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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 50 KB, 760x507, 180209-picky-eater-mn-1500_a8406c4bdc9daa7a08f2cd2084e49bda.fit-760w.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13046676 No.13046676 [Reply] [Original]

These assholes won't try something new because it literally doesn't taste like candy.

>> No.13046795

imagine actually trying to feed your children
lmao retards wasting good money that could be spent on some nice shoes or something

>> No.13047611


>> No.13048660 [DELETED] 
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Hey OP, looks like you're having some difficulty keeping your thread up. Let me lend you a helping hand.

>> No.13048780

My little cousin would not eat chocolate because she thought it looked yucky. My aunt was so insistent that she'd tried it that she did, and then she spent her childhood being fat. True story.

>> No.13048810

You have failed as a parent.

>> No.13049045
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There is no such thing as a “picky eater”, just shitty parents who cater to their kids, who then treat the family kitchen like it’s a fucking restaurant.

When I was growing up, my mom made barszcz and boiled potatoes every week because she and dad liked it even though I hated it (still do) and on those days, all I had to eat were potatoes. My mom sure as hell wasn’t going to make something special just for me after working all day and coming home and cooking dinner and had I asked, my dad would have smacked me up side the head.

Raising kids is not much different than raising a dog; they’ll eat what you give them if there is no other option and if they whine about it, smack them.

>> No.13049059

I hate being a picky eater. Its embarrassing and unhealthy. I ate some chicken fried rice last night a d it was ok because the corn, onions and green beans were small enough but I cant imagine taking a big bite of gross tomatoes or somshit like peppers

>> No.13049060

They eat what you give them or they go hungry

>> No.13049114
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i'm not a picky eater, it's just everyone else who's a bad cook

>> No.13049244

Stevia tastes like a chain smokers ass

>> No.13049290

Just don't give them any other food, at some point they will be hungry and will eat it.

>> No.13049299

I work with this extremely cute mixed girl but her pickiness is a huge turn off.

>> No.13049307

This. How can anyone stand the texture of a giant bite of onion or tomato? I love the flavor, it’s that nauseating feel they have that makes me retch. I’ll definitely eat any vegetable if it’s diced, though.

>> No.13049356

You sound like one of those genetic defects who thinks cilantro tastes like soap.

>> No.13049362

5 to 15% thinks it taste and smells like soap. Nothing wrong with it.

>> No.13049387

Mmmm, I'll roast a half onion, and then eat it like an apple. Or I'll slice up some onions, give them a sizzle in the ol pan, and what's this they outnumber the noodles in my ramen oh well

>> No.13049411

This. I’ve had lots of success in serving my kids whatever I made, ignore them screeching, and force them to stay at the table while I read the newspaper. Children have very little willpower and will always cave, usually in less than an hour.

>> No.13049419

Little ginger prick. I'd slap the shit out of him if I cooked for him and he stared at the food like that. Spoiled faggot.

>> No.13049441

its just bad parenting
not exposing them to lots of different kinds of food when younger

>> No.13049448

You are doing them a favour. When my children were very young I would cut some of the vegetables up a bit smaller for them but at some point they just had to eat normal food. I am not torturing them with weird things, just normal stuff, it helps when they are playing outside all day, they will eat almost anything.

>> No.13050842
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There are so many preparations already (amongst the different flavoring compounds) that what you posted is ludicrous.

>> No.13050888

I think a 48 month abortion should be legal if it turns out your kid is a picky eater.

>> No.13050898

You're a cunt. What you're asserting is that anyone with some taste is a "picky eater?" How about this, fuck off. Why don't you eat bugs and take cock up your boipucci ass?

>> No.13050904


>> No.13050906

That's a pretty lame and underhanded way of pushing eating bugs and soy on people. Why can't you just be straight? Is because you're a faggot and are embarrassed at how wrong you are?

>> No.13050918

Also, you're into that carbon credit scheme which is the most fucked up crap of the century so far. You can't admit that you're wrong and that's a mental issue.
Carbon credits and taxing people without going through their legislatures is bullshit and you know it. That's why Trump got us out of that stupid ass Paris accord crap. The people of the USA wont be taxed without it going through our congress... notice people first.

>> No.13050924

If you check that box in the top left corner of your post you can click the delete button at the bottom right of the page and get rid of embarrassing posts like yours before the shame grows too deep.

>> No.13050932

You can also click the "i am a moron" button.

>> No.13050935

What does it do? Give me all of your (you)s?

>> No.13050936

So are you a moron or just plain stupid?

>> No.13050939

Is that English?
"What does it do?"
What does that mean?

>> No.13050969

>friend in his 30s
>refuses to eat fruit or nuts
>can only eat vegetables if its on a subway sandwich and smothered in sauce
>"everything except olives and pickles"
>diet consists of meat pie/subway

Im convinced he would probably have died from scurvy long ago if it wasn't for those subs.

>> No.13050972

I think you're in a bad place right now, and you need a good sleep to clear up your perception.

>> No.13050998

Some shit just taste nasty though.
Like brussel sprout, liver, kidney, head cheese and andouillette.
I mean I can eat either, and have, but it's always a terrible experience where I have to shove that shit down my throat and try to forget the taste any way I can.
Liver doesn't taste bad, it tastes like nothing and it's powdery like eating fucking dough. Granted I have no idea how to cook it, if you have to "cook it the right way" or it tastes like shit, then it's shit. Duck hearts are much easier to cook since it's basically muscle.

>> No.13051003
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A lot of people don't like certain ingredients because they never had them prepared correctly. Artichoke, tripe, octopus, etc.

>> No.13051012

Shut the fuck up you boomer faggot

>> No.13051015

Or they have a taste of their own.
This what little children don't consider, some people have different tastes than your own. You people are serious faggots and likely shillary supporters.

>> No.13051017

>dat feel when you have a vegan wife and it was a fucking struggle to make the kid eat like a normal person for years

Thankfully we both now appreciate a good steak so the wife can fuck of with her vegetable noodles. She still fumes about it, though.

>> No.13051020

In your arrogance have you thought that perhaps some people have had those things, prepped properly and just don't like it?
Not everyone is your robot, bitch boi.

>> No.13051024

Yes. Or I would've obviously said everyone.

>> No.13051028

Obviously you're a homosexual that wants social engineering on others, unless they agree with you. You might as well be hitler.

>> No.13051031

What exactly is a picky eater? Like an adult who only eats chicken tenders or spaghetti at a restaurant? Like I don't like much seafood, does that make me a picky eater? I'll still try it.

>> No.13051037

A "picky eater" is anyone that disagrees with that faggot and wants everyone to become homosexuals.

>> No.13051041

I suspect that "picky eater" is a homosexual code word. It sure as hell comes across that way.

>> No.13051055

There’s literally nothing wrong with being a Hitler.

