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File: 587 KB, 1880x2000, mk_akcesoria_aeropress_1-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12833744 No.12833744 [Reply] [Original]

Aeropress edition. This thread is for all coffee related discussion and inquiries.
>what are you drinking
>where is it from
>getting any more

Old thread >>12800767

>> No.12833746

Also I had this pic made BEFORE the aeropress debate last thread. Please no more 'tisum.

>> No.12833786

So, how bad is it *really* to have coffee on an empty stomach?

>> No.12833853

it's not. I do it every morning.

>> No.12834054

>Thought the aeropress was a meme
>Finally gave in and bought one
>Even if its a meme it'll be the most convenient thing to leave in the office at work, cos its easy to use, easy to clean, plastic and impossible to break, so how bad can it be

>Love it so much I kinda want another one just to use at home now
>Enjoy making coffee at work more than at home where I have to faff with paper filters in a ceramic filter, or clean out a french press, or deal with moka pot faff.

Aeropress really impressed me.
You can get light paper filter smooth tasting coffee from it
You can make a longer coffee and get a nice americano from it by just topping it up 1/3 from the kettle (what I normally do desu)
You can make something approximating almost espresso with thick heavy body (obviously it's nowhere close for espresso purists but desu its much easier than an espresso machine, 80% as good, and I prefer my coffee a little long anyway)
You can make something with the full body and taste of a French press (just lacking the mouth feel from those oils / sludge, which for me is a benefit cos french press fucks my stomach up)

It's pretty much all I use now

>> No.12834091

>french press

>> No.12834097

>BEFORE the aeropress debate last thread
The aeropress shilling goes back several years, you have no excuse faggot.

>> No.12834120

Just made some pourover with stale grounds. The shit was weak, so I added a couple folgers instant packs to it.

Keep sippin' strong

>> No.12834124

It's coffee grounds, with water forced through at pressure. Not as much as an espresso machine, and I'm not claiming it matches it.
But it's a good easy way to make a short coffee

French press, well because you can leave it to steep like a french press if you want with the inverted method. You don't need to though since the pressure kind of speeds things up anyway.

I've not tried it but if you get a reusable metal filter it probably also comes close to matching the mouthfeel of a french press too. But at that point you may as well just use a french press.

>> No.12834147

Blackpill me on the aeropress.

>> No.12834187

I don't know what that means.

It's just £25 for a very convenient and versatile way of making coffee to add to your repertoire.
You don't have to denounce all your french presses and moka pots and cast them into the fire.

>> No.12834360
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This chocolate is fucking delicious, but not sure if I should keep buying it.

>> No.12834375

Aeropress is based. Been using one for 5 years.
French Press is for mongs. It's just a fucking teapot with a filter. It makes coffeetea.

>> No.12834381

My aeropress has been obsolete in my household since i got a v60. i'd use it to make affogatos but i lost the espressolike recipe

>> No.12834387

>(((Moser Roth)))

>> No.12834388

redpill me on cold brew coffee

>> No.12834419

fuck off, /pol/.

>> No.12834423

It's not very efficient and it doesn't taste as good as coffee made using a hot brewing method

>> No.12834430

cold brew a shit do this instead. some qt barista at ritual roasters gave me this link

>> No.12834461

rn I'm using an Ikea french press, which was $10 and has me convinced french press is the best and easiest way to make good coffee. I've looked at better french presses over an Aeropress just for the volume of coffee I drink.

Will probably buy both eventually, Mokas aren't good to me, so using an Aeropress for short coffee would be my best bet at home for an espresso drink

>> No.12834469

Look into a Vietnamese filter instead.
No plastic and you won't be a victim of shilling.

>> No.12834587

thx, i may try it
but instructions like "stirr it once clockwise and after that one times counterclockwise" make it seem like one big meme, not gonna lie

>> No.12834658

Is it bad to drink coffee at night before sleeping?

>> No.12835337

Kek. Doubt it.

>> No.12835349

You should buy one for camping, just in case.

