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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12851328 No.12851328 [Reply] [Original]

My fiancé and I are both Christian and she has convinced me that there is legit Biblical backing to always be eating kosher. Cutting pork out of my diet has been one of the hardest things I've had to do and my parents resent me for it.

Do any of you have stories?

>> No.12851333

My girlfriend and I both work out fairly regularly. So we try to eat healthy, but always make home cooked meals.
I just used to eat shit, watch anime, and blame women and niggers for my shit life on 4chan

>> No.12851334

Yeah, here's my story. You're a gigantic faggot and you might as well let her fuck you with a strapon the way you bend over to her most pointless desires.

>> No.12851349

It's not about that anon, it's about seeking truth. She knows I'm the dominant force in our relationship.

>> No.12851357

>both Christian
>she thinks you have to be Kosher
Yikes anon
Sounds like you're marrying a Jew
She's going to circumcise your son too.
I'm sure the future you have in store for you is going to be great

>> No.12851360

Yeah, I'm sure she really loves when you "dominate" her by staging a sexual scenario where you get to get off to her being fucked by big black niggers, fucking frogposting faggot

>> No.12851364

>dominant force
>she makes you quit eating pork

>> No.12851379

There is nothing wrong with quality pork, its meat just like any other animal if we can eat snails and sharks we can eat pigs

>> No.12851382

This is some good bait.

>> No.12851392

Old Testament is completely irrelevant because of the new covenant, frogposting faggot

>> No.12851393

I went vegan after dating my gf.

>> No.12851398

Escape that Jewish death cult anon. You are destroying your quality of life in order to worship Jews

>> No.12851405
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>This is what Christians tell themselves in order to avoid the fact that they’re worshipping a Jewish god

>> No.12851408

American rural Midwesterner here, not religion but I cut out red meat and my parents disowned me citing cultural reasons. Sometimes you have to push through hardship to stick to your beliefs, OP. Good luck.

>> No.12851441

>I cut out red meat and my parents disowned me
What the fuck

>> No.12851494
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Nothing Jewish about it lol. I'll post my notes on the subject


>> No.12851502

ACTUALLY based and wholesome

>> No.12851511
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This is actually 2/4

>> No.12851519
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>> No.12851524
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Tell that to the retarded rightwing evangelicals who reject every moral and ethical teaching in the New Testament and substitute fire and brimstone Old Testament bs.
>b-but I mumble a magical incantation before I go to bed so I'm saved until I wake up next morning violating every one of Christ's teachings. Repeat ad infinitum, ok? Really true, ok? It's a beautiful system, ok?

>> No.12851527

Has she not made it to the new testament yet? Jesus said we good to eat pork

>> No.12851530
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>> No.12851536

That shits dumb. Pork is safe to eat now, the Bible is so antiquated. You won't get trichinosis unless you live in an absolute shit hole

>> No.12851539

The Old Testament only forbids pork and shellfish because Jews were too stupid to cook them properly.

>> No.12851568
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Your "Christian" fiance should try reading the whole bible and you should both apologize to your parents for being lukewarm believers.

>> No.12851576

>nothing jewish about it
>messiah was literally dubbed king of the jews
>raised jewish
>named rabbi yeshua
>had his own synagogue
>Christian "converts" and followers were all jews
>suddenly not Jewish when religion co-opts Roman Empire and spreads through force across all of Europe

>> No.12851581

I think your parents didn't like you much in the first place. Any excuse to show you the bricks, I guess.

>> No.12851583
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>hebrew roots

>> No.12851591

see >>12851519

>> No.12851608


you can use the bible to justify anything. its why it was so easy for globohomo to subvert the protestants

>> No.12851615

Couldn't agree more with this. It's why almost every church preaches it's okay to celebrate Christmas as a christian holiday

>> No.12851620

Couldn't agree more with this. It's why almost every church preaches it's okay to celebrate Christmas as a christian holiday

>> No.12851621

I think you're missing the point. She's trying to use the bible to justify restricting things, whereas it shows the restrictions were lifted, multiple times later. I'm a liberal, not a leftist, a liberal; a believe in as much freedom as does not mean it takes away from the freedom of others. There is no restriction on Pork within Christianity.

