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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 29 KB, 400x729, coca-cola-original-12-oz-can.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12963127 No.12963127 [Reply] [Original]

Just turned 22 and I can't even enjoy a can of coca cola anymore, shits just too sweet. Is this just what growing up feels like?

>> No.12963129

Wait till you hit 30. When I eat KFC I feel incredibly dehydrated the next day

>> No.12963138
File: 40 KB, 600x315, dhvNgDb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes. Almost 26 and cant even enjoy sweets anymore.

Havent had a soda in a few years. Cakes and cookies in very very small doses.

For some reason vinegar and spicy does it for me now??? Being an adult sucks

>> No.12963141

No, that's what being an overly suggestible pseud feels like. Plenty of old folks many times your age drink soda. Coca-Cola wouldn't be making nearly as many sales as it does if it were a children's only or even just children predominant product.

>> No.12963152

That's what happens when you get all of your necessary sugar from booze. Your body doesn't want any more sugar than what the alcohol is already providing.

>> No.12963166
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i think youre just a bitch sorry

>> No.12963177
File: 25 KB, 400x313, 1567951223291.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm 28 and I love Coke especially from France. It's probably addiction. MexiCoke tastes like a stale candy necklace, gross.

>> No.12963210

I’m 28 and I like Coca-Cola. I just rarely drink soda because it’s not healthy, but I think it still tastes good and drink them occasionally

>> No.12963235

This? My mom told me that b4 but I was never a sweets person anyway so I wondered if she was just picking at me for my alcoholism again. I've never liked cakes, donuts, or anything related to pastries like that. Didn't really like bread, ate it because I figured it's what you gotta do when you're poor.
I did love fruity candy which obviously is destroyed with sugar though. Still kinda like it. My diet really hasn't changed much but I've learned to like bread, eat less (almost no) candy. And I drink a lot.

Ive just always figured I'm a savory guy always opting for more dinner for dessert.
Best times of my life was when my dad would make chicken legs for dessert (he's similar, also a drunk though.

However I do know during that divorce at one point my dad quit drinking to look good for the judge and we had pie or cake in the house at all times and he was a fiend for it so there's gotta be some truth to the argument

>> No.12963307

i think i enjoyed zero sugar sodas more than regular from the age of 15-16 or so, 21 now. can't stand regular soda, barf.

>> No.12963328

It's what maturing feels like, yes. A lot of people grow up but never mature.

>> No.12963344

this, quit booze after being a heavy addict drinking atleast a liter of whiskey a day. After quitting booze I ate more sweets in a month than I probly had in the past two years.

>> No.12963403

I used to take one dump a day at like 10 or 11 pm and nothing gave me the runs, now I'm 24 and for the past three years I've been taking a dump about 20 minutes after every meal and anything spicy or greasy goes through me in about 10.

>> No.12963436

god man getting old fucking sucks

>> No.12963514

that's not a getting old thing - and pooping once a day isn't necessarily a good thing
he probably has a disease

I'm the same age and I never get the runs

>> No.12963520

Add some captain

>> No.12964000

I always squeeze a whole lemon in it, shits just too good, without lemon it tastes like a shitty syrup

>> No.12964408

that's a mean thing to say but I like your dog

>> No.12964730

so the person not chugging down gallons of cornsyrup with every meal is an overly suggestible pseud.
hate how /ck/ draws the fatties.

>> No.12965466

I started to drink milk often and it made kfc taste amazing but id avoid though

>> No.12966056

I'm 25 and don't really drink alcohol (Maybe a social beer or two once every few months) and despite not having much of a sweet tooth I fucking love a can of coke, it's probably my favorite beverage. My friends who regularly drink beer don't seem to enjoy coke as much.

>> No.12966391

Just water it up, it's a fucking syrup.
Christ, fucking young adults these days...

>> No.12966417

>you either have to physically retch at the sight of any sugar or dessert.
>or you must be a diabetic fatass that drinks 8 cokes a day.
god you’re fucking retarded. you aren’t special for being a contrarian.

