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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 77 KB, 615x409, Untitled-84.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13056300 No.13056300 [Reply] [Original]

These touch screens are unironically making me go to McDonalds more.
I don't have to talk to anyone. No high pressure sales tactics. I just take my time, order exactly what I want, with my own modifications, take my number and get my food delivered to my table.
This is the most kino shit.

>> No.13056313

>No high pressure sales tactics
would you like to add a drink to your meal?


>> No.13056319

OP outed as beta male

>> No.13056326

Why would you want to touch a shit smeared pos system? Why can't I just use a phone app?

>> No.13056330

ordering with the phone app and just walking in and picking it up is based. It's even better then the touch screen kiosk

>> No.13056333

I don't want wagies knowing what I order

>implying your phone isn't also covered in poo

>> No.13056338

>do you want fries with that?
>do you want an apple pie for an extra dollar?
I’m with OP, I’m fed up of getting the fourth degree from a 16 year old girl

>> No.13056343

>No high pressure sales tactics
you're not buying a car...it's just McDicks

>> No.13056347

Implying we all have data on our phone or know the wifi password

>> No.13056354

how sheltered your life must be

>> No.13056367

I try to stick to a budget and don't need a 40 year old hispanic asking me if I want to add extra things to my order just so she can get more money from me.

>> No.13056369

>can't handle minimal pressure
>insecure to the point he cares what random wagies think about his food orders

>> No.13056371

>Card Payment Only
at least the ones at taco bell let you pay with cash at the register.

>> No.13056378

Because shelter is a bad thing? Enjoy living outdoors and riding your bike to your strawberry picking job

>> No.13056391
File: 479 KB, 2000x415, serveimage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't want wagies knowing what I order
Spoilers: the wagies see your order on a screen so they know what to cook for you.
You won't get a wagie-free meal until automation becomes a thing.

Also make sure you thoroughly wash and sanitize your hands after ordering, every single public touchscreen is smeared with poop.

>> No.13056399

This poo meme needs to die. Unless you're wearing rubber gloves everywhere, you're going to be touching poo literally everywhere.

>> No.13056406

one of my links was broken. fixed it:
RIP OP dies of e.coli poising

>> No.13056411

Wew lad

>> No.13056420
File: 93 KB, 640x434, tl-horizontal_main.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's the reason public transit riders take extra care not to touch their faces or their food until washing hands after disembarking. I've even seen some designer brands work in antibacterial materials into cuffs and neck openings for extra security.

Touching a shitscreen right before eating is just plain a bad idea.

>> No.13056434

I can order my food, go to the bathroom and wash my hands.
If you're paying by card you have to touch the terminal. Poo
If you're paying by cash, you have to touch cash. Poo
Your phone has poo on it.
There is no getting around it.
What sort of degenerate doesn't wash their hands before eating regardless?

>> No.13056435

The fact that the CEO of McDonald's legitimately feared that it would be the exact opposite and needed to be coaxed into greenlighting these things like a sheltered conservative Christian girl giving her first handjob just goes to show that business degrees aren't worth the paper they're printed on.

>> No.13056439
File: 63 KB, 800x450, uuiBpIfNbljqpnt-800x450-noPad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Micky D's told that $15 per hour crowd to shove it up their ass and replaced them with these. Kinda funny these losers making fast food a career choice instead of an entry level job didn't see this coming but most people with any amount of common sense did.

>> No.13056440

I don't blame him. Boomers are 100% retarded and likely can't use these kiosks.

>> No.13056447

>Your phone has poo on it.
I don't browse porn on the shitter like a degenerate and I clean it regularly, so no.

>> No.13056450

That's why $15 an hour is a good thing, libertard. Nothing else with convince these boomers to innovate.

>> No.13056456
File: 11 KB, 600x315, 8KTtscB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unless you clean it hourly, it has poo on it.

>> No.13056462

Prove it nerd.

>> No.13056477

Guys, here's a mad idea, how about you carry those little bottled alcohol hand sanitizers in your bag. Just use it before every meal.

>> No.13056479

big brain

>> No.13056482

yes, it is. if the fear or inability to even talk to another human being prevents you from even going outside. get help

>> No.13056497
File: 59 KB, 680x680, 9d5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would you actually want to converse with minimum wage workers?

>> No.13056514

>fear of talking to others and going outside
>go outside and talk to someone about it
great advice

>> No.13056517

Why would anyone actually want to fuck your mom? But here you are...

>> No.13056518

Not what im saying at all. at least i am not afraid to

>> No.13056529

>anything else for you today?


