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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13000079 No.13000079 [Reply] [Original]

Siphon coffee edition 3.RRRREEEEE! This thread is for all coffee related discussion and inquiries.

>what are you drinking
>where is it from
>getting anymore

Previous thread >>12941681

>> No.13000097

first for aeropress is valid

>> No.13000311
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Since its officially pumpkin season, I'll go ahead and post my favorite pumpkin recipe. I make the puree mix and add it to teas and coffee. As usual the recipe is at the bottom of the post.

Pro tip: it works best in lighter coffees; try a breakfast roast.


>> No.13000316
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Pic related

>> No.13000358

Drinking my morning cuppa as I type. Ha! Based! I love life bros!

>> No.13000463

I finished my morning cuppa and I'm kind of sad now :/

>> No.13000757
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The world is so cruel and so lonely. Why must it be this way? I get up every morning for no reason. Only one person in my life has understood me and cared for me and they have abandoned me. Why must it be this way? </3 :/

>> No.13000778
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Hello fellow coffee brethren

>drinking some tanzanian peaberry
>from earth fare organic grocery
>would buy again, very good flavor, medium roast

brewed with pic related

>> No.13000784
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Heads up anon. Always someone out there meant to make you smile in the future. Cheers!

>> No.13001981


>> No.13002148

Do you guys roast your own beans? Just got a grinder and a french press really cheap and I'm having the time of my life with pre-roast/fresh-grounded coffee beans.

It's amazing how this stuff's so much better than "gourmet" pre-grounded market coffee. Feels like I have my own little coffee shop with GOAT drinks.

>> No.13003149

If you drink Folgers with shitty aspartame creamer, I'm judging you.

>> No.13003152

Seen people talk about doing that on here before. If they dont use a coffee roaster, they used a popcorn popper.

>> No.13004394


>> No.13004548
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I just had pumpkin spice lattee for the first time with this chick I went out with. How do women like this trash? Is it some sort of cognitive dissonance?

>> No.13004679

Where was it, and what did it taste like? The shitty one is just a mix of fall spices. The kino ones have pumpkin flavor.

>> No.13004775

Starbucks. Had a coupon so I got it cheap. All I could taste was the cinnamon more than anything.

>> No.13004881

Been ages since I had Starbucks. Considering they usually use dark roasts of they're is any spice, it might get drowned out.

>> No.13004892

>chai tea

>> No.13004912

Works for both. Even putting this shit in yogurt is dank.

>> No.13004924


>> No.13004939
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Got some of this here

>> No.13005002

kek, Keep telling yourself that.

>> No.13005051

I'm not against adding spices to coffee but starbucks is starbucks dude.

>> No.13005136

I'm guessing you're making fun of the fact chai means tea technically. What's it like to cringe at reading panko bread crumbs?

>> No.13005158

It's not a technicality, they're the same word.
It's no different than saying "catsup ketchup"

>> No.13005171

Not saying your wrong, but in the west outside India, chai tea refers to tea brewed with spices.

>> No.13005213

this is equivalent to "well actually frankenstein is the scientist :)"

>> No.13005513

You mean vultures steal a cultural element then change it to suit their needs? Color me shocked.

>> No.13005524
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>> No.13005560

If by "outside India" you mean "at Starbucks", sure.
Some of us aspire to be better than that.

>> No.13005617

such grand aspirations

>> No.13005644

I roast my own beans sometimes, but I usually do it in the oven. I'm pretty bad at it and mostly do it for fun, but it doesn't taste awful even if it's an uneven roast

>> No.13005680

I'm looking at sticking an arduino into a roaster. TC4+ and a solid state relay to control the heating element.

>> No.13007026
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>already have another unopened brick of coffee
>spot the rare arabica-robusta blend at aldis
>its $3.79
>say fuck it and buy it anyways
Probably not even going to touch it till December, but I don't come across shit like this often.

>> No.13007255

Best way to have decaf? I want a cozy in the library while I study but its 6pm usually

>> No.13007614

I drink Great Value with Salt, Peppermint tea and Cacao powder. Come at me fgt. Cheap actaully decent tasting Peppermint Choco Coffee is fantastic.

>> No.13007630

To be fair, that's what I would pair Folgers tier with.

>> No.13007697

In my aeropress.

>> No.13007951

>Brownie explosion

>> No.13008386


>> No.13009046
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>> No.13009073

I know. I usually buy whole bean and ground at the store; don't have the money for a grinder. So far all the robusta blends I've had have been preground and tasted fine. Also for $3.79 I'm not going to complain.

>> No.13009077

i'm going to have to buy my own espresso machine because i just moved to san diego and it's apparently flyoverville here compared to LA. sigh i can't fucking afford this

>> No.13009082

Either get a flair or an ok machine that runs around 5 bars.

>> No.13009447

Anyone /espresso/ here? I’ve had a DeLonghi Dedica that seems to always make bitter coffee with thin crema no matter how much coffee I try packing in, how much or little water to use, and how much I preheat the tank by dry running water through it. What am I doing wrong?

I’ve tried fresh roasted beans, storebought quality beans, and Illy preground. I’ve gotten one or two truly delicious cups from it, but most of the time I can’t tell if I’m doing something wrong or if this is just too cheap to make good espresso.

>> No.13009474


>> No.13009524

Delonghis don't output the pressure to make a proper espresso.

Flair + m47 phoenix.

>> No.13009763

shoo newfaggot

>> No.13010115

Lurk moar

>> No.13010249

That's a classic way to avoid giving someone a (You) when their bait isn't worthy of it, retarded plebbitor. The irony of you telling someone to lurk moar when you are this oblivious to board culture is laughable.

>> No.13010294

reddit will know about this!

>> No.13010317

What's ur favorite places to visit solely for coffee?

>> No.13010340

my mom

>> No.13011735


>> No.13011773

>inb4 meme arrow not BLACKED
What creamers or sweetners do you guys like in your cup of joe?

>> No.13011817

I'm guessing that's hella trash. I just don't trust dark roasts and that has to be dark.

>> No.13011931


>> No.13011968
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Haven't found a place worth going just for coffee yet

>> No.13011986

for me, it's cafe au lait at Ma Boulange

>> No.13012138

Aw shit boys, gotta get me an aeropress2.0


>> No.13012638

myriade on mackay

>> No.13013308

Honey is interesting. Whipped sugar café Cubano style is worth it. Don't like milk as it alters the flavor more than half&half or cream. The only thing you should avoid is hydrogenated oil based creamer.