>> No.12835353

If you can fall asleep after having a big dose of caffeine like that you need to take a week off to clear your system

>> No.12836021
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I mean for $2 chocolate it was good.

>> No.12836203


What's a good cigar to have with a coffee?


It depends on the person, I think. I have something of a weak stomach, but I'm having my fucking coffee. I find a cake or cigar helps with it.

>> No.12836241

>implying you can't easily edit file details...

>> No.12836250
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All of them. Give me more info and I'll find you something.

>> No.12836263

You're not wrong, but I still stand by my statement.

>> No.12836266

.6 bar peak is not pressure for the record. That's like .4 of a moderate fart.

>> No.12836278


Nice selection bro.

I'm new to cigars, are there pros and cons to choosing more intense or mild cigars with coffee? Right now with coffee, I've had Camachos and Hamlets. (Britbong).

Coffee i prefer is black from a Cafétiere.

>> No.12836324
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I typed out some long winded pretentious answer then deleted it. I think the joy from high end pursuits like liquor cigars and coffee is diving through the variety available. If you find something you REALLY love stash back a few boxes to age. That pic is my 'active' smoking humidor, everything in there has at least 2 years on it but those gold banded LFD TAA 51st. If I had to recommend a GREAT pairing and a cheap one too, it would be Perdomo 10th anny champagnes. On the milder end of the spectrum, but a great flavor I still crave after smoking way more expensive shit. Pic unrelated.

>> No.12836472

Smokers get out, the ultimate tastelets

>> No.12836476

Bet you own an aeropress.

>> No.12837387

I want to spend a retarded amount of money on a machine that can auto-brew coffee. I want it where you tell it what drink to make, and it grinds, brews, and pours automatically, including lattes if desired, and the only maintenance is dumping the grounds or refilling the water tank/beans. What's the best model/manufacturer to get?

>> No.12837445


I haven't used any of my other various coffee making toys since I got an aeropress. I fucking hate myself kind of coz it feels a bit memey but it really makes pretty decent coffee.

>> No.12837998

I'vr heard that coffee boosts ketosis (probably decreases the time to wait for it), not much else

>> No.12838008

I think blackpilling means saying all the negatives.

>> No.12838348


>> No.12838350


Fuck off nephritis dipshit.

>> No.12838353


You know that getting thin with ketosis will destroy your kidneys, right? Die young, warrior.

>> No.12838357


When your urine starts smelling like feces, you've gone to far. You're killing your kidneys.

>> No.12838412

You'll grow up eventually.

>> No.12838422
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Motherfuckers, I mention Aeropress to you about 3 months, you ignore me, and now you're doing threads on them

Fuck you

Redeem yourselves by explaining to me how I make both Maltese coffee and Turkish coffee. (I don't have a turkish pot, just my aeropress)

>> No.12838480


You see what you've done shithead? Now you've got them coming out of the woodwork.

>> No.12839311

what is the best contraption to make cold brew with?

>> No.12839324

A sock.

>> No.12839406

ngl decent cigarettes and coffee are great. For cigars, Drew Estate Tabak Especial red eyes are what I've had in the morning that really satisfied me

>> No.12839446

I don't know what Maltese coffee is but I can tell you about Turkish.
You can get an ibrik online for pretty cheap or you can just use a small saucepot.
Then you need turkish coffee, if you have a good grinder you can grind it yourself otherwise get it preground. Grocery store grinders say they have a turkish setting, but they suck. The coffee should be a fine powder.
The rest is simple, about 3oz cold clean water in the pot, 2 to 3tbs coffee, sugar to taste (i like 1 sugar cube). medium low heat. when the foam starts to form pour it off into your cup. pot back on the heat. when the foam comes up again pour your coffee.

>> No.12839458
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>grocery grinders suck
Not that anon, but you're saying these won't work?

>> No.12839471

>Maltese coffee
it's fucking amazing if you want something different, I just tried making it with the aeropress after that post and it came out really well. it's strong af tho.

