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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13348442 No.13348442 [Reply] [Original]

Cooking has the greatest amount of pseduoscience out of any other craft. For example, no one has a general consensus on why people salt their pasta water. Some say it's to raise the boiling point, make the water boil faster, or internally season the pasta. Another is putting pasta in already boiling water. Why? If the mushiness of pasta comes from overcooking it, then why not start with room temperature water and bringing it to a boil?

>> No.13348453

I've never put salt in pasta water

>> No.13348461

Me too. I'm a chemist and it never made sense to me

>> No.13348472

Another is cooking pasta in large amounts of water but then praising the starchy content of the pasta water for the sauce. If you want the starchy content of the pasta water, people should be cooking in smaller amounts of water.

>> No.13348485

Anyone that knows how to cook knows it's to season the pasta. Also some pasta water is incorporated in the sauce, as in, poured directly in. The only time there's no "general consensus" is when normalshits and the cooking retarded try and offer their dumbass reasons for doing it. Not gonna lie, you seem like one of them.

>> No.13348491

>Not gonna lie, you seem like one of them.
>try and offer their dumbass reasons for doing it
>OP didn't offer any reasons

>> No.13348492

Adding salt does not raise the boiling point significantly, but it does season the pasta.

If you use already boiling water, everyone's cooking time will be consistent.

Why did you use these dumb examples? People have done plenty of experiments to answer these questions.

>> No.13348504

>season the pasta
why not just use salt in the sauce

>> No.13348514

You should be seasoning everything

>> No.13348515

americans "sciencified" cooking so they can sell everyone their scientific cooking gadgets. they have to ruin everything they touch, i hate them more than words can say.

>> No.13348521

Even the plate?

>> No.13348523


Not just season it, pickle it. Pickle EVERYTHING.

>> No.13348524

salt in water does jack shit for the taste of the pasta and has been tested time and time again. It's because you're using the pasta water in the sauce that you are literally just pouring salt into the sauce.

>> No.13348525

He asked. If he was actually knowledgeable about cooking and skilled at cooking he would already know the reason. Only explanation is he's cooking retarded.

>> No.13348534

exactly. These fucking witch doctors get their own notions in their heads and then you can't vaccinate children in Kenya. You can't brine pasta in a few minutes.

>> No.13348539

>salt in water does jack shit for the taste of the pasta and has been tested time and time again
Those tests consistently agree that salting the water does work. Please show some examples of anyone disagreeing with that.

>> No.13348547

> You can't brine pasta in a few minutes
The pasta is literally absorbing the cooking liquid in minutes, so yes, you can.

>> No.13348558

This. A secret among most Italian restaurants, even widely acclaimed ones with Michelin stars, is that they don't even salt their water anymore to make the pots last longer.

>> No.13348560

>literally just pouring salt into the sauce.
Nope. It's not just for salting. The salt does flavor it, hence why we salt it. But the key is the added liquid and starch improve the consistency and help bind it. Otherwise you might as well just salt the sauce directly if that was the only reason. Learn how to cook pasta properly before saying retarded shit next time.

>> No.13348562
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>> No.13348568


>> No.13348573

His ass.

>> No.13348583


They also issue PTFE tape for line chef's shoes so their floors last longer. Some places are old and are made with travertine marble.

>> No.13348586

You salt water for flavour.
As an experiment I cooked some Udon noodles in salted water and unsalted water, and then tried them plain. The noodles cooked in salted water were far better. If you can't notice a difference then you aren't using enough salt.