>> No.12851637

She's a moron anon, Jesus negated all those dumb Jewish laws

>> No.12851646

Do you also believe homosexuality isn't sinful? I don't think God gives us discernment over what meats we can eat. Freedom of choice is also freedom to sin.
The Law =/= covenant

>> No.12851660

Do you also believe homosexuality isn't sinful?
I don't believe God gives us discernment over what meat we should eat. The freedom of choice is also the freedom to sin
Not all of God's commandments were abolished by the new covenant.

>> No.12851665

he's a fucking spineless loser, he believes whatever he's told

>> No.12851667

Well OP, since you're trying to live a christian life here are some other things you're not allowed to do, that are considered a sin, and yet you still probably do every day. If you were a real christian, you wouldn't cherry pick what rules you do and do not want to follow. You'd follow them all. The bible is, after all, a 100% factual and direct message from God himself. Remember that whether it's one sin or a million - you're ass ain't getting into heaven.


>> No.12851774

Matthew 15:11

>> No.12851861

You don't have to be a christian to see that the majority of that list is unhealthy to anybody with common sense lol. The rest is likely out of context or abolished by the new covenant.

>> No.12852017

Yes, lots of japanese food and sushi, nice overall but 2 years ago she started making heavier food and we both put on weight, we recovered and she ended up leaving me for my former best friend

>> No.12852031

The only rules I have a problem with in that entire list are from Leviticus.
>Do you not see that whatever goes into a man from outside cannot defile him, since it enters, not his heart but his stomach, and so passes on?
So long, Leviticus. It was fun while it lasted.

>> No.12852035

Girlfriend blown the fuck out.
Op is pussy whipped

>> No.12852040

You can't get precise with a translation of a translation. The project has already failed by being based on a reinterpretation.

>> No.12852045

You are blaspheming here. You are putting your own "common sense" above the word of the lord, it's as simple as that, no two ways about it. Why do you think you are smarter than God? You are a proud sinner!

>> No.12852147

m8 eating kosher is a jewish thing
Christian diet is not eating meat most fridays and eating in moderation during penance

>> No.12852163

No one gives a shit about your Jewish god

>> No.12852178

Brainlet-tier notes my man

>> No.12852195

Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them. For truly I tell you, until heaven and earth disappear, not the smallest letter, not the least stroke of a pen, will by any means disappear from the Law until everything is accomplished

>> No.12852208

She got me into cooking. So thats that. And the fucking was great too. And she paid the bills. Why did I even leave her?

>> No.12852209

No, I came to accomplish their purpose.

I did not come to do away with them, but to give them their full meaning.

I have not come to do away with them, but to make their teachings come true.

I didn't come to set them aside but to make them come true.

to fulfill [them].
πληρῶσαι (plērōsai)
Verb - Aorist Infinitive Active
Strong's Greek 4137: From pleres; to make replete, i.e. to cram, level up, or to furnish, satisfy, execute, finish, verify, etc.

Nuance in language can be a tricky thing.

>> No.12852227


>she has convinced me that there is legit Biblical backing to always be eating kosher.
your wife is full of shit.

>God has cleansed the gentiles, not unclean meats

FALSE! You even reference Acts 9-16. Do not call Unclean that which I have made clean! I'm reading your notes, you're stretching the scripture to it's fucking breaking point. MISTRANSLATION MAYBE!? You're picking and choosing what you want to interpret

There is NO Biblical backing for keeping Kosher. Kosher was part of the first covenant with God between him and the Jewish people, that Covenant was re-written when Jesus offered his blood to atone for the sins of men.

See this anons post. You are straining the meaning of Timothy to somehow twist what is a clear renunciation of the Old Laws.

Mind you neither is there anything against it. If you want to use this as a reason to pretend you're better than other people, feel free. Just remember people like you are why people hate Christians

>> No.12852230

>Christian diet is not eating meat most fridays and eating in moderation during penance
nonsense invented by Catholic pagans

>> No.12852231



>> No.12852234

go back

>> No.12852236

Go back to israel kike worshipper

>> No.12852244

go back to 4chan Satan

>> No.12852247

But I’m already on 4channel

>> No.12852250

4channel is a Christian website
the living tools of the Devil must stay on 4chan

>> No.12852259

4channel is not a Jewish website, sorry kike worshipper

>> No.12852264

All websites are. All your base are belong to Jews.