>> No.13014038

Yeah I’ve been digging research into this and it seems you’re right. Just bought a Gaggia Classic. Anything I need to know?

>> No.13014356
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Print this out, stick it behind your machine. Also citric acid is the cheapest/easiest way to flush out hard water deposits/mineralization. Not an issue on a brand new machine, but good to know. What grinder do you have?

>> No.13014362

Also a stopwatch is going to be your best friend when learning a new machine.

>> No.13014391

Thanks, this is great. I have a Capresso Infinity right now.

>> No.13015764


>> No.13016560

Perfect, grinders not going to hold you back. From here, its all just experimentation. Only other thing I can recommend is to drink every shot you fuck up. Its a learning experience. If the shot is too fucked up, flood it and punish yourself with a bad americano.

>> No.13017454

Good advice, thanks anon. I’ve heard grinders are more important than the espresso machine itself— will my Capresso be enough, or do you think I should get a Sette 270? I’m thinking more in terms of diminishing returns, rather than just “is it better”

>> No.13017524

Anyone here drink instant coffee? If so what brands would you recommend.

>> No.13017534
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This one

>> No.13017731

Not a clue, I never pull more than a shot at a time so I don't mind hand grinders. I can't recommend any of the m47s any harder. I've got the phoenix and its perfect.

>> No.13018473

>$200 hand grinder
damn anon, that thing must make espresso that can make you cum from taste alone

>> No.13019355


>> No.13019920

No motor or gearing to blow out and 0.01mm microstepped adjustment. Bifl. Real hard to bitch about it. Doesn't feel like a toy.

>> No.13020557

Haha! Drinking my morning cuppa as I type along with some oats. Worked night shift last night and only slept for 4 hours. There's this super cute girl at work I think I love her. Gonna finish my coffee and oats and then read James Joyce. I love life! Haha :D

>> No.13020563

Yes, have a SR700. It's terrific. Can roast exactly how I like to, and high quality green beans cost like $4/pound (less if you buy in bulk).

>> No.13020845

God I wish that I could have returned my piece of shit Lido 3. I fucking hate myself so much for buying it.

>> No.13020864

Rip amazonbro :( try to offload it to some chump on reddit

> 0.01mm microstepped adjustment
I fucked up. Box says "Micrometrical, step-less reproductible grinding adjustment". So like, each tick is 0.01mm adjustment, and you can freely hit any point in between the ticks.

>> No.13020878

I did all that I could by giving the item and seller one star reviews but I don't think it's going to fix anything. I have literally been punching myself in the head multiple times every day because I am so irrationally angry that I got memed by this fucking thing. Why am I such a fucking idiot

>> No.13020881

Thinking about getting back into hand grinding at home. Looking to get a chemex and a hand grinder but I'm having trouble picking out a decent cost efficient grinder.
Any suggestions?

>> No.13020904
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Do you syphon faggots buy these halogen memes?

>> No.13020914

Also any chemex guides you guys would recommend?
>inb4 google it
I'd rather hear what you guys prefer as I trust you autists more than google.

>> No.13021204

What's a good donut shop house blend sort of thing? In the morning that's generally what I look for. Rest of the day I go with pretentious shit.

>> No.13022357

No, of course not. It’s a style thing for hipster coffee shops. I use a bunsen-type burner.

>> No.13023068

Not mine, but another:

Reposting: how to chemex. Not bothering with metric conversions though I do acknowledge imperial is retarded. Also while not required, do not ever use preground and try to grind right before use, also a gooseneck electric kettle helps tremendously. Deleted and reposted to fix typos and shit since phoneposting.
>Acquire a light to medium roast. Dark is just flat out burnt, even medium roasts commonly dip into being unironically burnt
>Use around 1:18 grounds to water (personally I just use a third cup measuring cup to scoop beans which results in around the right amount of grounds for 16-18oz water)
>Heat water to 200 (not boiling, you retards)
>Grind size is medium-fine (on a Barista Encore I use size 18)
>Put filter in chemex
>Get hot water from sink, use it to wet the filter and preheat the glass
>Pour water out of the chemex when the kettle water is heated
>Put grinds in filter
>Pour water from kettle VERY slowly (dripping) to evenly wet the grounds without flooding it
>Wait 30-60 seconds
>Pour very slowly in the circular motion everyone describes so the water evenly is distributed throughout the grounds
>Pour faster once the water is clearly just impacting the water rather than the grounds under it, maintaining a level of around half an inch to an inch under the top
>once the kettle water runs out, take a spoon and scrap the sides of the filter so that the grounds settle back on the bed, otherwise it'll form a volcano and barely pass through any grounds resulting in watery garbage
>when there's more than about a second or so between drips it's done
>pour (people say to swirl it in the chemex for aeration but it makes no sense since pouring it will aerate it far more)
>rinse the chemex with clean water a couple times, it's quick to clean and prevents oils from building up that become rancid
I'll flesh this out a bit on PC and repost at a later date

>> No.13023309

Why do I get a euphoric feeling from drinking a large cup of coffee at a place like Dunkin' Donuts, Starbucks, or even McDonald's, but when I brew my own at home (using a small 5-cup Mr. Coffee machine) I never get that feeling? I adjust the amount of grounds I use, and the resulting coffee varies wildly in strength. But whether it's too weak or too strong, I don't get that delightful buzz I'm used to. What gives?

>> No.13023326

Any other light roast enthusiasts out there?

>> No.13023345

Drive-thru coffee uses high caffeine beans.
Try a bag of Death Wish.
Or just quit coffee for a while and lower your caffeine tolerance.

>> No.13023430

Thanks for the feedback, bro

>> No.13023467

So I've got this working theory that American manufacturing/design was never good. We pretended to be this economic superpower for 120 years just like we pretended to go to the moon. We're nothing more than a marketing country. Lido is plastic american jank sold through targeting advertisement through trash publications like the NYT, similar to the rise of the aeropress from the early 2000s.

>> No.13023498

Im using a cheap nespresso machine. Honestly the coffee is consistent and compares well with properly made espresso. Wondering if i should try another way or machine like dolce gusto but the fake dried milk seems a bad idea.