>> No.13056531

I'm not afraid to. I just have no desire to talk to someone who won't be intellectually engaging, will not say anything of substance or impact my life in any meaningful way. Worst of all, they will try and upsell me on literally everything I'm ordering when I'm just trying to relax and have a nice dinner.

>> No.13056533

not just anyone, a therapist

>> No.13056540

I don't know you at all but that sounds like textbook "push people away before they do the same to you"

>> No.13056541

>"Yes I would like a #1 with a coke"
>"ok sir, that will be....blah blah blah"
>"uhhh I'm not done ordering. I would also like chicken nuggets"
>worker gets disgruntled and pissy because they have to go back in and re enter everything

>> No.13056556

>afraid to make person do their job

>> No.13056558

I have no problems interacting with colleagues, because we're all at a similar intellectual level. I have many friends. I just don't want to waste my time with minimum wage workers.
Exactly, I can take as much time as I please with these kiosks.

>> No.13056561

I literally just talk over them when they talk about the specials or ask you this and that at a fast food place. Literally act like they didn't say anything.

>"Hippitoy hoppity get a mcspicy chicken bagel bite with bacon --"
>"Yeah I'll have a plain cheeseburger, no onion. And that's all. None of this faggot gook shit."
>"T-that'll be $1.75, s-sir..."

>> No.13056582

Or skip all that nonsense and order with a kiosk or phone. I can't wait for all wagies to be automated

>> No.13056586

Wow, that was hard

>> No.13056592

I hate these things because they're often slow and unresponsive. You have press an icon like 10 times before it registers.

>> No.13056597

Yes, because I shouldn't even have to deal with that.
All I want from them is to stand there, punch in my order and tell me my total. No other words spoken. They can't fucking do that, so I'm so happy these touch screens exist.

>> No.13056603
File: 1.56 MB, 3024x4032, m5vuqv2m0aq21[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My favorite is at chipotle where you order online and they have your order waiting for you on the shelf when you get there.
You literally don't have to talk to anyone.

>> No.13056607

i absolutely refuse to touch these due to the aforementioned presence of feces
kid behind the counter, at the fucking register, with nobody in line told me to go ahead and use the touchscreen. i said no thanks, due to the recent fecal matter news. and he was like "yeah i saw that"

at that moment i could have fucking murdered him

>> No.13056618

>not washing your hands before eating
you're absolute filth

>> No.13056621

>they think the touch screens are the dirtiest thing in the store
Just wait until you learn about door handles and money.

>> No.13056636

This is next level. If only other restaurants would adopt this strategy. Especially ones that didn't give me violent diarrhea

>> No.13056648

If you don't live in a degenerate area and the place is up with cleaning standards it's not dirtier then your phone or the fucking door handle you touched to get into the place. All it takes is an employee to walk out with some sanitizer spray and wipe them down.

>> No.13056649

who says i don't?
if i have the choice between touching shit and not touching shit, i'm not touching shit
are you one of those freaks who jerks off to shit videos or something?

>> No.13056653

Do you know how many people don't wash their hands after using the bathroom? Too many. Those shits are dirty as fuck.

>> No.13056656

Do you not touch door handles? Cash? Basically anything? You're constantly touching shit no matter what.
God damn boomers are retarded.

>> No.13056657

Little caesars have been doing this for about a year now. Except they made it so people can't steal your fucking meal, and the food stays warm.

It's like a vending machine and you get a code to unlock a certain locker with your order in it, and it stays hot.

>> No.13056666

Yea, lots but if you wanna live in a bubble your whole life then don't touch anything with that mentality. Or do what I do, use your knuckles.

>> No.13056676

Despite the way people are on this board, a huge amount of people want to interact with actual human beings. It works for McDonald's, because the people they hire are so shit that even human interaction loyalists would rather deal with a touch screen than McDonald's workers. I don't think Chik-fil-a would benefit from the touch screens though. Ordering there is a pleasant experience, and switching them out with computers would not be an improvement in the eyes of their customer base.

>> No.13056681

that's mostly correct. i hardly touch anything outside of work and the gym. doors is the pinkie finger on the most-awkward spot of the handle. punching my pin number at a gas station is the knuckle on my ring finger. i use the nozzle to select the grade of gas
but the point remains you have a choice to touch a filthy, feces-covered screen, or to not touch it
i know what choice i'm making, and it seems that you do too. i bet it makes your dick move when you touch that screen and sniff your fingers
all i know is i get sick once every 10 years, maybe, and i minimize my contact with the feces of fat strangers who eat mcdonalds

>> No.13056700


>> No.13056703

>thinks these techniques actually reduce shit contact
You can't avoid it, you dumb boomer. Just wash your filthy hands and use hand sanitizer liberally.