>> No.12852265

indeed, it is a Christian website

>> No.12852267

Your god is the Jewish god. Everyone in your holy book is a Jew. Your messiah is a Jew. You are a spiritual Jew

>> No.12852268

>anon has a premise
>this premise is flawed
>I can either explain to him why his premise is flawed using his own logic, or explain to him his premise is flawed because he's stupid and the things he believes are wrong

which is more effective

>> No.12852269

You don’t need logic you just need to point out Christianity is literally the worship of Jews and their god

>> No.12852271

there is only one God

>> No.12852273

Yeah we know the only god you believe in is the Jewish god Yahweh. Anything else you want to tell us?

>> No.12852276

God is God, he has no qualifiers to separate him from other gods because there are no other gods

>> No.12852281

Yeah that’s why he told Abraham all his descendants would go to heaven and created a covenant based on cutting off dickskin. Very normal religion that has nothing to do with Jews

>> No.12852287

there aren't other "religions," only false teachings

>> No.12852289

Its 2019 and people still believe in 3-4000 year old scripture.
Listen imbeciles. There IS no god, its fairytales.
t. Atheist

>> No.12852291

go back

>> No.12852295
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Yeah ok freak. This is your “holy” book

>> No.12852299

go back

>> No.12852303

Go pray to your Jewish god

>> No.12852305

there is only one God

>> No.12852312

How many times can you repeat yourself? Is this kind of repetition the only way to comfort yourself about worshipping jews?

>> No.12852320

truth doesn't change

>> No.12852329


>> No.12852333

go back

>> No.12852334

Have sex

>> No.12852336

I'm not married

>> No.12852339

Don't bother, theists are retarded.

>> No.12852341
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Oh yeah I forgot, having sex would offend your Jewish god

>> No.12852344

Of course not, you have to be 18..unless you're a mormon.

>> No.12852347

there is only one God

>> No.12852349
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>broken record

>> No.12852351


>> No.12852359

truth doesn't change

>> No.12852360

Who's Allan?

>> No.12852367

How’s this for truth: your messiah, who you literally believe was God, was a Jewish Rabbi named Yeshua that was deemed “King of the Jews” in your (((Bible))), which was written by a bunch of Jews

>> No.12852385
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>> No.12852448

there is only one Bible

>> No.12852461


As an atheist, this is why I love Chrisianity & Chrisitans. Their religion has literally been re-written several times over the years to evolve with social norms, womens rights, accepting other religions, etc. They evolved from old testament to new testament.

Whereas Muslims have stuck to their ultra right wing religious roots and have not liberalized or evolved their religion in 2000 years.

>> No.12852467

>As an atheist
go back

>> No.12852485

>Whereas Muslims have stuck to their ultra right wing religious roots and have not liberalized or evolved their religion in 2000 years.
This is why I really don't understand why American liberals supposedly hate their own "right wing religious fundamentalists" while completely giving a free pass to, and supporting Muslim ultra right wing fundamentalists who are way, way worse in women's rights, civil rights, racial equality, & religious freedom.

>> No.12852503

So from a poorly-concieved cooking and cuckoldry thread to a fucking bible-fight. You fags could at least be a cookbook fight and keep it board relevant!

>> No.12852509

this. I see 20 threads a day making fun of Christians and Chic fil A, while Muslims & Muslim countries completely get a free pass from imprisoning murdering men just for being gay.

Why are Americans so unaware of their own double standards & hypocrisy?

>> No.12852510

>2000 years

>> No.12852522

>just realized Christianphobia is a very real phenomenon

in 2019 it's politically correct to hate Christians. get with the times, boomer.

>> No.12852555

When my fiancee mpved in with me i gained like 40 pounds
Bitch can eat chicken nuggets and fries every meal and stay at a consistent 115 pounds while every nugget i eat is imbedded in my ass forever

>> No.12852565

Careful there, with all that edge

>> No.12852571

That's because only a Muslim Cleric is allowed to interpret the word of god. All the power is maintained & concentrated in their clergy. And considering many muslims are Illiterate, they have no way of trying to "change" or "evolve" their religion.

the christians were able to do that by letting anybody interpret the bibile and a high literacy rate. Muslim clergy, on the other hand, still maintain strict totalitarian control.

