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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13064449 No.13064449 [Reply] [Original]

*heavy fast breathing*

>> No.13064457

>missing the point completely
Good thing science is true whether you believe it or not.

>> No.13064465

>two threads of this jew posted within moments of each other
ok this is getting really faggy.

>> No.13064472

>uuuuggghhh guyuhoooy!! im a faggot soyboy!!!

>> No.13064498

science doesn't say anything about not being a bitch if you can't handle it though. must be true.

>> No.13064535

Mmmmmmm Adam cannot handle my spicy wiener and he cries for it to release it's milk.

>> No.13064570 [DELETED] 

science isn't objective truth, it's the endless pursuit of objective truth and subject to constant change
dumb redditor

>> No.13064597

which brings me to today's sponsor...

>> No.13064771

using science to justify being a pussy
yeah thats pretty reddit

>> No.13065113
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>yes, im very strong and i browse /ck/

>> No.13065150

why do u love reddit so much?

>> No.13065166

soyboy with a weak tongue detected. i eat habaneros for fun pussy.

>> No.13065169

no faggots like you there
sorry i triggered you mr. strongmann, you must be very brave to do something so courageous

>> No.13065215
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>this water is so spicy bro, did they put black pepper in it???

>> No.13065432

is he based???

>> No.13065468
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>> No.13065498

:( i dont like spicy food.

>> No.13065504

Except for the science of race and IQ of course, everyone knows evolution isn’t present in humans because that would go against what the left believes

>> No.13065510

that's just fine anon

>> No.13065584

I cant tell...

>> No.13065764

haha, what a weak little pussy. He probably lactates out his penis and menstruates out his nipples.

>> No.13065963

I eat hot pepers because I like pain

>> No.13066336

Fucking gringos, stop eating habaneros. Our purchasing power cannot handle it

>> No.13066807

Giftgas worthy

>> No.13067237

>Good thing science is true whether you believe it or not.
Too bad science isn't infallible as proven by their decades of trying to brainwash people in believing something as idiotic as global warming.

>> No.13067250


>> No.13067264

People like that are who call you a soyboy for liking hot sauce

>> No.13067403

Adam is based and our guy for putting the capsaicin addicted soyboys who ruined their tastebuds with overly spicy foods in their place

>> No.13067432
File: 26 KB, 600x436, 167B5C82-D444-4B7F-BEF9-80E5EA7E48F8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Boy conservative retards sure love protecting billionaires tax rates and Jews poisoning our planet

>> No.13067442

There's nothing wrong with being Jewish, science is a liberal cuck conspiracy to get us to eat bugs. Israel is our ally and would never lead us astray.

>> No.13067494
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incredibly based

>> No.13067550
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Chillax guys...
>Q: Are you just butt-hurt that someone made fun of you for ordering your curry mild?
>A: Chillax. Though I do sincerely believe the argument I made in this video, I intend that argument to primarily serve as an amusing framework for us all to learn some interesting science about why chilies make us feel the way they do. I consider these Monday (or, in this case, Tuesday, due to administrative delay) videos to be journalism, and I think one defining aspect of journalism as a form of communication is that its primary function is to inform, rather than to persuade. You can write an opinion piece where you're trying to persuade people to see things the way you do, but that mission should be secondary to the primary goal of giving them enough information to come to their own conclusions. I think I gave you plenty of information in this video to come to an opposing viewpoint. Eat what you like to eat, and be more informed in the act

>> No.13067558

why does this guy look familiar to me

>> No.13067562
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>Q: But seriously, why did you turn a science video into an argument about toxic masculinity?
>A: You may laugh, but I suddenly find myself in the position of being a 37-year-old man with a large audience of much younger men. I am seriously worried about the concepts of masculinity that I see metastasizing among young men these days (especially in certain online communities), and I feel an obligation to offer a model of masculinity that I believe is better for the world. I know that when I was a teenager, the male role models society offered to me were either the same-old unenlightened meatheads or painfully ineffectual and unsexy '90s men. I had no idea how to navigate between those two extremes until I found two male role models who taught me, in large measure, how to be the man I try to be today: Henry Rollins and Anthony Bourdain. It's possible to be an enlightened bad-ass — to care about other people's feelings, to be smart, to be nurturing, and also to be resilient, assertive and, frankly, fuckable. I learned that from Hank and Tony, and if I can pass that wisdom to others, I will. The kitchen is a place where I think a lot of these issues come up.

>> No.13067601

jesus christ wtf adam

>> No.13067704
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>Good thing science is true

>> No.13067726
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wypipo be like
dis to spicy 4 me

>> No.13068676

What the FUCK am I reading

>> No.13068702

when did alex get so scruffy

>> No.13069317

His early purely cooking videos were alright, but you can clearly see the point where hes turning it into way too much politics, virtue signaling, etc.

>> No.13069729

The conclusion that he drew was bullshit though. It's a prime example of collecting data, then looking for a pattern after.
>Women that like spice are adventurous
>Men that like spice enjoy rewards
Doesn't make any effort to compare any other character traits, and literally just looks at the nearest correlation that was present in this already small sample size. May aswell say that women prefer blue, and men prefer playing football if you're going to compare completely unrelated things.