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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13367487 No.13367487 [Reply] [Original]

have you ever eaten found food?

>> No.13367505

Of course, I am a freegan vegan after all.

>> No.13367513 [DELETED] 
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Bus nuggets?

>> No.13367515
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>be me, 7 years old
>family walking into donut shop
>lady who was walking out tosses the rest of her donut holes to some birds
>I scare the birds away and starting eating them off the concrete

>> No.13367516
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I once found an opened bag of these on the subway and finished them

>> No.13367526
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clearly fried chicken

>> No.13367528

>have you ever eaten found food?
No, mainly because I'm not some dirty fucking tramp.

>> No.13367532

Based 7 year old autist

>> No.13367540

That’s not food, it’s litter.

>> No.13367544

I used to deliver tables and chairs to parties and banquets. Sometimes there was no cleanup and the tables would be full of food when I came to pick up.
Yes, a piece of prime rib, a chunk of lobster or cake would get in my belly.

>> No.13367561

You weren't worried about cooties?

>> No.13367576

you're just asking to get HIV

>> No.13367580

>worked as a dishwasher at a decent restaurant at uni
>smuggled in a few tupperwares every shift and filled it with leftovers, the food often wasnt even touched
>several boxes filled each day, for like 14 months I spent 0$ on food while technically ate at a restaurant
>never got into trouble or got food poisoning

Its funny how literally everyone else at the place felt 'too proud' to eat leftovers, so I often took home over two pounds of meat a shift and saved hundreds of dollars. Fucking retards 'too proud' for free money.

>> No.13367598 [DELETED] 
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This will attract niggers. I hate niggers. That's why I drive. With a car, you can go anywhere you want

>> No.13367600

I had some of those in strawberry flavor cuz they were on clearance at Target and I thought “how bad could chocolate be?”. Based on my experience, you overpaid for those

>> No.13367604

how do you look that cool and yet drive a Civic

>> No.13367638
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all the time, I live near a very dangerous curve close to the packaging center of chiquita fruits and sometimes trucks can't take it right and end dropping stuff like pineapples, bananas, dried fuit packages, etc.

>> No.13367651

Is that what the inside of buses look like? Fucking horrendously gaudy and out of date eww. I'd commit crimes too if I had to use that garbage and was poor with 1 or no parents that don't care.

>> No.13367666

To be fair, it is running

>> No.13367698

My friends and I once found a cherry pie in a parking lot back when we were in high school. The box still had the label on it, sealing the box closed.

We opened it and inspected it, and it looked totally fine. We took it back to a friends place and ate it. Tasted great.

>> No.13367712

Never understood why people dont use their resources to their advantage becauae of "pride"

>> No.13367760

Depends on the bus. I used to ride the bus in college because fuck paying for a parking spot downtown.
The bus that typically serviced the college was damaged in an accident so they cycled one of the buses from a shitty-ish part of town onto the route.
Night and fucking day difference. Whole thing smelled like piss.
I ended up buying a motorcycle the next year because it's free parking and I thought it'd make me look cool.

>> No.13367842

Because it makes them feel superior. "at least I dont eat leftovers like THAT guy!". Feelings > material benefits to them.

>> No.13367863

I always assume that's a car he stole or borrowed from someone else.

>> No.13367873

My buddy and I came to close when we found a bag of corn when walking home from school. Sometimes I wonder what would happen if we did eat that corn.

>> No.13367888

It's a sensible car with an above average gas mileage.
Less stops, less chance you get attacked my niggers at the gas station and the more time you can spend going anywhere.

>> No.13367891

you'll probably get CORNered by the owner and get beaten to shit.

>> No.13367895


>> No.13367912

>mint créme
stfu burgers

>> No.13367948

French markets well. If an advertiser can slip it in they will.

>> No.13367954

Gross. Nasty subhumans.

>> No.13367957

i also hate bikers

>> No.13367963

>get on the public transport feeling tired after a long day of wageslaving
>feel a little depressed, don't even know if i will have the energy to obtain a dinner
>suddenly discover the pile of fresh train chicken
looks like my luck has finally turned around

>> No.13367967

a friend of mine used to clean up passanger airplanes and she used to have a stash of unopened beers. I drank the beers and fucked her.

