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12971845 No.12971845 [Reply] [Original]

>hear about how good this is
>They expect me to pay them to use a shopping cart
>Immediately leave and go to Kroger

Fuck off with that hyper jewness

>> No.12971868

Don't you get the coin back after putting back the cart?

>> No.12971880 [DELETED] 

You do. OP is just a cynical uneducated cunt who knows nothing about the outside world.

Reported and sage

>> No.12971881

This. The coin is just incentive to not leave the cart in the middle of the lot where it will blow into someones car,

>> No.12971888

OP is just a fucking retard.

>> No.12971891 [DELETED] 
File: 10 KB, 400x400, 1398187080556.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sage in all fields.

>> No.12971925

Wait, wut? We have one in my town, but I've never been. Paying for plastic bags instead of bringing your own makes sense, but paying to use a cart that you put back in the cart-wrangler when you're done? That's your job Aldi, to pay some loser to round up carts for your customers. You loan me a cart, I buy your shit, I return the cart when I'm done, you make profit and hire a dude to wrangle carts. That's the transaction.

>> No.12971929

even if you didn't get your money back for the cart, it's like 25 cents for 15 bucks saving from the cheap groceries.

>> No.12971935

Literally nobody shops at Aldi, which is why those tiny boxes can hold a whole day's worth or retard cart tax.

>> No.12972068

Also I'm not sure if your Aldi does this, but our local Lidl's cashiers give handfuls of plastic coins for free to use for carts, you might want to ask for them if you want.

>> No.12972081 [DELETED] 

retard sage

>> No.12972301

>You loan me a cart
Right, for $0.25

>> No.12972321

It’s part why they can have low prices by cutting overhead

>> No.12972328

>You loan me a cart
And as a reasonable person who borrows a cart, you are supposed to put it back into the exact location where you got it from. The 25ct are just there to make sure you actually do that

>> No.12972357

Fuck that. I get a cart when I walk in the store, I put the cart back in the cart wrangler pen in the parking lot when I'm done. Some poor slob gets a job bringing the carts back in the store when the pen is full. That's how this works.

>> No.12972399

>i put the cart back in the cart pen

except most people dont and just leave it in the parking lots

>> No.12972406

You get the coin back retard

>> No.12972438

You go to a Cincinnasti based store over Aldi's? Dumbass. Also you pay too much money.

>> No.12972455

It's only ever annoying when you are out of coins

>> No.12972465

What would they do if I pushed in a cart from the WalMart down the street?

>> No.12972493

Enjoy ban shit for brains

>> No.12972496

Oops forgot to report these two drones too

>> No.12972498

And then they have to hire an extra moron to walk around the parking lot all day, causing the price of everything in the store to go up. Don't be retarded just because you're too lazy to waddle your fat ass 10 feet to put the cart back.

>> No.12972593

>That's how this works
Based upon what? Every other store?
They're undercutting every other store.
Why would you accept some changes and not others?
Why is paying for bags an acceptable change but not rounding up your own carts?

>> No.12973154

>not bringing your own cart with you in the back of your car.

>> No.12973170

OP is just a larping faggot. His mama probably still feeds him tendies.

>> No.12973238

I was about to be shocked until I saw it was 25 cents. Are you homeless or something? Perhaps unemployed at least? What type of economic circumstances could you be facing that 25 cents once or twice a week could be the source of such faggotrocious bitching?

Or perhaps it is a racial trait? You must be Jewish, no?

>> No.12973432

you get the quarter back you absolute drooling retard, it spits it back out when you put the cart back.

>> No.12973459

You don't even have to spend the 25 cents. It just unlocks the cart and then you get it back when you return it.

>> No.12973478
File: 127 KB, 1200x630, lidl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aldi isn't like your typical american grocery store. There are things there that are worth the venture, but sometimes you can find better prices and quality elsewhere. Aldi is good for stocking up on things that you don't really care about. Nobody cares what brand their plastic wrap is - as long as it clings, right? Baking soda. Eggs. Shit like that. You go to Aldi first to get the lower tier things you need and then go to whatever grocery store you usually go to for specifics.