>> No.13348587
File: 73 KB, 1270x490, olivegarden.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not him and not "widely acclaimed" italiant restaurants but I know most fast Italian restaurants don't salt their water like Olive Garden or whatever other cheap Friday night restaurant serves pasta

>> No.13348604


>Every good chef knows to add salt to your water when making pasta, but the reason for this addition might surprise you. Adding salt to water actually raises the boiling point of the water, due to a phenomenon called boiling point elevation. Essentially, adding any non-volatile solute (such as salt, baking soda or sugar) to a liquid causes a decrease in the liquid’s vapour pressure. A liquid boils when the vapour pressure above it equals atmospheric pressure, so a lower vapour pressure means you need a higher temperature to boil the water. The real reason salt makes water boil faster has to do with specific heat capacities, or the energy it takes to raise the temperature of a substance. Salt ions dissolved in water bind to water molecules, holding them stable and making it harder for them to move around. As a result, the non-salt bound water molecules receive more of the energy provided by the stove, and therefore they get hotter faster and boil quicker. Most of the salt in the water is lost when the pasta is drained, so make sure to add salt to your finished dish to avoid serving bland spaghetti!

Yikes, imagine draining your pasta

>> No.13348625

Where's the actual research?

>> No.13348636

>olive garden
This should tell us the answer. The opposite of whatever retarded shit they're doing is the correct way.

>> No.13348703

Bad opinion, bland pasta dipped in strong sauce is the only way to eat pasta

>> No.13348711

Yeah it works, it makes it taste like shit

>> No.13348734


>> No.13348736

go drink seawater

>> No.13348867

The only time I know people are terribly wrong is when they defend their position to the death. You people are proof positive that you don't know what you're talking about and need to look at counselling. You're the trailer park rage archetype.

>> No.13348884

>t. American

>> No.13348925

Based water Salter.

>> No.13348948

Salting the pasta water makes the pasta saltier. Then you can balance the saltiness of the dish around that point, which is easy because it's usually salty enough you barely need any in the rest of your dish.

>> No.13348967

I don't think you know what pseudoscience is, anon.

>> No.13348979

Youre not a fucking chemist. A chemist would know how osmosis works

>> No.13348985

>make the water as salty as the ocean
based scientific Italians right here

>> No.13348986

nigga, do YOU understand how osmosis works? Salt would impede osmosis, not help it.

>> No.13349044

It's the transfer of highly drunk idiots to moderately drunk idiots at a specific rate.

>> No.13349047

This whole thread is full of cooklets

>> No.13349064


Stuff and things!

>> No.13349136

Exactly you fucking dumbass fake chemist, slowing osmosis is what you want

>> No.13349148

You can't be a chemist.

>> No.13349161

This is why people abandon threads. Just stupid stupid people. You have to walk away and do something else.

>> No.13349195

Retarded YouTube chefs always tell you to do things like adding beer to a recipe when in fact it's just a waste, it adds absolutely nothing to the final dish

>> No.13349205

Yes it does. It can deglaze. It can impart flavor. You're the retarded one.

>> No.13349212

>it can deglaze
so can water nigga

>> No.13349214

>Cooking has the greatest amount of pseduoscience out of any other craft
The science is complex and only partial, but there is. It's you that act like it doesn't exist.

>For example, no one has a general consensus on why people salt their pasta water.
Dude, you seriously can't be this retarded.
Just taste the pasta, no science involved

>Some say it's to raise the boiling point,
> make the water boil faster,
>or internally season the pasta
Yes, taste the pasta you mouthbreather.

>Why? If the mushiness of pasta comes from overcooking it, then why not start with room temperature water and bringing it to a boil?
I'm not sure what do you think it will happen. Pasta needs 80°C x amount of time to fully cooking

You can fucking try it idiot, you are not cooking with gold.

>> No.13349215

ok bro, im going to waste an entire beer to deglaze when I could just use water

>> No.13349221

I know it can. Many things can. Beer is one of them.

You clearly know nothing about cooking.

>> No.13349222

Just made some basic aglio e olio, used less water, and didn't salt the water. Turned out just fine. OP was right.

>> No.13349226

And it could have turned out better if you did it correctly.

>> No.13349230

It's a nice method to measure since everyone has a tongue.
You seriously want to measure how much water you out in your pot?

You sound like an idiot

>> No.13349232

well for one, most people have never tasted the Mediterranean sea

secondly, that would be a fucking terrible idea given the salinity of the Mediterranean sea. It would be salty as shit.

