spastic. So then everyone just started throwing ice cream at each other while my little brother cried. Then one of the older kids runs into the coffee store with ice cream all over him and no shoes on screaming, while the youngest is chasing him with a spoonful of ice cream. He then throws it at him and the kid ducks and it hits the inside of the coffee store window. So his mum picks him up and gives him the biggest belting on the street as he screams while everyone else sits there laughing and eating ice cream.
Had a lot of food fights with them back in the day.

>> No.13392765

Not a food fight proper, but in fourth grade some faggots at my table decided it would be fun to stamp on ketchup packets. My favorite shorts got stained and the teacher punished the whole class for like a whole month.

>> No.13393399

>first week of high school
>older friends let me hang out with them
>someone throws some food at our group
>someone in our group throws food back
>all of a sudden people are screaming and throwing shit everywhere
>im looking on in amazement
>get dome rocked by something hitting me in the face
>look at the ground
>its a bag of sliced oranges
>now im mad and this is all gay
>try to find the faggot who threw the bag
>could never find him

>> No.13393780

one time i saw some nigs ahead of me in a drive-through throw everything they just bought back at the fastfood gremlin in the window, including letting a milkshake splatter all over the window and back into their shitty car

>> No.13393794

Kek, I think I did something similar but it was just some Mexican kid that didn’t speak English.
God speed, Jose or Luis or whatever the fuck your name was

>> No.13393803

What school?
Was it abbreviated RCMS?
I believe I was involved in something similar, and RCMS is definitely ghetto

>> No.13393820

There’s only one time I threw food at someone and it was fucked up

>be me and friends, circa 2016
>senior year
>playing hacky-sack in a part of the school that’s relatively reclusive
>that’s because we are all using tobacco products
>where we are is positioned on a hill overlooking the PE area, there’s tree cover on the sloped part of the hill
>have milk carton
>see a bunch of geeky fags sitting around in the grass below
>someone says “let’s throw shit at them”
>I square up, take the milk, and throw it as hard as I fucking can up and in their direction
>I create a beautiful parabola in the sky with my milk carton
>it hits the ground and fucking explodes
>about 10 kids sitting in a circle and a fucking milk mortar just hit them
>we all leave for the day and come back the next
>they never sat there again

>> No.13393859

i went on a 3month road trip and me and my friend kept sticking clumps of our hair from the hair brushes into each others food, drinks, thermos, and condiment containers

we also threw lots of coffee at each other

>> No.13393901

I bet you had hot buttsex too you fuckin poof

>> No.13393929

>using tobacco products
>doesn't think he's the geek

>> No.13393956

i fucking wish

>> No.13393976

What I don't understand is how it works

You're given a set amount of food--right?
After like 5 minutes, wouldn't it be over?

>> No.13393989

Hey man we were all loaded up with Copenhagen alright, shits easy to pass off in classrooms. My friends were brainlets but personally I got addicted to nicotine out of boredom and my parents drug testing me for weed like the fucking psychotic control-freaks they are.

>> No.13394002

In middle school we had them. It would start by the jock table slinging food at the geek table, then the more bold geeks would fire back and the bedlam chaos became general with the impotent cafeteria monitors incapable of preventing it went crying to the principal and he came running with his bully force reinforcements. We was kangs 'n shite!