>> No.12852580

>All the power is maintained & concentrated in their clergy.
Which one is their official one & true clergy then?

>> No.12852627

"All of them"

>> No.12853098

Imagine being this brainwashed.

>> No.12853212

I used to eat way healthier than I do now, mainly because when I lived at home, my mom cooked all the time, and the dishes were typically well rounded. Now that my gf and I have an apartment, we eat a lot of fast food. She’s starting to get chubby, but I haven’t really noticed much of a difference in myself. I want to stop, but I think she’s gotten me addicted to it. I’m always craving Taco Bell and mccdonalds now. Shit kind of sucks.

>> No.12853259

Many of the dogmas in the Old Testament where because they did not know any better of hygiene.

>> No.12853304

Abrahamic religions are more atheist than atheism since they reject every god except their skypilot, whereas the atheist treats them all equally.

>> No.12853399

there is only one God

>> No.12853421

God damn you are so fucking gay

>> No.12854033

Because muslims are based and Christians are cringe Jew worshippers that jerk off to Israel all day

>> No.12854046

> I'm a retarded bigot that actually believe stereotypes
I'm glad you cleared that up

>> No.12854055

See. This is why America is justified in hating Muslims & bombing the shit out of them. They hate your guts anyways so you might as well reciprocate.

>> No.12854066

You become a Sunni Imam by saying you are one. There's no head office you have to apply to. For the Shia, you need to be recognized as chosen by God, but disputes over which people have been chosen have resulted in divisions. Neither strand of Islam has this unerring consistency that you describe.

>> No.12854068


I get the sense that this is a false flag meant to make Muslims look even more hateful, anti-semetic, & ignorant. Or I could be wrong, and this is just your typical white liberal Californian anti-Semite.

>> No.12854075

Name one thing wrong in my post
I’m not muslim, retard

>> No.12854087

>Or I could be wrong, and this is just your typical white liberal Californian anti-Semite.
I'm betting this.

>> No.12854099
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>he actually believes liberals are anti semites
>80% of Jews vote for Democrats

>> No.12854109

Next he's going to start talking about how the Neo-Socialists are right and how Antifa is not a hate group.

>> No.12854120

I’m a fascist and the exact opposite of antifa, retard

>> No.12854132
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probably the 2nd.

>> No.12854135

>husband decided I was too much of a porker and put me on a diet
I miss beer and chocolate the most.

>> No.12854136
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>those damn librul anti semites!

>> No.12854139

I always force my consumer gf to sit and watch me cook and we eat it together. She never hates it, but she always tells me about how her mom cooks, which is like banquet, pre-made almost. I love her, but it still hurts sometimes, bros

>> No.12854140
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>> No.12854143

>be the soyboy who wrote this satirical kid's book
>huff too much cum to realize that much of the old testament is just an account of actual historical events that were pretty god damned brutal

>> No.12854150

The issue is that Christians consider David, a literal foreskin stealing Jew to be holy. I don’t care whether it’s “historical” or not

>> No.12854151


"In Italy, fascists divide themselves into two categories: fascists and antifascists"

- Ennio Flaiano

>> No.12854160


>> No.12854162

Still holds true today after all this time.

>> No.12854176
File: 318 KB, 700x351, History Repeats Itself.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Those who are ignorant of history are doomed to repeat it.

>> No.12854182

white southerners are republicans now so this is pretty fucking stupid

>> No.12854199

It's weird how your American liberals pretend that the Nazi party isn't called the National Socialist German Workers' Party.

Hell, the main reason germans hated the jews was because Hitler sold them the notion that the jews were the 1%, rich & successfull & was the cause of the german people's economic suffering.

>> No.12854206

There is still an organized portion of the Democratic party that supports violence against those who disagree with them, whilst hiding behind masks.

>> No.12854222

>political violence is what makes you a fascist

>> No.12854231

>Hell, the main reason germans hated the jews was because Hitler sold them the notion that the jews were the 1%, rich & successfull & was the cause of the german people's economic suffering.
Where’s the lie?

>> No.12854263

He's a kind of Judah and Israel, he's gonna fucking be Jewish.
The Conflict of the philistines and israelites was pretty blood soaked and contentious, as any tribal dispute was. It's actually encouraging that the chopped up parts hauled back to Saul were all male in this case.
Let's not pretend worshippers of Baal and Dagon were precious little angels, These are blood-hungry dieties themselves and the philistines likely engaged in human sacrific.

