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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 39 KB, 720x383, 5d484525260000ad0f04658f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13386579 No.13386579[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

she so fucking cute bros, I can't stand it.

>> No.13386581

I can't even imagine what your life is like

>> No.13386588


>> No.13386593

I like watching cute girls, so gay, right?

>> No.13386594

have sex
digits based

>> No.13386602

She looks like the girl you resort to when you strike out all night.

>> No.13386605


>> No.13386606

and you start dating her for like two months or so because she is so comfy but then you decide to break up with her and she gets so sad because of you

>> No.13386608

I agree. I fucking love jews

>> No.13386617

If I dress up a potato with a grey and black marker, would you post about it too?

>> No.13386618

i don't get any jewish vibe at all, just a cute quirky chick vibe.

>> No.13386620
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>> No.13386621

umm.. maybe? let's see what you got buddy.

>> No.13386622
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>implying OP even HAS a life to begin with.

>> No.13386624
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>> No.13386629
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>> No.13386643
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just stop that. Claire is a (period) cute (period)

>> No.13386651

Wtf, Claire doesn’t have periods since many years

>> No.13386655
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>> No.13386664

>dat' (((schnozzel)))

>> No.13386669

damn these boys are dropping some hurtful truths on OP's gay ass life

>> No.13386678

liking a girl, omg soooo gay!

>> No.13386693

>damn this nugget is a loser
>s-stop calling me gaay you guysssss

>> No.13386696

I bet she has really manly hands

>> No.13386714

Potatoes aren't people anon. She sprouted from her Jew masters in Cape Cod 75 years ago from what it looks like. She only wants Mega-Brad, and world domination.

>> No.13386715

she has cute chubby hands, so she's chubby and has early gray, you guys be mean on Claire for no reason.

>> No.13386726

>super incompetent "chef" stumbles her way through basic tasks
>"omgggg bradddd help meeeee"

She can't even carry an internet show on her own

>> No.13386731

>OP is being cucked over by Brad
Jesus Christ, just when I thought OP couldn't be anymore pathetic.

>> No.13386761

What if it's all just a schtick tho? Would you feel bad for having fell for it?

>> No.13386768

No. Nobody posts this shit but you or maybe a couple other random losers.

>> No.13386799

Its true, I am jelly of Chad- I mean Brad -_-

>> No.13386815
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>> No.13386821

and yet, if she wasn't actually CUTE
no one would even respond
deep down y'all like Claire, that's why u tease.

>> No.13386840

No, no we don't

>> No.13386848

post somewhere else

>> No.13386851


>> No.13386857

lolol, k. ;)

>> No.13386861

Damn, how much does BA funnel to Hiro for jannie protection on their shill threads?

>> No.13386867

>I don't get a Jewish vibe
The fires of Hell burn hotter than any oven, you JIDF shill

>> No.13386963

>jannie protection

jannie's <3 claire too, clearly.

>> No.13386997

God your so pathetic

>> No.13387013

you are, or you're

either way, ftfy.

>> No.13387017


>> No.13387021

The fuck is your problem?

>> No.13387026

IKR? The guy who does the whole "paid and protected" thing is a hoot. Seeing those whiny comments is a big part of why I post BA threads.

>> No.13387029

cause your starting to piss me off

>> No.13387030

>The fuck is..
What the fuck is...

Although both are acceptable slang, in the prior case the "what" is implied.

>> No.13387037
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you should look into this.

>> No.13387083
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Now... I'm not gay or anything fellas. But I'd ____ the ____ out of Andy.

>> No.13387096

I wish my standards were this low. Sounds like heaven.

>> No.13387098

and then she starts getting obsessed and stalking you, and one day you find the tires of your car are slashed and you get a package of her used tampons in the mail

>> No.13387107
File: 179 KB, 1600x1200, 1560056611711.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why does this fat cow with gray hair get spammed here? is it like /tv/ with the disney girl or /lit/ with booktubers when they get autistically attached to a 4/10?

>> No.13387111

Doing Gods work anon. If the faggot tranny jannys won't get rid of Claire poster, just shit on his parade.

>> No.13387118

Who's the disney girl?

>> No.13387146
File: 110 KB, 434x500, 1426846842163.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

will anyone care about this bloated sow after she loses her hands?
I suspect not

>> No.13387147

t. complete plebistic newfag, lurk /tv/ more.

>> No.13387152

>implying the one dude who spams that shit isn't getting paid to shitpost

>> No.13387157

Bro she's painfully average. She's not ugly so I won't go that far but she's not remarkable at all. Seriously go outside and have sex.

>> No.13387175

>She's not ugly
wow, finally, jesus christ some honestly, at least.
she cute funny quirky and chubby,
some anons love that ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
go figure.

>> No.13387177
File: 93 KB, 750x600, b7651c6eea6d2b92499e9f7f1b598b88.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ywn be brutally topped by Brad Leone

>> No.13387213

i hope he falls in love with Claire, she deserves a nice fun/funny guy who will make her giggle.

>> No.13387222


>> No.13387226

>aw hey there bud did ya cum

>> No.13387298
File: 43 KB, 375x500, 0*rl4eTs-ic11sSBrp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me, it's Sohla

>> No.13387299

he's married with children

>> No.13387305

>Al Bundy.

>> No.13387319
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You know he probably has a beer gunt hanging around right?

>> No.13387334

Bro she is tainted goods if she hasn't had some other guy's kid yet she for sure has had at least three abortions that pussy a haunted house

>> No.13387340
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>> No.13387402

Like her somewhere else, faggot.

>> No.13387443

i think >>>/hm/ is more your speed

>> No.13387623
File: 446 KB, 617x695, 1575396664236.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine putting your hands on her hips and then playfully patting her bottom while she's getting something from under the counter.

>> No.13387630

I imagined that, and the ensuing sexual harassment court case was grueling. Not the nicest thing I ever imagined.