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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 1.44 MB, 2700x1800, Ham_(4).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13349438 No.13349438 [Reply] [Original]

does anyone
even fucking like ham?
i mean literally every other meat is better

>> No.13349444

it's pretty good, but I've never actually wanted to buy and consume an entire one over literally any period of time

If one shows up at a party--hey, I'll get a slice
But please, don't bring one home for dinner

>> No.13349448

I like ham.

>> No.13349465

I gotta be in the mood for this stuff. To be honest, the years of eating this and turkey have left me not really seeking it out on my own as an adult.

Kinda ham'ed and turkey'ed out, ya know?

Maybe a small ham hock for split pea soup, but that's kinda it for me these days.

>> No.13349467

I do :)

>> No.13349474


It's good on a sweet bread roll with a heavy slather of mayo. Otherwise not really.

>> No.13349494

i like it

>> No.13349498


>> No.13349501
File: 42 KB, 600x400, holidayham.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's placing hot smoldering charcoals beneath your feet
Now walk on 'em, he's dancing with carcasses cheek to cheek
Like a Thanksgiving turkey, or holiday ham
Cinnamon sprinkled on toast, strawberry marmalade jam
Flavor my favorite graham crackers with Jon Benet Rams
I guess a modern day Jack the Ripper is all that I am

>> No.13349521
File: 64 KB, 600x800, One-Pot-Ham-and-Cheese-Pasta-Show-Me-the-Yummy-6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's fine. You can do a lot with it. It's frequently on sale. Goes well with just about anything.

Not a big fan of just carving off a few slices to have by itself, as is normally the case with christmas dinners.

>> No.13349527

Just bought one for Christmas, now I just need to buy a whole rib eye and leg of lamb and that's dinner sorted.

>> No.13349530


Missing the goose or duck

>> No.13349533

go vegan already pussy

>> No.13349543

It's too sweet just by itself, I don't have the fat fucking lard palette to stomach it.

>> No.13349544

let me ask you faggots this, if you could have chicken, turkey, beef or other cuts of pork in place of the ham would you?

>> No.13349548

Well, don't make stupid ass honey glazed ham. Make a mustard coated ham. Ham is fucking awesome.

>> No.13349550

A good prosciutto is heaven.

>> No.13349559

It's always a big family affair so that's someone else's contribution.

>> No.13349560


>> No.13349561

I'd have ham over turkey and chicken depending on the dish. The issue is that people often don't make their own ham. Making it yourself, with a good recipe, is always the best thing. Ham is no different. The Christmas ham my family makes is divine.

>> No.13349562


>> No.13349577

Virtually every Christmas animal product is on the menu this time of the year.

>> No.13349593

and, yet,
duck is the only answer, as is every year

>> No.13349659

Ham is fucking delicious, especially the honey variety. Fuck turkey on Thanksgiving, the ham is the real star of the show.

>> No.13349672


>> No.13349680

Ham is really good but is very boring when cooked

>> No.13349692

Applewood smoked ham is a force to be fucked with.

>> No.13349709
File: 69 KB, 855x531, Ham.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because 99% of all hams are shit-tier hams.
A home-cured country ham is incredible.

>> No.13349713

I've been eating fried ham with bagels and cream cheese non-stop for the past few days, with sriracha.

>> No.13349718

This. Ham can range from $1.99 a pound lunch meat to $90 a pound iberico.

Just using the term 'ham' is too generic.

>> No.13349730

I like ham too
its always the best part of Christmas and Thanksgiving because my mother can't cook a turkey without turning it into sandpaper

>> No.13349733

>it's ham not anything else
if you cure pork it is not ham
so if you make pork good its not ham

>> No.13349741

Mayo is horrific. Neck yourself immediately.

>> No.13349822

For me, it's ham and Pineapple the best thanksgiving dinner you can ask for

>> No.13349956

Ham's great for variety. Like a turkey, but better tasting.

>> No.13349985

Its just not a great use of pork imo. Pork isn't as flavorful as beef is in that preparation so its just worse than a beef roast. I'd rather stuff and roast a loin as far as eating pork goes.

>> No.13350006

why does it have mushrooms growing on it?

>> No.13351177

Ham is delicious on a sandwich or even by itself with a smear of mustard.
I much prefer Turkey for a christmas lunch though

>> No.13351180

>mushrooms growing on it?
It's dressed for roasting, those are cloves. You can see that it's been glazed as well, the cuts are so that the skin crisps up and separates

>> No.13351201

I has a good roasted ham at a wedding once. A big slice of a lean, juicy and tasty meat with a nice gravy and vegetables. What's there to hate.

>> No.13351203


That one typo made me look like a retard

>> No.13351218

>chiseled American male face in profile

>> No.13351487

Roast beef? Yes
Turkey? Occaisionally
Chicken? Again occasionally
Ham is pork u brainlet lol.

>> No.13351502

so much bait, I think I'm gonna coom.

>> No.13351546

Do Americans eat ham for Christmas? I heard that from someone and was appalled. Why not turkey?

>> No.13351565

Unlike bacon which will dry cure in a refrigerator in 2 weeks, home dry curing ham is a bitch because the temperature and humidity have to be carefully controlled for many months. However you can brine cure a ham in the refrigerator in a couple weeks which would be better than anything from a supermarket other than dry cured ham.

