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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13143002 No.13143002[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Where my Southerners at? get yer asses in here! Post your favorite southern foods. Carni and fair foods welcomed.

>> No.13143016

Mama’s potato salad, I don’t have her recipe though

>> No.13143018
File: 43 KB, 720x413, swissrollrainbow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If only they could get over their time-honored bigotry and irrational hatred for gay people maybe more people would try their food.

>> No.13143030

its a slow process but we are getting there. GA is better than most states

>> No.13143053

Are there state protections against discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation in GA? No, there are not.

Maybe when we are treated equally we will start eating your food.

>> No.13143061

Most people in GA don't care if you're gay or straight just don't go full retard. I'm bi so trust me man I get it. I act a little more flamboyant. Just tell the haters to fuck off.

>> No.13143073

Get over yourselves.

>> No.13143079

Made it once it's dam good only problem is it's so heavy with the cream gravy.

>> No.13143087

>actually believing that only conservative southerners are bigots

>> No.13143135

This. I don't care if your gay, just don't be a faggot about it.
t. Alabamian

>> No.13143158

way to derail a thread with "look at my faggotry!" snowflake bullshit. quit defining yourself by what you fuck. pathetic.
As for Southern food. Ham, cornmeal dressing, zipper peas with smoked pigtail and whole okra, cracklin bread, collard greens with pork neckbones (dash of pepper sauce), chitlins, and a tall cold glass of sweet tea.

>> No.13143163

As for the most Southern dessert, pecan pie. pecans picked straight from your yard.

>> No.13143167
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Nah dude, I wasn't going to go any further than what was needed. I felt like that anon needed reassurance. That's all. I don't care about a person's sexuality.

>pecan pie
Pecans don't agree with my stomach but I like them

>> No.13143171


>> No.13143173


>> No.13143183
File: 105 KB, 570x428, fried-green-tomatoes-serve-31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My dearest love. My greatest joy.

>> No.13143186

so what Southern meal does your faggot ass like?

>> No.13143192

i intended to make some all year but never got around to it.

>> No.13143195

same. mad at myself for being lazy and procrastinating.

>> No.13143202

i had them growing on the vine and never did it. that's what really gets me. i bet they would've been good. had some purple heirlooms that would've been ideal. oh well.

>> No.13143206

oh man...

>> No.13143212

Fried pickles am the bomb. I know the recipe for them cause I used to make them at my old bowling alley when I was a cook there. Fucking awesome snack

>> No.13143224

fuck you, faggot.

>> No.13143230
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looking forward to sweet potato casserole on thanksgiving.

>> No.13143233

hey hey
Be nice anon. Or I'll send you to your room with no apple pie.

>> No.13143242

fuck you, faggot. i don't eat pie.

>> No.13143245


>> No.13143260

fuck you, faggot. i don't own any consoles.

>> No.13143263


Then I'm taking away your dildos.

>> No.13143268

fuck you faggot.
i don't own any degenerate shit like that.

>> No.13143273

Then I'll put you in a straight jacket just so you can't masturbate anymore. HOW ABOUT THAT!

>> No.13143290

Please dilate, you'll do us all a favor.

>> No.13143398

>pecan pie
Possibly the GOAT dessert

>> No.13143415

I live in georgia and there's tons of lgbt people here. Bigots are an endangered species

>> No.13143418

>bigots are an endangered species
I love that for some dumb reason. It's mostly the boomers.
Also ayyyyyyyyyy GA

>> No.13144147


>> No.13144149

oh shit. I thought that was just a movie moms liked to watch

>> No.13144171
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Oh it is. In the book the movie was based off of, the little old black cook puts "her" recipes in the back so that you could try making the food yourself. Ever hear of "Red eye gravy"?

>> No.13144174

no, what is it?

>> No.13144179

If that were true there wouldn't be such fierce opposition to civil rights at the state level in almost the entire South.

iirc not a single state has full legal protections against discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation in the South.

Their nice act is just that, an act.

>> No.13144330

Is there a worse city in the south than Atlanta? Fuck Georgia. The cesspool of the south

>> No.13144344
File: 50 KB, 480x650, 3EFE90F6-ED36-4594-BD33-983A7A52CE5C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now before you faggots keep talking about fried bullshit and bIgOtRy familiarize yourself with Southern Food Jesus

>> No.13144352

die in a fire, leftist nigger.

>> No.13144354
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nah that's Alabama or Mississippi; GA is more or less becoming a new hollywood. We've had a decent amount of movies and shows made here. It really depends like any state. Just depends on where you go. I love my state to death but ATL as a whole is fucktardation. I usd to uber down there:

I had a joke I would tell my clients
"Ever been to Atlanta?"
"A few times"
"Yeah I hate it too"
*insert both chuckling at it*
"Atlanta is like that city that was being designed by the mayor's special nephew, they look at the design of the city, you know like it's all zig zags, 1 way streets and shit, everyone is confused. and they look at each other going "We can't make this!" Shuddup! It's the mayor's nephew! He's retarded! You wanna get fired?"