>> No.13023505

Ive just bought a metal turkish grinder from ebay for 5 bucks. Susposed to make coffee very fine ground for Turkish coffee. Lets see.

>> No.13023788

I guess the most important question is, do you drink espresso or espresso-milk drinks? Nespresso generally uses better quality ingredients for pure coffee.

>> No.13023860

Can anyone give me some detailed advice on how to make good espresso with a DeLonghi Dedica (or the best I can achieve given the big limitations)?
I’ll be getting a Gaggia soon but until then, I’m having a hard time getting something good out of this. I can’t seem to fit more than 11-12g in a double basket, and then pulling ~60g of espresso from it comes out incredibly fast, like in 20 seconds.
Most of my espresso tastes sour and bitter. I’ve gotten one sweet shot but it feels like random chance at this point.

Has anyone had any luck with this and can give me some advice, to hold me over until the Gaggia gets here?

>> No.13023984

Yeah, I love a good light roast. What's your preferred?

>> No.13024429

For me, it’s huehuetenango, roasted just past first crack. Do you know any good roasters that do a light roast? I’ve heard Heart does but never ordered from them. I use a Freshroast 500.

>> No.13024553


>> No.13024584


>> No.13024587

Get a dictionary, retard.

>> No.13024601

I mean I only forgot an "e". I was focused on typing it out not spelling.

>> No.13024607


>> No.13024715


>> No.13024725

I am drinking store brand mild roast coffee.
It is from a can.
I added some sugar, powdered non-dairy creamer, and some caramel to the bottom.

>> No.13024773


>> No.13024774
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Starting the first cup with some generic brand creamer.

>> No.13024793
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>> No.13024831

death to anime.

>> No.13025308
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I've never had a cup of coffee that I've disliked

>> No.13025315

>not drinking single origin micro-lot coffee from your local roaster
Last batch was a Mexican filter roast. Using an aeropress, but thinking of ditching it for a V60 soon.

>> No.13025316

I got a porlex mini and it seems to work well enough.

>> No.13025373

Sounds like you enjoy the social aspect. Using freshly ground beans also adds a lot to the quality of a cup

>> No.13025642

Aspiring coffeefag, tired of spending 4 bucks every morning for a coffee/cold brew and decided I'd start making it at home and bringing in a thermos.
I have a French press for hot, and have seen a couple videos on cold brew (grind fine, soak in fridge overnight then strain?)
I was just looking for some decent coffee to buy. I don't mind ordering online, and I'm not sure what's better than folgers/Starbucks shit at the grocery (I live in Canada if it helps).
There are some trendy coffee shops in my area that I've been too, good coffee but their bags are expensive.

>> No.13025650
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Meant to say coarse grind for cold brew*

Also, I've heard good things about pic related and it seems cheap

>> No.13025730

>thinking of ditching it for a V60 soon.
Please do, you won't be disappointed.

Its ok. You can find it cheap at azn markets.


>> No.13026118

Any online shop that grinds fresh to order is better than Starbucks/store stuff. Your instructions are fine. 16-24 hours in the fridge. Your choice. Slightly 'press' the press before it goes in the fridge.

>> No.13026334

Not saying your wrong, but that's why I miss spelled it.

>> No.13026349
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I find some of the grocery stores that have bulk coffee like luckys market are pretty good. Grinding 4-7 days worth of coffee at the store yields a now flavorful cup then most preground bagged. Also you cam control the coursesness of the ground to suit you're needs.

This is also good advice

>> No.13026448

there's something comfy about this image.

>> No.13026741

read on a previous thread about putting a stick of cinnamon in the moka's water tank, is that ok or is retarded?

>> No.13026810

Hmmm... they sounds interesting. Never thought of the tank. Although it could screw with the steam pressure.

>> No.13027516

Bump, I’d really like some good advice for my Dedica.

>> No.13027604

Sell it. You're asking how to tie your shoes with ripped up laces when you're already told us you're buying new shoes soon.

You understand those are literally never cleaned right?

You can take a few seconds to reread what you've typed right? Its not an instant submission.

>> No.13027760

I've seen them clean it out before. I use it and my coffee tastes fine.

>> No.13027780

>admit I forgot the "e" and why it was forgotten
>"Sorry my bad"
>continued to get chewed out over it
Life must be hell for you grammar nazi's. Especially if you need to police a nordic fishing board used as a means of informal communication.

>> No.13027857

i need recommendations. ive been drinking extra dark french roast, italian, and mocha java. i only drink cold brew. thoughts?

>> No.13027982

Take the robusta pill

>> No.13028042

Define 'fine'

Its not about you being a grammar Nazi, its about you making a dumb post even dumber with a typo, then trying to defend the typo.

>> No.13028045

>how to tie shoes with ripped up laces when you’re getting new shoes soon
That’s not untrue, but it’s more like “how do I tie up ripped up laces to hold me over until my new shoes come in the mail?”
I’ll probably be selling it once I do get the new one in the mail.

>> No.13028070
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>> No.13028106

Some people go shoeless their entire lives. I think you can last a week. It'll build character.

>> No.13028160

Appreciate this. Looking forward to the more in-depth one

>> No.13028253


>> No.13028255

>actually thinking this is facebook
boy, I bet you get so many likes!

>> No.13028516

That’s true, I just thought it would be interesting to see how good this DeLonghi could be. I can always use my moka pot or siphon though.

>> No.13029081

>being such a newfaggot that you don't recognize le avoid giving someone a (You) meme, specially when they attach a picture of a (You)
You type like a literal plebbitor or a woman (which is pretty much rebbit: the gender). But it's ok, this board is pretty much femoid/plebbitor central.

>> No.13029212
File: 569 KB, 1535x2176, 72F3E535-91D6-4BCB-9FAC-302F2B72396F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let’s make cappuccino, shall we?

First step: make espresso

>> No.13029225
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Pour milk into the miracle foam machine and let it do it’s magic, record it and try to make a webm smaller than 3 mb.

>> No.13029230

I love these things. Good for making frothy hot cocoa, too.

>> No.13029233
File: 203 KB, 1280x958, A94E2F1B-E376-48D1-8B15-341965DB2EB6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Protip: for best results make two cycles, one cool without heating the milk followed by a hot one.