>> No.13368014

Can't fault you for it, met a lot of massive faggots who also rode.
Owning a motorcycle isn't a personality but you'd think it was talking to some of these guys.

>> No.13368030

>it's the 425 to stratford

sasuga north london

>> No.13368218

the same reason you smoke cigs and drink cheap box wine, you don't take it in the ass from any jew

>> No.13368580

what beers were they?

>> No.13368690

Of course. When I was little I'd literally eat chips people dropped on the (outside) floor and now that I am an adult I regularly dumpster dive and will eat almost anything off the streets.

My latest find was an unfinished box of KFC so I first inspected it for mould and off smells, then I took it home and microwaved it and had it for dinner yesterday and breakfast today. There was 3 pieces of half eaten chicken (with lots of meat left) and a bunch of fries.

>> No.13368691

i love bus nuggies

>> No.13368743

Found an opened bag of chocolate covered pretzels in my college parking lot last week. Still half full. You better believe I took them.

If I find food still in the wrapper and unopened that looks on good shape, sure, I'll take it. I have an immune system and I'll be damned if I'm not gonna use it.

Shit I was just at the mall today and found a Starbucks iced coffee, large, didn't even look like someone took a sip from it, sitting unattended on top of a trashcan. If it wasn't super busy and if I wasn't at the mall with someone, id half consider taking it. Maybe that's too far. I'm not sure.

>> No.13368744

What breed are you? Can I pet you?(not if pitbull)

>> No.13368754

>outside floor
you mean the ground?

>> No.13368776

When I was full blown alcoholic and spent all my money on booze, for meals I'd just go to the local foodcourt areas in shopping malls. Plenty of people don't finish the fast food shit that they'd buy and leave it on the table for the cleaner to remove for them.
Just go from table to table picking up leftover slices of pizza, fried chicken and mcdonalds fries, there was always an abundance of fries.

>> No.13369144

Mid 2000s civics are great

>> No.13369151

Sometimes you have shit to do after lunch/dinner and you’ll be out and about for another 2+ hours before you get home to a refrigerator.
I’ve left behind meal sized portions of leftover food because I was afraid it’d just go rancid is n my car, it not always pride.

>> No.13369152

One time I rode a greyhound bus home and there was an overweight Africanized American family a few rows in front of me. They had a bucket of chicken and were dropping the bones on the floor, whenever the bus would change speeds the bones would roll back and forth under/past my seat.

>> No.13369160

i used to work as a Housekeeper in backpacker's hostels and hotels.
we'd find free food, snacks and leftover alcohol & drugs almost daily.
nothing picked up crew morale than finding 3/4 of a pizza untouched in a room, or finding a case of beer someone left behind.

>> No.13369164

>food freshly made literally less than an hour ago will go bad in two hours


>> No.13369173

Quit being a fucking retard.

>> No.13369191

Did pick them up and have a cheeky gnaw?

>> No.13369195

Yes. A black teenager left a pack of sapporo ichiban ORIGINAL flavor ramen noodles on my porch once after ringing the doorbell and asking my dad for money. my dad said no money and the kid left but he dropped a pack of noodles and I saw it from the window so later i went on the porch and got the noodles and cooked them cause i was high on brick weed

>> No.13369197

did you at least add stuff too it like green onion or shitake mushies?

>> No.13369206

Just on the marrow anon, nothing crazy

>> No.13369402

No. Threw away the spice pack and drained the water. Mixed in butter spread and packets of takeout duck sauce, chink mustard, and soya sause. And the noodles were stale and months expired

>> No.13369425

I've eaten found food from the ground, home or outside. Eaten it from a bus, a trash can or two (it was packaged, but unsealed). I've drunk syrups, beers, and ciders.

>> No.13369431

I saw this pic once, but forgot why gas stations sell skim milk. Is it for mothers feeding at 2 AM?

>> No.13369458


>> No.13369475

Even if I find some wrapped food somewhere, I'm too distrustful of others to even touch it.

My big brother once found a toenail in a cake that one of my mother's clients had baked. That's kinda stuck with me.