Almost everyone busted out laughing cause ATL IS that fucked up.

Atlanta is an hour away from Atlanta

>> No.13144374

>GA is more or less becoming a new Hollywood
The cesspool of the south

>> No.13144386

I get it you hate GA fine asshole. I bet you've never even been here.

>> No.13144402
File: 428 KB, 220x227, FF7AA6E8-4AE8-47B0-A922-C5B7C5BD55F6.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You cannot hate what you don’t know.
Ya know what though? I’m unfairly lumping in parts of the state with Atlanta.
The mountains are beautiful and some of the best people I’ve met come from rural areas throughout the state.
Atlanta is truly the cesspool of the south.

>> No.13144406

I'll give you ATL as a city but not all of GA. People from all over love going to Waffle House. But when your mom is a waitress there, it gets old.

>> No.13144420

I just don't know how we'll get on without you faggots.

>> No.13144433

>nah that's Alabama or Mississippi;
You're in denial or a nigger, guess both ain't out of the realm of possibility.

>GA is more or less becoming a new hollywood.

well isn't that just swell, you're stupid too.

>> No.13144438


>I choose to ignore things


Not my words, this is what I've been hearing for almost 2 years.

>> No.13144675

Sean Brock is the fucking best, I love his episodes on mind of a chef. I hate that stupid bitch April for ruining the rest of the season, he should have gotten the whole season.

>> No.13144711
File: 8 KB, 300x226, C2F74C85-8744-476D-B270-5D337FF42135.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

His Chef’s Table was fucking insane

>> No.13144771

Nice people don't support the LGBT movement.

>> No.13144777
File: 46 KB, 640x470, religion2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's nothing nice about brainwashing kids with lies so you can justify being hostile to whole groups of vulnerable minorities just so you can have an edge on others.

>> No.13144790

Lies like “you can decide to be a girl even though you’ve got a penis?”
I agree

>> No.13144796

the bible was invented by man to control man. It was a sad and pathetic and successful way of making the world (at the time) believe in something ridiculous. I'm waiting to find out it's all a time traveler. Ever notice how no one has the exact dates of the bible's creation?

>> No.13144804
File: 257 KB, 1200x800, EP-04132015-redeyegravy-hires.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A thin gravy made from country ham fat and strong coffee. Ate some a few days ago

>> No.13144809

That’s crazy man. You ever try DMT?

>> No.13144819

LGB is fine, its the T that can fuck off and die. Aces too.

>> No.13144829

trannies ≠ gay

trannies and religion are both lies

being gay is real and innate

well they still are trying to control people

we need to come together and admit that religion is a human fictional creation and nobody should be punished for not following its rules

If you take an SSRI class antidepressant, especially Lexapro, but also Paxil, Prozac, Zoloft etc.

when you want to come down from your trip, it ends the hallucinatory thinking without sedation (unlike benzodiazepines). There's no risk of serotonin syndrome because the SSRIs bind way more strongly to the receptors and they knock the hallucinogen off them competitively

you can think straight enough in 30 minutes to drive in an emergency if you take an SSRI pill while hallucinating and there's no side effects and it helps mitigate post-trip dysphoria/persisting hallucinations/mood swings

SSRIs work to end MDMA/ecstasy, DMT, shrooms/psilocybin, LSD, and some other serotonin-acting hallucinogens.

>> No.13145028

Fresh pecans are INCREDIBLE. I always had crappy frozen ones or old pecan pie growing up. They are like sex in the mouth straight from the farm.

>> No.13145033

I've done it with regular tomatoes. They aren't the same, but still quite good.

>> No.13145040

Weird. I hate fags and was hoping moving to north GA would help. I guess I need to go to deep WV.

>> No.13145043

Gravy made with coffee. All Georgians love this movie though.

>> No.13145049

I'm gay and I vacation in the mountains of WV a lot and they are pretty nice to me even though my voice is pretty girly.

>> No.13145050

Fags burn in hell and so do kids of good people who butt fuck. Say no to homosex.

>> No.13145060 [DELETED] 
File: 82 KB, 400x435, fags_image02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fags die of aids

>> No.13145061


>> No.13145062
File: 35 KB, 650x366, gayhell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hell doesn't exist

your imaginary friends can't hurt me

>> No.13145063

Keep telling yourself that.

>> No.13145133
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Country fried steak and gravy, with mashed potatoes, collards and a biscuit on the side. Just needs some sweet tea.

>> No.13145569

Anywhere in the south outside of major metropolitan areas you’ll be fine. Atlanta and it’s suburbs are a cesspool but if you go to Ellijay or Toccoa, etc you’ll be away from urbanites.