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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12941370 No.12941370 [Reply] [Original]

how can I increase my appetite?

>> No.12941374

Smoke weed

>> No.12941373

Suck a dick.

>> No.12941376
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Smoke weed. I’m not messing with you.

>> No.12941380

I often feel nauseated and have zero desire to eat because I dink vodka constantly whenever I'm not at work or asleep. I need to eat before going into work, so in order to solve this dilemma I typically drink as much vodka as I can as soon as I wake up in order to stimulate my appetite. The only downside is that it also makes me want to smoke, which is kind of unhealthy.

>> No.12941382

How can I decrease my appetite?

>> No.12941385

Suck a dick.

>> No.12941386

Enjoy your first stage cirrhosis, faggot. Get help now.

>> No.12941390

At least I don't have an eating disorder like OP.

>> No.12941405

Don’t worry - you won’t live to see any kind of effect of how you eat.

>> No.12941446
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>Has to drink in the morning to function
>Only downside is smoking cigs

>> No.12941519

either this or drink
when i drink i eat way too much food

>> No.12941709
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>> No.12942034


>> No.12942043


>> No.12942063

Stop being a faggot. Leave humanity behind. Take tren n go hard.

>> No.12942187

I don’t know OP, but the best way to fix the problem I presume you have is just having regular fixed meals. If you decide you should eat X for breakfast and Y for lunch then just eat them every time no matter how you feel about it, just like with brushing your teeth or whatever.

>> No.12942196

Chug a glass of ice water when you wake up to force your body to raise your metabolic levels, then keep feeding

>> No.12942210

olives, pickles, flax oil, yogurt

also just stay drunk so you never get hungover

>> No.12942216

fuck this guy with the ice water in the front hole

>> No.12942228

go on a meth bender... or smoke a shitload of weed

>> No.12942230

eat more

>> No.12942240

Walk/dance. You'll be tired at first but elevating your energy output will make you hungrier daily if you're sedantary right now. Also stop snacking, you're tricking your body.