>> No.13051056

picky eaters are severely autistic shutins who have been eating the same thing since they were children. they usually act petulant when someone suggests they try something new. you can see some in this thread.

>> No.13051074

Picky eaters should just be starved, honestly.
See if they still turn their nose up at tomatoes after a week.

>> No.13051091

Judgemental assholes such as you should be keel hauled after a good flogging. Why do you give a shit if someone likes tomatoes or not?
Is it a personal thing or a mental illness like homosexuality that you care about someone liking tomatoes or not?

I bet you would have been great in the USSR or commie China.

>> No.13051097

Stop samefagging and accept that you need to kick your childish pickiness.

>> No.13051115

Piss off and grow off and have some taste. Stop equating "picky eaters" with bugs and homosexuality.
When you grow up you'll learn taste and reason.

>> No.13051117

Sad little picky girl all alone and drunkposting because nobody likes a picky eater. Sad.

>> No.13051121

Seems as if you're the little girl because you call anyone that disagrees with you "picky." Don't you find that silly? That's what a little girl would do, are you a little girl?

>> No.13051128

I can smell the fat and diabetes from this post.

>> No.13051131

Having some taste is not the same as being little girl as you are. Maybe you're too much of a wimp ass bitch to express your own opinion.
You're smelling yourself you fat jealous faggot.

>> No.13051153

>mil repeatedly gives bf shit about being a picky eater
>she later complains when offered sushi that all seafood is "stinky" and "gross"
They dont even protect their own

>> No.13051157

I used to be a pretty picky eater when I was younger. Textures and tastes seemed so much more overpowering back then than they do to me now. But then I realised nobody likes a picky eater so I started forcing myself to eat the things I hated until I liked them. I've gone from refusing to eat anything that touched cilantro to putting it on everything I can.

>> No.13051161

That's a good reason to move out and live on your own. Duh, do it and ask questions later, thanks for your Dr shill questions.

>> No.13051162

So now you take cum in your throat and cock in your ass?

>> No.13051164

You don't have to be upset anon, you can train yourself to eat like a human too.

>> No.13051165

hahaha I'm not the one that's upset, you're the one that too wimpy to move out and taking cock in the ass.

>> No.13051166

You did post it, so you don't want comments? Why did you post it?
Don't be a faggot cock cum guzzling hypocrite.

>> No.13051191

I remember more than a few instances from my childhood when my dad would cook objectively repulsive shit and then get sxreaming mad at me when I wouldn't eat it.
And we weren't poor or anything so that there wouldn't have been any other choices. He just participated on the "not wasting food" psychosis in a major way and had such a low self esteem (and still does) that he couldn't take the critisism.
And my dad is a great cook by the way. He just doesn't nail it every single time.
I thought of myself as a picky eater because of that well into my twenties, but after joining the workforce I realized that everyone else is just as picky about certain things, since everyone has those few things they refuse to eat.

>> No.13051193

polish food is literally slave food

>> No.13051203

I hate myself because I can't chew leafy greens adequately enough to not produce a gag reflex.
I see geese eating grass and I wish to feel such joy.

>> No.13051218

So, one of my jobs is a "Mid Day Supervisor" at a primary school. The amount of entitled, picky eater kids is fuckin unreal. All our menu stuff is done online at home nowadays. The parents get a menu at home, of 3 mains, then a jacket and either/or cheese and beans, and there's always 4 options for sandwiches.

I work with the 5/6 year olds, and fuck me lads, it's unreal. They'll LEAVE THE HATCH, and haven't even made it to their seat before they say "I don't like it". They haven't even TOUCHED the fucking meal! If it isn't chicken nuggets or fish fingers, they immediately fob it off and ask to eat their desserts. If I'm feeling particularly fuckerish, I don't let them eat their desserts until they've had a mouthful of their main, so I can SEE they've at least tasted it

Tl;dr- parents who raise their kids on a tablet will reap what they sow with kids who don't know what a vegetable is

>> No.13051222

Were school lunches always such a massive thing? My primary school didn't even have a kitchen.

>> No.13051508

kids should never be vegan, they need all the extra nutrients and unless theres a nutritionist its so easy to get it wrong. Brains and body wont develop well and shit

>> No.13051546

I never ate lunch in school because I had no friends and the massive social crush of people in the cafeteria stressed me the fuck out, so I spent every lunch period reading in the library except for the days the hall monitor cunts were being extra cunty and didn't let me leave the cafeteria.

>> No.13051553


>> No.13051571

I just hate an overload of onions and raw onions in general, i just dislike the taste, i eat everything else i think,

>> No.13051614

They are nowadays. Children in reception to year 2 are entitled free meals due to a government initiative, so a lot of parents take advantage of that.

Our dinners aren't high quality, as it's a school kitchen after all, but it's better than the chocolate cake and mint green custard

>> No.13051622

poles are the niggers of whites

>> No.13051693

Lmao that was pure pottery

I see geese eating grass and I wish to feel such joy

>> No.13051696

You sound like a picky eater to me

Being picky doesn't equal being catered to for being a tastlet

>> No.13051701

you're thinking of the Irish my man

>> No.13051703

And now you’re an irascible cunt. Good job mom and dad. Could have thrown a grilled cheese on the pan and saved us this abhorrent post, but noooo.

>> No.13051717

I have this one friend that literally only gets burgers or the most basic starter level chicken dish at any restaurant we go to. We went to a restaurant with a James Beard award that's known for seafood and he gets the burger. Going out for sushi/Japanese? Chicken teriyaki. Indian? Tandoori chicken, mild. It pisses me off to know end especially because he's someone who would describe himself as "interested in food."

>> No.13051722
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Fairies and the mist?
Never forget the leprechauns.

>> No.13051726

Nice blog post fag.

>> No.13051737

>people that don't like spicy
This triggers the shillary cucks

>> No.13051748

This only works on non-autistic kids.

>> No.13051792

Got a cunt of a friend who's a "picky eater"
Cunt will only sugary junkfood, mcdonalds and chips that are more salt than potato
>had a bunch of friends and cunt over the other week
>cooked them up some veggies and steaks
>cunt only ate the potato, then ordered some mcdonalds

>> No.13051810

i am the opposite of a picky eater, i will eat and want to eat any fucking food that's available. i finish every last crumb of food and garnish on plate. when i eat wings i get every last piece of meat, then destroy the bone and suck out the marrow. unless the food is genuinely revolting, i would basically eat almost anything, i dont like every food, but it really just doesnt bother me if it doesnt taste great. i do appreciate good food though.

>> No.13051873

How do you say that

>> No.13051882

Same. Gf joked to her dad once cause he wasn't sure if I'd like his dinner that I'll try anything as long as it's edible, sometimes even if it's not.

>> No.13051898

Picky eaters are kids. If youre over 18 and still are a "picky eater" youre a childish retard. Not liking some things its okay just a matter of preference but not ating something cause it looks yucky or it smells funny its what a fucking baby does. Fuck picky eaters.