>> No.13029239
File: 2.45 MB, 4032x3024, 03815262-1FFF-433F-B91D-01BAD8B83EEF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pour into the glass with coffee

>> No.13029243
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>> No.13029245
File: 514 KB, 1692x2046, FE45D5CF-935E-4E2F-A04F-2E9E13A0160A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bonus thicc shot

>> No.13029257

Yes it’s the best money on kitchenware I’ve ever spent in my life tbqh

>> No.13029303
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That looks great anon. Thanks for sharing.

>> No.13029335

Thanks for your kindness ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ

>> No.13029763

Kek. You seem upset. Go dust off that aeropress and fill yourself with Joe.

>> No.13030170

Was bored and made my cafe Llave as a cubano. Bustelo was better as a cubano. Llave was drowned in the sweetness. Course that's cause it isn't roasted to hell like Bustelo, but I digress.

>> No.13030996

I’m sorry, I used you with a bait post that would get a response to bump the thread again sometime later.
What kinda coffee was everyone drinking today?

>> No.13031522


>> No.13031750

I got a gaggia this week and holy shit, I don’t know what the fuck I’m doing wrong but I can’t pull anything worth a damn. A double shot comes out in about 10 seconds. I get no crema. It’s bitter but mostly sour.
I measured out 15g of coffee ground pretty fine, a bit more fine than table sugar.
I think the tamper I’m using is pretty shit, it’s a little too small so it leaves coffee on the walls, and coffee sticks to it (everything is dry). The puck was loose, damp, and rough on the surface.
Besides a better tamp, which I just ordered, any other suggestions?

>> No.13032257

Just moved and I'm figuring out how to ship my espresso machine and grinder.
What are some good manual grinders?

>> No.13032269

An espresso machine is worthless without a good grinder

>> No.13032314

indonesia java semeru
french press
4 minute steep, extra course grind

I'm a simple man

>> No.13032480

I have this one: https://www.delonghi.co.jp/products/detail/id/73
I don’t think it’s terrible, I could certainly spend more on a better grinder but this shouldn’t be making my puck so loose and my shot so sour.

>> No.13032744

m47 or bust.

Grind to the point where you choke the machine, clean up your counter, and back off the grind a little bit.

>> No.13032808

Thanks anon, I was trying to undergrind not overgrind, but I’ll experiment the other direction. I also watched some videos online and I think I was under-filling the basket so I’ll try correcting both.

>> No.13032909

I’ve also been reading about the OPV mod to lower it to 9 bars, sounds like a necessary mod, but I don’t know what pressure my model is set to by default and am not very mechanically-inclined to create my own pressure gauge portafilter, so I’d be adjusting blind.

>> No.13033040

This is the exact reason I shill the cheapest flair+pressure gauge. I'm reading through the blind opv adjustment thread on gaggiausersgroup and it seems like a fucking nightmare.


>> No.13033058


>> No.13033218
File: 210 KB, 1000x563, 20191008_161204.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why is there margarine in my coffee? is this good?

bought this 500g bag for $4

>> No.13033223
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>> No.13033635

That's strange. Plus it's in Chinese. Idk why they would add margerine or any of that other stuff for that matter

>> No.13033822

Wegman's store brand columbian. Yeah, it's cheap, but I drink around half a gallon a day. Whole milk, stevia, and a little sugar for texture.

>> No.13033842

Cheap brands have been using flavored conmmeal as filler for years. Whether or not they disclose it is another matter entirely.

>> No.13033944

Maybe to mimic Vietnamese butter roasted coffee?

>> No.13035121


>> No.13036333
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>> No.13036485

Gaggia update: I’m getting a solid puck and good crema now. Coffee still comes out pretty quickly, though I’m not sure if I should be timing 30 seconds from the switch on, or the first drop of espresso. It also tastes incredibly sour, even though I’ve moved up to a 3:1 ratio, which I’ve read is more of the Italian style.
Is my grind not fine enough? I’m grinding as fine as my grinder goes and it still isn’t choking. I haven’t seen espresso grind in person so I’m not sure what to expect. Or maybe the issue is still the ~14 bar pressure it’s preset to.

>> No.13036591
File: 1.11 MB, 2000x2500, illy dark roast.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This from a stovetop. I get it from the Publix down the road. The shit is $25 for 9oz, but its the absolute best I've had so far.

Now that it's getting cold, I like to make it with some whipped sweet cream and cinnamon. and yes, I will be having it again in the morning.

>> No.13036616

You probably never drank free drip coffee then.
I'm with you though. Sometimes I feel like my low standards have a negative affect on my brewing ability.

>> No.13036632

Does Whole Foods have any good whole bean coffee? I've never stepped into one, but there is a location near my new apartment.

>> No.13036638
File: 60 KB, 800x800, dft4gexrgqkqlfvnncwv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just bought pic related. Boomers keep raving on about how this made the best coffee in the world. How do I percolate me some top grade coffee anons? I want to feel like I'm on top of the world like a boomer does.

>> No.13036691

My boomer parents make some legitimately delicious percolator coffee. I’ve tried it myself and it turns out as a bitter, disgusting, undrinkable sludge. It‘s a mystery to me.

>> No.13036711

grind your own coffee and make sure it isn't super fine.
start it on low heat and let it go for about five minutes or so. If it starts peculating really fast turn down the heat even more.

>> No.13036893

By the way, thanks for this— I don’t have a spare bike tire, but I’ll be going to my local bike shop to see if I can get/buy one from them. Haven’t had the chance yet because I keep getting off work too late, but hopefully I can tweak the pressure soon.

>> No.13036917

Whats the consensus on Breville? My dad has one and it makes good espresso. Has the built in grinder and steamer.

>> No.13036992

Consult the chart I linked. Once you pull a great shot its about the eternal chase and dialing in of all your variables. Your beans are going to change by the hour, that's why a micro adjustable grinder is important. Hoffman also has a decent video on it.

>> No.13037271
File: 59 KB, 550x364, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you link to the video? I’ve actually been consulting your chart religiously, I’m doing everything I can think to improve extraction.
>grinding as fine as my grinder allows
>stirring grinds with a toothpick to break up clumps
>slowly pouring grinds into basket with a folded paper “funnel”
>levelling coffee with a flat knife back, careful not to compress any, just scraping off the sides (I’ve measured and am getting about 14g in the basket)
>gently bringing my tamper down, rotating slightly to even it out, then slowly pressing straight down with force
>release pressure, spin 45 degrees to release any stuck grounds, and slowly lift up so a vacuum doesn’t pull out the sides
>attach portafilter to the espresso machine, turn on the switch
>~3 seconds later, espresso comes out
>several seconds after, it starts lightening and crema starts forming
>after about 10 seconds, I’ve reached ~45ml of espresso (measured the volume in my cup)
>coffee tastes like lemon
Maybe I should use more coffee since I can’t grind too fine, like pic related shows. More coffee might help slow down the extraction.

