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File: 61 KB, 633x356, moonshine shutter long.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13025871 No.13025871 [Reply] [Original]

I plan on distilling some rum at home. Anyone have any experience with making moonshine?

>> No.13025875
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Please continue, anon.

>> No.13025895

Not an American. Atf can suck my greasy balls

>> No.13025926

i've done low level shit without distilling
i've made ginger bug and fruit kvass which is pretty good, but not exactly alcohol, but still fermented

>> No.13025932

Prohibition was a century ago, retard.

>> No.13025960

in theory it's pretty simple, just b careful not to let the alcohol vapor come into contact with flame :^)

>> No.13025972

Not in a lot of areas of the christian evangelical sharia law south.

>> No.13025973

Yes but its still illegal to make liquor in your home without a permit you idiot

>> No.13025976

Im going to use an electrical heating pad so that there no chance of that

>> No.13025977
File: 77 KB, 654x1024, Fucking With The ATF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You still need federal approval for that, and many states can ban it beyond that. Quickly, distract them with pictures of fucked up guns or puppies.

>> No.13026395

You can't distill alcohol for consumption without a federal permit, dummy.

>> No.13026429



>> No.13026478

>WTF, America isn't literally Ancapistan where i can do whatever I want with no repurcusions?!?!
>wow, what a fucking shithole!!!1!!
It always confuses me when Europeans get angry at us for having laws and regulations when their own home continent is a bloated administrative nanny state.

>> No.13026515

They're just obsessive shitposters. Most Eurofags aren't supposed to distill without permits either.
> In Denmark an excise license is required to manufacture spirits above 14%. The penalty for illegal manufacture of spirits is a large fine or prison and confiscation of the spirit-making equipment. Even the possession or manufacturing of moonshine equipment is a criminal act. Importing any equipment that can be used for spirit distillation is supposed to be reported to the authorities.
>In England, an excise licence is required to manufacture spirits by any means.
>Unlicensed moonshining is technically illegal in Finland, but it is often considered a challenge or hobby.
>Unlicensed moonshining was tolerated in France up to the late 1950s. Since 1959 the right can no longer be transferred to descendants, and only a few bouilleur de cru [fr] are still exercising their right.
>Generally, home-distillation of alcohol is illegal in Germany, and even the use of very small stills up to 500 millilitres (18 imp fl oz; 17 US fl oz) capacity is illegal since January 2018.

>> No.13026533

We distilled ethanol in my college lab class once. Anyone can do that shit if they can access or build a basic reflux distiller. Literally ANYTHING can be your sugar source as well, the question is whether or not it's more economical than just buying some Everclear off the shelf (it usually won't be).

Anyone that moonshines in large amounts to make it "worth" the legal risks usually have lots of land to do it on so nobody can discover it, and know a farmer or grocer that will sell them large amounts of past-prime fruit/grain/sugar cane to use. I personally think prohibition of ethanol production for personal use is retarded. You can refine your own biodiesel, but I'm not allowed to make my own biofuel to run in my flexfuel truck?

>> No.13026553
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Uh, that may be illegal, anon.

>> No.13026581

You need to throw away the head and the tails if you want to keep yourself from getting methanol poisoning

>> No.13026602
File: 437 KB, 1508x1493, Reddit Hi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>posts frog without reading anything
You're like the annoying kid that tries to join in at the playground.

>> No.13026603

It's only illegal to sell said alcohol, not make it.

>> No.13026631


"Be advised it is illegal to distill alcohol without having either a "distilled spirits permit" or a "federal fuel alcohol permit." It does not matter if the alcohol is for personal use only, not for sale, etc"

Please, do even the slightest bit of research before posting about something that you clearly know nothing about next time

>> No.13026640

Fuck off, redditor frogposter

>> No.13026647

I'm not going to tell you not to distill your own moonshine, but if you start going blind then it's probably methanol poisoning. If that happens, drink a bunch of store-bought liquor that you know isn't tainted. It'll react with the toxin and restore your vision.

>> No.13026693

Yeah, I just searched and looked it up. Apparently I was recalling wrong. It's just the still itself is legal and no permit etc. required. (Unless making alcohol)

If your making such small quantities for yourself, will the law really give a damn though?

>> No.13026721
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You can make a coldfinger in a boka still, or a jackson crossflow condenser in a T configuration.

>> No.13026726
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>> No.13026736

Not usually worth the effort, though sometimes people, including federal agents, are faggots.

I'd see if it's okay to do in your area if you have a federal permit, and if it is, get the federal. Otherwise just don't run around telling people you make liquor.

>> No.13026740

It depends on your state.

For example, i live in PA where all liquor stores are state run. So if i start doodling my own liquor, even just for myself, I'm directly taking money out of the government's pockets. You better believe they're gonna cone down hard on that.