>> No.13051907

What a faggot

>> No.13051926

Does your friend love football and pints too?

>> No.13051953


>> No.13052744

Don’t slap your pets you subhuman

>> No.13052753

>mfw I live in a free country and can afford to be as picky as I can
Feels good to be free, don't like it commie? Leave.

>> No.13052781

>These people have a variation in a group of olfactory-receptor genes that allows them to strongly perceive the soapy-flavored aldehydes in cilantro leaves.

Sounds like the defect is the absence of that receptor. You probably can't detect a lot of other flavours as well

>> No.13052807

I am 27 and like almost no fruits/vegetables/sea food. I am very fit and would love to eat these because they're low calorie

I literally gag trying to eat them.

>> No.13052812

Only food I'll vehemently not eat is mushrooms

>> No.13052818

I mean as long as you’ve actually tried them and aren’t just being a fag there’s nothing wrong with that

>> No.13052843

The arrival of the tastelet brigade, now more easily offended than ever before!

>> No.13052856

yes there is, its fucking suffering and it severely limits how healthy i can be without eating boring shit every single day

fuck my tastebuds

>> No.13053090

yeah i guess you should just hit your kids when they ask a fucking question.
moron, seems like they did irreparable damage.

>> No.13053098

You should try again and again until you like it. Is it taste or texture? If it's texture, you can cook down onions to basically nothing, I'd start with that.

>> No.13053382

Do you not like seafood or do you refuse to eat it when served? That's the main difference between being a picky eater and someone with different preferences.

>> No.13053457

It's all in your head. Just keep trying until your mind is convinced it won't kill you.

>> No.13053465

He's still being a fag though.

>> No.13054078

This gave me a hearty kek.

>> No.13054289

stevia is the absolute worst sweetener, taste worse than saccharin.

>> No.13054296

>they’ll eat what you give them if there is no other option and if they whine about it, smack them.
this right here indicates you have NO idea what your talking about, picky eaters will starve to death, explain that to the authorities when your kid dies because you didn't at least feed them what they will eat.

smack them? fuck you some one should punch your ass.

>> No.13054484

> >>13050842

>> No.13055463

>dog not behaving properly
>oh well, guess I just got to put up with this

>> No.13055464

You need to learn how to train dogs. Do some reading. Forget your instinct. Your instinct is wrong.

>> No.13055465

Did this post live up to your expectations?

>> No.13055505

faggots who grow up thinking the world is about eating what you like and not eating what you don't like

what you "like" never came into the equation. you eat food because you must, and you're lucky if it tastes good. death to you and starve with your "I just don't like it." parents who don't teach that to their kids have ruined them.

>> No.13055514

See the way that little queer is staring at the food like "ewww grosseee me no likeee" I know a goddamned 24 year old who does the same thing. He'll do it in front of girls he doesn't like. Doesn't even have the balls to just come right out and say "yeah I'm a picky eater" or make a joke about it or something, he literally just gets super quiet and makes a dumb face like the kid in that pic until the meal is over and everyone either hates him or just feels really uncomfortable.

>> No.13055574

Pussies like you are part of the reason there is a soyboy epidemic right now. Taking away little billies iphone isn't a punishment, and neither is telling them to go to their room. They will simply take it as a challenge. What's next, you take their toys too? Ground them even longer? Eventually you run out of things to do.
If there isn't at least a threat of violence they will never truely respect you. I'm not saying to spank your kids every time they misbehave but they have to know that there is an endgame where they get their ass beat with enough escalation.

>> No.13055577

You've got it backward. The biggest fags were beaten brutally as children.

>> No.13055587

Fag thread filled with fake fag stories. Fuck off and die, faggots.

>> No.13055598

Yes, but that's because they had abusive parents who beat them when it was unwarranted.

>> No.13055755

This attitude will only create violent little shits. Threats of violence won't stop misbehaving just like the threat death sentence doesn't stop crime.
You say things like this and wonder how knock out game is a thing.

>> No.13055859

That's why the knockout game is only played by people with no father figure

>> No.13055896

Reminder that if you're someone who will literally refuse to eat foods if they contain a single ingredient you don't like, you're a little bitch and everyone secretly hates you for it.

>> No.13055905
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>> No.13055919

based got his shit beaten by his parents for asking a question then turned into someone that beats pets and kids, and thinks nothing is wrong poster

>> No.13055939

black people hit their kids all the time. it doesn't help.

>> No.13055952

>death sentence doesn't stop crime
properly applied it's absolutely does, maybe not the plea bargain out of everything but the most egregious crimes, then appeal for 25 years before actually getting executed type of "death sentence" we have now

If we had a zero tolerance, quick and summary death penalty for DUIs, I'm pretty sure drunk driving would get cut down >99%

>> No.13055958

"black people" is usually single black mother and that's the problem, everything else is irrelevant background noise. plus they're fucking morons that just hit out of rage and laziness with no purpose or logic behind it

>> No.13056095


>> No.13056098

What about ingredients that permeate the entire dish with its unique flavor

>> No.13056643

Only because there wouldn't be any convictions since there'd be another revolutionary war.

>> No.13056709

Same. Parents basically visited every new restaurant in town at least once and if we don't know what something is on the menu we order it just to find out. End result: We have favourites but we still eat anything.

>> No.13056790

i dont like mushrooms but when im offered something with them or if there isn't anything else i still eat it and dont complain
those retards that have to announce that they dont eat something while plenty alternatives are present are fucking retard babies

>> No.13056818

very wrong, thats how the russians call the same dish its pronounced more like barschtsch

>> No.13057156

The absolute faggotry of the people whining about this is beyond comprehension. You can definitely tell who the zoomer faggots are when they start bitching and being hyperbolic when you won't spoil your kids and cook them specialty meals as if it was a short order kitchen.

>But your kids will starve if you don't specially cater to them like the absolute golden boys they are!

Fuck that, like everyone else, they'll eat what's there when they get hungry. Gotta learn they can't have everything they want early on, or they grow up to be the entitled little shits whining about answers like these.

Growing up, I was just told "You don't like it? Make something yourself!" and I either quieted my whiny yap or made something myself...imagine that, actually doing something for yourself rather than whining for other people to do it for you. I know that's a hard concept for these tendy-munching little kings to conceive of, though, almost as hard as hitting your dog when they piss in the house to teach them not to do that.

You're right on in your answer, guy! But the absolute butthurt coming from it just means this next generation are a bunch of softy homos.

>> No.13057176

Sounds like you have a picky eater mentality.

>> No.13057189

That's because stevia on the market has so many additives thrown into it before its sold that the original taste of the plant is basically gone behind a mound of chemicals that fuck up your health as much as other sweeteners. If people are serious about using a sugar substitute. get a small pot and grow your own stevia plant (which grows very well in the right conditions), and make your own stevia syrup/sweetener.

