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13102190 No.13102190 [Reply] [Original]

What kind of milk do you drink?

>> No.13102201

No-homo whole milk.

>> No.13102207


>> No.13102240

3% sometimes evaporated milk

>> No.13102314
File: 58 KB, 800x800, milk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Brit here, we don't refer to milk in fat percentage terms like Yanks do. There are three main kinds of milk that you'll find in every supermarket in Britain:
>Whole milk (always blue label) - full fat milk
>Semi-skimmed milk (always green label) - some fat removed
>Skimmed milk (always red label) - nearly all fat removed
Pic related shows fat percentages, I wouldn't have known them otherwise.

They did try introducing 1% milk a few years ago (orange label), which is in between skimmed and semi-skimmed it seems, but I don't see this often anymore, in fact maybe they got rid of it.

Anyway I've had semi-skimmed for years, but recently went to skimmed. Yes it's a bit like water, but it still has the same amount of protein, so I'm happy. Whole milk is usually only drunk by children, and yes when I was very young I drank that too.

>> No.13102353

anything that isn't raw is carcinogenic garbage

>> No.13102370

for me it's Gold Top

>> No.13102374

*watches one sverige video*

>> No.13102487

0% fat free skim milk

>> No.13102650

gold top is best for cooking/baking, aldi started stocking their own brand but i havent tried it yet

>> No.13102875

Never tried it
>5% fat
Jesus. Guess I'd like to try it though, see what it's like

>> No.13102878

Raw milk means you'll get parasites and shit you fucking moron

>> No.13102882
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I get this one plus their half and half and heavy cream, but I don't really drink milk anymore. I use it in cooking and baking.

>> No.13103087

>heating food is bad for you

>> No.13103091

Goat's milk.

>> No.13103109


>> No.13103178

man milk

>> No.13103189

>glass bottle
>have to return it to store for deposit
Why not just plastic like we do in civilised countries then recycle the bottle when you're done with it

>> No.13103201


>> No.13103209
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organic nonhomogenized whole milk
unfortunately it's ultra-pasteurized, but i prefer it to homogenized normally pasteurized milk

>> No.13103211
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>> No.13103214

actually i think it's normally pasteurized after all

>> No.13103219

How is it an inconvenience if you're going back to the store anyway?

>> No.13103230
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>Warm soymilk, unflavored and unsweetened. With a pinch of salt.

>> No.13103264

Why would people want non-homogenised milk? I don't get it. So for the first half of the carton/bottle it's fatty as fuck, and then for the second half it's like water? Wouldn't it be better if it was uniformly fatty?

>> No.13103278

I don't go to the same shop every time so for me it would be an inconvenience.

>> No.13103296

Also Brit here, I too am only finding out the fat percentages for the first time from this pic. Tescos by here still stocks orange which I'm ok with, but honestly semi skimmed and up is still too rich and fatty tasting for me, full skimmed is so refreshing and you can guzzle that shit. Even ice cream which I adore I have to dilute it 1 part icecream to 2 parts skimmed milk to 1 part Greek style yoghurt to take away from the sweetness.

Also is my memory tripping balls or is purple a thing, or was purple a Yank thing?

>> No.13103297

1% or 2% depending on what's on the shelf on the store I go to.

>> No.13103300

Chocolate almond milk.

>> No.13103301

You're supposed to shake it before you pour it. Still not perfect. It's just delicious dude. An acquired taste.

>> No.13103308

I just rinse them out and set them out in the garage uncovered, so the next time that I'm going back to that store I can take whatever is there.

>> No.13103309
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>> No.13103314

>Also Brit here, I too am only finding out the fat percentages for the first time from this pic. Tescos by here still stocks orange which I'm ok with, but honestly semi skimmed and up is still too rich and fatty tasting for me, full skimmed is so refreshing and you can guzzle that shit. Even ice cream which I adore I have to dilute it 1 part icecream to 2 parts skimmed milk to 1 part Greek style yoghurt to take away from the sweetness.
>Also is my memory tripping balls or is purple a thing, or was purple a Yank thing?
Explain the cutting ice cream thing more. Maybe I'm just sleep deprived but do you cut ice cream with yogurt?

>> No.13103316

definitely not skim milk... which is water that's lying about being milk

>> No.13103335

Yeah, throw that shit in a blender. The tang of the yoghurt cuts the sweetness of the ice cream, and the skimmed milk just makes it refreshing instead of heavy/rich. Truly guzzleable.

>> No.13103339

Whole. I like the fatty taste. 1 and 2% are fine and I'll gladly drink them. Skim milk is garbage. It's just whitish water.

>> No.13103349

Usually 2%, sometimes 3% if we have it. Won't have 1% by itself because it tastes like garbage to me on its own. Skimmed milk is just fucked up water, and I'm lactose intolerant so I should probably be drinking almond milk or some shit like that but it just tastes off to me. If I shit a hole in the wall it's my own fault.

>> No.13103350

Austrian here. I prefer fresh milk.
Nigger, if you are scared just cook it for 20sec and you are good

>> No.13103445

Sounds good. I'll have to try that

>> No.13103492

1% great value for me please

>> No.13103500

just get some lactose free milk or some lactase pills

>> No.13103609
File: 107 KB, 600x600, Penny Smart brand.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What kind of milk do you drink?

Penny Smart brand whole milk, which you can get at Meijer for $1.19 a gallon but you have to search it out, as it’s usually all the way at the end and down at the bottom of the milk section.