>> No.13056711


>> No.13056724

you can certainly mitigate it, you fucking freak

>> No.13056733

You're still touching shit, just with your knuckle, pinkie or whatever else your mongoloid brain thinks will help avoid it.
You're always touching shit no matter what you do.
You could always be one of those retards who wears rubber gloves out in public because they're afraid of germs, then you'll mitigate it. Anything short of that and you're just kidding yourself.
Shit toucher.

>> No.13056743

is this what happens when scat porn gets boring?you need to encourage strangers to touch feces in order to get a sexual thrill?

>> No.13056746

they literally see hundreds of customers a day, anon. They wont even remember what you ordered much less care about it. Ive worked in FnB and i can say after a while after customer is just a blur. Unless you stand out in some way i won't remember you at all.

>> No.13056753

just carry sanitary wipes with you everywhere like a over zealous asian mother

>> No.13056759

i always have to laugh at the retards that order at the machine but then stand in line to pay cash

>> No.13056765

You can use a phone app it even has some coupons too but they're rarely for free items it's for gay shit that winds up being like 30cents off an item or somethimes you can get dollar fries. Moderately convenient if you eat there frequently.

>> No.13056766

I see americans put paper currency in their mouths while fishing for change in their pockets all the time. The feces residue on a display screen will hardly make any difference.

>> No.13056769

I got mildly sick after starting a cashier position at my college presumably from touching everyone's filthy student cards and cash. After that I was fine, but I can see why cashiers at low-tier places wear gloves. Also it's a dry area, and I've noticed all of the cashiers have some sort of wax they touch before handling cash I guess because their hands get really dry and irritated from handling it all day.

>> No.13056805

KEK. How much of a bitch are you that you feel intimidated by a 40 year old beaner?

>> No.13056809

I'm not intimidated. I just don't want to waste my time talking to someone like that.

>> No.13056819

LOL! You scared little faggots always say that.

>> No.13056827

I'm guessing you're one of these low-skill, low-intellect workers based on how you're responding.
Try and better yourself, get an education, become a productive member of society.

>> No.13056833

mcdonalds has free wifi

at least its my poo

>> No.13056835

For somebody concerned with wasting time, you're wasting a lot by replying...confirming that you're scared of a beaner chick.

>> No.13056837

I only use them if it's busy. It's also in their current business model to get the kiosk orders out first or as a priority right now to promote it's 'efficiency'.

>> No.13056863

Enjoy being a wagie. Your time is coming, you'll soon be replaced and be homeless.
Absolutely worthless human being.
(Final reply to you)

>> No.13056873

You have no idea what i do for a living. The fact that you bring it up shows how insecure you really are. This likely explains your irrational fear of old beaner chicks.

>> No.13056888

>Implying we all have data on our phone
Twelve year old detected

>> No.13056908

>fish out bottle of sanitizer with dirty hands
>use dirty hands to squeeze out alcohol
>sanitize hands
>use freshly sanitized hands to put now dirty bottle back in back

I'm sure you see the problem here.

>> No.13056945
File: 39 KB, 472x472, 15654544457.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me
>go to yard sale
>they have a nice display of cheap tablets and phones
>but instantly, I am ambushed
>some kids skids to a halt beside me and tells me he fixed all those himself
>oh I see
>another kid comes up and asks me if I want tickets to the christmas raffle
>no, I don't live in this town, I just came for garage sales
>his mom intercedes and says I can buy a ticket even if I don't live in town
>well, I just don't want one
>oh okay
>she directs her kid to answer my questions about the tablets
>no, that's alright, he already told me about the tablets
>I just leave

damn what a freakshow, how can I signal to the general public that I never want to talk to them and I'll just get spooked like a deer if can't browse in solitude. it happens everywhere, the wal-mart, the mcdonalds, they come up and bother me. If I have a question, I'll ask, I don't want badgers after me while I shop.

>> No.13056976

>wal-mart, the mcdonalds, they come up and bother me. If I have a question, I'll ask, I don't want badgers after me while I shop.
Same fucking feeling. I want to try a laptop at BestBuy before I buy it on Amazon. I get hounded by 10,000 minimum wage employees asking me if I need help.
No, because if I needed help I would fucking ask for it, but it's unlikely they would even be able to answer my questions anyway!
These people are idiots and should keep to themselves, I don't want to waste my time fending off poor wagies trying to make a dime off me.