The cart-coin rental thing is to cut costs for the company to constantly have to replace the carts that never make it back into rotation. I've seen homeless make an effort to return carts FOR you so that they can have the quarter. Everybody wins in that scenario.

When you check out, the cashier is going to fire things across her scanner as rapidly as possible. Don't disturb them and let them do their job. Have your payment ready and ask for bags if you didn't bring any yourself. They usually have them for sale under the actual check out stand on a shelf. Once you pay and have your bags, move your ass to the back wall where there's a shelf. Here, you can take your time and pack your groceries away. (Unless you take a box and have it already full.)

It's not a bad place to go, but it's not for everyone. Aldi's german twin sister, Lidl, has the same process, but there are tons and tons of unique European brands and items that I'd love to try some day.

Thank you for coming to my TED talk.

>> No.12973504


The coin thing is just so you return the cart. They don't want to pay their employees to collect the shopping carts from their parking lot. It ensures that the carts are put back where they're supposed to go. When you store the cart where the others are, you use that dangling tool on the cart in front of yours to push your coin free.

>> No.12973520
File: 45 KB, 374x315, 231A6B89-1364-4635-AAEE-B657E9E90AD8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go to Aldi to buy some stuff from the random shit aisle
>old lady approaches me while I’m going to get a cart
>she offers me her cart, I say thanks and start walking with it
>puts her hand out and blocks me until I give her my quarter

>> No.12973536

It's Aldi.
There's no fucking s in the name. I hate you faggots.

>> No.12973538

>>They expect me to pay them to use a shopping cart
standard in Russia.

>> No.12973627

You're a tool for trying to scam an old lady.

>> No.12973707



>> No.12973879
File: 110 KB, 750x1197, 762ADF41-C745-4386-9E7D-A7ACC87F1007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Americans are actually this lazy and selfish

>> No.12974235

Who carries coins? I tried to go there once.

>> No.12974242

Only use cash. They are ready to embark upon the next stage, and the more data they have from you the easier it is for them.

>> No.12974247

Fuck, they're here now!! FUCK!!!

>> No.12974270

That old bitch tricked him with a guilt trip so she wouldn't have to walk hers back

>> No.12974360

>not limiting your shopping to what you can carry in a cloth bag

>> No.12974362

>putting shopping carts away in the parking lot kennels like a good boy
>lazy and selfish
kys dumb yurofag

>> No.12974363

Some of us have a wife and children to feed.

>> No.12974367

>buying groceries for your wife and your wife's son

>> No.12974430

That's gross, those cloth bags are nasty. Full of germs.

>> No.12974445

fuck all that, I'd rather go to walmart

>> No.12974471

>ITT: a bunch of faggots who never get out

Start putting one quarter in your car's dashboard console or, if you don't drive, in your wallet/backpack. Make sure your woman knows not to touch your dashboard quarter. You do have a woman, right?

From now on, always get your staples from Aldi's. Very rarely will anyone beat their prices on eggs, milk, cheese, beans, bread, etc. Not unless you buy very large quantities elsewhere. Their weekly specials on fruits and vegetables are usually pretty tight.

Their canned goods, chips, pasta, etc. are generally ab out as cheap as it gets anywhere.

Save 5-10 minutes looking at multiple skus for each type of product. There's generally one of any specific kind of thing.

Buy your faggy namebrand shit elsewhere like a good whore.

You can start using reusable cloth bags. Aldi's sells some reusable bags fairly cheaply. Alternatively, you can grab a nearly empty box from the shelf and shove your groceries in it. No one else will give a shit or bat an eye, trust me.

Their growing alcohol/wine selection in the states usually offers some good values if you take a minute to look.

you're either a larper or an asshole. be nice to the elderly, anon.

>> No.12974483
File: 11 KB, 275x183, HEBased.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Can't walk 10 ft
How fat are you anon?

Aldi is pretty based but once you take the HEB pill you can't really ever go back.

>> No.12974509

Phew, I managed to escape, but I had to kneel down and suckle on 4 big cocks or else they'd break my legs. I'm gay btw not sure wether it matters or not.

>> No.12974513

your loss op. Aldi has been amazing for my wallet.