>> No.13349235

The only way you made it remotely palatable is by adding salt on the already cooked dish.
If you found it "right" maybe cooking isn't for you

>> No.13349237

>by adding salt on the already cooked dish
Well yeah, that's exactly what I did. That's how most people regularly season a lot of their food.

>> No.13349240


>> No.13349250

It's the right amount,
1) not all the salt goes into the pasta.
2) it's a sea, if you ever went to one you know how pasta water should taste like

And btw they say like the sea, no specifically the Mediterranean

>> No.13349252

I'll take the advice of Italians over this retard who the OP probably glorifies

>> No.13349258

>bro make it taste like some other body of water that italy doesn't border

>> No.13349265

That doesn’t distribute the salt nearly as well as putting it in the water does

>> No.13349266

You never swim in a sea?

>> No.13349271

Just mix it... a bit??

>> No.13349313

You have to be really strong to make penetrate the salt in the pasta with just stirring.
You should apt to CERN, they could use you instead of the LHC. Just throw some particles with your super strenght

>> No.13349318

>Another is putting pasta in already boiling water. Why? If the mushiness of pasta comes from overcooking it, then why not start with room temperature water and bringing it to a boil?
are you actually this stupid?

>> No.13349320

who cares?

>> No.13349341

The pasta will taste like it has no salt.
Next time you bake some cake just put the sugar at the end, you can report to us how it tasted

>> No.13349342

This thread is retarded even by /ck/ standards.

>> No.13349607

Do you immediately spread the sauce into all the noodles too

>> No.13349632

Is it a question?

>> No.13349637

Salt water has a higher boiling temp. Its to keep the shit from bubbling over m8

>> No.13349646

>Its to keep the shit from bubbling over
Congratulations, you just pushed an already stupid conversation even further into retardation.

>> No.13349667

People with taste

>> No.13349701

Yes I'm curious about your savagery

>> No.13349704

/ck/ - Faggots and Chemistry

>> No.13349748

I finish the pasta in the sauce, because I'm not a troglodyte like you

>> No.13349775

>not keeping it mostly separate so it can get mixed only right before taking a bite

I bet the elementary school kids you serve your salty soggy noodles to love it

>> No.13349835

I don't need to cook to live

>> No.13349962

Salt is to season the pasta, without it pasta tastes bland.

>> No.13349971

Salt 100% flavours the pasta. I’ve over salted pasta before doing this. You’re wrong.

>> No.13350013

Not one of you fucking morons has made your own pasta and then cooked it. Go fucking HOME. You're all discount grocery store shitbrains.

>> No.13350029
File: 203 KB, 1600x1200, pasta2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a good test question. How long do you cook pasta that is freshly made?

>> No.13350191

Are you literally retarded?

>> No.13350201

I can confirm, this is what I learned in culinary school

>> No.13350223

I honestly can’t tell if you’re baiting. Adding water will dilute the flavor, which is sometimes good but sometimes you want to impart flavor, ie with wine or stock. Or beer, or milk, or what the fuck ever.

>> No.13350523

Just put some of what you're drinking in you cretin

>> No.13350606

i salt for the taste of saltier pasta whats so hard to believe about that

>> No.13350617

you guys realize some people eat pasta without sauce right? i know its hard to comprehend for you amerifats but some europoors like this danefag right here salt his pasta water so the pasta get more salty and more palatable

its really disheartening to see so many people not knowing super basic shit on a cooking board come on you mutts

>> No.13350646

how is the dumbfuck brigade doing tonight? Always fun to look in.

>> No.13350698

To make the pasta salty. Putting pasta in already boiling water makes it soften instantly so you can push the past down as soon as you put it in the water and stir it a bit so the pasta doesn't stick. Also depending on what kind of pot you're using, if you're heating up the pot but the water is still cold, the pasta could get a burnt spot where it is touching the edge of the pot before it goes soft.

>> No.13350707

I know you stupid pricks don't cook fresh pasta but it only cooks for about 2 minutes. It doesn't matter what you cook it in, it won't absorb salt.