>> No.13056982
File: 50 KB, 532x510, glasses.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based machine fed goy cattle. If I give a restaurant my business I will require a human to take my order. It's simple

>> No.13056985

>t. boomer

>> No.13056986

This can't be real

>> No.13056990

Yes human interaction is so friggin boomer. I'm a doomer le coomer so I just eat machine made garbage. I'm so fkn based

>> No.13056993

>human interaction
These people work at McDonalds, they're not exactly what I would call 'human'

>> No.13056994


>> No.13057001
File: 105 KB, 576x600, serveimage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13057003

You have genuine issues and should refrain from going outside. You are a risk to yourself but more importantly to others.

>> No.13057006

>what's the app that's been available for 5 years

>> No.13057008
File: 62 KB, 700x661, 1568446.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't have an anxiety problem I have an idiot problem.

>> No.13057010

The app doesn't allow for the same level of customization as the kiosk. Also you can't get your food delivered to your table with the app.

>> No.13057021
File: 208 KB, 1300x956, serveimage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I never want to talk to them and I'll just get spooked like a deer if can't browse in solitude

>> No.13057026

that just proves my point because you'd never tell a deer to get a dog with a stupid vest.

>> No.13057028

These people are literally worthless timewasters. That's why I don't want to deal with them.
The recent trend of buying everything online solidifies my viewpoint.
No one wants to interact with wagie mouth breathers.

>> No.13057041
File: 102 KB, 640x774, serveimage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'll just get spooked like a deer if can't browse in solitude

>> No.13057044

>t. wagie
I didn't think you people had the mental capacity to feel offended.

>> No.13057048

I don't know what to tell you. If something is being sold, then there are people selling them and upselling unless they are incompetent in business/making a living. Work on your social skills and learn how to express what you actually want so that no one, including yourself, is wasting their time. You can just say something like, "The raffle sounds nice, but I'm just here browse around. I'm not looking for anything in particular, but if I find something I'll ask you about it." Or just "No thanks, I'm just looking." Sometimes you have to tell people more than once and use body language to signal your disinterest.

>> No.13057056
File: 73 KB, 1000x1000, serveimage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're the one who said you're literally afraid of service staff who try to give you a hand m8.
You literally asked for a method of informing people about your disability, no use getting mad about the answer.

>> No.13057064
File: 224 KB, 720x960, explosive dog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wtf is up with these antisocial dogs? Are they incels?

>> No.13057065

I'm not the op saying I get spooked like a deer, retard.
You wagies are just above braindead, no shit we don't want to interact with you.

>> No.13057071

Not everyone can be a lawyer or doctor.

>> No.13057076
File: 241 KB, 612x384, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's a boomer meme, they mistake this fake, mandatory "kindess" as customer service. It doesn't serve anyone. If I wanted to deal with people pretending to like me I'd get a girlfriend or a whore or something.

>> No.13057080

Usually they're rescues from abusive homes or have suffered a traumatic attack from another abused dog.

OP is the weird germophobe earlier in the thread. You are an ironic anime poster with anxiety who replied to the OP.

>> No.13057085

agreed anon, i used to be so embarassed to order 4 double big macs, these kiosks are shame-free!

>> No.13057088

>be me
>go to best buy
>blue shirted nazi asks me if I need help with finding anything
>I do a 360 and just walk out

fuck em all

>> No.13057143

If we're talking about a garage sale, then they probably are interested in both kindness and selling off their stuff since it's very casual and not a source of income. If we're talking about wagies, then yeah they just want to keep their job and not be completely miserable all shift. You aren't required to smile back and engage in pleasantries though. You can keep a straight face and tell them "I'm fine," or "No thanks," or "I'll let you know when I need help." They will appreciate this, because they also don't want to waste their time and often dread forcing themselves on customers. For a while when I was a sales lead at a shoe store, management was forcing anyone in the front of the store to immediately approach customers when they walked into the store and start engaging and upselling them, and it was excruciating for all of us even though we weren't social rejects. Customers hate it, and it scares them away. Sometimes people have to follow shitty orders from shitty corporate. They dropped that rule pretty fast though, because it was not a good sales tactic.

>> No.13057168


I would literally steal 1 or 2 other bags when I went to pick up my order.

This is why your white society is dying. You are too trusting and so others that don't give a fuck will take advantage of you.

>> No.13057175

Nignogs aren't allowed in the chipotle near me anymore.

