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File: 3.00 MB, 1280x720, Gordon Ramsay-s perfect burger tutorial - GMA.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13026650 No.13026650 [Reply] [Original]

how much seasoning do you put on your burgers?

>> No.13026672

he's lost the fucking plot

>> No.13026681

You dont put seasoning on a burger, you put it IN the meat when you mix it. Fags.

>> No.13026694

high on cocaine you can't taste much.

>> No.13027540

That's the opposite of what you want to do

>> No.13027553

I can understand putting a little salt on everything, but not everything should taste like pepper

>> No.13027587


black peppa

oleve ool


>> No.13027677

pepper is a dumb meme and half of the time you add it, it's not even a significant taste
people add pepper because they feel they are supposed to--but really, it's supposed to be used like hot sauce (fine if you like the heat, but fine if you don't)

>> No.13029197

this is the amount i put on my burgers

>> No.13029205

Let Worcestershire soak into the meat for 10 minutes or so, then top generously with garlic powder and onion powder on both sides. Let the patties sit at room temp for at least half an hour before grilling. I have gotten compliments everytime I cook my burgers this way.

>> No.13029247

add a hint of sriracha too

>> No.13029320

buttered bread, I work seasonings into the meat itself when I make it from the mince, and usually a yogurt garlic/herb sauce for dressing.

>> No.13030423


>> No.13030456

Ramsay is a Chef. He has to make it look like he's doing something to justify his ego. Notice how most of that pepper is sprayed all over the place instead of onto the actual food?

>> No.13030644

Make the patties
Little bit of salt
Put em on the grill
Little bit of peppa

>> No.13030669

In his early years after he went solo from Marco he would do 'workshops' for extra money, sometimes three a day, all he would do was show up, fuck up some dish he was presenting and then get an assistant he trained to do it from then on while he walked away and talked with quests until he ran out the door.

The guy is a good chef, but he's also a good on the spot showman.

>> No.13030692

>why I season my nose AND the burgers

>> No.13030708

t. Tastelets

You season every step of the process. The same with all cooking.

>> No.13030734

>the heat
>black pepper
holy fuck lmao

>> No.13030744

It's really not that much pepper

>> No.13030776

freshly ground black pepper has some heat to it. you either just never used enough or only use preground stuff.

>> No.13030791


>> No.13030796

Cocaine is the one thing I'm certain Ramsay isn't on. His brother was a cocaine addict and I've heard stories of him shutting down his restaurants because he found traces of cocaine in the bathroom.

>> No.13030919

We know. Dont worry theres nothing wrong with being white.

>> No.13030930

That's not even that much seasoning for a fucking 2 inch thick patty. Keep it mind it will lose a lot of it from dripping into the grill. Always funny to see those people commenting on his videos
>wow that's like totes too much salt MUH BLOOD PRESSURE xD
If you ever needed a reminder that most people on here either don't cook or are shit at cooking lmao.

>> No.13030944

I like to put salt on both sides, and Montreal seasoning on one side.

>> No.13030946

About as much as your webm. Like the other anon said the thicker the patty the more seasoning you’re going to need

>> No.13031115

it's not "heat" it's literally just spice you fucking embarrassment

>> No.13031128

>gas grill

What a fucking amateur.

>> No.13031134
File: 14 KB, 225x225, download (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


And you don't use black pepper, you use 4 pepper blend.

>> No.13031146

Not him, I didn't know that pepper corns have no capsaisin but they are still a bit hot. I think it gets lost in most dishes but when I eat pure pepper it does feel hot.

>> No.13031211

It can tighten the texture of the meat significantly creating a tough, chewy patty.

>> No.13031237

Salt and pepper and anything else you want on one side heavily but leave the other side bare. This way I can crank the heat very high to get fantastic browning, without burning my seasonings. Lower the heat and then flip to finish cooking.

This works with patties because of the relative thinness, but something like a steak or roast needs seasoning all over.

>> No.13031255

fucking ruins the texture. Just liberally season the outside.

>> No.13031270

Thank you.

>> No.13031289

I just put a little slap ya momma and whites of one egg and bread crumbs from the end of a bread loaf. Tge crumbs soak up the juices.

>> No.13031310

>Its spiciness is due to the chemical compound piperine, which is a different kind of spicy from the capsaicin characteristic of chili peppers.

>> No.13031359

You talkin shit about propane boy?

>> No.13031368

That only for salt. Other seasonings that may burn on the outside are better mixed in the meat.

>> No.13031421

That burger is so shit

>> No.13031441

>those white arms and hands
I threw up a little in my mouth, desu.

>> No.13032145

If you can't handle the "spiciness" of fucking black pepper then you are a faggot.

>> No.13032360

fuck off racist

>> No.13032636

Who said anything about not being able to handle it?

>> No.13033377

>3 patties
>6 patties
>3 patties

>> No.13033971

as a white man, i usually brush some water on it to give it some flavor

>> No.13034086

So this is the power of /ck/?

>> No.13034112
File: 573 KB, 806x724, 1569296146509.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13034152

>I've heard stories of him shutting down his restaurants because he found traces of cocaine in the bathroom
Way to go killing restaurant culture.

>> No.13034158

what does this reactionface even implies?