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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13136240 No.13136240 [Reply] [Original]

woke up in the middle of the night with a bad migraine still feel like shit in the morning. I took some caffeine pills and they seem to help out. What food can I eat that won't upset my stomach any further? I feel pretty fatigued but I have class today and I don't want to zone out.

>> No.13136367
File: 323 KB, 1589x2560, feeling good burns.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're suffering from depression, the book 'Feeling Good' by MD David Burns can help.
It's about cognitive-behavioral therapy, a successful treatment for depression, dealing with negative thinking patterns.
Link to PDF:
(if you don't want to use Mediafire, look for it on libgen.is - it's a good site for PDFs in general - browse/download at your own discretion).

Also listen to https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qmDwl2-IZEk
It's an audiobook of 'Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway' by Susan Jeffers, a self-help book on overcoming anxiety.

You can also try some St. John's Wort (it's a plant) tea for immediate relief (I mix mine with Melissa for the calming effect).

It might also be nice to learn to meditate, as it can relieve your mind of negative thoughts. nperov.com for learning materials.

Or maybe you just have a vitamin D defficiency, see >>/sci/thread/S10221251 Go get some sun.

>> No.13136385

If you're a caffeine addict, slowly stop ingesting caffeine. If you're a coffee drinker - stop drinking coffee by itself. Replace with tea. If you don't eat healthfully, stop eating shit food.

If you're fatigued, have a hearty soup and some caffeinated tea.

>> No.13136401

Never drank coffee or caffeine. Only did it on rare occasions. I was actually planning on using it to make myself more into a morning person. I'll make some soup tonight, any good recipes? Just feel like I have no energy...
I wouldn't say I'm depressed...I feel more apathetic than sad. I have been stressed out these past couple of weeks though.

>> No.13136419

Another anon here. Depression isn't sadness. Apathy is usually one of the better descriptions. All depends on the individual though.
t. clinically depressed; medicated

>> No.13136428

Thanks Anon. Any tips on how to not feel like shit? I'll take a look at the above poster but god damn it I even hate when I feel at the top of the world because falling down it feels even worse.

>> No.13136531

While we are sharing tips, regular cardio exercise has an anti depressive effect as strong or stronger than medication + therapy, and it works against other mental conditions as well.

>> No.13136604

Ginger can be helpful for migraines, and it's good for nausea. If it's sinus related you can also get some menthol oil, put it on a cotton pad and sniff it to help the pain.

>> No.13136619

Stay active, stay hydrated, eat health, get out, and use either the feeling good book above or Mind Over Mood, which is more of a work book. It feels silly but this stuff is better than antidepressants - those just put a 'floor' on how bad you can feel, and it's easy to forget to take them.

>> No.13136622

get more sunlight and do something physical each day. you don't have to go to the gym if you don't want to, but do something to exhaust yourself physicall and give you noticeable progress on strength and/or endurance
depression doesn't mean you're sad all the time

>> No.13136689

I have that book. I really need to read it.

>> No.13137072

Kill yourself shill

>> No.13137735

I don't know the only problem when I went to the gym. I felt like proving myself to others and get disappointed when my lifts are so fucking weak. I know. Don't compare yourself to others, but after stopping going, I feel like I don't have to prove myself anymore...but now I feel like I have no self worth

>> No.13137780

None of that has anything to do with getting a migraine.

>> No.13137814

CBT is a meme.

>> No.13139439

I don't know much about migraines but I know a thing or two about hangovers. So If you're feeling headachey, nauseous, and dehydrated, maybe this will help. Look for something fatty but not overly greasy with some moderate starch content and protein. Breakfast burritos, fried taquitos, pizza, etc. A carbonara or chicken and mushroom orzo if you wanna be more /ck/ about it.

>> No.13139452

now that I think about it the last two are probably too greasy but a quiche might work.

>> No.13139473

>t. clinically depressed; medicated
Are you excited for the drugs that they’re making to cure the side effects of the drugs you’re taking?

>> No.13139474

bang's soda is good

>> No.13139550

Nobody wants to be on drugs, but when you get to a point where you can't function otherwise, it's more like putting a lifejacket on than anything. Sure, it makes it hard as fuck to swim and it's easy to let yourself coast without really going anywhere, but at least you're not drowning.

>> No.13139579

That is so gay. You remind me a bit of those cripples who say it’s a new lease on life.

>> No.13139620

You're not depressed you fucking weiner you're bored. Be a man fagget

>> No.13139636

Maybe it is, I'm too medicated to get angry at stuff like this anymore, or maybe I just grew out of it, I don't know. If you're lucky enough not to get what I meant in the message above, then just keep doing what you're doing, because you don't want to ever go there. :)