>> No.13057222
File: 836 KB, 762x642, 41673b01fee0392d875z3093c9d94a74f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go to McD
>instead of walking up to the counter like a dignified human I have to use some retard screen
>stumble through some idiot scrolling menus
>after I'm done they seriously want me to pay with the tracking plastic jew
>now I have to go to the counter with a piece of paper so they can read my order and pay in advance
>they literally just made ordering worse for no fucking reason

>> No.13057666

Why do black people and the homeless like to hang out at McDonald's so much?
Kind of ruins the atmosphere of my dinner.

>> No.13057872

This. All service based jobs are cancer and dehumanizing anyway. good riddance, kids can work in factories and farms.

>> No.13058173

he's fucking autistic LOL

>> No.13058183
File: 110 KB, 750x1197, D41BB452-9D4B-4633-99D8-FC61EED55643.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop eating McDonald’s.

>> No.13058231

they flock with the other fucking losers who dine in at mcdonalds

>> No.13058295

Probably because it's cheap shitty food where they can get free wifi and let their shitty kids run amuck. I haven't gone inside a fast food place in years, because it's always a disgusting shit show.

>> No.13058339

Yeah it's great, now the only thing that's preventing me from going there is the 90% chance the food I get has been tampered with, dropped on the floor, or handled by puss faced teenagers that don't wash their hands after wiping their ass or jacking off. Once they replace those incompetent failures with robots I'll be going there all the time.

>> No.13058461

t. Pol Pot

>> No.13058473

Liar, that would be national news and you know it.

>> No.13058491

>shoe store salesman
Well, at least you found a job that satisfied your feet fetish, lol! How often did you jack off in the bathroom?

>> No.13058512

so you admit to being pressured by wagies?

>> No.13058587

>5 bags for the price of one

>> No.13058711

Nobody carries cash anymore you old ass faggot

>> No.13058714

I'm not a loser and I dine in at mcdonalds almost daily

>> No.13058721

Oh yeah, motherfuckers act like they don't touch door handles or anything.

>> No.13058770


>i would rob you blind.
>and that is why you're dying.

no, the reason white people are dying is because we've lost the will to brutalize all you filthy shitskins on an industrial scale of violence.

>> No.13058796

>Especially ones that didn't give me violent diarrhea
From reading your post I'm pretty sure that you deserve violent diarrhea.

>> No.13058991

You can't even order a chicken biscuit on these things. Not an option. Buggy horseshit machinery

>> No.13059274

I ordered a chicken biscuit today. I just had to assemble it myself.

>> No.13059328

>t. Pajeet

>> No.13059351

Counterpoint: I worked fast food and absolutely remember the obese woman that came every week and ordered two large twisters (basically mcflurry biut 32oz) and wanted more crushed candy in them than ice cream. I can only imagine op is ordering 40 nuggets and 3 burgers with extra mayo no lettuce and is getting disappointed looks from the cashiers.

>> No.13059471
File: 78 KB, 720x854, 1552255849562.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nah y'know what? humor this thread. even though mcdingle payed for it.
I won't go to your kiosk electric funeral device. Because I have, meme, "social anxiety", and I won't fall for your sympathetic mechanized crutch for my salvageable pride. If I want to consume trash garbage I will look foreign thot in the eye and convey the information to her through word of mouth and sacrifice my little pride for the boost I'll get back when she unerringly gives me my total and I gain food and reassurance that people are not out to get me. Look her in the eye. Innovation sells freedom with bondage in the fine print. This shit is wrong all jokes attached.

>> No.13059494

boomer alert.
I'm op, and I sure as shit don't work for McDonalds

>> No.13059503

That's in the UK where most people are savages who wipe their asses with their hands, of course all the brit touchscreens are covered in shit.
Maybe OP lives in the first world?

>> No.13059542

What do you mean

>> No.13059560

Order, walk into the bathroom, and wash your hands.

>> No.13059582

>le kino
Of course it's the /tv/ diaspora ruining our board GET OUT

>> No.13059594

Did exactly this today.
They give you the bathroom code ON YOUR RECEIPT so you can go wash your hands before your meal.
Why is this so hard for people to grasp?

>> No.13059598

i like not having to explain what I want to a nigger wage-slave 80 times

>> No.13059606

30 year old hoodrats that can hardly speak coherent english

>> No.13059626


its commendable that you want to overcome your fears but if you were really fucking serious about it, you wouldn't need to have food withheld from you as a motivator to talk to a cashier. and all the rest of us, and the poor fucking people who have to do that job, aren't here for your benefit, and we don't have to change for your fucking whims. the rest of us don't feel like we're in bondage because we don't have a retard to tell our order to at mcdonalds. the person who has to spend 8 hours standing at a register is in bondage though, and NOBODY should have to do that job - for real.