>> No.12854267

>He's a kind of Judah and Israel, he's gonna fucking be Jewish.
Yeah well why is everyone you worship Jewish?

>> No.12854296

>hey everybody, there's a tiny fraction of jews who have competed with and beat muh true germans
>welp, the solution to that problem is to kill all jews
Christ, the right is really this braindead.

>> No.12854301

Holocaust didn’t happen. Hitler was working with the Zionists to move the Jews somewhere else and the plans got derailed by the war

>> No.12854303

>why are OT heroes and figures jewish?

>> No.12854310

And there isn't that element among the far right republicans? Too bad the statistics show 70% of domestic terrorism is committed by the right.

>> No.12854324

This could only be posted by a russian troll as it's so ignorant of the historical development of political parties in the US.

>> No.12854332

Because it’s a Jewish book, duh. Why do you follow a Jewish religion?

>> No.12854339

Christ, try to disguise your samefagging a little better than that, magapede.

>> No.12854357
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>> No.12854361

Religious diets are dumb. In the event theres an omnipotent being who has access to all your thoughts and actions, why would they judge what you eat as opposed to you just not being a shitty person and helping your fellow man?

>> No.12854461

Nice editing, samefag!

>> No.12854495

Moving back in with my parents wrecked my diet.

>> No.12854601

Remember also that you aren't a christian nation but a judeo-christian one like all the israel enthusiast with the cute noses in the media are reminding you more and more often :)

>> No.12855012

Eat pork, have lots of kids and compensate (help scouts or teach football to kids) with other things, be a man ffs

>> No.12855541

Only girlfriend I ever had was a vegan. Didn't expect me to eat like her, but obviously spending a lot of time with her meant eating a lot less meat. Actually worked out in the long run as I started eating healthier and even lost weight

>> No.12855625

The entire point of Jesus and the NT was to shift the religion to faith instead of a bunch of pilpul about laws. This is stupid. Also try not to get too precise when dealing with translations over very different langauges.

>> No.12855633

Just because kikes are kikey doesn't make the one true God any less real.

>> No.12855638

>be a man
>ie do the things I tell you to do instead of someone else
why are boomers so dumb

>> No.12856056


>> No.12856228

kosher is jewish. christian dont eat beef on friday.

>> No.12856231

Catholic scum. Deliver Ireland to England so she may assume her rightful place under the British wing.

>> No.12856437

>I hate kikes
>But I worship their god and revere their holy book
Why are christcucks like this?

>> No.12856441

Kikes murdered their lord and saviour. I guess a thing like that leaves a bad taste in the mouth.

>> No.12856454

Rabbi Yeshua was a kike too though. It’s more like they chose a side in a kike civil war

>> No.12856504
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>being in a relationship

>> No.12856515

>Has being in a relationship ever changed your diet?
Used to gym and eat healthy. Got married, she got me hooked on soda, we both now got diabetes...yay?

>> No.12856524

It's exactly like that They decided to splinter from kikes and become something else.

>> No.12856594

>my parents resent me for it.
To think that can come of the spirit is foolishness.

Whether the law is still right, it's not binding on you regardless. What harm is there to love and obey your parents while you are in their home? Sin? It's inevitable. You can avoid strife though.

>> No.12856643

based /fit/ trips

>> No.12856654

What Jewish conspiracy is this

>> No.12856796


>> No.12856954

You demiurge worshippers crack me up.

>> No.12857534
File: 512 KB, 220x171, 8D88151D-C0B5-4201-B8E4-D87156FE57EE.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol it’s the opposite for me
>Cook all the time even though I’m fairly well off
>Start dating girl that’s rich af and always just eats really healthy restaurant food
>I basically only eat home cooked meals if I make them now, because half the time she’ll just surprise me with poke or sushi

>> No.12859032

Jesus says explicitly in Mark 7:7-23 that, spiritually, your choice of food isn't what matters. Don't be fooled! Your Lord tells you:

"Howbeit in vain do they worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men. For laying aside the commandment of God, ye hold the tradition of men, as the washing of pots and cups: and many other such like things ye do. And he said unto them, Full well ye reject the commandment of God, that ye may keep your own tradition. For Moses said, Honour thy father and thy mother; and, Whoso curseth father or mother, let him die the death: But ye say, If a man shall say to his father or mother, It is Corban, that is to say, a gift, by whatsoever thou mightest be profited by me; he shall be free. And ye suffer him no more to do ought for his father or his mother; Making the word of God of none effect through your tradition, which ye have delivered: and many such like things do ye. And when he had called all the people unto him, he said unto them, Hearken unto me every one of you, and understand:

>There is nothing from without a man, that entering into him can defile him: but the things which come out of him, those are they that defile the man.

