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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13227187 No.13227187 [Reply] [Original]

You can tell a lot about a person based on how they consume water.

Tap water is king. It tastes great, it's free, and it's cheap. There's no excuse to drink water out of bottles at home, unless you live in a dystopian hell. And if you do, you could always get a filter installed instead of constantly cracking open plastic bottles.

On the go? Well, if a person is smart, organized, and able to plan ahead, they would bring a reusable metal/glass/plastic bottle with them. If they're empty headed and short sighted, guess they gotta actually *pay* for water.

Finally, the temperature of the water they consume. Do they prefer their water with ice in it? That's an American thing. Warm water? Hello, Asia. Room temp? Europoor.

>> No.13227214

I like free and cheap and not paying for things

>> No.13227277
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>Tap Water
You know you're literally drinking sewage right?

>> No.13227329

Nope. Bottled water is more likely to be sewage because it's literally just municipal water. Did you think there's a guy standing by a stream filling the bottles? Where do you think bottled water from.
I know where my water comes from, and it's not sewage. Same is true for most likely much of the first world.
This but unironically. Every dollar you use to buy bottled water goes into the pockets of the you know who's. They way underpay for the water they pump to sell because the people that should be monitoring them and charging them accordingly have been bought out. Then they over price the water they sell. A bottle of water costs like 5 cents each. Whether you buy a case on sale or buy a single bottle at a convenience store for a dollar they make bank.

>> No.13227338

>tap water
full retard. You drink the water your refrigerator makes. I buy bottled water and dump that shit out in the sink to refill them with my fridge water.

>> No.13227342

Imagine the smell of your vinegary shits after drinking water.

>> No.13227349

1. not all fridges have a water dispenser
2. your fridge water is the same water that the tap gets, you stupid fucking american

>> No.13227351

>not all fridges have a water dispenser
They do in white households
>2. your fridge water is the same water that the tap gets, you stupid fucking american
Triple filtered, no flouride. Tastes a lot like iceberg water.

>> No.13227427

>A bottle of water costs like 5 cents each.
Then shipping another 10, add taxes and it's another 20%, then add store workers and management, a few more cents, then add taxes again, include warehousing, and best case scenario, they get a few cents of profit.

>> No.13227453
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>removing fluoride from water

>> No.13227454

flouride tastes bad. You have a shitty palette.

>> No.13227461

Damn, quick reply. Anyway I figured you were doing it for tinfoil reasons. Fluoride is not detectable in water by taste. You're probably thinking of chlorine.

>> No.13227466

>Fluoride is not detectable in water by taste
>the human eye can't see more than 24fps bro

>> No.13227471

>Tap water
I feel bad for people who live in places where their tap water is chlorinated and not ozonated. These people have never actually tasted good water.

>> No.13227472

>not wanting fluoride is bad
>being this gay and retarded

>> No.13227474

>"I'm a supertaster, bro. My mom had me tested when I was twelve!"

>> No.13227477

I installed a six stage reverse osmosis tap where a bullshit soap dispenser used to be. Best $250 I’ve ever spent.

>> No.13227484

what can you tell me about seltzer?

>> No.13227492
File: 43 KB, 829x439, supertaste.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"I'm a supertaster, bro
Why yes I am. I'm sorry your inferior genetics will never allow you to experience the full depth of flavour possible with the human palette.

>> No.13227502


Pyewre wa'a

>> No.13227503

Can't tell if bait or not, incase you're actually ignorant have one of many studies showing fluoride is undetectable
Same. But even if so it's easy to filter out.
It's been heavily shown time and time again that fluoride has no negative health impacts and many positive ones. Only tinfoil hats disagree with this. Nvm just noticed you're shitposting, keep at it buddy :^
Based and waterpilled.
Whats there to say? It's fizzy water. If you like it, drink it. If you just like the fizz, you can make your own at home to possibly save money, though I can't comment on specifics. If you like sparkling mineral water (seltzer with dissolved
minerals) you probably have to buy that in stores.
Cool story, show proof you have it. Also that applies to umami only, still can't taste fluoride.

>> No.13227510

I have a well so I don't use bottled water but you're wrong about all bottled water being tap water. Mountain Valley water is bottled from a spring. I've toured the plant so I know that for a fact.

>> No.13227616

Fluoride is definitely a retarded thing for any animal to consistently ingest unnaturally for a long period of time

There’s a reason we don’t eat fluoride rich foods ya fuckin dunce

>> No.13227623

>うま味 literally just memes "yummy taste"
Holy, shit, it really is a meme.

>> No.13227637
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>> No.13227643

>all that esoteric bullshit

>> No.13227644

>posts something that appears concerning
>>third eye
I think fluoride is bad but come on dude now you’re just being fucking retarded

>> No.13227646
File: 2.11 MB, 3000x3672, 1567185340483.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>t. plastic merchant

>> No.13227731

Are you one of those /pol/tards who thinks that fluoride is some kind of evil "neurotoxin" and that tooth paste is bad for you?
Fluoride is a trace element humans need in order to not get cavities.

>> No.13227736

>it's free

>> No.13227743

It's not free, water is a utility that can be turned off.

>> No.13227753

REALLY depends on where you live

>> No.13228687

>it's free


>> No.13229552

What is a legitimate natural food source with fluoride in it.
Go ahead. I’m waiting.

>> No.13229950
