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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 2.30 MB, 3968x2390, macncheese.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13071824 No.13071824 [Reply] [Original]

It tastes like a way better, richer, creamier, fresher, sharper version of Stouffer's frozen which is kinda I guess what I wanted.

AMA about preparation method of ideal mac n cheese

You want to use sodium hexametaphosphate, which you can buy online, to emulsify the sauce so you can use whatever the fuck kinda cheese you want and not have the sauce break or be gritty.

>> No.13071826

I just pick cheeses which melt well on their own; no need to fuck around with a roux or other emulsifiers.

>> No.13071831

But there's no need. It is just a tiny pinch of sodium hexametaphosphate, like less than 1/8 tsp for a whole pound of pasta, and then you are guaranteed to have a perfectly creamy sauce.

I added just a little flour and also used modified tapioca starch and the texture was almost perfect.

I also add eggs because the yolks ensure further emulsification (as does the guar gum in commercial cream cheese).

You can actually grate raw garlic into your mac and cheese, not too much, just a clove, and that also has natural emulsifiers.

>> No.13071906


>> No.13071924

I just use corn starch if i want a quick mac n cheese.

>> No.13071931

modified (tapioca) food starch is even better

you can use a pretty small amount cuz i want it p. creamy

>> No.13072153


>> No.13072241

At what point in the process do you add the sodium hexametaphosphate?
Im really considering this, because I just made a roux based one and AGAIN, it turned out shitty and grainy, and Im fucking sick of it. I did not make any stupid mistakes either, The white sauce was perfect, I used a bit of mustard to help with both flavor and emulsification, and I selected easy melting cheeses (sharp cheddar and colby jack), and put them in off the heat so they should have melted nicely.
But NOPE, once again, a shit result. Roux based mac and cheese simply sucks, I am not making errors, its simple a bad recipe.

>> No.13072272

You don't want to heat the sodium hexametaphosphate so I add it to the cheese sauce with the eggs after turning the heat off, but before blending with my immersion blender, which is totally optional.

You can make a roux if you want, but I would use half the flour if you are using sodium hexametaphosphate because you don't want gummy thick mac n cheese.

>it turned out shitty and grainy,

never happens with sodium hexametaphophate

its like 15 for a giant bag on amazon that lasts years

yeah i use a lot of mustard and ALSO freshly grated nutmeg, a good bit of it

you don't have to select easy melt cheeses with sodium hexametaphosphate you can literally just dump the cheese sauce ingredients together and heat on medium-low until melted if you want but I like to brown some butter beforehand (option to add garlic or onions here)

>> No.13072276

yeah, i need to get some of this shit. how do you use it OP?

>> No.13072278

Sorry if that was unclear so you add the sodium hexametaphosphate at the END of making the cheese sauce but BEFORE putting the whole thing in the oven.

>> No.13072285

You add a tiny pinch, maybe like 1/16 or less of a tsp, just really a few grains will do it honestly when you are done heating the cheese sauce through but before the final bake.

I don't add ANY salt to my mac n cheese, just msg, maybe about 1/2 to 1 tsp for the whole pound of pasta is enough.

>> No.13072429
File: 236 KB, 900x900, SodiumHexametaphosphate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13072514

Any pics of the insides?

>> No.13072520

Eh, maybe later. It looks honestly like a more grainy version of Stouffer's, pale orange, with elbow macaroni, but it tastes smooth and creamy and less artificial.

>> No.13072536

It looks burned. Where’s a photo of the inside?

>> No.13072547

It isn't burnt at all. I wanted it nice and brown on top.

>> No.13072663

>sodium hexametaphosphate
Why are you posting this all over the board?

>> No.13072668

just fucking buy it and stop asking questions

I actually was suggested it by someone else on this board and am passing on their wisdom.

>> No.13072675

And yet you fail to supply a photo of the inside. Admit it: it’s burned on the top and a congealed, solid mess inside. We all know it, faggot.