I know people up in NY though where the liquor trade is privatized who seem to be able to distill openly without any real issues. It really all depends.

>> No.13026743


I'm on mobile, sorry for the stupid spelling mistakes

>> No.13026753

>All liquor stores are state run
JFC America

>> No.13026796

Are you retarded? The only thing illegal in the deep South is selling alcohol and that's a federal crime nation wide because of taxes

>> No.13026830

Learn to read, yuropoor.

>> No.13026893


no...no its not.

At all.

>> No.13026905


you are 100% incorrect.
If you are making it with intent of bottling and
selling it without paying the tax on it
then thats illegal.

where the fuck do you trolls come from.
read some fucking literature. You have the fucking internet at the tips of your fingers.

>> No.13026960

I wasn't debating the legality of it. Anon asked if the cops would really hassle someone for distilling in small amounts and I explained my personal experience with that. Read the comment chain you dumb fuck.

>> No.13026964
File: 165 KB, 251x306, Screenshot_2019-10-06 ck - Food Cooking - 4chan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Im going to use an electrical heating pad
for what? EC1118 is good from like 50 90 degrees F. Also in America its fine to make beer,wine and cider just no distilling although you can ice your cider to get it to about 40% but oh fucking hell it will give you a hangover

>> No.13026980

no, forshot, heads just tastes like acetone and tails tastes like dog ass but both are fine to drink

>> No.13026987

I just make bulk vodka

115L of water
30Kg Sugar
1326ml tomato paste (8.5cans)
5tsp Citric Acid
380g Yeast
1 tsp Epsom salt
2 campden tablets in water

>> No.13026989

>tails tastes like dog ass


>> No.13027080

My Father in law makes his own beer with 0 trouble. And that shit's like 27 proof.

But I guess 90 proof moonshine is considered 'alcohol' by states.

>> No.13027093
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>27 proof

>> No.13027094
File: 329 KB, 256x256, I'M SO MAD I COULD EXPLODE.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most states do not have laws against distilling, but at the federal level distilling alcohol for any reason, even personal consumption, without a fuel distillation or commercial license is a crime.

>> No.13027107

Might be a barleywine or other strong ale. 12-14% isn't outrageous for those styles.

In the US, homebrewing is legal in all states and at the federal level. Distillation is not legal at the federal level. You can make wines or beers with high ABV through fermentation, but as soon as you start boiling or freezing water out of either is when the ATF starts giving a shit.

>> No.13027128

I don't have any advice, except home distilling rum probably won't taste too good. Rum needs to be aged for it to taste decent IMO, you're better off distilling vodka. Try and look up different styles of rum (Jamaican rum is different from Barbados rum, which is different from Puerto Rican/Spanish style rum, etc) and see which one is best suited for your situation. Also look it up based on which style you like best, I personally prefer Jamaican rums because they have more interesting flavors without having additives.

>> No.13027138

You can cheat whiskey with oak chips too.

>> No.13027199

>bird watcher

>> No.13027203

yes fresh rum will taste like rotten mangoes, very shit

>> No.13028658

you can ask the ATF all about it when they break your door in and shoot all your pets

>> No.13028683

Wait so distilling is a federal law? I always thought it was a state thing. Anyone got the exact line for it? Need it for future purposes and I suck at looking this stuff up.

>> No.13028699

>wouldn't use one bigger than .22
>works with .223, 9 mm., and 10 mm.

>> No.13028718
File: 2.01 MB, 3264x2448, 3390257F-A59F-41CF-9365-BA22D639D062.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Experienced home distiller here, what do you want to know?

>> No.13028744

How do you get away with it? By not telling every fucker you meet?

>> No.13028745

That’s a big help, yes.

>> No.13029053
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>> No.13029915
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US 26§5601

>> No.13029922
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>> No.13029961
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>> No.13030086

But Europeans dont pretend to have unlimited freedom unlike some Americans.

>> No.13030106

>will the law really give a damn though?

>DEA shows up with the sheriff to do a drug bust
>burst in, shoot the dog, arrest everyone, wreck the place
>oops wrong address
>"He's got a still boys! We got a crook"

>> No.13030115

Pepe is now reddit? Okay new fag.

>> No.13030119

>going blind
Being this retarded.

>> No.13030566

Methanol destroys the optic nerve.

>> No.13030584

Temporary or permanent sight impairment is a common effect of drinking badly distilled alcohol. Did you not know this?

>> No.13030587

Getting methanol poisoning from your own alcohol is almost impossible if you're not retarded.

>> No.13030619

The problem is the overlap between retards and peoe who want to make their own liquor is rather large.

>> No.13030645

Pepe has been reddit since the 2016 election

>> No.13030724

Thanks, my man. Appreciate it.

