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File: 91 KB, 350x245, gatorpower.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13204214 No.13204214 [Reply] [Original]

Which ade for you, Power or Gator?

Powerade has more vitamins than Gatorade
Neither has any fat or protein. However, Gatorade contains 10 more calories and slightly more sodium than Powerade per serving. On the other hand, Powerade packs more micronutrients, including magnesium, niacin, and vitamins B6 and B12, which play important roles in your body.

>> No.13204218

How obese are you? Who drinks this non carbonated soda trash. Faggot. Kys stop shitting up this board

>> No.13204221

powerade doesn't taste quite right

>> No.13204226

love me both some 'wer and 'tor

>> No.13204231

>How obese are you? Who drinks something with half the calories of soda?
Here's your (You).

>> No.13204246

Gatorade of course. Powerade is a shitty knockoff. Also Powerade has those artificial sweeteners sucralose and acesulfame k in its ingredients, which I personally avoid because they give me GI problems and also I'm underweight and feel like I'm being robbed of calories when I see shit like that on the label.

>> No.13204260

i used to drink gatorade after runs but switched to powerade zero because it doesn't have any sugar. i wish lemon-lime powerade wasn't discontinued, but the fruit punch is okay.

>> No.13204286

Wouldn't you want sugar after a run? I never understood why they made zero calorie versions of these things. Defeats the purpose of what they were made for, but I guess they didn't know decades earlier how bad obesity would get in the future.

>> No.13204323

they're for hydration. i eat something shortly after a run, i don't need added sugar. i do like the electrolytes/salts in the summer when i'm really sweating.

>> No.13204871
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>> No.13204876
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>> No.13204887

It isn't the sugar that's "what they were made for," dumb dumb, it's electrolytes. Sugar was just added to make it more palatable, and there are much better/healthier ways to carb up after exercise.

>> No.13204895

No, sugar wasn't only for flavor. Electrolytes and sugar are both good things to have on top of hydration after exerting yourself.

>> No.13204901

Shut the fuck up and read the whole post, you dumb puddle of shit.

>> No.13204905

>there are much better/healthier ways to carb up after exercise
I don't think most people eat a meal during a football game.

>> No.13204908
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>> No.13204910

one thing the lardass OP failed to mention is that powerade is made with HFCS, while gatorade uses actual sugar. i'm shedding a tear for every corn syrup addicted fatass chugging powerades

>> No.13204911
File: 227 KB, 1500x1500, EB594E0E-10C9-4710-8236-5E4C5644315C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why does sugar-free gatorade exist then?
check mate

>> No.13204917

it’s literally impossible to tell the difference between HFCS and sugar.

>> No.13204923

>sugar free meme
Enjoy your destroyed gut bacteria and impaired insulin response. I've been on the road lately and have been going through drive-throughs a lot. Every fucking time I see a fat person in front of me, they order diet soda. It's especially disgusting whenever it's 7:00am "UHHHHH YEAH LET ME GET TWO LARGE DIET COKES PLEASE". Makes me want to rear-end their vehicle. Here I am eating several thousand calories a day, and still at a below average BMI. I'm never touched the sugar free jew and never will.

>> No.13204941
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ok kyle. i bet you're gonna tell me you cant tell the difference between kraft singles and actual cheese now. fucking hick

>> No.13204959
File: 13 KB, 251x201, investigating.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For fat people who drink it for fun instead of for what it was originally intended. That's the whole point of this discussion, that it defeats the point of what it was made for.
Listen here you ketotard piece of shit. You're wrong. It was ALWAYS intended to help with blood sugar replenishing on top of having electrolytes.
>Cade created Gatorade at the University of Florida in 1965 as a way to both quench players' thirst and replace carbohydrates and electrolytes lost through sweating in the intense Florida heat.
Also note the famous original formula that tasted really awful before they switched gears and focused on improving flavor HAD SUGAR ALREADY.
>Robert Cade was just 37 years old and had only recently heard about new research showing the importance of glucose and salt in helping the body absorb water. He and his assistants got to work mixing up concoctions using sodium, potassium and glucose. The University of Florida football players asked to try it, said it tasted, well, like urine.

>> No.13204968
File: 178 KB, 1190x906, bd8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It isn't the sugar that's "what they were made for," dumb dumb, it's electrolytes.

>> No.13204973

classic '90s lemon Gatorade in the glass bottle

>> No.13205004

I like Gatorade G2 because it has enough sugar to make it taste good and its not practically 300 calories a bottle. Its a good in between.
My boyfriend prefers the calorie free shit but I figure life's too short to be drinking fucking splenda

>> No.13205024

G2 has splenda in it.