>> No.13037298


It sounds like you know what I'm going to say.

>grinding as fine as my grinder allows

Get to budgeting.

>> No.13037375
File: 2.17 MB, 2399x2129, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yep, I was looking to hear confirmation I actually need to do that before I potentially blow money if some other aspect of my technique needs more improvement. Pic related was this morning’s lemonshot.

>> No.13037411
File: 2.25 MB, 3200x2400, IMG_20191009_021016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well its 2 am and I'm not sleeping so let me get you a pic of my grind and pull a shot real quick.

>> No.13037449
File: 1.92 MB, 3200x2400, IMG_20191009_023322.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Well I fucked up and timed everything, weighed , then slammed the shot without taking a pic.... Here's the second one I just pulled. I adjusted 3 "ticks" finer so 0.03mm closer on the burrs. those .03mm completely changed the taste, and I could honestly go a touch finer. Zero bitterness or astringency in this shot, deep cocoa notes, but not quite as sweet as I remember having it last. Still delicious tho. 17g in, 34g out, 2bar preinfusion until the puck starts flowing, then ~45 seconds at 8+ bar finishing at 10.

>> No.13037512

I made coffee in my show cooker. Came out alright. Didn't taste like cold brew or regular drip.

Going to try putting espresso grounds into my pressure cooker. Going to have like a quart.of.espresso when I'm done.

>> No.13037538

What's a good way to add cinnamon or cardamom to my coffee? I'm using a moka pot, if it matters.Put cinnamon in the grounds, it worked but clumped up bad when I went to empty it. Then I tried putting it in the top part and letting coffee pour over it and dissolve it, but it turned into mud shortly after.

>> No.13037647

Thanks anon, this is really helpful, I’ll compare my grinds to a coin after I get home from work.

And this is really inspirational. That espresso looks and sounds delicious. Is preinfusion automatic, or is there anything I can do on the Gaggia?

>> No.13037708




This is all I could dig up in about 10 minutes. Seems like a good jumping off point. Someone in that first post links a thread about putting an inline dimmer in between your gaggia and the wall. May be the simplest "mod" you could do since it seems like you don't feel comfortable ripping apart a brand new machine and trying to source shit from MrShades kit.

>> No.13037927

>boss not in today
>gonna go in a teensy bit late so that I can relax with my /cuppa/ instead of rushing out the door with it
I'll just stay a little later to make it to 8 hours. Salaried is redpilled

>> No.13037950
File: 2.08 MB, 3024x3024, 7D3293A1-9725-4BDD-926D-F68F0FD48E01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for me, its breakfast blend

>> No.13037958
File: 1.53 MB, 3510x2083, IMG_20191009_084930~01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw want to try a keurig to see how bad it tastes

>> No.13038209

Thanks, I’ll be looking into this more. In more positive news, I took apart my grinder, thoroughly cleaned it and made sure all the parts were fitting together snug, and then ground at the finest grind again. The powdery dose blocked up my Gaggia! I adjusted by three clicks and got something drinkable from a dose of 15g. It came out too slow, about 40 seconds, but wasn’t that bitter. I’ll need to keep adjusting but this is the first drinkable shot I’ve managed to pull so far!
I still want to upgrade to get something with more adjustment in the espresso range, but it’s nice to see I’ll be able to at least drink something until I can make the purchase.

>> No.13038242

Glad you're starting to make a little progress! But yeah, you'll be astounded at the variability of 'fine' you'll get with a top tier hand grinder. Couple hundredths of a mm can change the profile of a shot immensely. I'll shed a tear in advance for when you pull your first 'perfect' shot and can't reproduce it lol. Espressos a real bitch. I think my next variable to eliminate is sourcing and coming up with preferred roasting profiles for specific beans. Also seems like a real cheap way to shit out some Christmas presents.

>> No.13038783

Do you guys salt your grounds? I started adding a pinch of salt and I'm loving the results, but I can't tell if I'm enhancing the flavor or just masking it.

>> No.13038931

They'll have whole bean but selection varies by store. Some in my area don't have any brands I like. If you have a Prime account you can get some good deals when it's on sale.

>> No.13039730

What do you gain from this as opposed to just salting the brew because it just dissolves either way

>> No.13040252

Probably nothing, to be quite honest.

>> No.13040274

I’ve already gotten what I think was a “perfect” shot, ironically with my Dedica. Somehow I got one shot that tasted like honey, with a sugar cookie aftertaste. It was my first time realising espresso actually COULD be sweet. Absolutely zero bitterness. I never was able to reproduce anything close to it. That was even using storebought beans. So now I’m already chasing that dragon.

I used to homeroast, but back then I typically made pour-over or siphon coffee. Beans do make a great gift, but it breaks my heart when people want me to pre-grind for them. What kind of beans do you like to use with espresso, or do you use blends?

>> No.13040404

Thanks buddy.

>> No.13040514

Salt rounds of bitterness. You aren't really masking anything that you wouldn't Lilly anyway imo

>> No.13040600

I buy whatever sounds good(usually locally, i think im currently drinking some shit I bought online), pour them into a mason jar with an airlock, then never label what I'm drinking. IIRC what I was drinking last night was some honduran single estate dark(ish) roast. I don't really see the appeal of drinking a single "style" so I try to branch out randomly. Makes for good practice as well.

>> No.13040848

everything tastes like water

>> No.13040873

i'll pass then.

>> No.13041387

I like trying different varietals too, I don’t tie myself down to one. I was curious because I do wonder if the new varietal I’ve been trying in my machine could be what’s causing the sourness— Kenyan coffee is acidic, and bright, so that could be leading to an overly-bright, sour cup. Regardless, I ran out this morning so I’ll be trying another region next and I’m looking for recommendations. I might just try my roastery’s espresso blend this time.

>> No.13041572

niBBa you can get a grinder for $20 on amazon.

>> No.13041768

Please don't buy $20 amazon grinders.