>> No.13369500

is there a way i can give free food i don't want to people?
i know i can donate them but i already opened the packages

>> No.13369504

>small pizza hut express
>lunch hour
>busy with people coming and going
>walk over to bin in corner
>full of pizza boxes
>in boxes is plethora of discarded leftover pizza crusts
>jackpot, free lunch
>proceed to eat
>pajeets who work there are too beta to say anything
>walk out satisfied like a boss
>ask cashier for a napkin on my way out

>> No.13369609

It's to compare the cost of fuel

>> No.13369624

Used to eat dropped food in the dirt at school
Probably the reason why I never get food poisoning

>> No.13369699

I worked at a thrift store and sometimes we would get donated food. I remember eating a lot of Easter candy and MREs. I would drink the alcohol that got donated too.

>> No.13369721

A friend of mine drank some OJ somebody left behind at a pub.
Bartender asked, "Did you just drink that orange juice?"
My friend replied, "Yeah."
Bartender responded, "That's fucking disgusting."

>> No.13370080

I was ordering on a bar, and two guys left. They left the popcorn that comes with the drink untouched, so i decided to grab some whilenthe thot was serving. When she saw me eating popcorn she sperged, called me filthy and wanted to kick me. Just for eating the popcorn that was going to go to the trash for no reason.

>> No.13370086

>look that cool
Bruh he's wearing sleazecore and driving a sleazecore car. What did you expect?

>> No.13370087

I almost clarified ‘8th gen civic’ as the not cool part but thought itd be overkill. You are however correct, the 7th gen were some of the greatest-value cars ever made

>> No.13370092


bonus round:
>by promiscuous unhygenic druggie backpackers

>> No.13370097

I cannot imagine anyone donating alcohol. It bever goes bad, but if youre a reforming alkie you just pour it out immediately

>> No.13370132

I haven't, but I've seen alcoholic bums wandering around the casino slot machines presumably looking for machines some alzheimers ridden boomer forgot to cash out and they'll drink the dregs of drinks someone left.

>> No.13370335


>> No.13370439

>bus nuggies
Train tendies are the patrician choice.

>> No.13372110

I actively tell my coworkers if they've got food they don't want to eat when done with lunch to give it to me.
I work at a rather prestigious software company and make 6 figures.
I don't give a fuck. Give me your left over chow mein, as long as you aren't drooling all over it that's free fuckin food.

>> No.13372203

I am a Homo (sapien) uwu

yeah, I forgot the word for it okay.

>> No.13372212

Olio. I regular pick up free food from people on that. you don't even need to install the app, you can just do it online.

>> No.13372303
File: 18 KB, 256x480, 79414773_1055647651446427_6945446478273839104_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've found that in front of my flat in Paris

>> No.13372381

What is it? look like pile of constipatedpoop

>> No.13372400

it's a ''pièce montée choux''

>> No.13372409

why is it in a pizza box?

>> No.13372416

no it's a ''patisserie'' box

>> No.13372552

kek, well placed

>> No.13372576

I found a candy bar that feel between the cracks of the seats a ferry I was on.

I ate it.

>> No.13372594

I have experienced a found cake once myself.
It was at a Costco, in the parking lot under a cart.
I lured it into my car with pieces of plastic bag.

>> No.13372634

I smoked a blunt roach I found once when I was 15. Took a scuffed up percocet i found on the street. Smoked found rolling tobacco

>> No.13372646

Sounds like my uncle.

>> No.13372709
File: 53 KB, 448x336, Holiday-Sample-Tin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used to clean a company's office as a side job. Around late january I was taking the trash to the dumpster out back and found about a dozen of these holiday nut and candy sampler tins inside. They were all shrink wrapped and the dumpster was mostly used for paper and cardboard. I had snacks on hand for most of the year. Should really get back to poking around in office building dumpsters.

>> No.13372710

Walking home from work the other night and there was a half drunken six pack of Rolling Rock sitting outside a restaurant.

3 free beers for me!

>> No.13372712

I once found some donuts in a grocery store outside of the bakery section
I'm assuming someone pulled a slick one and hid the donut so they might eat it later or some shit--so I ate one

>> No.13372715

Too proud?! Every single restaurant I've worked at, especially fine dining, the servers will eat leftovers right off of plates while taking it to dish.

>> No.13372717

Good lad, fuck those birds.