>> No.13103758
File: 393 KB, 493x768, Whole-Milk1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13103763

Milk, choccy, hot.

>> No.13103830

butter milk.

>> No.13103934

Fair enough, maybe I should try it sometime

>> No.13104038
File: 75 KB, 1280x1280, 55760011_0_1280x1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I still prefer semi-skimmed taste wise but I'm drinking skimmed these days because the protein is the same and I'm too fucking sedentary in the daytime in order to burn off the extra calories you get in semi-skimmed.

>Even ice cream which I adore I have to dilute it 1 part icecream to 2 parts skimmed milk to 1 part Greek style yoghurt to take away from the sweetness.
Interesting. I guess that's basically an American style milkshake, but with yoghurt added.

>is purple a thing
Looks like Waitrose (and some dairy too) use it for 1% so it's the same as orange

Fair enough. How much is the deposit?

I used to think the same but now I'm older and putting on weight is so much easier that I went to skimmed. It has the exact same protein content as fattier milks so it's definitely milk in my book.

>> No.13104051

breast milk from a transgender

>> No.13104078
File: 18 KB, 800x450, confused black guy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nigger, if you are scared just cook it for 20sec and you are good
Doesn't that defeat the entire purpose of getting raw instead of pasteurised? Pasteurised is literally heating it, except with much better equipment than you could ever have at home, plus it's already done for you. So what the fuck is the point in getting raw milk?

>> No.13104121

I can chug buttermilk with salt

>> No.13104137

Thank you. I was about to say the same thing. I work at a dairy processing plant and raw milk is nasty. Doing slide counts you see some nasty shit. All processing does is heat the milk for a certain time at a certain temp. Just like cooking it at home

>> No.13104140

What’s the point in getting raw meat, you’re basically just doing what they do to precooked meat

>> No.13104168

Precooked meat that could have preservatives added vs processed milk that has nothing added. Nice false equivalency

>> No.13104176

none, i like my clear skin and body fat ratio.

>> No.13104181

car milk

>> No.13104389

Striaght out of your girlfriend's breasts

>> No.13104424

Those accursed heebs have steadily jacked the price up from $2 to OVER $3 in the course of about a year, fucking guts me innit

>> No.13105049

$2 deposit per bottle regardless of size, I believe, at my local Sprouts. I don't mind since it goes back into my groceries.

>> No.13105053


>> No.13105844

ur moms

>> No.13106092

Whole milk. I can't stand the other varieties, they're like water and aren't satiating like whole milk is.

>> No.13106096

Unhomogenised full cream milk.

>> No.13106107

I have inferior genes so I am lactose intolerant and on top of it I am allergic to almond milk and coconut milk
So I drink lactose free milk. It is actually pretty good!

>> No.13106130

dairygold 2%

>> No.13106181


>> No.13106602
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I'm sorry about your shit tastes

>> No.13106782
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>> No.13106790

1% with added vitamin D

>> No.13106857

Whole milk. There's no point in drinking any other variation.

>> No.13106862

Milk in Japan is delicious. It's like drinking half and half.

>> No.13106879

wtf is that abomination?

>> No.13107647
File: 393 KB, 1280x1824, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they should totally start selling breast milk in stores.

>> No.13107665

Whole fat or chocolate. anything that isnt one of these two things i skip

>> No.13107695

Exactly, that's literally what pasteurisation is, just heating for a while to kill pathogens.

>What’s the point in getting raw meat, you’re basically just doing what they do to precooked meat
Well obviously people (including me) DO buy precooked meat, like ham/beef/whatever to put in sandwiches.

As for getting raw meat, it allows you to cook the meat in tasty ways, resulting in flavourful reactions like the maillard reaction. And say you're cooking something like a Bolognese - well you're cooking stuff anyway, so having to brown the meat is hardly much more effort at all. Plus can you even buy pre-cooked mince?

Whereas buying raw milk, just so you can heat it up to make it the same as even you bought pasteurised milk? What the hell is the point? So I need to boil my milk sufficiently before I can make a coffee in the morning to make sure it won't have pathogens that kill me?

>> No.13107697
File: 32 KB, 700x420, gotmilk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Moloko Drencrom of course.

>> No.13109167

Black man hear. I just drink purple drank

>> No.13110248

How fresh? warm?

>> No.13110256

>So I need to boil my milk sufficiently before I can make a coffee in the morning
>63° C (145° F) maintained for 30 minutes or, alternatively, heating to a higher temperature, 72° C (162° F), and holding for 15 seconds
You may be fine adding raw milk to coffee.

>> No.13110630

liquid cereal

>> No.13110701

Milk is a weird drink but nothing beats an ice cold glass of molk with some spaghetti

>> No.13110722

My wagie fast food job started stocking this recently
Where do you get it?

>> No.13110748

Lactose-free 2%.

>> No.13110755

Yeah man, starbucks is a bitch

>> No.13110757

Nah homie Jamba Juice
At least Starbucks isn't being run by retards though, we only get one more shipment of pumpkin spice and that's it, AND we have to mix it ourselves.
People were already pissed when the Watermelon smoothies went away, they're gonna be a fuckin pain in the ass after this

>> No.13110758

It's color coded here in the US too, even if they always show percentage as well. Ironically its the reverse of your system, blue is skim, green is 2%, and red is whole.

>> No.13110771

raw straight from the cow titty like a true chad

>> No.13111025

None. Milk fucking blows. Strictly use it for cooking.