>> No.13350719

>Have a bunch of friends over regularly for dinner
>One day one of my friends brings his friend for some reason
>Don't want to spoil the night so whatever, maybe he'll be cool anyway
>Go ahead and start cooking
>Dump the pasta in the water
>The dude points out that I forgot to put oil in the water
>Tell him I didn't forget, I don't use oil
>He starts to sound concerned that the pasta is going to stick together
>Tell him I never use oil and it;s never stuck together
>He starts getting irate, tells me to just put oil in it and stop being stupid
>I think he's just having a laugh at first and shrug it off
>He starts getting angry
>"I don't want to eat pasta that's stuck together!"
>I tell him he can leave if he doesn't want to eat, he wasn't even invited
>He loudly shouts out that I'm a fucking idiot and storms out of the house
>Tell one of my not idiot friends to go stand outside and make sure he actually leaves
>Tell the friend who bought him not to bring anyone to my house ever again
>Pasta finally finished and we eat delicious not stuck together pasta
I swear to god you pasta niggers with your pasta nigger myths are fucking psychos.

>> No.13350723

Why the fuck would I waste time making pasta when I can just buy the dry shit for like 20 cents? I'm not a fucking italian.

>> No.13350729

>stuff that never happened.

>> No.13350755

Imagine being so sheltered that you think a guy having a meltdown for no good reason is impossible.

>> No.13350770

>globalist corporations cut corners in food production

every single time.

>> No.13350772

Anon what are you doing, you could have gotten your spaghetti eatten by a tsundere.

>> No.13350782

Do you smoke? Your taste buds are lying to you

>> No.13350790

oh look
brainlets get upset when they can't understand things

>> No.13350794

It was a fat dude.

>> No.13350799

with steak yea

>> No.13350874

>Making pasta for myself
>Already fed up of these microwave meal smooth brained apes pretending they can cook
>Tell him you dont need to oil the water
>Tell him adding salt actually is pretty good though and start adding salt
>Also tell him how to make a good sauce.
"Oh I already have some premade tins if you want"
at this point I think by sheer force of anger alone I could have cooked the pasta instantly
>A black man walks in to the kitchen
>instantly throw the boiling water over the first guy
>Throw the pot at the black man and start screaming about pasta
>Bludegon them both to death with a rolling pin

Half of this is true, the other half is fiction, you decide what is true and what is false

>> No.13351255

word to the wise. If you ever type 'brainlet', everyone immediately assumes you're a child too young to know anything. you sound like a dumb child like cunt.

>> No.13351277

This is bait but for the sake of thought lets pretend that someone who actually thinks this exists.

You could ask the person whether they think pasta cooked in seawater or unsalted tap water would taste the same and they would have to look you dead in the eye and say that they would. People with dysfunctional tastebuds do exist though I suppose

>> No.13351280

If you put sea salt in the water when it’s not boiling then you ruin the pan.

>> No.13351286

>claims to be a chemist
>doesn't know that adding salt to water raises its boiling point
i hope you die in a lab fire.

>> No.13351294

You not being a massive faggot is definitely fiction.

>> No.13351301

It definitely does season the salt

>> No.13351308

>anon having a brain fart, the post

>> No.13351325


lel trelled

>> No.13351335
File: 24 KB, 532x446, 75ed00b466a93b28f272628d164ce4fecdbdf72e66fa1766745c84216cb54048.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where can I buy pasta water?
Which brand is the best?

>> No.13351343

"The boiling point of water is increased slightly, but not enough that you would notice the temperature difference. The usual boiling point of water is 100 °C or 212 °F at 1 atmosphere of pressure (at sea level). You would have to add 58 grams of salt just to raise the boiling point of a liter of water by one half of a degree Celsius. Basically, the amount of salt people add to water for cooking doesn't affect the boiling point at all."
The oil thing is even worse than the salt

>> No.13351363

I season the water when it’s already boiling and I do so just because unsalted pasta taste bland no matter what kind of sauce you serve it with.