>> No.13351596

I fucking love ham. I love all types of ham. Its possibly the greatest food known to man along with egg yolk.

>> No.13351611

>does anyone
>even fucking like ham?
>i mean literally every other meat is better
I don eat pork so fuck that dirty shit

>> No.13351617

Inshallah, brother

>> No.13351620

This is how i identify desert cultists.I cook pork daily

>> No.13351625

Pork is low iq

>> No.13351631

this. fucking atrocious.

>> No.13351632

Only if you're a sandnigger.

>> No.13351634

My SIL refuses to eat pig meat because it's dirty, she isn't a muslim so I don't even. Oh well I will still enjoy my delicious pork. Honey ham can go fuck itself though. :c)

>> No.13351635

based coomer poster

>> No.13351642

You shut your whore mouth right now, honey ham is delicious.

>> No.13351670

Ham is great, that's why I like Christmas more than Thanksgiving, fuck turkey

>> No.13351679

What do you call that garbage herb sticking out of it?

>> No.13351682

>eating dry sandwhiches

>> No.13351690

They freeze really well and the bone does a great service to a big pot of bean stew.
I've bought them before a couple of times.

>> No.13351697

What a total fucking cooklet you are.

>> No.13351703

That's just what they look like before they're deboned, brainlet.

>> No.13351707

The cloves are meant to go in the points where two lines cross not in the center of the fucking skin

>> No.13351712

I spend the requisite amount on ham such that the marginal utility per dollar (ham) equals marginal utility per dollar (all other meat products). To not do so would mean I'm not maximizing utility, and who wants to be that idiot.

>> No.13351815

>hurr ham is shit
Shit taste, you're a fag. Put a bullet in your brain, Mohammed.

>> No.13351847

Any day: ham over turkey or chicken
Holidays: Ham = prime rib = turkey

>> No.13352109

Just get a big ass ham and cook it in the oven all day. Carve a huge chunk slice and make sure it's juicy. Certain time of year can't compare to any other type of meat.

>> No.13353559

ham on whole wheat
that's right

>> No.13353711

Why father in law retired from hormel this summer so I was finally allowed to serve something other than cure 81 brine ham. Ordered an aged ham from the amana meat shop, and the old man said it was the best ham he ever ate. Very satisfying and I'm still allowed unlimited access to his personal lake and duck blind. Best Thanksgiving I've had in years all from a properly aged and hung ham.

>> No.13353837

yeah, normal people.
fuck off achmed.

>> No.13353934
File: 226 KB, 563x651, 1563494340871.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Turbo tastelet

>> No.13353977


>> No.13354011

found the nonwhite

>> No.13354378

>he doesnt know ham can be gazled

>> No.13354385

>Ham is pork u brainlet lol.
he said "other cuts of pork" brainlet lol

>> No.13354388

>not galzed
Everybody needs to leave so I can just talk to myself.

>> No.13354391

ham is literally the lowest tier of holiday meats. should be a breakfast meat solely. even then, below both bacon and sausage

>> No.13354396

>haha le funny reddit thread and forced maymay XDDD

>> No.13354409

ok in soup

>> No.13354410

You need to go first.

>> No.13354472

Mom would bake ham with green beans and potatoes, it's really good that way.

>> No.13354480

Properly prepared ham is one of the world's greatest foods.

>> No.13354489

Sounds like a serious personal problem. Maybe consult your therapist about that.

>> No.13355401

Well yeah, but sometimes you like variety regardless. Just experimenting with new recipes.

>> No.13355410


>> No.13355426
File: 24 KB, 500x380, a4d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13355445

why would you ruin ham with that orange plastic cheese shite?

>> No.13355449
File: 637 KB, 2288x1712, H A M .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13355452

I do like it, but yes fresh meat is better. If I had the best thing every time I would come to like nothing. Having things that are only good allows room for better things to be appreciated.

>> No.13355465

where do you see orange cheese? that pic only has parmesan and swiss in the recipe.

>> No.13355503

omg it's PS!!!!

>> No.13355535
File: 1009 KB, 1080x1080, 1573243302958.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ham sucks unless its galzed

>> No.13355562
File: 404 KB, 486x490, 1571717628461.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13355680


>> No.13355698

come to italy and taste the real fucking prosciutto you tasteless burger

>> No.13356372

this. stupid fucking thread, kys op you newfag redditor

>> No.13356378
File: 40 KB, 410x595, lolcat 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's face it, folks.
It's time to bring back lolcats

>> No.13356915

What are those things in the ham?

>> No.13356925

costco spiral ham is surprisingly really good

>> No.13357152

Whole cloves. It's a more decorative way of seasoning the ham.

>> No.13357241

They do eat turkey, but they have a turkey dinner holiday a month before hand. Makes sense to do something else.

>> No.13357248

Spiral cut ham is dry shit.

>> No.13357253

You're dry shit but I'm still your friend

>> No.13357284
File: 29 KB, 450x253, 542073774-1280x720[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's better than turkey. Therefore, the superior thanksgiving dish.

>> No.13358577

CHRISTmas ham
fuck you

>> No.13358616

this is the only answer

>> No.13358799


>> No.13359188


>> No.13359340
File: 918 KB, 3050x2274, IMG_20191212_223511.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good job op, you made me crave ham. Mission accomplished clever ham shill.