>> No.13042349


>> No.13043318

I'm not. If I'm buying one,I'm buying a really good burr one. Till then I'm grinding at the store.

>> No.13044637


>> No.13044809

What's a good manual grinder under $100?

>> No.13044905

What is their process for making it?
Ill try anon, ty

>> No.13044913

Its disgusting, gas station coffee is an improvement

>> No.13044949

Super light roast instant coffee milk with nestle's quick on ice.

>> No.13044975
File: 102 KB, 280x246, 1464913954683.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did the whole cold brew in the french press thing. Starbucks Pike Place Roast, coarse to medium grind at 15 hours in the fridge. Its my guilty turbo-caffeinated pleasure.

>> No.13045074

>I'm not. If I'm buying one,I'm buying a really good burr one. Till then I'm grinding at the store.

Smart man

Hoffman says the porlex mini won his cheap grinder shootout then compared it to the upper end, felt real cheap and didn't hold a candle. For filter its probably ok, but I'd scrape reddit or some forums for a steal on a better (used) grinder for a few bucks more. Its $75 on amazon right now if you're hurting for a grinder.

>> No.13045076

It looks like he fucked up his graphic, should be 57 pounds, not 157. ~$75usd.

>> No.13045306

For $400 I'd rather get a Rancilio. Seems to me that those manual ones are getting for audiophile tier customers

>> No.13045330

Kinus factory burned down so they made 2 different cheaper grinders with the same 47mm burrs to drive sales. Get one of those over the original.

>> No.13045339
File: 470 KB, 508x691, NESCAFE_CLASICO_Dark_Roast_Instant_Coffee_Jar-front-packshot[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13045546

I’m looking to upgrade my grinder for espresso and pour-over. I can buy an imported baratza sette 270w for like $500, or I can buy a second-hand Vario for $300... or a fancy Anfim Scody 2 for $600.
Home barista culture is nonexistent where I live, but commercial coffee culture is strong, so I can buy commercial grinders like the Scody for a better rate than I can buy hone grinders. It’s obviously bigger than I need but would it do a better job?

>> No.13045622

Have been using a french press for a bit, whats some good but not pretentiously expensive coffee I can get online?

>> No.13045674

ctrl-F grinder

>> No.13045754

All I see are cheap grinders and hand grinders, not the specific grinders I asked about.

>> No.13045911


>Sette 270


>No motor or gearing to blow out

Yeah, theres a reason. Pay more for gigantic flat burrs on the scody that will require maintenance and possibly the biggest margin of diminishing returns, or buy something that works and will continue to work. Instead of that $600 scody you could get a $200 phoenix and a $400 behmor 1600 and be way better off.

>> No.13046330

Does anyone have experience with manual espresso makers? I hear with all the problems and the expense of machines the manuals are a much better bang for your buck if you can use them correctly

>> No.13046736


>> No.13046904
File: 186 KB, 1512x1512, 2019-10-11-06-59-25_compress95.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To whomever went over why basic drip coffee machines suck, and how to mitigate there problems, thank you. Started using a little more coffee and bit hot water from the sink in instead of cold. Made a big difference.
Morning French press anon.

>> No.13046913
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morning lad. latest purchase.

>> No.13046971
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I bought pic related yesterday because it was on offer. Tastes fine I guess although definitely doesn't give you that distinctive sweet African coffee flavour that you would get with proper fresh coffee.

I drink instant on the daily though, it's just quicker and easier. Freshly ground coffee is great and I'll buy it when I'm out. And on a weekend I sometimes brew up some ground coffee in my french press. But for daily purposes, I use instant, because I cannot be fucked to thoroughly wash out my french press every morning.

I try and get a different type of instant each time to try different ones. Nescafe do this one called Azera which is very fine, almost like dust, and apparently it has actual coffee grounds in there, although I'm not sure about that. It's pretty good. But yeah I just try a different one each time because why not.

>> No.13046995
File: 466 KB, 1440x1440, eggnog latte.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used to work at Starbucks, but I never had that, and I don't think we even sold it (this is in Britain and we don't get all the same stuff the American Starbucks stores have).

I did have eggnog latte around Christmas time though, and it was tasty. Weird but tasty. And obviously it's not exactly proper coffee, it's not a drink to have if you want to taste the coffee. But it was pretty tasty. I've never even had real eggnog because we don't really have it in Britain, it's an American thing really. But this stuff was alright, creamy and sweet with a nutmeg flavour, not bad.

>> No.13047003

This: >>13005171

You're literally fucking autistic.

>> No.13047011

You should at least get Gold Blend, which I believe is called Taster's Choice in America. Way better. The classic/original stuff you've posted tastes pretty shit.

>> No.13047020

I just go to the supermarket and get store brand ground coffee, not the value stuff because that's shit, but like the mid-range stuff, it tastes good. And they'll have more expensive ones if you're into that too. But even just the mid-range stuff will be noticeably much better than instant, of course.

>> No.13047024

sounds comfy desu lad. i rarely go in starbucks because the queue is always massive.

>> No.13047310

Fair. Not really missing out on much really. Although their filter coffee is pretty cheap which is good, used to be £1.50 for a tall one. Which of course means small because Starbucks-speak is stupid.

Speaking of tall filter coffees, my boss's usual order was a "black eye" which is a filter coffee with two shots of espresso added. I think I'd die if I had that much caffeine.

>> No.13047414

yeah, but i do like eggnog. that aside, it's cheaper for me to order fresh beans online. had a cold brew from costa last week. the lad behind the counter was confused when i said no to cream or syrup, kek.

>> No.13048686

Oh, that sounds dank.

>> No.13048875

very good indeed.

>> No.13049233
File: 71 KB, 912x1024, D0J1RveWsAAoQP2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this morning i got out of my race car bed after moving several of my women out of the way. i gracefully walked down my grand marble staircase into my kitchen where i ordered my servant to get me my starbucks pumpkin spice k-cup and i put it in my keurig. mere seconds later i was enjoying my magnificent coffee and it was better than anything out of some virgin french press.

>> No.13049564

Hey, I’m actually heavily leaning towards the m47, I just had a question about it. If you switch back and forth between coarser and finer grinds (I mostly make espresso and siphon coffee), how do you calibrate it? The m47 just has a ring with measurements for every click, but I assume to go that far, you’d need to really spin it around a bit. Is it a trial and error gamble every time you make a big adjustment?