>> No.13372732

Every fine-dining establishment I've worked at, leftover food is an actual discipline problem.
That busboy you thought quit 6 months ago suddenly shows up from getting high in the water-heater closet to fight for his ramkin of carbonara.
If a square of tiramisu goes unclaimed, people won't be getting seated even during rush hour.

>> No.13372744

God I'm literal garbage

I've done this, but also with tailor cigs. This was when I was unsuccessfully quitting tobacco, and I'd get super drunk and crave a smoke. Usually I have the ""decency"" to take it apart and roll a cigarette out of the 2nd hand tobacco.

I drink from open bottles too cuz I'm a piece of shit heh. I've drank the last swigs of way too many liquor/champagne/beer from bottles left on the street.

The last two times I remember was a half full mixed vodka drink someone left near my dorm, which sat there for about at least 5 hours before I picked it up. Kept the bottle for the bottle deposit.

The most recent time was finding a half-finished beer bottle near the student bar 1 minute from where I live. Brought it back and chugged it, and it started tasting a bit sweet towards the end.

There was a chewed up piece of gum left at the bottom.

>> No.13372755

I don't want aids so no I don't put things in my body that I don't know who touched with their filthy diseased ridden bare hands. I used to get boneless wings from those grocery store self serve things but then someone posted that webm with the old guy and the soup and now I don't buy them anymore.

>> No.13372787

even in fancy hotel rooms, you'd be surprised the number of richfags order an XL pizza only to eat one slice.
you never find food in cheapo backpacker dorms

>> No.13372790

Tried a tiny apple from a tree today in a random field where I was wandering in. Had to wipe off the muck. It was absolutely delicious.

>> No.13372812

hemispherelet detected

>> No.13372981

Seek psychiatric help

>> No.13373109

what do you guys do with fishing gear?

>> No.13373112
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No one must know

>> No.13373113

Audible kek

>> No.13373159

Oh yeah. I found a jar of candy in the streets. Sliced potato edges in a white Chinese take out contanoir. Found a whole pie and cake in the trash. Dates from a tree put those in my pockets til they were full. The list goes on.

>> No.13373210

No but one time I found an ounce of really good weed and got really high for a while.

>> No.13373330

I used to chew gum i found on the ground as a kid

>> No.13373542

Owning a Honda Civic screams "I'm an underachieving homo."
It's why so many civic owners end up covering them in after-market bullshit. They're coping for their poor life choices.
The Integra was the patrician choice of the Honda line.
It's a shame that they stopped making it.

>> No.13373571

no but once I found an opened pack of cigarettes someone dropped on a train seat with only one taken out and I took it

>> No.13373575

modern ones seem pretty nice

>> No.13373584

If I tried this I'd get the fucking boot

>> No.13373681

Palm oil

>> No.13373706

Only if it was sealed like chips or a bottle of soda that hasnt been opened.

>> No.13373733

those birds were hungry you cunt

>> No.13373756

I used to dumpster dive back in the day when I was broke and unemployed. Got some great hauls sometimes. Mostly it was just bread and sad vegetables but once there was a dozen dozen Stella Artois which were a little skunky but still drinkable. Another time was a four kilo tenderloin, I usually avoided the regular meat but it was vac packed and only expired that day

>> No.13374203

Once ate from an opened pack of Red Vines at my secret smoke spot to check if they were fresh because I wanted to know how long ago they were left there. Felt like an animal tracker.

>> No.13374213

Those birds need to pull themselves up by their bootstraps and get a job.

>> No.13374433

I ate a sealed Pop-Tarts I found on some quarter machines

>> No.13374450
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I live in San Francisco, no way man

>> No.13374527

For most of my highschool years i was broke, i would wait by the trash cans and grab food of of thier trays before they threw away their food. Half eaten sandwiches, pizza crusts and uneaten salads. so much salad. I have never been sick since then though

>> No.13374532

at a county fair in rural Appalachia I ate a funnel cake off the ground

>> No.13374852

I ate a roast chicken once that I found in a trolley in a corral. Evidently someone had forgotten it while loading their groceries. It was all still sealed in the bag and everything, still warm, quite legitimate. It was good eating.

>> No.13374905

They know you're poor and are being nice.

>> No.13374954

I can't understand wanting a slice of pie so bad you would risk being poisoned.

