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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13060387 No.13060387 [Reply] [Original]

>Be me
>Order xlarge pizza from local italian sitdown restaurant

Didnt think the pizza had pork on it

Turns out that weird italian word was cured ham

Tell the waiter wtf is this BS creating complex words for pork

>walk out

>> No.13060394
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Fun thread

>> No.13060402

If allah and his large extended family were hungry with no food, they would not think twice about eating pork or anything that could provide sustenance to their children. You just are brainwashed.

>> No.13060411

you don't sound like a muslim

>> No.13060413

Go back, muzzie.

>> No.13060435
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these things happen man, you're good! do your best to abide by your beliefs, God will understand

>> No.13060447

go back to your desert, no pork there.

>> No.13060449

>claiming to know the will of an all powerful entity that exists in a higher dimension than you
Godless faggots always trying to subvert worshippers by saying they know better. You dont know jack shit compared to the one who created us and our world

>> No.13060465

its not a sin if you didnt know

>> No.13060476
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fuck off

>> No.13060487

Eat the harem meat. Assimilate.

>> No.13060492

Ignorance is stupidity, you suck and you know it.
Fucken dumbshits deserves the idiotic stories to keep up the misinformation.
Believe what you want and may you go to your paradise soon.

>> No.13060494

muslim hulk, that's like black or asian jesus.

>> No.13060497
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>be muslim

>> No.13060499

Don't blow up over it.
Your god is a lie anyways, just rape, murder, and pillage like muhammad did and you'll be doing islam correctly.

>> No.13060501

It's clearly stated in the Koran. Learn to read Arabic, simpleton.

>> No.13060511

>shitposting as usual
Also, isn't there a passage in there that says if the people of the book are considering it clean it's safe for you to eat too? Basically you can't trust your own hygiene standards? Fuck off.

>> No.13060512

hulk smash more like i slam

>> No.13060731

Cool story bro

>> No.13060738

this is ok only if the ethnicities are swapped thanks

>> No.13060752

>Tell the waiter wtf is this BS creating complex words for pork
What word? The only pork staffs that goes to pizza I can think of have very known name


>> No.13060775
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Makes it easier to forget someone was murdered for it.

>> No.13060934

Maybe if you learnt to assimilate into the culture you moved to it wouldn't be a problem.

>> No.13060999

Also Muslim here, this is our board now, fuck off Israel loving vermin

>> No.13061069

I looked it up and it seems like there is unintentional sin in Islam, but what I read wasn't clear. Some things I read said that you can't sin unintentionally, others said you can, and others said it's only a sin if what you did unintentionally was very grave. So OP basically repent or you're fucked.

>> No.13061177

Since OP is muslim, I guess he isn't familiar with these

>> No.13061187

hahah now you burn in hell fatty

>> No.13061196

>Go back, muzzie.
Why would he go back to that pizzeria?

>> No.13061197

I doubt a non Italian would know what bresaola is

>> No.13061202

Enjoy being a weaponized golem of the kikes

>> No.13061207

>walk out
keep walking right back to your shithole country

>> No.13061209
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You know youre not supposed to eat any meat that you not sure has been slaughtered and prepared in the correct way, right?

Enjoy Hell, retard.

>> No.13061284

I actually do this faggot ha get me next time

>> No.13061288

Fake news
Muslims are allowed to eat pork and even have alcohol as long as it was an honest mistake and they didnt realize they were doing it at the time

>> No.13061691

Why do Muslims pretend to be human

>> No.13061697

hourly reminder mohammad was a pedophile with a 9 year old wife-slave

>> No.13061715

How in the fuck is "ham" a complex word? Nigga you know what fucking ham is

>> No.13061716

actually a lie because ayesha wasnt a virgin and they couldnt have their prophet sticking his dick in battered roast beef

mudslims find that idea even more contemptible lol

>> No.13061728

wow so she was a roastie at 9? wow those muslims have some vigor

>> No.13062089 [DELETED] 

Fuck u mudslime

>> No.13062102 [DELETED] 

>wojack poster
Only worse that could happen if you'd been a nigga and also a pepe poster.

>> No.13062189
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>Since OP is muslim

>> No.13062218


>> No.13062228
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>> No.13062265 [DELETED] 
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>>Be me
you know what has to happen

>> No.13062370
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Go away.

>> No.13063025

No shit it literally says it in the quran that you can eat pork in case you might starve or are malnutritioned.

>> No.13063139

>have a food restriction
>order food with an unknown ingredient in the name
>don’t bother asking about or looking up the unknown ingredient
>get upset when you see said food on your pizza
You’re fucking retarded dude, take some responsibility

>> No.13063171

Another shitty /pol/ thread.
sage & hide

>> No.13063399

I thought jews couldn't eat pork either because it was kosher or some shit.
Fucking dumb cunts.

>> No.13065039

Fuck muslims.

>> No.13065181

fuck you im billing you for my side surgery

>> No.13065202

Pork bans were to avoid parasites in times of poor sanitation.

Mandy Jews don't observe the pork ban anymore, Muslims are dumb.

>> No.13065301


>> No.13065376
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>Don't blow up over it

>> No.13065426
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Fuck off

>> No.13065462
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>I am incapable of making rational choices
>I get angry at people not putting my culture above theirs
>I accuse them of making their foreign things up to confuse me
Well at least we can tell you're a real Muslim. Go eat in some cultural quarantine zone where you know everything will be pork-free.

>> No.13065896

No joke when I saw this image of mj as a kid i thought he was squeezing his exposed junk.

>> No.13065906

There are stories of Africans starving to death surrounded by nerds of pigs but I don’t know how true stories about Africa are anymore

>> No.13066205

>No alcohol
>No pork
>Angry all the time by shocking coincidence

Islam's denial of joy for its followers is a critical flaw.