>> No.13049907

>stirring grinds with a toothpick to break up clumps

Oh I forgot to mention, get a real fine needle or two and jab them into a wine cork.

Buy a flair. The 2018 classic and signature are on sale since they're standardizing portafilter size and all 3 models will have the wider portafilter.

You're going to zero your burrs out and note where it lands. Then you note every time you get back to zero. So my starting point for espresso is like 2.4, so I go 2 full rotations to 0, then to the number 4. For my cold brew I'm at like a 5.0 so from 2.4 I rotate counterclockwise to 0, 3 more times. P stoned so lemme know if I can explain better.

>> No.13050572


Jesus fuck guys why are hand grinders so expensive? Are they forged from the tears of angels or something?

>> No.13050576
File: 285 KB, 1600x1200, portafilter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This entire threads and you fucks haven't done it right once.

>> No.13050590


I don't even remember what year this was, 2015? Can you gimps pack a portafilter?

>> No.13050615

Thanks, this makes a lot of sense! That definitely seems reasonable. I love the idea about sticking fine needles into a wine cork too.
One more question, how is it for french press grinding? I know most espresso grinders can only semi-decently do pour-over, and can’t touch french press.

>> No.13050653

By the way, how is clumping in the m47? Are the grinds fluffy?

>> No.13050699


Worked fine the few times I tried it, but ymmv. I bought it for espresso. Gave my french press to my brother a few months ago and never picked up another.
Fluffy is a good word. I haven't had a problem with clumping.

>> No.13050737

Time for a classic:
Cofe time for in talk English

>> No.13050786

Great to hear, thanks. This is a bit of a backwards question, but what issues DO you have with it? I just want to know if there’s anything that may annoy me over time.
I live in a country inconvenient to ship to so it’s not very simple to return or exchange or buy new equipment, I definitely want to make a purchase I’m happy with. It’s seeming like the m47 is the one, but my last/only manual grinder was a Hario Skerton, which is a mess to dial in something like espresso, and took forever to grind. Beans popcorned like crazy too. (I guess now it comes with a lid, but I know the m47 doesn’t.)

>> No.13050823

The only thing I bitch about is its a tiny bit staticy and I never flick in drops of water to alleviate it. I just scrape the catch cup on the bottom and everything falls down, but we're talking about 100ths of grams here. Toolless disassembly for cleaning, everything feels extremely solid(even with the abs on the cheaper phoenix). Zero burr drift at all, you can really lock in the top screw. I figure the only way its going to break is if I drop it repeatedly, but then I'll just bitch at their customer service until they knock $200 off their big tabletop grinder.

>> No.13051302

Hmm, thanks, that seems fairly insignificant for shortcomings, everything about it sounds really good!! Have you heard about the Apollo? It seems to be getting good reviews, sounds like it improves on the design of the m47, and it’s a bit cheaper. The notable difference for me is that you can adjust the grind setting without loosening the top screw, but I don’t know what the grind range is for it or how big each step is.

>> No.13051321

Never mind, it’s a chinkshit copy of the kinu. I’ll go for the original.
Thanks anon, you just saved me a lot of money for a better grinder than the Sette. I’m excited to get it.

>then I'll just bitch at their customer service until they knock $200 off their big tabletop grinder.
Solid plan, I might do the same someday.

I’ve plugged my Dedica back in until I get a grinder worth a damn, I haven’t been able to get drinkable out of the Gaggia with my Infinity grinder. Just had a shot from the Dedica and it was the best cup I’ve drank all week...

>> No.13051505

You haven't meet what real cofee is until you have tasted peruvian Tunki coffee. Colombia makes coffee for normies.

>> No.13052142

Is that sand? Jesus.

>> No.13052230

last few days i’ve been mixing in a little nutmeg to brew with the coffee, and then using eggnog as creamer. feels comfy when i sit and sip outside on cool mornings.

>> No.13052292


>> No.13052902

Original, Traveler, and Phoenix all use the same burrs. T and P are both ~200 from prima. I think the only difference between the big daddy and the lower two is stainless steel spokes and "feed ring", the thumb stop, and a magnetic catch cup. If you do get the $370 one I'm confident you could beat a few people to death with it and it would be fine.

>> No.13052955
File: 17 KB, 466x379, aeropress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone ever fuck with an Aeropress? I have one and it makes some pretty good coffee but it's kind of a pain in the ass.

>> No.13053277
File: 181 KB, 1512x1512, 2019-10-12-16-57-49_compress48.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got a cortadito at wawa. The packaging is kawaii as fuck. It's a mini latte cup. It was as expected painfully sweet. I think next time I'll order just a plain double shot esspresso and add a pinch of milk after from the coffee station.

>> No.13053285
File: 136 KB, 1512x1512, 2019-10-12-16-58-34_compress64.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13053300

I’ve been considering this. Apparently the West Bend Poppery/Poppery II is a good choicE.

>> No.13053308

Lol newfag

>> No.13053458


>> No.13054070

>but it's kind of a pain in the ass.
Why? I think it's easy to use, unless you are grinding too fine and have a hard time pressing

>> No.13054613



>> No.13054841

I drink yuban and I got some Seattle best just got a combo single cup machine and keurig thing so might get a bunch of keurig pods when I run out of grinds I dunno I don’t care much about the coffee being good I just drink it black

>> No.13055057

Aeropress is literally the easiest single-dose coffee to make and almost impossible to fuck up. You can buy preground from the store and it’ll taste half-decent. Are you grinding to espresso powder or something?
I do like my Aeropress, it makes a clean and smooth cup, but it feels the least interesting of all my coffee making devices. It’s simple and inoffensive but nothing really stands out.

>> No.13055156

>Sees a discussion about quality ovens

>Hey guys I picked up this half functional toaster oven from the thrift store for $8, thoughts?

We've got meme appliance threads for a reason.

>> No.13055389

I’m really not sure who you’re directing this at.

>> No.13055397

I ordered some fresh roasted Yirgacheffe and don't really care for it. I like coffee with more acidity but it tasted flatter than my local coffee shop brand. Trying a longer steep and finer grind in my aeropress but there's only so much I can do here.

>> No.13055406

Not him, but he's probably coming from a drip. I did the same recently. While the aeropress is easy to use, the pain in the ass comes from trying to find the right grind and steep time every time you get a new coffee. It is worth it but takes time and some experience. Drip is just push a button and you get what you get, if it is shit blame the coffee.

