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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 17 KB, 268x300, 634645645636456346346345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13012576 No.13012576 [Reply] [Original]

>white guy
what the fuck did he mean by this?

>> No.13012606

Fuck off.

>> No.13012634

Racist dipshits go back to pol

>> No.13012646

Do you ever do anything else besides obsess over race?

>> No.13012708

Adam, you've already revealed that you browse /ck/. You're not fooling anyone with this spam.

>> No.13012729

You seem to be the racist, as is very common with your types. I simply don't give a shit about your fucking nations and don't want to visit them.
If you want to call me racist for disagreeing with you then you must have been shillary supporters since that's the best that they can do.
Are you still seething in your closets because Trump beat your annointed one?

>> No.13012737
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>> No.13012739

You can't be real.

>> No.13012751
File: 70 KB, 1024x683, seinfeld.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you must have been shillary supporters

>> No.13012754

you do realise no one outside of media and hyper rich people and insane feminist actually liked hillary. Trump didn't win. hillary lost and there is a difference.
the dems are fucking morons for running her. almost anyone else would have destroyed him and he still managed to lose the popular vote.

>> No.13012759

Holy shit you're retarded.

>> No.13012783

Based and Raguseapilled

>> No.13012868

Holy fuck try lurking for at least 24 hours before posting.

>> No.13013052

>falling for copypasta

>> No.13013074
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>> No.13013163

He looks Latino but larps as some full white European.

>> No.13013872

You just described all Italians

>> No.13013880

So good

>> No.13013896

He's whiter than most Italians. Looks more like a south Germanoid than an Italian.

>> No.13013928

Not all Italians. Just the racists ones, ironically. Rest of us don't give a shit.
We'd rather not be white, because then the accomplishments of our people are ours, and the Germanics cannot willy nilly claim them because "muh white people therefore it's all the same".

>> No.13013930
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>> No.13013932
File: 725 KB, 1017x667, Yup, I'm thinkin' based.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13013997

lol what accomplishments?
>inb4 muh rome
Do you have anything to point to that’s not over a thousand years old? Northern Europeans have far surpassed you wops now, you’re old news

>> No.13014005

>Northern Europeans have far surpassed you wops now
By what metric, precisely?

>> No.13014013
File: 84 KB, 540x660, 97E1D201-B5FB-41C0-BE3C-CB06554C03BE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty much every metric there is. HDI, GDP, nobel prizes, major inventions. Britain, France, and Germany have totally surpassed you

>> No.13014025

Last I checked Italy's economy was still larger and more important than the whole Nordic cluster, you delusional retard.

>> No.13014041
File: 564 KB, 532x2062, 67414D9F-BEC7-4153-8B01-10FD22C28AF5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Britain, France, Germany
Also, if you really want to talk about the nordic countries, the only reason your economy is larger than theirs is because your population is much, much larger. In terms of GDP per capita, all of the nordic countries greatly surpass Italy

>> No.13014047

>Italy’s economy
You woos are practically bankrupt and only held together due to European Union bailouts.
Your problem is your a bunch of lazy parasites.

>> No.13014048

Funny how all these racist Americans worship the Nordics, because muh white people, despite the Nordics being ideologically so dissimilar. They shit on southern Europe because for some reason they think southern Europe is Ethiopia or something, yet ideologically they are much more similar in thought and belief to the south than to the North.

>> No.13014052

seething wopoid

>> No.13014060

Made me smile.

>> No.13014062

They believe they are white and that's what matters.

>> No.13014066

Whiter than you, Mario

>> No.13014076

I'm not the insecure bitch around this part.
You picked a fight with me because I mentioned the history of my people.
Why? Because you immediately felt threatened.
Why? Because your people accomplished jack shit for most of history.
Enjoy your boiled potatoes and sardines, retard.

>> No.13014078

Be nice to Mario.
He'd probably vote Republican if he was American.
Meanwhile your blond lanky and thin Sven will ridicule you while voting for Hillary.

>> No.13014082

i've been watching this really weird amateur porn and that guy kind of looks like their gimp

>> No.13014084

I’m not a rube I don’t care about the Republican v Democrat clownshow

>> No.13014086

It's because racism trumps everything else in the minds of low IQ people.
They see the Nordic people as mistaken, but because they are white, their doings can always be excused.
Some Norwegian guy could literally shoot a 100 kids and they would somehow find a way to excuse the evil.
Oh wait, that actually happened.

>> No.13014087

Enjoy your failed state and reminiscing about 1000 year old “accomplishments”

>> No.13014092

Doesn't matter it holds true for your general perspective on life.
Sven would laugh in your face if you confess most of the stuff you believe in.

>> No.13014106

Our "failed state" is one of the most important economies in the world. And this is, according to you, not even our final form.
Shows why you are so afraid.

>> No.13014111

Yeah you spaghettiniggers are real scary. You’ll be taking down the USA any moment now

>> No.13014116

No need, it's crumbling under the weight of its own arrogance and ignorance.

>> No.13014129

It's the same with their hate for blacks and Latinos, not to mention Muslims and Indians.
These meatheads have very similar (backwards and uninformed, so called "conservative") beliefs to the demographics they hate the most.

>> No.13014134

Cannot fucking believe they let a literal imbecile be POTUS and he's been fucking shit up every single day for multiple years already.
The fucking state.

>> No.13014149

>ITT Americans and Italians arguing about ethnicities
You’re both spawned from niggers you fucking mutts.

>> No.13014155

we're all spawned from niggers you fucking no brain mutt

>> No.13014169

I don't like he added food color.
Recipe was okay.
T. North indian.

>> No.13014181

>out of Africa theory
Thoroughly disproven, retard.

>> No.13014236

Source? Hint: /pol/ doesn't count as a source.

>> No.13014557
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>> No.13014579

Found the conservahick

>> No.13014591

My anthropology class in college last year. There were many episodes of proto humans leaving, returning and intermingling inside and outside africa.
Clinging to "out of Africa" is about as meaningful as "out of the ocean" theory for land animals. It doesnt even begin to describe the genetic composition, culture or specific adaptations made by different peoples.
You are arguing against consensus here. Take a step off mount stupid and read some modern genetic anthropology

>> No.13014617

> https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/is-the-out-of-africa-theory-out/
It seems contemporary science disagrees with you.

>> No.13014649

its pasta idiots

>> No.13014705

Americans unironically believe that South Europeans are white

>> No.13015020

That guy isn't italian hes a fucking jew. Second of all stop shilling this sub human retarded kike that can't cook on this fucking board.

>> No.13015027

He then goes on to prove that its not a conspiracy and its been happening for half a century.