>> No.13351365

You salt pasta water to make the pasta taste salty, which is better - I don't think the amount of salt people normally add makes a huge difference in boiling point, not enough to really matter for cooking at least. You definitely don't need to start with boiling water, in fact you don't even need to bring water to a boil to cook pasta; It'll cook below (but near) boiling.

You can test both these claims easily yourself. To test that saltwater makes pasta salty, just rinse off some pasta after cooking in saltwater, and confirm it is salty. I've done this myself, and an sure it will work.

I haven't tested this myself, but I regularly cook pasta starting from non-boiling water, and I can tell that by the time the water reaches boiling, the pasta is partially cooked, so I'm pretty sure it will work. To test you can cook pasta in below boiling water, bring a fairly large volume of water to a bare simmer. Reduce heat and wait, repeating until the water just stops simmering, moving to a smaller burner if necessary. Then add pasta and wait until cooked, stirring occasionally.

>> No.13351379

>his ass

>> No.13351419

Sure, but does it make the water boil faster?

>> No.13351495

If the boiling point is higher because of added salt, then that means it would need more heat to come to the boil.
Meaning it would take longer.
Jesus fucking christ you're a brainlet.

>> No.13352009

When I buy dried beans I put them in salted water so they soak up the salt for better taste. I would assume the same thing happens with pasta but to a lesser degree due to the shorter time it spends in the water.

Putting pasta in boiling water softens it faster and gives more easily controllable cooking time. The time on the package also assumes you are putting the pasta in boiling water, not in room temp.

>> No.13352036

>canadian intellectuals

>> No.13352039
File: 39 KB, 520x368, White Socialist-Fascists.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DAILY REMINDER: Only niggers & shitskin savages eat meat. Cultured, superior races protect the environment no matter the cost.

>> No.13352041

Thanks captain obvious.

>> No.13352042

Out of respect for so many whining warmers, I just throw lasagna noodles into a pot of cold water and use them the next morning.

>> No.13352046

Just contributing to the "general consensus" OP didn't believe existed.

>> No.13352100

>why not start with room temperature
What the fuck
For consistency, retard. No one knows how long your stove takes to heat up, everyone knows how long to cook pasta from a boil.

>> No.13352102

it depends on how much salt you use. a pinch wont do shit

>> No.13352104

I was referring to the second half of your post moron.

>> No.13352113

Ok, try to be more specific with your call-outs next time sweety.

>> No.13352119

wrong. boil a macaroni noodle in salted water and one in unsalted water. taste both. ill wait.

>> No.13352121

None of it was obvious to me. Your board has a responsibility to help lurkers learn.

>> No.13352123

Not me but I'm gonna do this. Right now.

>> No.13352127

Hey op. Are you retarded? Asking for a friend. YES YOU SALT PASTA WATER YOU MONG! You have to season all food. The water should not be broth salty just enough to season the pasta. Every chef on earth salts the water.

>> No.13352139

Thats because you do not know how to cook

>> No.13352155

salt it good boy

>> No.13352160

olive garden sucks

>> No.13352187

Not really a craft I guess but go on /fit/ and have your mind blown.

>> No.13352189
File: 35 KB, 600x376, 555.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pasta water is food

>> No.13352227

>kate taylor

>> No.13352281

Confirmed. There is a difference.

>> No.13352292


>> No.13352312

italians are full of pseudoscience.

no cappuccino after lunch because of dairy. but literally more than half of the deserts have dairy in them.

fucking wops

>> No.13352327

I'll answer this thread hoping there will be no more. They are low standard even for ck.
> Why people salt pasta water
Because the salt penetrate the pasta and it objectively tastes better.
The consensus is well established, if you like your pasta unsalted don't put sal (ed:and don't ever cooks again)

> Rise the boiling point
The concentration of salt in water don't change significantly the boiling point.

> Makes water boils faster
No. It leave the boiling point unchanged as the previous explaination.
In normal concentration any other phenomenon can't be observed

>internally season the pasta.
Yes, that's the goal of putting salt in pasta.
You don't believe it's true? Taste the pasta, simple as that.