>> No.13072686

it is sitting in my fridge

it isn't burnt at all i wanted it rly brown on top

the whole reason of using sodium hexametaphosphate is the sauce stays nice and smooth and shiny, never congealed, even when reheated

>> No.13072699

Just a small squeeze of lime juice will help do the same thing.

>> No.13072761
File: 835 KB, 2772x2354, macncheese4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it doesn't look like much but it tastes GREAT

this is nonsense

>> No.13072770

That looks like the kind of slop you get at a polish potluck in the basement of your local parish center. Gonna have to pass.

>> No.13072777

That looks like a fucking brick, yeesh.

>> No.13072825

Yup. Congealed and overcooked with the sauce pretty much disappeared. As I suspected.

>> No.13072830

tastes great

>> No.13072835

Probably because your sense of taste is as poor as your sense of aesthetics.

>> No.13072838

i don't make food to look pretty i make food that tasted good

stovetop mac n cheese is a thinner, runnier sauce but it can't compete on flavor

>> No.13072849

Thanks for proving my point.

>> No.13072854

>food is only about how it looks

imagine being this bluepilled

you can't taste my deliciousness through the internet

>> No.13072869

Oh, you're one of those cringey faggots. I'll stop banging my head against this wall. Enjoy your slop o' shit.

>> No.13072880

looks like scalloped potatoes.

>> No.13072892


>> No.13072899

well i didn't take a pic of a slice when it came right out of the oven, of course it congeals when it sits in the fridge for an hour

u can't TASTE my food through the internet

>> No.13072978

People are such assholes to anyone who posts OC here it’s unbelievable.

>> No.13073025

First day on /ck/, huh?

>> No.13073050


>> No.13073085

If it looks good and isn't a bunch of meme-slop people will eat it up, like that guy who made authentic chili the other week. Shit was tight. If you post shit that looks disgusting (protip: if it looks gross it tastes gross that's how chemicals work) then they will say it looks like shit and Op will throw a fit.

>> No.13073093

>muh chemicals

imagine being this much of a luddite and proud

>> No.13073189


>> No.13073402


>> No.13073413

So this is the power of sodium hexametaphosphate

>> No.13073423

Looks like it would be good to use as insulation for a house.

>> No.13073431

well i didn't take a pic of the sauce when it was hot first out of the oven

>> No.13073487

I don't understand all the hate at this point. Yes it looks a little dense, because he likes it that way. If you want runny sauce, use more milk. Nothing about that looks bad, just customize it to how you like.
Hard to imagine anyone NOT salivating over that toasted cheese on top. That looks beautiful, almost like a good pizza.

>> No.13073491

this is actually more milk than I usually use even

in the past it was much drier than this

>> No.13073498

also, part of the goal of making the sauce that thicc is using a lot of fat in the sauce while still having everything stay emulsified and not greasy

i started with a stick of butter, browned, and the cheese is fairly high in fat too

>> No.13073590

it's about delivery anon.
>made mac and cheese guys. tried out this weird fucking chemical, result looks a bit shit but it tastes nice etc
>omg i made the best mac and cheese ever hexametadecaphosphate guys hexametadecaphosphate hexametadecaphosphate it's perfect *posts slop* buy into my gimmick hexametadecaphosphate hexametadecaphosphate

>> No.13073599

*sodium hexametaphosphate

>> No.13073659
File: 30 KB, 267x400, B172B2B9-40E5-4FCE-B4A3-95F23EA7729F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> da h8
Seriously, what the fuck is with the appeals to emotion ITT? You clear and obvious tourist cunts realise this is 4chan, right? Nobody gets a trophy here for ‘making an effort’. OP made a claim, attempted to divert scrutiny of that claim, and when evidence was eventually insisted upon blew his entire claim out the water. OP is, in other words, a gigantic faggot who is found demonstrably unworthy of this doujin.

Sage this bullshit, fuck you white knight newb cunts, and lurk the hell more.

>> No.13074082

Dunning Kruger the post