>> No.13374982

I used to work at a baseball stadium and I cleaned the stands after games. They'd do school field trips sometimes and I'd find packaged food the kids didn't eat and take it home with me. The kids generally destroyed the place when they visited and didn't use the trash cans much so there was plenty in the stands to find.

>> No.13375065

Found a whole big mac meal with fries in a garbage can outside McDonalds still warm, wasn't even hungry but you bet I ate that shit

Also half a stromboli I watched someone throw out at an Italian restaurant

>> No.13375207

Retard detected. Hondas are all based for daily drivers.

>> No.13375217

It's cream puffs you poof

>> No.13375228

Integra was literally a Civic with a few irrelevant additions tacked on.

>> No.13375319

Is that actually a thing?

>> No.13375511

in a 90 degree car?
Oh yeah

>> No.13375540

desu that's pretty based, it's retarded how much perfectly good food gets wasted at these places

>> No.13375547

>every time the chefs fuck up i get a plate of sides without the meat on it
>fuck yeah i eat that shit

>> No.13375566

Was on a construction job site working and went into the porta potty and there was a box of donuts on the shelf. I began to eat half of one before I thought about how disgusting it was because the Mexicans can’t aim for the toilet so they shit all over

>> No.13375617

>be me, senior in high school
>there’s a fake shooting threat during the 3rd lunch period
>this was like a week after Parkland, so even though the threat wasn’t credible, it was taken very seriously
>everyone evacuates, leaving their food behind
>my class had the 4th lunch period
>walk into a cafeteria with free food just sitting there
>lunch ladies are throwing some of it away
>gather as much food as I can and put it on my tray
>pizza, burgers, pb&j, milk cartons, etc.
>ate like a king that day
>handed some of it out to other students
>brought some home to eat later
Good times

>> No.13375711

I once watched a boomer put away his shopping cart and drive away, forgetting that he had a 10 pack of Monster sitting in the bottom. I nabbed that immediately.

>> No.13375740

I ate a tinfoil wrapped chicken sandwich from the trash in high school.

>> No.13375742
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>> No.13375951

>...anon's uncle is French?
>...anon's uncle is a marketer?
>...anon's uncle does things well?
....ooooooo I C. nice

>> No.13376035

I have always been introverted/ autistic, So most of the time i went to the cinema as a teenager it was with family / older brothers, except one time i actualy went out with a group my age, to my surprise, when the movie ended, they literally trowed the popcorn to the floors/ seats ON PORPUSE, i asked "WHY ARE YOU DOING THAT?" and they said "we are not the ones who clean!"
from that moment many things started to make sense.

>> No.13376036

>I pundit a cake
>you cant pind cake

>> No.13376041

was meant for >>13374982

>> No.13376641

that is one reason why Japan is more civilized than wherever you or I are from. The kids actually are the ones who clean

>> No.13376676

And thus the die were cast, the wheels of fate set in motion

>> No.13376816

that is a bit terrifying. Hopefully they were cast before that, and that episode was just a symptom

>> No.13376838

Used to work as a dish wash. Lots of barely touched and returned meals. I would secretly keep the meals and take them home. Give zero fucks, 9/10 it's picky nigger women making a fuss to try and get a free meal anyway. No point letting it go to waste.

>> No.13376854

I live in the burbs and I have a pretty big sweet tooth. I love Halloween, the day after I always find a ton of unopened candy everywhere.

>> No.13376997

This just reminded me of some story a friend told me where the first time he tried dip he was at a party and he spat it into an empty beer bottle, and then some dude came along and exclaimed "Yo, someone didn't finish their beer" and proceeded to grab the bottle and drink all the dip and spit that was in it.

>> No.13377044

Fuck those freeloading birds you did society a favor anon.

>> No.13377079

I have found several unopened containers of spices and stuff like that in the shopping cart that I took at the grocery store or on the ground in the parking lot. I took them since they were unopened. I also found a can of bud light in the parking lot of some store that was unopened. I think I used it to make fish and chips. I definitely did not drink it. I don't think that I would ever eat some open shit like that, unless I was stranded in the woods for a month or some shit like that.

>> No.13377091
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>open shit like that

>> No.13377117

I meant to write that I wouldn't eat any opened shit that I found. Whoops.