>> No.13057203


Also throw some good mushrooms into the pan with them, and you can have shit on top of steak, with your eggs, or hell even by itself.

>> No.13057247

My ex was like this. She would only eat the same 3 things over and over. Absolutely refused anything else. Drove me nuts

>> No.13057306

Never been picky myself but a couple brothers were. My mom didn't even make it hard to make something yourself, peanut butter and jelly if you don't like dinner.

However, you obviously have no idea how to raise a good dog. They're bred to want to listen to you already, if you're such a cuck you can't potty train without violence that's on you. I don't even use treats.

>> No.13057383

Based post. Besides I know most of parents are pretty shit you are no one of them.
My sister is a picky eater, but when we were kids you ate what it was cooked. Actually she had more problems with deserts. Now she won't eat any exotic foods, and she has limited herself to five fruits.
Me, I try almost anything and enjoy eating new foods. I think we both have good tasting buds but hers are underused

>> No.13057406

Picky eater here. I hate vegetables to the point of gagging but I know I won't be healthy until I incorporate them into my diet. Anyone have any tips for stomaching or making vegetables taste good?

>> No.13057507


>> No.13057533

>people on a cooking board are actually defending picky eaters
If my child turned out a picky eater, I would beat them

>> No.13057573

Try roasting veggies of any kind, just a bit of seasoning, toss them in some olive oil and bake for a while, but that might cause texture issues.

A good alternative is to not eat compulsively, eat set meals a day, eat only when you are hungry, even if it's your picky eater food, and in time swap out small aspects of your diet continuously so to add variance to your eating experience.

Anything will become delicious when you are hungry enough, and it's all just an adjustment to taste imo, it's not that most food you don't like is simply just bad.

>> No.13057605

Most of the picky kids I've ever known will only eat hot dogs and tendies; they are the ones with bad taste.

>> No.13057798

Just don't ever give your kids candy. Feed them the most obscure vegetables from day one so they don't turn out to not like tomatoes or some dumb annoying shit shit.

>> No.13057810 [DELETED] 

Most picky eaters are boomers who are scared of new foods and pretend to not like something (likely have atrophied taste buds) Or it's the inverse and it's boomers petting awful food to people with standards.

>> No.13057820

Bird bones don't have marrow

>> No.13057824 [DELETED] 

it has nothing to do with what they are fed but the propaganda of the cartoons they watch that tells them veggies taste bad. Vegetables have a stigma.

>> No.13058640

I used to be a really picky eater, mostly because people tried to force shit on me that I didn't like while also having absolute no idea how to prepare said food.
If your kid doesn't like chicken breast you should probably learn to cook you imbecile instead of blaming your kid for being a "picky eater".

>> No.13058701

I was a picky eater all the way into my teens when I started getting bored with the same frozen stuff and started trying something new every chance I got.
Now I think I love every kind of food except for stuff that makes me cringe from the texture, like mushrooms or really shitty fast food tomatoes.

>> No.13058716

I was a picky eater and I hated sweets

>> No.13058726

Hey I'm the exact same way. I fucking hate people who act like eating something they don't like is the end of the world.

>> No.13058737

>Steam broccoli

>> No.13058806

I am/was a picky eater but have started to expand my palate. With regards to kids yeah, though I wasn't raised this way dinner should be a case of "You're going to eat it." and just not letting them have anything until they eat it. No beatings or anything, just make it clear within reason they have to eat what the rest of the family eats. Some mild accommodations are reasonable of course where it doesn't inconvenience everyone else and I am sympathetic to 'texture' picky eaters because that is more of what I am. I really dislike the contrast of a crunchy chunks of something in an otherwise soft texture, like celery in chicken salad or celery in stew (I like celery raw with salt, and had celery in my ragu sauce earlier, so texture or taste are not the issue, it's the contrast of crunchy in soft. Likewise, I never had pasta until a few years ago. It's because my parents had angel hair/spaghetti and I have a weird aversion to eating small things (not always, I liked fresh chucked peas, but I hate corn off the cob while I like corn on the cob). They never forced me to eat it, it would have been valid for them to do the "Eat it or don't, but that's the dinner you'll get". But it turns out the simple solution would have been penne or lasagna or wide lo mein or ravioli. Not their fault, mine for not speaking up since the onus is on the picky. But that's an example of reasonable accommodations since excluding lasagna it'd be easy to throw some ravioli or penne into the same boiling water.

"I don't like tomatoes" and everyone having a tomato-based dish is a case of the picky eater can fuck off because having to make an entirely different dish is an example of unreasonable.

>> No.13058828

You became a horrible person because of your parents, I hope you realize that eventually if you're not trolling right now with this post

>> No.13058842

>since everyone has those few things they refuse to eat.
It's obvious given pickiness is just that, pickiness, but it's interesting how much the food in question will vary. People will hate a food one picky eater loves like tomatoes (I love tomatoes, raw or cooked, sauce or whole) and those people will love a food that someone who loves tomatoes hates (my earlier remark about spaghetti).

I'm of the mind that with veggies and such it's a case of finding the food they like and, again if it's reasonable, resorting to that. Have your kid try a bunch of different veggies and fruits to see what one hits for them. I loved cantaloupes and strawberries growing up, so I always got it in a lunch box. Haven't had cantaloupes in forever though I should remedy that. I learned recently how great asparagus tastes and I wish I had known sooner because it's such an easy vegetable to have. Bit of oil bit of salt throw it in the oven at 400 for a few minutes it's done. Hell I should try that for some of that other shit like calliflower and so on.

I don't think it's a big deal to dislike seafood given unless you are from a culture that regularly eats it it is easy to go without it regularly. I don't really understand it because there's an option for almost anyone seafood wise and salmon seems like the most inoffensive, pleasant texture option. Or Shrimp.

>> No.13058878

How about don't abuse your dog retard, dog psychology 101; if you think your dog will behave because you beat it then you're wrong, the dog will only behave when it knows your around and will go back to bad habits like breaking things or eating food if it thinks it can get away with it. Train your dog like a normal person, dogs learn a lot faster via positive reinforcement than anything else, but you're probably so fucking retarded that you think dog brains and human brains work the same.

>> No.13058893

Based and dubs.

>> No.13058905

we live in a post scarcity society you stupid fucking nigger.

>> No.13058952

LOL good lord, evidently this is how you trigger whiny, irrational, over-indulged Millenials.

>> No.13059044


>> No.13059524

samefag so obvious it must be bait.

>> No.13059597

>Bring ham/leek pies to work for lunch
>small little ones, planned on sharing with a few coworkers
>picky cuntzilla comes over
>bitches about the smell of leek
>bitches about how i didnt bring anything SHE liked
Picky eaters are bad, but often they have enough shame not to complain.
Vocal picky eaters deserve a holocaust.

