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File: 909 KB, 3072x2304, Steak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12910807 No.12910807 [Reply] [Original]

Post OC steak. Make steak tonight if you have to. Critique encouraged.

>> No.12910813

>rare means raw in the middle
this meme is getting old

>> No.12910856

strange looking cut. what cut was it, how did you prepare it?

>> No.12910862

more pan time
also some tatoes or just anything u sad cunt

are u poor?

>> No.12910874

your steak is raw you fucking mongrel learn to cook before you destroy beef like that

>> No.12910880
File: 159 KB, 840x623, 1448288094074.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck it, lets just get to the real business already.
Rare steak is raw and raw is bad. Either at least cook it to medium or let mcdonald's handle your meat from now on.

>> No.12910916

Try medium rare next time. I'm planning on reverse searing two dry aged delmonicos tonight.

>> No.12910929

Also op don't listen to these fucking idiots, You have a nice crust going on the steak it looks pretty good. These people still have the idea drilled into their head that raw meat is bad for you.

>> No.12910945

as i understand it, the only "bad" raw meat is on the outside. the meat that has been exposed to air needs to be cooked. the inner meat has been preserved by the outer meat and can be eaten raw.

>> No.12911002

Even if raw meat wouldn't be bad for you, cooked is still better than raw. This is a fundamental law that cavemen many years ago learned and is probably the first culinary achievement for mankind.

>> No.12911010

the issue isn't that raw meat is "bad" for you, it's that if the steak is actually raw on the inside it won't taste as nice because the fat/marbling won't melt and distribute through out the steak. you can see a raw bit of fat in the picture

that particular steak also hasn't been cooked uniformly, so it's raw in the middle but cooked futher out ie "greyband". this is generally a sign you cooked it on too high a heat and to a lesser extent. didn't flip it enough

i agree the crust/sear looks really nice though

>> No.12911026
File: 1.86 MB, 1286x1086, Screen Shot 2019-09-12 at 17.31.28.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

last week's effort

>> No.12911030

Also, you need to let the steak come up to room temperature. maybe he took it right out of the fridge and put it on a hot pan.

>> No.12911044

Looks like a chuck eye. Shit falls apart when cooking, which is why I like to separate it beforehand.

>> No.12911052

The cut is entrecôte. I cooked it on high heat in butter. I deliberately made it raw in the middle because that's how I usually like my steak.

Medium rare works very well for entrecôte, it allows some of the connective tissue to break down.

It's the maillard crust that gives the desirable taste in this case. What you have to consider is that most meat on the ox isn't good for steak because it needs cooking to be edible for us humans (techincally you could eat though meat from for example forepart of the ox). Steaks are the treats that are tender enough to eat raw.

>> No.12911087

Everyone, you have to stop assuming I didn't deliberately made it this way.

I could have avoided the greyband alltogether or cook uniformely, but I chose to have a tiny strip of medium before the delicious raw centre.
You are wrong, I had to take it right out of the freezer to ensure a good crust while maintaining raw centre.

Close to perfect medium. Thanks for posting OC.