If any man have ears to hear, let him hear. And when he was entered into the house from the people, his disciples asked him concerning the parable. And he saith unto them, Are ye so without understanding also? Do ye not perceive, that whatsoever thing from without entereth into the man, it cannot defile him; Because it entereth not into his heart, but into the belly, and goeth out into the draught, purging all meats? And he said, That which cometh out of the man, that defileth the man.

>For from within, out of the heart of men, proceed evil thoughts, adulteries, fornications, murders, thefts, covetousness, wickedness, deceit, lasciviousness, an evil eye, blasphemy, pride, foolishness: All these evil things come from within, and defile the man."

>> No.12859066

>worship the Jews
Not even remotely. Those who do this are the ones foretold who would follow false prophets and be mystified by those who "say they are Jews but are not, but do lie."

The New Testament refers to the Jews as:
Murderers of Christ
Murderers of the prophets
Enemies of the spread of the Gospel
A stumbling block to the nations
The "synagogue of Satan" (twice!)
The "children of their father the devil"
The enemies of God,
and "contrary to all men"

We are also told in Galatians that "there is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, man nor woman, for you are all one in Christ Jesus." What does this mean? It means God doesn't care if you're a Jew because being a Jew is irrelevant, spiritually. Jesus matters, not the Jews, not Jewishness, and certainly not the dealings and traditions thereof.

We are also told that "he who hath not the Son hath not the Father." The Jews explicitly reject Jesus and his teachings, and thus they are not the people of God, nor the heirs of Abraham. They are nothing to a true believer in Christ. You've been misled by false teachers and their followers as to what Christianity is. Read the words of Christ with an open heart, friend. He is not who you have been led to believe he is.

>> No.12859085

Fun fact: your position is literally the same one that Jesus taught.

>> No.12859213

The Second Coming!

>> No.12859343

Girlfriend is a half paki half indian. Holy fuck can brown moms cook, I eat at her mom's house whenever I can. Her dad loathes me bc I'm white but those fucking rotis are well worth the dirty looks.

>> No.12860405

There's no way her parents' parents approved of their marriage, so you'd think the prick would be more understanding.

>> No.12861013

do you also not wear mixed fabric in case it pisses off a deity whose rule book was written when selling your daughters was completely acceptable?

>> No.12861306

>Has being in a relationship ever changed your diet?
Sure. I dated a vegetarian (not vegan) for a while. She did not mind that I ate meat, but she did not.
I ended up eating a lot more vegetarian food when we cooked for each other.

Even after we broke up, I felt I was healthier when I didn't have meat more than once or twice per week and balanced my protein intake between meat, dairy, nuts and legumes.

>> No.12862797

I was, and still am, a hungry skeleton that would never eat as much as I should, would skip meals or eat snacks throughout the day.
Not that I disliked cooking, I just couldn't find the motivation to feed myself.
Now my gf and I cook together almost every night, I am gaining healthy weight. It's different when someone else is involved. Can't starve both of us.

>> No.12862825

not really. I mean I whenever I go to someone's home for dinner I will eat whatever they are making. So I have changed my diet in terms of eating at someone elses place a lot. I am ultimately cool with people eating however they like on their own time. But I find it incredibly rude when people have dietary restrictions that interfere with their ability to eat at other people's homes (non allergy specific) Whether it is Keto, veganism or religious bullshit. Like if I go to your house and you are making beyond meat burgers, I'm not gonna bring some fucking meat patties, I will eat veggie burgers. So if I am making hand crafted hamburger patties to grill up, don't fucking show up with frozen veggie burgers for me to cook you.
this is more cringe than LOTR lore deep dives. At least those people got the memo that it's not real.