>> No.13059652

I always keep $100 more or less on me. Do zoomers not use wallets or something?

>> No.13059663

>t .boomer
thats a thing of the past, we use these things called smartphones, they have applications on them with our credit card info that a scanner reads to process the payment

>> No.13059668

Cash is for retarded boomers and everyone will hate you if you use it.
I give boomers decaf lattes if they use cash.

>> No.13059671

when I worked at a local sandwich shop I would charge them extra everytime they ordered shit, I can't stand boomers

>> No.13059706

yeah not having any cash for emergencies is real fuckin smart m8, especially when your phone dies. you're like that one CNN pundit who said cash was only for criminals and drug dealers. leave a fuckin paper trail you small brained idiots

>> No.13059708

I'm 29. It just never hurts to have cash on you for that one random time that somewhere is cash only or card readers are broken.

>> No.13059711

So you just use your card if your phone dies. Dumb boomer

>> No.13059716

i cant carry cash on me because i'll buy alcohol with it and nothing else

>> No.13059717

>leave a fuckin paper trail you small brained idiots
t. retarded Boomers
only care about privacy because Alex Jones says the gobment can track them when they use their debit cards.
As if there aren't infinite cameras around anyway.
I'm not afraid of leaving a paper trail because I'm not criminal scum.

>> No.13059726

I'm glad you are making an effort to avoid buying alcohol. I'm wondering though, why does that make a difference?

>> No.13059732

>be me, working at best buy
>fag comes in, dungeon master type
>autistically fondles a bunch of PC games for an hour while avoiding eye contact
>casually ask if I can help
>he starts to reeeee then runs out of the store
>we all have a good laugh then forget about him while we do our jobs

>> No.13059735

wife can't see if I'm buying it when using cash

>> No.13059759

>be me, janitor at local best buy
>notice an employee approaching a customer
>attempt to blockade the exchange but to no avail
>realize customer is harassing other customers with their glow of body odor
>kindly tell customer to leave
>customer notices employee moving in to ask them a question
>customer screeches and runs out of store
>kick out employee for approaching with an off-topic question
>customer and employee are both banned for 72 hours

>> No.13059766

>resistance is futile

>> No.13059772

Oh okay. Hang in there. I've had some serious struggles with drinking, myself. I still slip back into my old habit sometimes and have to pull myself back out before I spiral back down too far. I started spiraling literally a few weeks ago, but after I make it a couple days without drinking I can kick it again. It's just one of those things that some people really have to stay away from.

>> No.13059798

i dont watch alex jones ya fuckin idiot. i care about privacy cause it matters - its fine if you wanna post every single irrelevant detail of your life on social media, but i have the right not to do that, and you dont have the right to deny me that. go ahead and let people dictate what your privacy is gonna be, lemming.
>I'm not afraid of leaving a paper trail because I'm not criminal scum.
IMAGINE believing that using cash means youre a criminal. that is some peak retard. why not get a square reader installed up your ass?

what if i want to buy something off of someone who's having a yard sale? or something at a market vendor who only takes cash? what if i want to make a bet with a friend of mine? those things exist, and they exist in pretty large numbers. but i guess faggots like the both of you dont interact with many people anyway.

>> No.13059805

>i care about privacy cause it matters
Have sex.

>> No.13059814

>cellar dweller
Such a waste of divine trips.

>> No.13059822

>IMAGINE believing that using cash means youre a criminal.
You're the one worried about leaving a paper trail, retard.

>what if i want to buy something off of someone who's having a yard sale? or something at a market vendor who only takes cash? what if i want to make a bet with a friend of mine? those things exist, and they exist in pretty large numbers. but i guess faggots like the both of you dont interact with many people anyway.
Venmo, venmo, venmo
>market vendor who only takes cash
I don't buy from minorities
Boomers like you who think "CASH IS KING HURRRRRRRR" are just retarded. You're not getting a better deal at my shop by using cash, either i'm going to upcharge you for being a hassle or give you a shittier product in return.
I'm not the only one who does this
Everyone else I've talked to that's ran cashier does the same. exact. thing

>> No.13059838

>cashiers always complains about how stressful their job is in dealing with customers
>hate a system that will allow them not to interact with customers
i don't get it

>> No.13059839

>what if i want to buy something off of someone who's having a yard sale?
You use a chip scanner or you use venmo. What you're proposing is incredibly dangerous and would weaken our democracy because it means elected officials would be unable to detect inappropriate transactions.