>> No.12966430
File: 8 KB, 266x190, images (8).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mix coke with coffee

>> No.12966527

No, being unable to enjoy sweet things has nothing to do with maturity at all. Your liking of bitter things might improve tho

>> No.12966541
File: 139 KB, 700x700, IMG_20190802_163942.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12966547

Who are you quoting?

Preference for sweets IS stronger in children than in adults though. There's studies about it.

>> No.12966564

Same, as with any other fruit drinks, I can only drink flavored water or ice tea green now

>> No.12966725

Do you understand the difference between preference and being unable to enjoy sweet things like soda?

>> No.12966948
File: 157 KB, 598x336, 1553890759827.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hate how /ck/ draws the fatties.
Do I really have to post my arm again? I'm 120lb at 6'1 and likely way lower BMI than you are. Soda isn't a fat people only thing (although diet soda definitely is). Coca-Cola is literally the most purchased brand in the world. That's why you're a pseud: for pretending you "grow out of" an item for which almost everyone from every age demographic is a customer.
Reminder that easy access to Coca-Cola predates access to life or death needs like antimalarial drugs in the poorest regions of the world. And when they did get access to their life saving medical supplies it was delivered using the Coca-Cola distribution network.

>> No.12966955

Not enjoying sweet things denotes a lack of a preference for sweet things.

>> No.12966962

>be 17
>can play vidya throughout the night
>only get <3 hrs of sleep and still go to school in the morning
>done overnight beach raves, clubbing until 7am

>be 30
>stay up a few hours late and feels like dying the next day

>> No.12967032

>120 lbs
> 6"1'

Blessed with lovely metabolism and wastes it on empty calories to become a lanklet. Eat a chicken breast for once.

>> No.12967045

I'm 32, long past the age where I have any interest in making myself look good. Now *that* is definitely something you grow out of. Nice tasting conveniently sold everywhere carbonated and caffeinated drinks, no, but self-maintenance, yes.

>> No.12967054

Then it's not a sign of growing up like OP is saying.

>> No.12967083

I don't see why it's not if he had such a preference when younger and lost it as he got older.

>> No.12967183
File: 306 KB, 1200x582, Coke-vs-Pepsi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not because soda has an even higher consumer index for older adults than for younger people.
People who believe they grew out of soda are just suggestible and acting out what they think is mature behavior.

>> No.12967214

Most soda drinkers being adults =/= most adults being soda drinkers

>> No.12967217

It's also the most purchased brand in the world:

>> No.12967231


Hoe is that relevant to the false claim soda is something you grow out of? Are you trying to say a most children who used to drink soda stop drinking it at adulthood and are replaces with some entirely new adult customer base who didn't drink it as children? What are you trying yo argue here?

>> No.12967241

Im 26 and cant eat many sweets things anymore without feeling sick. Sweets, biscuits, cakes dont really do it for me anymore. Im much more into savoury things. When i was younger i used to eat sweets all the time though so i guess as you grow up your tastes change

>> No.12967257

I'm 28. I used to be able to drink 6 beer and be totally cool and fully awake - now I drink maybe 4 and I get tired as fuck after maybe 20 mins of fun. Drinking sucks now. I hardly ever do it specifically to keep my tolerance low but it feels like it's just shitty now. I used to be able to stay drunk and awake for a long time.

>> No.12967261

No. It's just your infantile perception of what growing up is.
Being a grown up means being independent and dealing with your problems without looking to be bailed out.

>> No.12967262

>op drinks coffee when he was 10
Is this what being grown up is like?

>> No.12967300

>Drinking sucks now.
^This. I drank constantly back when I was in school. Now in my 30s I don't even like drinking a single 16oz. Gives me a weird feeling that fucks with my sleep, and I have zero tolerance for shit that gets in the way of my sleep.

>> No.12967481