>> No.13205063

I was more speaking in a joking matter. G2 has sugar and some added shit but its not ALL artificial sweeteners. At least, I'm pretty sure its not. I don't have a bottle to fact check and I'm sure someone will swoop in and make an ass of me. But G2 definitely tastes better than the Gatorade Zeros he buys

>> No.13205069

You're right, G2 isn't all splenda. It's a splenda / sugar mix, like most reduced calorie drinks are nowadays.

>> No.13205073

Ah cool!
It makes me wonder why more soft drinks don't do like a 1/2 sugar line of their more popular drinks. Like I would buy so much more soda if it wasn't 260 kcal a bottle. Its crazy

>> No.13205092

Powerade because fuck the Gators

>> No.13205114

I enjoy Powerade over Gatorade. Gatorade has too many niche flavors and tastes weird to me. I used to drink a ton of Gatorade when I was younger with salt in it to combat an illness, so maybe that's why I hate Gatorade so much

>> No.13205134

i usually buy powerade because its a lot cheaper here, barring some outrageous sale on gatorade but i only ever drink gatorade or powerade after a night of drinking or if i have been sick/throwing up, or both
which ones better for hangovers and after being sick bros

>> No.13205154
File: 214 KB, 1000x1500, BodyArmor-16oz-WatermelonStrawb-Front.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The sports drink of the future. The future is now.

>> No.13205230

>prefer taste of diet
>some guy runs me over for drinking something he doesn't like


>> No.13205241

For me, it's blue powerade, the superior sports drink.

>> No.13205288

blue powerade is nectar

>> No.13205353
File: 183 KB, 1500x1176, 815GdF2LDfL._SL1500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me, its All Sport

>> No.13205369

can you even buy all sport anymore?
I called the number on their website and it’s out of service

>> No.13205380

I haven't seen it since the early 2000's when I played little league soccer

>> No.13205416

I don't drink energy drinks or caffiene much in genera, but I prefer the taste of powerade.

>> No.13205426

The green powerade is fucking killer

>> No.13206045
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Superior local market.

>> No.13206914

gatorade goes down smoothly
powerade is sticky which makes your mouth feel dry which partially defeats the purpose of a hydrating drink

>> No.13206919
File: 2.03 MB, 2664x2400, 06B823B4-627B-41C0-A294-CF6D26506FC3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all of you have shit taste

>> No.13206940

Powerade always feels a little sweeter to me, like I can feel it on my teeth. Not sure if it's true or not but for me that increased sweetness makes it less refreshing than Gatorade.

>> No.13206994

The GOAT was starfruit gatorade. Overall, I'll take powerade though. I like the more tart flavors. Honorable mention to pedialyte if you are actually dehydrated, but that oily consistency is rough

>> No.13207116

I don't even mind the part where you're drinking a children's diarrhea product.
Fuck Pedialyte and fuck ketofags though because it's filled with artificial sweeteners. You ketogenic diet memed faggots need to learn sugar isn't a bad thing, *especially* not in a sports drink where it belongs. There's a reason why Dr. Cade had sugar replenishing as a part of Gatorade from Day 1, and no, it's not for flavor (first version was literally liked to urine by the Florida Gators who tried it, and there was glucose in it already at that point). And there's a reason why they give you water with glucose in an IV drip and not just zero calorie water.

>> No.13207142
File: 1.13 MB, 1181x1771, electrolit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not the guy you're replying to but I'm drinking this shit for hangover recovery, not for endurance athletics or just because I want sugar water like some soda sucking fatass. In any case, I do pic related instead.

>> No.13207172

I wouldn't care if it had no sugar and no artificial sweeteners. Artificial sweeteners are trash though and should be pointed out as bad every time they come up in discussion.

>> No.13208165

The ice rink in my small town used to sell this shit. I drank so much of it during the winter

>> No.13208168
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>> No.13208383

The low calorie versions are for the children who drink them like juice.

>> No.13208385

They're both trash but Gatorade is objectively better by virtue of having real sugar. Please deposit coin in my account now.

>> No.13208388

>that subtle fizz
those were refreshing as hell

>> No.13208403

G2 is awful because the splenda is overpowering

>> No.13208407

I've seen them at Dollar Tree though I think the last time was 5 years ago.

>> No.13208437

I get the gatoraide you mix yourself. I also like propel.

>> No.13208462

It probably appeals to neither audience, the sugar people dont want artificial sweeteners and the artificial sweetener people probably dont want sugar. If i had to take a guess