>> No.13059852

>everyone will hate you if you use it.
Like I give a fuck.
Anyone getting mad over a handful of change is clearly an irrelevant zoomer who's never had to wait behind a senile old man trying to write a check.

>> No.13059861

>t. the senile old man who writes checks when he is finishing up at Shoney's

>> No.13059982

rub down the outside of the bottle with the sanitizer within

only then can you find true enlightenment

>> No.13061003

Everybody touches the same places on the same screens with their dirty fingers right before eating with their hands. Not just any hands, the hands of all the people who eats at fucking McDonalds. Don't fucking tell me that you wash your hands before eating at McDonalds. Absolutely disgusting.

>> No.13061035
File: 159 KB, 1024x768, meal-machine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's like a vending machine and you get a code to unlock a certain locker with your order in it, and it stays hot.


>> No.13061048

>they have applications on them with our credit card info that a scanner reads to process the payment
that sounds like a real bad idea, though. if you lose your phone you're fucked in more ways than one.

>> No.13061050

Yeah, I love handing my data over to mega corporations. I can't wait until they just know what I want and take my money and deliver it without even asking.

>> No.13061059
File: 68 KB, 300x319, EQN_THAT face.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty much. You don't NEED the middle man when software can handle it. You obviously still need people who will prepare your food.

>tfw fast food chains are salivating imaging profit margins when they get to fire a percentage of their workers and replace them with machines

>> No.13061091

To be fair I've been guilty of this couple of times. I used that final tone in my voice and, surprisingly, non-autistic worker actually picked up on it thinking my order was finished.

>> No.13061578

It's cheap as hell you can get a burger for a buck

>> No.13062122
File: 187 KB, 732x712, bruced.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>DURR I Csnt cook food. Myself so I go to McDonald's
WHY the fuck are dumbb normies so infatuated with this fucking place? Literally everyone has a stove and these blubbering wankers do hour long road trips where I am to go to maccers fucking why the food tastes like bland greasy shit poor service expensive retards hanging out in the parking lot.
Might be fun if your a teen but after 20+ years of seeing the prices go up and the quality of mcd go down its just dogshit.
Kiosks aside the food is awful u could literally make it yourself in under an hour it took you to get there or just order in food
Retarded fucking mcdumbmczoomees

>> No.13062216

That would be pretty convenient

>> No.13062222

how classy do you think you are if you eat fast food all the time? you realize some of the wagies are actually looking down on you for being a fat fuck regular at a fast food place that serves hot garbage.
>worked fast food in college
>they do judge you

>> No.13062248

>20+ years of seeing the prices go up and the quality of mcd go down its just dogshit.
the mcmuffin is the last decent thing they serve. Even the McFlurry sucks now

>> No.13062261


>> No.13062262

A fellow Aussie? I never really went there but I remember they used to be cheap and the chips + desserts where OK now it's all this faux gourmet over priced crap with horrendous wait times unless you go through the drive thru
Mcafe is a fucking wank it literally makes more expensive worst tasting burgers than the sjw hipster joint in the wall down the road or the greasy spoon fish and chip dive truckstop

>> No.13062916

>worked fast food in college
Yikes mate, that's why I try and avoid people like you

>> No.13062961

>What sort of degenerate doesn't wash their hands before eating regardless?
i don't wash my hands. it builds the immune system and i havnt been sick since middle school

>> No.13063030

They have cameras near those things, next time you go in same establishment they will lock the door on you and have a nice wait and talk to police for small felony.

>> No.13063047

>small felony.
No such thing.
Petty larceny is petty because it is not valuable or aggressive enough to be a felony, i.e. a grand larceny.

>> No.13063061

dude what there's still a gorillion wars going on and none of them are having the desired effect

also im with >>13057168 that shit is gonna be such a crackhead magnet

>> No.13063067

They need hand eash stations next to each one of them. I hate those fucking touch screen drink dispensers everywhere now, always covered in some shit

>> No.13063132
File: 243 KB, 1280x1000, Automat,_977_Eighth_Avenue,_Manhattan_(NYPL_b13668355-482752).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>We can never go back.
When is automation going to take over? People have been fearmongering about it for decades.

