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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 223 KB, 1140x700, chef-john-food-wishes[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13268574 No.13268574 [Reply] [Original]

I goddamn hate this fucking obese American piece of shit so, so fucking much.

>> No.13268605

Fuck you he's a saint

>> No.13268609

Cayenne pepper is trash.

>> No.13268630

Where did chef John touch you

>> No.13268641

Cooking youtubers, even some of the annoying, misinformed ones, are at least encouraging people to pickup a lifeskill/hobby, that's more than you can say for most internet personalities.

>> No.13268644

r e n t
f r e e

>> No.13268652

Imagine the smell of his vinegary shits

>> No.13268653 [DELETED] 

Fuck you, liberal soyholes. I am angry and need you to agree with me. FUCK KEK JOHN. He represents white genocide and hates Trump. For me, this is against 4chan virtue and should make us start a revolt. Let's get /pol/ and /r9k/ (the angriest losers on here) to group together to take down this clown

>> No.13268666

Wow, you are even more cringe than an actual /pol/tard

>> No.13268671

>t. male feminazi

>> No.13268693
File: 70 KB, 1024x683, seinfeld.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what are those?!?

>> No.13268698

you are, after all, the [name that rhymes with tube] of your Youtube

>> No.13268769

What happened? Did Chef John fail to hang a portrait of god emperor and genuflect to it at the start of each video?

>> No.13268835

Chef John is cool. Makes me think not all americans are terrible cooks.

>> No.13268862

After all, you are the giver of head, of your bad /ck/ thread.

>> No.13268863

Holy shit, whats wrong with you? Do you have schizophrenia? Actually, never mind. You DEFINITELY have schizophrenia. Calm down, schizo.

>> No.13268907
File: 11 KB, 307x462, 1504978151289.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dan is that you?

>> No.13268914

I just hate the way he crumbles the food with his spoon. Don't pick it like it's a coal mine you nigger, you go in the dish with the side of your fork, lift a bite sized piece and just fucking eat.

>> No.13268917

based discord tranny

>> No.13270297
File: 61 KB, 1024x826, 1559154945153.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we aren't your army, cunt

>> No.13270368
File: 44 KB, 560x315, 7270900.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just finished eating the turkish poached egg thing from his channel. Very nice, will probably make it a lot more.

>> No.13270898

Based John can never be dabbed on.

>> No.13270910

Shit bait

>> No.13270976

After all, you are the Don Most of your very own shitpost.

>> No.13271235

I'm sick of your constant hate-filled bitching you Antifa piece of shit. You're the only stupid fucking idiot here you miserable alt-left fascist bigot. It's your kind who bitterly cling, CLING, to hate with your divisive SJW hypocrisy and openly lie, steal, cheat, and brag about threats and violence because MUH ENDS JUSTIFY THE MEANS.

The fact you posted >>13268653 proves you mouth-breathing degenerates can't argue policy. The only thing you pretentious lazy-minded hypocrites, pseudo-intellectual idiots, and lying sleaze deserve is to have the self-entitled angry bitch forcefully beaten out of you until you stop your vacuous bitching and learn some manners and respect.

If your country was worth a shit, you'd be bragging about it rather than constantly bitching WAAAAAHHHH I HATE AMERICA. You've obviously got nothing to be proud of, and you can't defend your assbackward ideology with logic or common sense, which is why you're constantly sour and miserable like all socialists.

>> No.13271707


>> No.13271768
File: 11 KB, 236x236, qvc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Guess you'd rather be "In the Kitchen With David," nod nod wink wink.

it's okay to be gay

>> No.13271799

Based. Im down.

>> No.13271813

he calls rigitoni pasta "riggies". This manchild deserves the hate.

>> No.13271829
File: 30 KB, 800x600, Proper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


agree totally

>> No.13271838
File: 208 KB, 640x815, b6xa2ujdr2d31.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I goddamn hate this fucking obese American piece of shit so, so fucking much.

>> No.13271852

ITT: mad third-worlders

>> No.13272221



>> No.13272279

Hellllooooooo this is CHEEFF JHON froooom FOOdwhishesDOTCOM and today We ARE FINGERING MY BUTTHooole
This is a simple recipe. Only two ingridients first one is spit and the other one is a surprise in saving do later, now as you see i start by prepping my asshole, dont to all in, thats a begginers mistake. You want to start with your thumb Just try practicing a scrapping motion.
You have to make sure to thoroughly clean your ass first, i assumed i didnt because i had dhiarrea before and you can see the mess i made all over the kitchen. Now once you are done with your thumb, you remeber i Said there was a secret ingridient? Well you want to add a pinch of cayenne, Just a Little bit, dont go crazy, you want a Little bit of spize trust me it will blow your mind once you introduce your whole fist

>> No.13272412
File: 3 KB, 108x120, 108px-Iamproud.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13272435

for me, its shotgun red

>> No.13272599

Ive tried this recipe before

>> No.13272731

You're the Jean Benet of your /ck/

>> No.13272792


>> No.13273640

then don't watch him, idiot

>> No.13273644

he's actually kind of a douche, when you look at how he responds to comments on his videos and his site.
still my favorite cooking youtuber though.

>> No.13275494

t. Tastelet

>> No.13275549


>> No.13276092

Legitimately laughed reading this. Congrats.

>> No.13276667

you are after all the charles de gaulle
of fingering your asshole

>> No.13277170
File: 8 KB, 193x261, strangerwith.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>so take a stand, you are the Lawrence Ferlinghetti of your just made spaghetti