>> No.13055439

natural or wet process?

>> No.13055453



>> No.13055467


>> No.13055533

Just shouting into the void buddy.

>easiest single-dose
>makes a clean and smooth cup

The "press" doesn't do anything, there's not enough pressure to extract anything more than the water already has. It's an infusion brewer. You can make the exact same cup by tossing your grounds into a mug with 6oz of water, stirring, and straining. $30 meme hardware. Buy a knockoff kalita wave or something instead.

>> No.13055853

I always thought of the aeropress as a kind of mix between the french press and V60, the press just forces it through the paper filter. But you’re right, you can buy a French press and a v60 together for even less money.

>> No.13056404

Unironically curious about a meme appliance thread.

>> No.13056453

It’s the god of cold brew. I live in Louisiana so I can find it pretty much anywhere too.

>> No.13056476
File: 619 KB, 750x733, 2003255D-C170-44CE-9255-7C8E9441E604.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had two beers last night and I’m hungover, how is that even possible? I wasn’t even that dehydrated.
Drinking shitty preground because the task of grinding beans seemed insurmountable but I’m starting to like my gf’s cheap knockoff Trader Joe’s chemex.

>> No.13056516

That's bullshit

>> No.13056717

Toaster ovens are infinitely better than toasters though.

>> No.13056741

Drinking Maxwell house out of my cheap drip machine because I'm not a fag.

>> No.13056907
File: 16 KB, 400x400, 64F2BE69-8ABB-4344-B41E-297AFF3FC165.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh don’t mind me weather just gonna sit outside and enjoy this cuppa joe
>mfw devil starts beating his wife

>> No.13057318

Tried some varieties of this brand a few years back. I'm no coffee snob but it was disgusting and borderline undrinkable. I threw the rest of the bag away

>> No.13057354

preground coffee which probably already sat on a shelve for a few months and will be 6 months old when you will finally drink it kek

>> No.13057419

Why do Americans feel the need to add an s to random store names? I see them doing this all the time. It's just fucking Aldi. The store is called Aldi. It's not a possessive.

>> No.13057469

How so?

Maybe, but we're talking about ovens, not toasters.

>> No.13057477


>> No.13057505


Didact and homunculus servitude manipulate.

>> No.13057521

Yeah, I cant stand all the bitter stuff marketed at us. Light or Med for me, dont like dark roast.

So Ive been in the process of moving, and avoided buying more coffee for a couple weeks before the move because thats more stuff to pack and carry. Been going to Dunkin everyday.

Now that im back to brewing it myself, like the other anon said it feels less powerful.

Anyhow I do have a grinder but dont use it often, just seems easier to usually buy preground, just have a regular filtered coffee machine.

I used to buy Zabars but they are jewish and I wish to boycott them, settled for amazon "just bright" and whatever the regular kind is. And occasionally I would pick up some local stuff but the prices were really high.

>> No.13057532


>> No.13057679

Is this just grounds in a pitcher of (I'm assuming) hot water? Like "cowboy coffee"?
If so, is it good?

>> No.13057727

i think that's a metal french press

>> No.13057786

this anon is correct. stainless steel french press. i'm very pleased with the results.

>> No.13058343
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Didn't have a good day so got just plain esspresso from wawa and added a smidge of whole milk. Pretty good. Not amazing and this Colombian cafe is better, but its good.
I'm not expecting the best anon. It's just not common to see robusta blends in murica and for $3.79 fuck it.
I pitty grammar people.

>> No.13058579

When did espresso ratio become a hard 2:1 ratio? I thought a shot was 30ml and a double shot was 60ml. If a double shot basket is usually 14-18g, shouldn’t an espresso ratio actually be 4:1?

>> No.13058584

grinder recommendations? $50 limit unless theres a significant benefit to spending more

>> No.13058608

>I pitty grammar people.
No, we pity the ignorant. Like you.

>> No.13058618

If you are only spending $50 on a grinder then you may as well use a fucking mortar and pestle you cheap sack of shit. If you want a grinder worth half a fuck then you have to spend $200+.

>> No.13058895

Unironically this. I'm sure there's some reeeeeeeeeeeeddit where you can pick up a used hand grinder.

>> No.13058908

Hario ones on craigslist go for pretty cheap

Don't listen to these

>> No.13059018

i got a kitchenaid one and its quiet compared to the cheap chinkshit garbage I got before that

>> No.13059083

Measure the drink by mass. Only retarded old italian rules recommend measuring outcome by volume, crema included. They also use dark roasted arabica/robusta blends that make enough crema that half of the espresso volume is air.

>> No.13059376


Incredibly inconsistent grind size + slipping even with the OE washers/bushing. Bet you own an aeropress too.

>> No.13059418

>Incredibly inconsistent grind size + slipping even with the OE washers/bushing
Yes, but still miles better than a blade grinder without spending a shitload of money.
>Bet you own an aeropress too.
No aeropress, just french, turkish, siphon and moka.

>> No.13059463

Definitely not true.

>> No.13059585

anyone remember this?

>> No.13059747

Sure, but here in 3 months when he posts again about what to upgrade to improve his coffee, its going to be a better grinder. Buy once, cry once.

>> No.13061004

Why do wypipo not like the coffee to brew for longer and not have a full flavor? You niggas are weak and beta af I swear

>> No.13061303

Sometimes I buy green beans and use a cast iron pan. Roast to medium/city/end of 1st crack and the brew normally turns out okay. CBF removing the quakers so occasionally some grinds taste a little underroasted.

>> No.13061324

Yeah possibly to mimic how some coffees in Vietnam are a blend of coffee, butter, sugar and rice wine etc.
But 50%? That is way too much. The ratio in viet coffees and coffee/chicory blends are way higher in favour of the coffee.

>> No.13061469

>50% is too much
True, but this is China we are talking about.

>> No.13061768
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>thinking in buying trung nguyen premium blend because it's not strictly 'coffee'
>see this
wat do?

>> No.13062308

Tough call. If the same can is sold in the EU I'd say its fine.

>> No.13062362

it is, as it so happens. sometimes i forget about the difference in food standards.

>> No.13062386
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New thread

>> No.13062391

I'm curious what chemical though its had that cali doesn't like.