>> No.13031175

>”land of the free”
>can’t get married to someone of the same sex
>can’t make alcohol and sell it
>can’t smoke weed
>can’t go see a movie without getting shot
>literal religious propaganda on money
>votes don’t really count because of Electoral College
America isn’t free at all. Coming soon in 2020
>can’t be Mexican
>can’t publicly criticize the President
>can’t vote for someone who isn’t Trump
>can’t live if gay

>> No.13031193


No, badly made wash or specifically not nowing you require fruit pectin to make methanol at all. Other than that you have a better chance at giving yourself lead poisoning than methanol poisoning. But you're still running off of 1930's propaganda for your wisdom.

>> No.13031206

>can’t get married to someone of the same sex
No one is stopping you from having a ceremony, the state just won't let you put it on your taxes.
>can’t make alcohol and sell it
Not without proving I can do it responsibly, like most consumables like food or medicine.
>can’t smoke weed
>can’t go see a movie without getting shot
A small amount of crime in a country of almost 350 million has nothing to do with personal liberty from government trolltard.
>literal religious propaganda on money
Tryhard atheist.
>votes don’t really count because of Electoral College
They count, just not as much thankfully. It keeps the concrete zoo exhibits from controlling US citizens.

>> No.13031477
File: 112 KB, 1600x1200, copper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Become one with copper and enjoy the hobby.

>> No.13031520
File: 1.61 MB, 2448x3264, 2014-03-15 09.27.03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


That liebig was my biggest breakthrough. It's a waterfall crushed cooling tube liebig. The inside tube is different copper from the rest of the liebig. I crushed it with side cutters to make the product waterfall through the entire thing so I could make it much shorter than normal Liebigs.

That's what the internal tube looks like.

>> No.13031542
File: 29 KB, 474x296, 1551813429319.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thats shit bait

>> No.13031554

Do you mean you're actually going to ferment molasses first? I'd say the easiest way to start home distilling is to use something already fermented, like making a brandy from red wine.

>> No.13031573


Yeah don't do that. Make a sugar wash. It costs, well I got 1 dollar 2kg bags of sugar last week. 4 bucks for bakers yeast and 47 x 8 cans of tomato paste. That will make you 40 liters of 40% vodka.

15 bucks, 5 bucks, 4 bucks. so 24 bucks x electricity to distill for 40 liters.

>> No.13031577


47cents x 8. cans of tomato paste.

>> No.13031580

Guilty as charged. I come here to laugh at conservatives by trolling them with exaggerated and extremely over the top leftist propaganda. In reality I am a socialist but not so incredibly far leftist. But boy oh boy does the rightwing equivalent make my vocal chords thrum with joyous laughter.

>> No.13031581
File: 282 KB, 1600x2133, stilltonight.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


600 dollar still, probably 70k in booze by now.

>> No.13031582

but that will taste like fucking shit

>> No.13031594


No, it doesn't if you know a damn thing about cutting Birdwatchers Recipe. I've made vodka in my refractionating column that I've never tasted from any liquor store. It's perfect ethanol with a slight hint of vanilla. It's called making cuts and balancing your column. It takes a lot of study and control of the column, but its exactly like making gasoline properly, oddly. You take out all the impurities and make a perfect product. You do that with stuffing the column with copper mesh, letting it heat for 2 hours and then pulling off different chemicals every hour.

>> No.13031625

Fuck man, I offer a little hobby advice and you jump in with recipes to maximize abv/$ to the point you're probably trading your shit for meth? You OK?

>> No.13031628


You need to learn that Birdwatchers is the least shit tasting sugar wash on the planet. If you hear some asshole say "turbo yeast" you've already blown it.

>> No.13031632


You want to spend as much as you can and get shit product? I'm trying to teach you how to make real booze. You want to play paddy cake with a carboy in your dorm room. go nuts. Jesus, learn to take yes for an answer.

>> No.13031639


Tell me your town, I'll look you up a hobby brewing company so you can be a fucking rube.

>> No.13031667

Try not to go blind.

>> No.13031670


FRUIT FUCKING PECTIN, IDIOT. No one makes enough for it to matter EVER. They poured it into prohibition booze back in the day and murdered people.

Don't even one of you assholes study history? You're all just like milling teenagers looking for pussy?

>> No.13031690
File: 2.47 MB, 4032x3024, 372EF249-221D-4594-ABB7-2988159BBD2E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m giving up drinking for a few weeks and I want to make my first homebrew beer soon so it’s ready about when I’ll be drinking again. Probably aiming for between October 27-31st, American Beer Day and Halloween. I was thinking a dark, malty pumpkin porter would be cool and fit with the season. I have a 1-gallon plastic fermentation bucket, an airlock for it, a thermometer, some sanitizer solution, a siphon and some tubing, and recently a friend of mine gave me his old 5-gallon glass carboy, picture is of it. I still need to pick up an airlock for it but I’ll probably need to head over to the local brewing supply store for some yeast and other materials anyway. Any advice on doing something like that?