>> No.13059651

It has nothing to do with the taste, I promise you. You developed preferences for your favourite foods as a kid, you were spoiled by getting to eat those things, and you never grew out of it. Simple as that.

I know this because I was a picky eater until my mid 20s (not to the extent that I hated vegetables, but there were certain things that I was convinced I hated) and I know how easy it is to overcome. You just have to change your attitude to food. For me it happened overnight without any real effort, as soon as I took a real interest in food and cooking. I hated olives, certain meats, anything with an oriental flavour, and some other stuff, but as soon as I saw things I wanted to try to cook, I became eager to eat them and discovered I was actually enjoying them. Basically you've conditioned yourself to expect certain types of food and tastes as "nice" and anything that is different or falls outside that as "gross". As soon as you let that go, and just try to eat a piece of fruit and appreciate its flavour as an experience and nothing more, you'll enjoy it.

>> No.13059679

I slice liver thin, flour it and flash fry it just so the flour crisps but the liver is pink inside, if it's overcooked it gets that floury texture. I like it with fried onions and gravy, black pepper and sage, and warm buttered toast.

>> No.13059813

you can be tough on your kids meals without literally hitting them you mong. beating the shit out of your kids is nigger tier

>> No.13060229

Picky eaters are coddled and are never from poor families

>> No.13060508

I won't eat fish, because it smells like piss. Caviar even tastes like gellopiss.

>> No.13060602

Shut the fuck up you boomer faggot

>> No.13061329

I'm the same but olives too, I usually just make sure to eat the mushroom or olive with a big bit of something else to mask it a bit

>> No.13061335

I'm picky about sweet foods. I like bitter, salty, spicy, pungent, sour, etc. but if it's just sweet I probably won't like it. I can't eat bananas since it literally just smells like sugars decomposing in a trash can to me.

>> No.13061337

I was like that as a kid but eat everything now. It helped when I started cooking for myself and had control over stuff being in season, not overcooked to mush and not been in the freezer for 4 years.

>> No.13061347

>dude just hit your kids, Look at me, I got beat and now I shit post and give life advice on 4chan(nel).org

>> No.13061352

holy cringe, are you seriously out of highschool or are you just autistic? I'm only asking because when I got out of highschool I was also an edgy faggot.

>> No.13061362

cook them until tender, not mush,add some butter/oil when needed

but most importantly, just bear with it for a while. I used to be in the same boat, I still don't like raw tomatoes, but if you stick with it long enough you're either gonna find shit you do like, or find that you can actually enjoy some of the stuff you've been eating,

>> No.13061385

I'm a pickey eater...

>don't like most candy
>don't like most cake
>don't like most chips

>likes many veggies
>likes chicken

>> No.13061612
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Nice to see there are at least a few adults here on /ck/.

>> No.13061784

>implying children have enough will power to monk themselves until they die
The little shit will crawl out of his room to eat whatever the hell is on the dinner table, in the end.

>> No.13061800
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>a smack on the mouth is the equivalent of beating the shit out of your kid
Okay NOW I know you're all a bunch of cushy faggots.

>> No.13061812

>beating the shit out of your kids is nigger tier
so is your reading comprehension you absolute faggot.

>> No.13061829

This is my girlfriend.
>doesn't like tomatoes or tomato-based things
>doesn't like anything more spicy than salt
>doesn't like white meat
>doesn't like burgers, pizza, tacos
Fuck you, I'm not eating bacon and chicken sandwiches every fucking day. We're eating chili and you can fucking eat it or starve.

>> No.13061859

i think you mean fat pieces of literal human shit who cannot hold a job or even get off their ass to use the restroom like a normal human being

>> No.13061861

Never known a single fussy eater that wasn't a complete pleb in ever other aspect. Avoid them at all costs.

>> No.13061930

Based and pink-pilled

>> No.13061977
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This but unironically, I just had midwestern parents who couldn't season things, nor grill anything correctly that was not a steak.

Think about it though, this is why naturally strongly flavored food items like bacon and cheese are obsessed over in America.


You're where fat people come from. Bipolar people come from pedophiles, borderline people used to be latch-keys, but you, you fill up the Weight Watchers of the world with people who could never get the weight off once they were finally away from you.


>Just don't feed your kids

Just put the generator inside the house if it's raining.

>> No.13061985

Just cum in it. At least she'll have something in there she enjoys.

>> No.13062019

Women don't enjoy cum incel. Stop watching porn.

>> No.13062048

your mom enjoys mine faggot

>> No.13062184

Take your meds you terminal schizophrenic

>> No.13062312

>be me
>room with 4 others in college
>college food sucks
>delivery is expensive on a students budget
>one of them inherited a multicooker from parent, brought to room after break
>finally, a heating source that isnt an iron or electric kettle
>decided to get some ingredients to make some cheap pasta
>poor as fuck, went with the followin list of ingredients:
>garlic, onions, tomato puree, 400g pasta, fish cake(no fridge, needed to last a whole afternoon), mushrooms, tomato(I know, but hey, it was cheap in that specific store)
>cooked sauce with the ingredients, cooked pasta after removing sauce
>dinner served
>everyone starts passing shit around
>onions, out
>mushrooms, out
>what little garlic, out
>asked them:
>"okay, since were gonna be poor as shit until the semester ends, Im not gonna be able to afford a meal more than at least 70% vegetables(carbs excluded)
>"I know you guys love meat, but that's fucking expensive
>"what do you guys DON'T EAT?"
>"ok, what DO you assholes eat?"
>no mushrooms, ever
>only eats cucumber, raw
>only eats sweet potato leaf
>reluctantly eats tomatoes
>pretty much cannot stomach any vegetable that hasn't been cooked to sludge texture
>forgot a bunch more but just assume they won't eat most leafy greens or root veges
>something something deenz are out of the question
>canned vege uncertain
>frozen mix vege? nope
Fucking hell, and I'm supposed to survive on 70 bucks(can't get much in my shithole country) a week?

>> No.13063049

Those niggas can feed themselves.

>> No.13063099

Better start sucking dick to get more money for food

>> No.13063140

Its a good thing you'll never have sex or children. We have too many heroin addicts already

>> No.13063149

What? Yes they do. Not necessarily the flavor but they definitely think it's hot.

>> No.13063151
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>> No.13063154

It's because the parent were either shitty cooks, didn't expose them to different foods(they were also picky), or they make their sunshine anything they wanted on demand. My mom was a mediocre cook but she barely had any other options for me if I decided to skip dinner. I couldn't cook anything and we didn't have any junk food for long with 4 boys.

>> No.13063218

Are you guys autistic and dealing with some sort of sensory processing issues? Most people recognize the feel of onions and tomato as food, and have no issue with them at all.

>> No.13063233
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my friend was one of these. he really wanted to be cool so thats what got him to stop being such a picky eater. he still has some things he refuses to eat though.