>> No.12974538

>tfw europeans can’t stop doing things for each other to have an economy

>> No.12974576


>returning my cart to the Aldis cart pen
>some fat lady always come trundling up and tries to grab it before I put it back
>they always get super pissy when i don't let them have it

Yeah, bitch. It's MY quarter.

>> No.12974603

You return the cart and get the quarter back. But it seems you don't read the comments in the post above yours.

>> No.12974610

I've had people give me their cart and when i try to give them my quarter they say " nah, it's ok." But I live in a place where people arent assholes.

>> No.12974714

Old people are not only always assholes but they're always stingy. The day of the pillow can't come soon enough.

>> No.12974741
File: 96 KB, 640x853, coinholder.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


they even sell these keychains so you can keep you Aldi quarter in a safe place so you always have that quarter

>> No.12974793

In your third world fatass country, may be. It's how most stores operate in europe, except we have to use 50 cent or 1 euro coins, so nobody leaves his cart in the middle of the parking lot and there's no need for underpaid high school kids to gather them all, which as far as i know is a uniquely american thing.

>> No.12974798

So what do the downies do for work over there?

>> No.12974829

Far fuck.

>> No.12974833


the point is to not leave your cart just lying around like a goddamned animal, you get the coin back

>> No.12974849

They run the government

>> No.12975051

Fuck I love HEB

>> No.12975053

Ew. Wit. Not on my board, thankyou very much.

>> No.12975054

I keep coins in my car in the little coin drawer. They come in handy on the rare occasion for when there are meters or these coin carts.

>> No.12976647

kill yourself, brainlet

>> No.12976659

Is it at east only a 25c coin in the us?
You can use, both 50c and 1€ coins here which makes it impossible to exchange carts with other people.

>> No.12976675
File: 6 KB, 180x192, 1459359004361.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Thank you for coming to my TED talk.

But that was actually useful info.

>> No.12976688
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>> No.12976691
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>> No.12976694

The amount of uneducated Americans seething in this thread because you need to use a coin to get a cart is hilarious. You even get your coin back when you return the cart, hahahaha

>> No.12976707

in bongland its £1 but the coin was changed a few years ago and they dont fit trolleys, all the supermarkets around me haven't bothered changing their trolleys

>> No.12976775

>go to get a cart
>see that some dumbass returned their cart but didn't connect it to the chain to get their quarter back
kek I actually earned money by going to the grocery store

>> No.12977361
File: 23 KB, 750x750, new-pound-coin-keyring-1-1[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've got one of these on my keys so I don't have to remember to bring a coin or accidentally spend it

>> No.12977433

>Paying for plastic bags instead of bringing your own makes sense
Retard detected.
Maybe you'd like the parking lot spaces to have meters on them too, faggot.

>> No.12977450

Probably nigger deterrent. Those monkeys don't even bother leaving loose carts in the middle of the parking lot, they'll steal the whole cart to push their welfare groceries home because they don't have cars and can't afford a bus. Grocery stores actually have to hire contract workers to drive down MLK drive to round up all the loose carts the niggers just discarded in the middle of the road.

>> No.12977518

>americans only have to use a quarter
Unbelievable, we have to use a whole fucking pound coin in bongland

>> No.12977587

You do know you're paying for the bags at all grocery stores whether they charge you directly or not, right? At least at aldi they give you the option.

>> No.12977648

It's a loonie in leafland, too. Used to be a quarter back when I was a kid, though.
Actually, most grocery stores in nice neighbourhoods don't charge deposits for them any more. Sometimes they put RF wheel-locks on them, but those are usually for stores in urban areas where you don't want someone leaving a cart on the sidewalk.

>> No.12977696

>tfw I was a cart pusher for a little while in my late teens

I never knew everyone thought I was stupid and hated me. This explains why cars tried to run me over all the time and constantly getting flipped off..

>> No.12978347

Yeah only a real Amurican is fucking retarded enough to complain about that.

Quit being such an entitled piece of shit and understand how all your actions effect others.

Disclaimer: I am an American. Just not that fucking dumb.

>> No.12978360

No, multiple times I have either been given a cart with a quarter by someone leaving or I passed mine to someone else. That was the first time someone expected me to pay them back for the cart.