>> No.13031698


There's the generic carboy of dorms. Make real booze.

>> No.13031709
File: 464 KB, 640x480, dogballs_2014-03-29 01.16.00.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Make something that dies on contact with your hooch. I've never had an infection in my 135 liters of booze because it becomes more acidic than any biotic infection before it finishes fermentation. It goes from 1.086 SG to .990 SG in 5 days. Always bug free.

>> No.13031730
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Look, Starsan is the only sanitizer. You learn that day one.

Never get that shit near another human without dilluting the living shit out of it. 1oz to 4 gallons gives you a ph of like 3?

>> No.13031773

my well water is contaminated so i can't drink so we were buying water from a place that sells reverse osmosis distilled water and we all were getting sore throats and bad acid reflex, even my dad even got a stomach ulcer. Turns out reverse osmosis distilled water is seriously acidic and the only resaon we even found out id because we tested the water for some home brewed beer we were making. The water had a pH of around 3.8 to 3.3. Now we buy spring water but its like a $1 a gallon which sucks

>> No.13033067


Jesus Christ dude. I drink distilled water because I can but holy fuck 3.8 IS NOT OK.

>> No.13033077


7 is neutral and I add Sodium Bicarb to my booze to make it neutral. I get my water from Lake Huron. Don't ever drink water that you can use as a disinfectant.

>> No.13033772

Okay but like can I get some recipe suggestions?

>> No.13033784
File: 176 KB, 1600x1200, jacksoncrossflow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Dude, I've made hundreds of gallons of booze using this recipe.


I'll give you my Brute garbage container recipe just in case you fuck up somehow.

115L of water
30Kg Sugar
1326ml tomato paste (8.5cans)
5tsp Citric Acid
380g Yeast
1 tsp Epsom salt
2 campden tablets in water

>> No.13033793

what % is your ash coming out at? that seems like it would only hit 8% if your lucky

>> No.13033799


12.99 13 essentially. I get a lot of booze from 50 bucks.

>> No.13033803


What's 1.086 to .990 on an SG calculator?

>> No.13033812
File: 210 KB, 1600x1985, still1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I make 3 handles of booze in 3 hours on my still and it costs pennies.

>> No.13033853


There ya go OP

>> No.13033858


That's what you buy if you're an idiot. Soooo many people are you.

>> No.13033872


Look at your local petroleum distillery. Does it look like your PlaySkool shit? Or does it look like a distilling column? Build a boka still or something like it and stop fucking around.

>> No.13033881

Those things suck dick, pay an extra 100 to get a reflux column

>> No.13033891


this piece of shit knows what he's talking about. reflux is division. learn how booze is made and you'll stop being an idiot.

>> No.13033912

What? Nobody cares about amerimutt elections.

>> No.13033925

Are you drunk right now or just retarded?

>> No.13033926

anything under 10 gal is a waste of time

>> No.13034173
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>In the US, homebrewing is legal in all states and at the federal level. Distillation is not legal at the federal level. You can make wines or beers with high ABV through fermentation, but as soon as you start boiling or freezing water out of either is when the ATF starts giving a shit.
Ooooh. I wasn't aware of the difference. Thanks, Anon.

>> No.13034431

It’s also worth noting that in many states it is possible to obtain a license to distill relatively small quantities of alcohol for use as fuel(moonshine is basically pure enough ethanol to be burned in an engine). There’s not a lot in the way of enforcement of those regulations from what I understand, provided you keep your head down, don’t sell any of it, and maybe keep some in your lawnmower’s tank to show to the ATF if they come knocking.

>> No.13034443

most states allow 7 gallons of homemade spirits for personal use

>> No.13034511

wrong, this has been established several times in this thread

>> No.13034685

this is great

>> No.13034702

you the same Anon who's in every distilling / Homebrew thread? I think you even post to prisonhooch on reddit

>> No.13034712

what if I only want to make 1 litre to start

>> No.13034753

Yes, but the ATF isn't gonna be breaking your door down unless you're selling the shit. No one gives a rats ass if you distill for personal consumption as long as you don't do it in public.

>> No.13034754

>stop fucking around
What if I don't want to fuck around with copper tubing, power tools and soldering irons, which I have none of, and just want a small batch setup?

>> No.13034761

use a mason jar and your freezer it wont be great but you can distill like that

>> No.13035533

Doesn't that also concentrate methanol?

>> No.13035585

as long as you don't use fruit to make you wash there be no methanol