>> No.13063168


>> No.13063205
File: 660 KB, 800x450, no poofter drinks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Everyone else I've talked to that's ran cashier does the same. exact. thing

Woah guys, we got the head of the cashiers mafia over here

>> No.13063217

Had no idea about this

>> No.13063248

would you like to add a drink?
want it as menu?
with fries?
without? only burger?
we have these cookies for $1 with menu
wanna donate money to retarded cancer kids?
ok thank you

>> No.13063321

>upcharge you for being a hassle or give you a shittier product in return
there is not one shop in the world that does this. in fact, most if not all shops tell you how much it is BEFORE you get to how you will pay them. i think you're an underage zoomer faggot who has never gone shopping by xirself

>> No.13063358

>most if not all shops tell you how much it is BEFORE you get to how you will pay them
>"On debit, please."
>"Okay, but there's a 50 cent surcharge on all purchases under $10 made by card."

>> No.13063364

>everyone will hate you if you use it
Actually the opposite in the service industry. Waiters and bartenders will love you if you pay in cash. Cash is still king because fuck taxes.

>> No.13063374

It didn't work in Australia

>> No.13063391

>small felony
the most they'll do is probably give you a "talkin to" and ban you from the store.

>> No.13063394

>"Okay, but there's a 50 cent surcharge on all purchases under $10 made by card."
so what you're saying is that, in fact, the opposite of what you said is true, and C.R.E.A.M.

>> No.13063402

The reason that happens is because there is am monthly score of customer service and it drops if someone submits are review saying they couldn't find a staff member to serve them. So they hire people to walk around the store specifically asking people if they need help.
If you don't need help way no thanks.
And at Bestbuy those people are sales people. That's there job retard. You don't need help? Say no thanks.

>> No.13063404

I probably should have clarified that I was not the guy you were replying to and that I was supporting your point.

>> No.13063405

>servers and waiters give a fuck about the taxes charged on your meal

they like cash because people generally tip better because theyll round to the nearest significant bill/coin

it's also not faster or slower but it's less frustrating since you don't have to awkwardly wait around on the machine to connect

>> No.13063406

>sitting alone alone at 3 am
>soul feels like an endless chasm of emptiness and despair
>bike 30 minutes in -10C snowstorm to mcdonalds and get 6 cheeseburgers
>temporarily fill the emptiness when i get home
thanks mcd

>> No.13063412
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>> No.13064099

Literally doesn't make any difference. Retarded boomers who pay with cash tip like shit regardless.
>Oh wow, no tax on this $2 tip! GreaT!
Boomers need to fucking get with the times and stop caring cash

>> No.13064104

I am not going to stop using the legal tender issued by my lawful government just because it makes some impatient zygotes seethe.
If anything, that's a plus.

>> No.13064131

>I am not going to stop using the legal tender issued by my lawful government just because it makes some impatient zygotes seethe.
Imagine being this level of boomer, no wonder everyone hates your generation.
If I ever get to this level of faggotry I hope someone blows my brains out.

>> No.13064167

It's gonna be so great when the last person in your generation dies.

>> No.13064177

I don't see what's so great about being a corporate bootlick.

>> No.13064282

Contactlens payment device is so deep In side, that I couldn't pay with my phone thru NFC. Went home and cried all day.

>> No.13064415

There is literally no way to have cash that doesn't come from some corporate bank, retard.
Unless you're one of those next-level retards that keeps all their fiat money under their mattress like a good goy.

>> No.13064426

Cash is issued by the state.
Credit is corporate scrip.

>> No.13064432

>Still refuses to use a debit card issued by their bank because CASH IS KING HURRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRr

>> No.13064446

I use a debit card when it pleases me, but I see no reason to use it exclusively.

>> No.13064471

Because this isn't the 1600s where your only choice of exchanging goods is shekels or barter.
Using cash 'just because' is a waste of time for everyone involved.
You're in a losing game, boomer.
Cashless stores will become more and more common.

>> No.13064489
File: 238 KB, 788x362, serveimage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>old thing bad because old and, uh... bad.
Cashless stores are illegal anyway as they refuse legal tender. The only way around it is scams like Amazon's store which are "members only".
If I am "loosing", it is only because you and your ilk are throating corporate cock harder than ever before and are too retarded to see the issue of corporate scrip accepted only in one corporate chain.

>> No.13064513

>I exclusively use a debit card
tell me again how I'm sucking the corporate cock?

>> No.13064548

Because you're shilling for cashless society and are a useful idiot for anti-governmental globalists.

>> No.13065094

It's really not that much of a time difference since chip readers often take a while and registers spit out the change for the cashier in a lot of places. Sometimes it's faster. Just avoid places that take EBT or where poor people use like 10 different payment options, because that shit can take like 15 minutes sometimes.

>> No.13065163

Would you like to add an apple pie for a dollar?