>> No.12978362

Well you gotta understand, Aldi gets those bags for like...two pixie sticks, of their revenue. You know what I mean like. Then they charge the customer whatever x amount for using the bag but in reality Aldi bought in bulk, and bought like 2 million bags for 500 dollars. And just up charges every customer to make a profit. Where as Aldi does this transparently, other stores are hiding those charges from you, which is one of the reasons Aldi is cheaper than most other places.

>> No.12978426

t. fatty

>> No.12978655

I don't even need a cart, just bring a large bag with me and put the groceries in it, then dump them on the checkout and rebag.

>> No.12978704

whoever that was probably thought they were doing a nice thing

>> No.12978794

Thats a weird looking building. Why is the ceiling so high

>> No.12978816

H.E.B.—-custom designed for:
which one are you, anon?

>> No.12978867

That's why you get the nylon bags from Ikea. Each bag fits into its own mini bag for storage and they wash easy.

>> No.12978881

Mexicans do it too.

>> No.12978902
File: 43 KB, 608x360, C0D17A62-5A97-4281-905E-5C9E93ECDB91.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah nigga they got their own version of HEB

>> No.12978932

Hell yeah thanks Texas

>> No.12979387

What you do is you do a big weekly shop then push the shopping home in the trolley. After a few weeks and you’ve collected a few trolleys just bash the coin bit open with a plank of wood to get your money back then go dump the trolleys round the corner.
Rinse and repeat.

>> No.12979474
File: 344 KB, 500x486, 1564183422663.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not crashing your car through the storefront and loading your groceries directly into the trunk

>> No.12979485

>they'll steal the whole cart to push their welfare groceries home because they don't have cars and can't afford a bus
Kek, worked at a grocery store and can confirm this happening

>> No.12979499

>go to ikea to buy some glassware, plates and utensils
>put a ton of stuff in my bag, would be literally impossible to carry this out of the store
>cashier rings up my order, it's over $40.00
>they don't have any way for me to bring all this shit to my car, i'm talking tons of glass cups, two glass carafes, a teapot, some knives
>cashier tells me i can buy a bag for $1.50 or try to find a cart outside
>doesn't even offer to have an employee bring me a cart
>do a 360 and walk away

>> No.12979765

Why pay for bags when you can just pick up some empty Cardboard boxes

>> No.12979789

what kind of retarded store management allows customers to take cardboard? that shits recycled, a banana box is worth a little less than $3 if recycled.

>> No.12979800

why do people rave about this store? I tried some of their bacon and it was the worst bacon I've ever had the displeasure of cooking and throwing away.

low prices are because most products are pretty shit. it doesn't cost much to pay a fucking cart pusher

>> No.12979805

>that shits recycled, a banana box is worth a little less than $3 if recycled.

Not even in fucking Dubai retard. You are making up dumb excuses because you're dumb as fuck. Stop making shit up. Cardboard is damn near worthless a ton of stores let you take it instead of bags.

>> No.12979806

how about the fact that the lady at the register keeps a cart and you get the previous customer's cart and you might get some disgusting quarter someone dug out of the bottom of a sticky cup holder while your quarter was nice and clean

>> No.12979810


>He thinks you get back the same quarter

>> No.12979957

Imagine not carrying cash. I bet you bitch and moan when a stores' POS system is down and they aren't accepting cards too. Even if you're not an autist trying to stay off the grid like some of us it literally costs you nothing in space or weight to carry cash around.

>> No.12979979

Are the prices really all that better than Kroger? I do bulk ingredients and luxuries at Costco too. Kroger (Frys as its called here) has always had the best sales, especially when you shop around for manager discounts and if you're a smart shopper it's gonna be the best option. Only problem is if something isn't on sale you're paying convenience-store level prices which is how they get you.

>> No.12980717

Cardboard is put in bale presses and then the waste has to be collected which costs the company money you idiot. Customers taking boxes is helful

>> No.12980735

>>They expect me to pay them to use a shopping cart
based fucking retard you get the coin back when you leave the cart back

>> No.12980769

How can I get in your situation?

>> No.12981882

Aldi is associated with immigrants and ghettos where I live.