>Another is putting pasta in already boiling water. Why?
For this one I'm speculating.
Pasta to fully cook needs more than 80°C for some amount of time, depending on the pasta.
Since pasta is made for centuries, it is easier to watch the water boils and be sure it's ready for cooking pasta.
Another things to take into consideration is that putting cold pasta in water low the temperature of water.
If you have 100C (the boiling point of water) you can't low the temperature just putting pasta.
If you put pasta in boiling water you will always have the same cooking time, indipendently of the season you are in.

Can you fucking idiot stop.make something simple as cooking pasta fucking rocket science ?

>> No.13352342

You sure there's no difference in milk and product with milk in?
You put milk and salt in your hamburger instead of cheese? Hey they have the same ingredients

Tastelet mongoloid

>> No.13352409

you earn yourself a (You) since it's almost dinnertime here
>no one has a general consensus on why people salt their pasta water.
>Some say it's to raise the boiling point,
the boiling point doesn't raise significantly, opinion discarded
>make the water boil faster
except it does not
>internally season the pasta.
this is correct
>Another is putting pasta in already boiling water. Why? If the mushiness of pasta comes from overcooking it, then why not start with room temperature water and bringing it to a boil?
The starch in the pasta begins to cook (gelatinize) at a lower temperature than 100°C. Putting it in the water when it's boiling allows for easy standardization of the process. There are currently studies about energy efficient pasta cooking, their focus being how to obtain the same result by cooking the pasta in different conditions of temperature and pressure.

>> No.13352419

pasta water should be a 1% solution, ocean water is a 3.5% solution

>> No.13352699


Salting your water will make your pasta a bit more seasoned. Raising the temp of the water is very minimal and its not the reason you do it. The reason you do it is to season the pasta.

You dont start with cold water and just put pasta in because it will stick very bad. That is a valid reason to start with boiling water. Add the pasta to the hot water and stir it and its not going to stick together.

Do it with cold water and you would have to stir alot more to make sure its not gonna stick as the water heats up. Basically you would have to stand there and stir as the water gets hot.

>> No.13352737

I use beer in casseroles sometimes as part of the liquid to form stock. Used cider the other day to boil ham hocks in before baking and glazing.

>> No.13352937


just off the cuff you sound like a dumb cunt. Stop typing the way you type. Not even following your point.

>> No.13353124

> Hey I have an uneducated I express with arrogance
> hey you sound mean!!!!!!

>> No.13353142

You sounded stupid and talking about lactose like you understand how interacts with fats and solids. I enjoy watching stupid people learn about dunning kruger.

>> No.13353172

So you recognize you were wrong?

>> No.13353184

>amerimutt thinks serving plain pasta with sauce dumped on top is the right way
o I am laffin

>> No.13353190

Step1: you start boiling water
Step2: when the water has started boiling add salt
Step3: add pasta in boiling water
Step4: stir the pasta every 2-3 min so the pasta doent stick
Step5: after 9-10min of boiling your pasta remove them
Step6: put the pasta in that drain water thingy so all the water goes off
Step7: rinse the pasta with cold water so to not be to hot and put the pasta back.
Step8: now your pasta is done


>> No.13353207

You don't really understand words, do you?

>> No.13353398

It's the only way bitch

>> No.13353723

Next time don't say stupid shit in the first place and we won't have this problem.

>> No.13353728

fuck off and kill yourself retard

>> No.13353733

no. utterly wrong. commit suicide you utter dumbass.

>> No.13353781
File: 67 KB, 500x375, f118197832.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>rinse the pasta
mcfucking kill yourself

>> No.13354044

Don't know, but thank God I'm not a clueless tastelet like you.

>> No.13354060

True. Worked at a kitchen once, had two kitchen managers teaching me and one wanted things done completely differently then the other.

>> No.13354085

> people are wrong
News at 11

>> No.13354137

You guys should do it.

>> No.13354402

It's so it doesnt stick together as much you bafoon.