>> No.13063238

Come and see how the manchild begins lashing out defensively when his fragile, coddled ego is at stake. Witness how when faced with the most mild criticism all he can respond with are insults and non-sequitors, like a toddler who hasn't yet realized causation.

>> No.13063247
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I'm convinced we would have no picky eaters if at age 18, everyone in reasonable health was forced to fast for 1 week. Hunger does wonders for pickiness. In the same vein, everyone, and I mean everyone (pic related) with a BMI over 28 should be locked in a diet concentration boot camp until they reduce under that. Wala, no obesity problem anymore!

>> No.13063252

Imagine posting in a cooking board despite hating basic adult foods. This is like going on /lit/ and getting mad at threads that don't cater to a "YA fantasy" genre, or a guy in /mu/ who exclusively listens to video game OSTs. I bet you make fast food and candy threads on here, you absolute stunted manchild.

>> No.13063256

ur actually retarded

>> No.13063268

"whiteness" has always been a totally arbitrary social construct that has expanded and contracted as was politically convenient to those in power. The American colonists considered Germans to be "swarthy", Germans thought slavs were subhuman, slavs think Italians aren't white, etc.

>> No.13063269

When I was a candy maker I capitalized on this by selling "off-the-wall" candies, as candy can be a wonderful vehicle for flavors that most people would be leery of. My candied jalapenos and galangal-lime hard candies were hits even amongst those who fear capsaicin and "hard to pronounce" ingredients.

>> No.13063283

The knockout game was invented to scare your grandpa into voting republican you shill.

>> No.13063466

I'm a picky eater. I hate mayo, most boiled vegetables (raw are great, though) and boiled fish. A smell of stewed cabbage can make me sick.
But as a grown man, I can cook my own food (stewing beef with shrooms, onion and bell peppers right now) and pick my own food when eating out.
On the other hand, someone is so insecure, he had to make a thread about others eating habits to feel superior.

>> No.13063538

is it 70 a week for just you or for all 5 of you?

>> No.13063570

He’s right, you retard. Ask your kids pediatrician they will say the same thing. If your kid won’t eat anything but Mac and cheese it’s your own goddamn fault. If they don’t like what you made, they can go to bed without dinner, they’ll eventually eat what you make. Obviously, it’s the parents’ job to learn how to cook decent food. If you just pander to them, then your kid will be that autismo that other kids don’t like because all he eats is white bread and peanut butter or whatever he decided he liked at age 3.
I’m 23 before you call me a boomer.

>> No.13063651

I don't drink soda and don't like black olives. Besides that I'll eat pretty much anything. Do I count as a picky eater?

My problem with soda is not the taste. I simply find carbonation unpleasant and really do not understand how people enjoy the sensation.

>> No.13063726

I blame the parents for not beating their kids properly.

>> No.13063854

>had a friend once ask us all to pay for pizza and asked one of our other friends to cover him. pizza shows up with olives and said "i cant eat this"

>> No.13063959

I was a picky eater when I was a kid but now I'll eat whatever. I think the difference was poverty and not getting to say "no" anymore

>> No.13064134

Whats worse is adult picky eaters.
Grow the FUCK up and try something holy shit

>> No.13065320

Yeah you really know how to spoil em' huh?

>> No.13065348

my dad was the worst with chili. one time he tried to cut up boiled eggs and put them in chili to do another experiment. some nights he completely fucked it all up because he wanted to be a dumbass and experiment with the family meal. thanks ass

>> No.13065377
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toss broccoli in your mac and cheese or just get velveeta and put it on.

also italian style green beans are great. sweat some onions then toss the bacon and green beans in and a bunch of butter.

roasted asparagus in the oven or on the grill is always good. toss it in oil and salt and season and then broil or grill.

I think canned corn is better than frozen. toss it in a saucepan with butter and salt and get it simmering a bit. it's good. the only other way I can deal with corn is in a casserole like with chicken and cheese. I don't generally eat corn in much.

squash goes well in casseroles if you haven't tried one they're pretty good. breaded squash with marinara is tasty

do you like salads? you can eat shredded carrots on them and they are fine.

potatoes don't count because there's a million good ways to prepare them and I'm sure you aren't talking about them.

>> No.13065385

ranch dressing will help you eat most raw vegetables until you're less picky

>> No.13065429

pizza? spaghetti?

>> No.13065434

how do you feel about water chestnuts?

>> No.13065460

veggies and rice. beans and rice. if you wanna get really fancy buy some andouille and celery, onion, bell pepper and do red beans and rice. they won't be able to find the veggies in it once it's cooked down, only the meat. you can skip on the meat but it is like $3.50 where I live.

>> No.13065480

I'm French and two of my cousin's hate cheese... This makes me upset.

>> No.13065486

im black btw

>> No.13065575

>what little garlic, out
How do you dislike garlic?

>> No.13065595

Sounds like you have sensory processing disorder. The texture is nice to normal people anon.

>> No.13065623

It’s not just exposing them to different foods but the way in which you go about it. Food should be an enjoyable experience and you should encourage children to try new foods in a positive way. The mistake lots of parents make is that they force their child to eat particular foods, like telling them off if they don’t eat their vegetables or forcing them to eat it by saying they won’t have dessert or even the idea of a reward for doing something they don’t want to do. Little things like this can have a huge impact on the mind of a child and impact their behaviour. They’ll see these foods as something bad and something to avoid.

The right way to go about it is like I said, positivity, but not overly so, and not making a big deal over it. Serve the food that you want to serve them and maybe encourage them to eat by saying how nice something is, but no more than that, and certainly don’t tell them to eat it, or force them to, and if they leave any or don’t touch it, you don’t say anything or make a big deal about it.

>> No.13065683

nonwhite cope

>> No.13066056

the real question none of these degenerates are asking is, how do you know what a chain smokers ass taste like?

>> No.13066192

Don't know if this counts because it was my dad's work mate 30+ years ago.
>At work he losses 2 finger nails they just drop off his fingers when grabs something.
>Goes to the doctor and lists all the problems he's been having.
>Doctor thinks he knows what it is and asks about is diet.
>Hot chips 2 meat pies and 6-12 beers every day for the last 5 years.
>Has scurvy
>Told to eat some dam fruit

>> No.13066213
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>> No.13066230

>Go out to eat a pizza with my 2 friends (we are 23/24)
>We order a family size pizza for the 3 of us so we need to plan the topings to everyones liking
>they dont like anything except for the cheese and ham/bacon and if the pizza comes with anything else such as olives or mushrooms they take it out to the side

>> No.13066265

Is that like a beet soup?

I don't normally eat beets, and I did recently and when I pooped, I thought I was freaking dying.

>> No.13066352

Haha. That's my favourite thing about beetroot.

>> No.13066388
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>nothing wrong with it
gas chambers for the genetically defect when?

>> No.13066402

nothing wrong with the aunt getting her daughter to try something she may like, the mistake in parenting was giving her an unlimited supply of chocolate, I have no idea why some parents ruin their kids in this way, you're an adult, you know better than them, what they want is not what they need.

>> No.13066418

mushrooms and olives are pretty common acquired tastes

>> No.13066424

meat cover vitamin C intake already.

>> No.13066524

But then they grow up into adults and go "well I never had to eat carrots as a kid, my parents never made me eat them so I just didn't and I still won't touch them. They are icky!"

>> No.13066534

Feeding your children as vegan should be a criminal offense. It's your own choice to kill your brain of proper nutrients, but it shouldn't be legal for you to force it upon a child. Just like that retard who fed his cat vegan until it died. I'm pretty sure a baby got close to death from vegan parents too until a doctor had to step in.

>> No.13066537


Pretty sure one did die.

>> No.13066545

What the hell is thread? Why is there a raging manchild for the first like 100 posts that keeps mentioning dicks and cum?

>> No.13066556

I don't see why this is a problem. They spent their own money to eat like trash, will die at an early age, and you got an entire extra steak to yourself to enjoy. Just never invite them over again.

>> No.13066581

It's not a defect it's a new sensory receptor making us genetically Superior. We truly taste things for how they are

>> No.13066606

i fucking hate my kids because they won't eat anything anymore. and its goddam peer pressure growing up they ate EVERYTHING and i worked hard to make sure there was nothing they wouldn't eat. spicy food, exotic food, whatever. wild game, duck, lamb, every single vegetable sold here. We have fresh fish on the table 3 days a week all summer long. My kids happily ate all of it.
now they wont eat anything and it drives me insane. And i can hear their fucking cousin's words. EW THATS GROSS. fuck autism for turning dinner time into a war.

>> No.13066613

this post is a good illustration why faggots should not be allowed to adopt.

>> No.13066624

This. My brother and sister somehow got peer pressured by their friends or some shit into not eating things. My sister used to love all types of seafood, now she claims to hate it suddenly out of nowhere. My brother who used to like basically everything under the sun won't even eat chinese takeout anymore even though it's literally just fried chicken with some sauce on it and fried rice. He'll eat fried fucking anything, except chinese food apparently now. It's so goddamn annoying. When I grew up I found a taste for more things, when they grew up they lost their taste. How the fuck does it work?????

2 months ago I was at a funeral for my grandma. After the service since a whole bunch of family were down from South Carolina we decided to go out to eat. My sister after having the option to choose whatever place, said she was fine with whatever we picked. We picked a mom and pop mexican restaurant that my mom used to work at when I was still a toddler (I'm 24 now, siblings are both 18, twins). It's a family favorite, the staff knows us, it's always pretty great. So we go there and my sister isn't there, we call her to see if there was traffic or something and she claims she didn't want to go. Then we all head to my mom's house, all hanging out, and my sister starts whining because my mom won't give her her credit card to go buy mcdonalds because she's starving and didn't get to eat. Then we asked why she didn't come and she said "well I don't like anything there" WHEN FOR HER 17TH FUCKING BIRTHDAY SHE ASKED TO GO THERE AND ENJOYED IT.

>> No.13066629

fuck you both. The poles are the only people in eastern europe who stood strong and didn't cave into the soviets. Their food may be trash "civilization" may be a strong word for their culture, but at least they stood steadfast against the commies, which is more than i can say for the rest of eastern and central europe then. (not to mention western europe caving to the ay-rabs right now)

>> No.13066666

If the liver you're eating is powdery you're overcooking it, you dunce.

>> No.13067405
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>> No.13067656

"How are you feeling? Kind of under the weather? Like you've got the flu? That would be the ricin I gave you; slipped it into that Stevia crap you're always putting in your tea.
Well . . . . . . bye Lydia"

>> No.13067669
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>> No.13067691

I actually do believe it's mostly a nurture thing and not nature.

My wife was the pickiest eater ever, and as time has gone by I slowly saw why, because her parents were also picky eaters. Litterally everything she didnt like they didnt like. They are Brits so I just accepted it.

Even me mentioning the word pickle brought negative thoughts out of her gob.

>> No.13067735

i used to be a picky eater as a kid. even a shred of lettuce on my taco was a big no to me and my diet consisted primarily of ketchup poured on velveeta shells and cheese. got into the real world and realized how awesome food can be. the only 2 things i refuse to touch nowadays are raw oysters and cantaloupe. everything else is fair game though. there's hope for even the most picky of eaters out there

>> No.13067832

>Hate barszcz
>Parents force you to eat it
>Still hate it
>This means forcing you to eat barszcz worked well
You're still a picky eater, turd

>> No.13067846


>> No.13067851

the other anon was talking about literal children. how are your adult siblings getting peer pressured into not liking food?

>> No.13067873

My grandma thought we were picky eaters that didn't like vegetables (I had one brother that didn't like corn out of 6 of us, that's it) so she'd try different "clever" ways to make veggies tasty. It always ruined them causing us to force it down and not eat our fill. My mom tried telling her steamed with some salt would make us finish whatever she cooked, and we'd be more than happy with boiled and some salt. Old hag never believed her

>> No.13067888


>> No.13068070
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>french salad
>clams and seashells
>pork jelly
get that disgusting shit away from me.
Whenever my parents made some slimy shit like above I just fried myself a couple eggs. The smell of liver and seafood makes me gag.

>> No.13068391

but the only thing I eat is deenz

>> No.13070052

I dont eat shit nearly ever ... shit as in junk food

>> No.13070087

Most of the time someone is a picky eater because their parents were shit cooks when they were a kid. They were never exposed to good food growing up.

>> No.13070707

My dad always forced me to try new foods and im almost as picky as I was then. Im not that picky when it comes to flavor just certain textures make me gag

>> No.13070853

My ex was a picky eater at the beginning of our relationship. She was literally a chicken fingers/pizza/pasta/caesar salad type girl when I met her. One time we were on vacation and I got up to go to the washroom during dinner, I came back and there are tomatoes in my salad when I was sure I had eaten my tomatoes. Of course she just has this smug grin on her face. She was better towards the end of our relationship, I got her to eat roasted brussell sprouts and raw white mushrooms.

>> No.13070860

Children's tounges work differently.

It's not completely their fault. Things just taste different to them.

>> No.13070868

Fat Todd in El Camino is fucking hilarious

>> No.13070896

>I believe it’s nurture not nature, the picky eaters progenitors were also picky eaters
Anon, I..

>> No.13070993
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Fuck you faggot, bananas are worst fruit by a country Mile and a single slice is enough to infect any recipe it touches with shitty flavor. Prove me wrong.

>> No.13071607

Borscht, boiled potatoes and beatings. All hallmarks of a Polish upbringing.

>> No.13071631
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>get punched as a kid
>become wojakposter
either that or it`s because you're p*lish

>> No.13071638

Yeah but my kids won't be polish trash like you that need to be beaten

>> No.13071651

banana is pretty great.
I always slice one into my choccy ice cream.

>> No.13071839

It's just a picky eater talking about his diet.

>> No.13071851

>decide to go eat ramen with friends
>one friend chimes in that we can't go there because his gf can't eat anything there
>she's 23 years old
>we go anyway and she buys a burger from next door
She's pretty cool but that really pissed me off

>> No.13071855

>want to try an omelette, they look fucking delicious
>know that the texture of scrambled egg makes me nauseous
it's not fair bros, most food in the world has some combination of cheese and/or egg and I can't fucking have either of them without feeling queasy

>> No.13071910

but hell raise a chad.

>> No.13071923

nah they are from all walks of life. Why would poeppl be excluded

>> No.13071947

lmao yeah, love how there was amillion videos of sucker punches before knockout game came around. Its just regular old assault, even worse.

>> No.13072405

How about stupid niggers learn to cook and feed their children more than boxed mac and boiled veg? All the picky kids I know are the way they are because their parents can't handle making something that takes 10 more minutes of effort than Pastaroni even though 90% of the time one of them works less than 30 hours a week.
t. "picky" nieces and nephews eat whatever I make happily and ask to come to my house for dinner at least once a week

>> No.13072661

Lol ikr just get foodstamps nigga lmao

>> No.13072662

Fucking this, most kids hate vegetables because their parents don't know how to fucking cook them. Flavorless boiled vegetables are god awful and nobody enjoys them, even less so for children.

>> No.13073484

mac n cheese is fucken based and because they capitulated to my demands I become a stubborn asshole who always gets what he wants.

>> No.13074008

Parents who actually mollycoddle these picky eaters are shit parents to begin with

>> No.13074100

The continuity of the characters' looks in El Camino is horrible

>> No.13074131

I don't ask you to watch movies that you don't like or play video games that you don't like. Don't expect me to eat food that I don't like, faggot

>> No.13074227

I wish my parents had enough money to feed us processed nuggies and mac n cheese all I got was homemade food my mom made. I got mc donalds for my 12th birthday and it was one of my happiest moments of my life

>> No.13074338

>thanksgiving last year
>step fathers mother is there
>makes a comment about "being adventurous for trying something new"
>look over and shes putting carrots on her plate
>realize why her son basically refuses to eat any vegetables

how are some people like this

>> No.13074996

I've always loved the way that term tripped over the tongue, but t'isn't it irish now?

>> No.13075189

having 5 things you dislike doesn't make you "picky" it makes you normal, especially with notorious foods like liver and clams.

>> No.13075199

you sound like a genetic failure who needs to be put down.

>> No.13075490

>Children's tounges work differently.
>It's not completely their fault. Things just taste different to them.

>> No.13075519

Cavendish sucks, Big Mike is kino

>> No.13075735

It's not that they taste bad, it's that you're mind is fucked up. You need to eat small amount to build your tolerances, to stop your body from thinking it'll kill you.
Try taking a small bite, and really think about what the food tastes like. Have something you usually eat near by to overpower the flavour, because you don't want to induce the gag.

>> No.13075765
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And downies have an extra chromosome, having something extra doesn't make you superior, mutant.

>> No.13075779

>I really dislike the contrast of a crunchy chunks of something in an otherwise soft texture, like celery in chicken salad or celery in stew
What the fuck that's the best part

>> No.13075784

No fuckface, there is a difference between people not liking things and people not TRYING things.

I fucking hate capsicum, I hate it. The only way I like it is in ajvar, and I can immediately taste it when it's in food. But I love trying new foods, even if capsicum is in it. I will try anything once. A picky eater is someone who is disgusted by the thought of trying something new. Someone who can't actually say whether or not they like something, because they didn't actually try it. They just went "eugh, that's not my sausage and mashed potato, that sounds gross and new and yucky!" So expect to be mocked like the faggot you are when you try to weigh in on any discussion about food with your super fucking interesting opinion of "Oh no, I couldn't eat that" or "Why can't foreigners just eat normal" and drown in a bowl of tomato sauce you fucking shitcunt.

>> No.13075803

I hated brussel sprouts until I had some that my grandmother fried with garlic and onion. Now i'll eat those fuckers steamed by themselves. Goddamn delicious.

>> No.13075823

>Like I don't like much seafood
Get the fuck off my board tastelet.

>> No.13075964

>Be me
>Be faggot
>Hate Tomatoes and Onions for the longest time
>Get high while eating a burger and forgetting to pull the tomato and onions out
>It was the most beautiful thing in the world I taisted
>Try out the Tomatoes more and more
>Still not fond of onions but give them more of a shot
Hate pot and how it makes me feel but damn if it made me want to try out more food shit and not be such a fag about some food. I can even Identify why I hate the two, Onions being too damn strong that just hits me the wrong way to throw up unless its prepared or paired with something properly and tomatoes being there gushy insides that are terrible if its cold store bought shit but a nice warm fresh tomato is exilent.

>> No.13076262

I hate drinking liquor straight, the taste makes me gag and I have puked before when taking a warm shot of vodka. Now I can swish it around in my mouth and not feel a damn thing. It's not like it takes years to get used to it, you could train yourself to like something in a few meals.
If you don't have the willpower to gag a few times to literally open up a whole category of foods you're a pussy with no willpower.
Jesus christ I literally get the urge to smash a fucking bottle over picky eaters' heads when they refuse a meal because "eww yucky" like a fucking 3 year old.
Yes some foods take getting used to, and there will be nausea and gagging. The difference is the rest of us went through that phase when we were fucking 3.
If your parents never taught you how to wipe your ass either, we would also make fun of you for it.
I bet you people don't work out either, because "owwie it make me soreeeee".

It's even fine to hate a few foods. Everyone does. It's when you have a fucking problem with an ingredient in most popular dishes because you lack the willpower to acquire new tastes. Guess what most normal eaters don't even like some foods either. I fucking hate carrots and raisins, they're usually too sweet and overpower the flavor of every bite theyre in. If I was hungry I would still fucking eat them. You don't have to enjoy everything you eat. No one does.

>> No.13076929

>Onions being too damn strong
White people.

>> No.13076935

Do your duty and kill one picky eater a day. Make Earth great again.

>> No.13078288

For me, it's cucumbers. The consistency/texture is what fucks with me. Chilled, sliced raw? Feels like I'm eating wet tissue paper. They taste great though.

>> No.13078333

Part of the problem is idiots using white/Spanish onions in sandwiches so that's all you taste. That shit belongs in regular cooking, red onions go in sandwiches/subs. Too many places are cheap bastards/don't know wtf they are doing, despite that red onions aren't even expensive.