>> No.12839484

Well I guess i should say *my* grocery store grinders suck. They work for everything else but they don't get the coffee fine enough for Turkish. It should be the consistency of coco powder basically.

>> No.12839530

Some stuff I left out. A standard demitasse cup is 3oz, so thats what i use to measure my water. My measurements are not accurate because its all kind of to taste. If you're making Turkish for multiple people just double or triple the recipe. You can also repeat the pouring off of foam multiple times but eh I don't think its worth it unless you're serving multiple people and you are giving foam to everyone, which is traditional.

>> No.12841243

imagine the smell (of your breath)

>> No.12841290

My girlfriend just got a job at Starbucks. Obviously, it is not a fantastic source of high quality coffee, but she gets free grounds every week. Anyone have an opinion on the best Starbucks coffee?

>> No.12841307

Most people say Blonde is there only good one.

>> No.12841349

Interesting. Wouldn't expect that.

>> No.12841370

Basically most people say all their other roasts are burnt to shit, but the blonde as pour over isn't terrible.

>> No.12841687

Imagine not having an oral b genius 8000 and a waterpik. Oh this is the povertypress thread, my b.

>> No.12841693

my local roaster sells $10 choclate bars made as a bypropuct of coffees they roast. what do i think of this?

>> No.12841924

That better be fucking big.

>> No.12842007

my sister works at starbucks. she thinks grinder quality is irrelevant. She says here $9.99 mr coffee blade grinder is better than my $349.99 kinu

>> No.12842231

Sure dude those totally counteract the damage caused by smoking

>> No.12842268

>imagine the smell (of your breath)

Are you actually retarded, or just trying to fit in?

>> No.12842352

>implying your lungs, esophagus, and mouth being filled with tar and scar tissue won’t lead to bad smelling breath

>> No.12842577

She's a fucking retard.

>> No.12842594


>> No.12842717

>Implying those bits of mcchicken you shovel down your throat aren't accumulating in the crypts of your palatal tonsils.

I keep my mouth clean. You buy store brand toothbrushes.

>> No.12842816

Honestly believe burr grinders are a meme. I'd bet good money that 95% of people couldn't even tell the difference between coffee that was ground carefully in a blade grinder vs some several hundred dollar burr grinder.
Even more of a joke is the faggot that gets convinced to get one when the actual beans he's buying are generic blends that have been sitting on a grocery store shelf for weeks. You're just waisting money if you buy grinder that costs more than 10 bucks unless you're buying high quality beans for specific flavors, and you need to control every aspect of the brew to extract those specific compounds.

>> No.12842907

why is everyone talking cold brew lately?

>> No.12843892


>> No.12843932

whats a good Ethiopian bean?

>> No.12843971

Someone’s grumpy

>> No.12844216

Any of them

>> No.12844408

whats the best way to enjoy a fresh cold brew on a hot summerday?

>> No.12844512

How do I stop every Aeropress-made brew coming out almost the same?
I've tried dark roasts and supposedly-blond roasts and they're all coming out pretty dark. If I don't put enough coffee in, it doesn't come out tasting strong enough and still looks dark.

How do I time making it properly? Is there a correct method to do this? And yeah I read the method on the Aeropress instructions but they are what gives me a shit result.

>> No.12844732

Gonna need some more information before I can really help you chief. What's your brew method? What's your grind size like? Water Temp? that kinda stuff

>> No.12844742

I'm using the scoop that comes with the Aeropress, just filling it slightly under capacity.
Brew method, I just boil the water (live in a hard-water area) and then pour it on and let it brew in the Aeropress for about 3 minutes then press it down.
Water temp is basically a few seconds away from being taken off the boil.
The coffee I'm using is the standard shit you buy in stores (like the Starbucks one), I'm not that rich, thats the best I can afford.

>> No.12844967

So most of that sounds good, but I'd say the reason is your brew time. 3 minutes is approaching french press territory so thats a bit long for an aeropress imo. I'd also assume you're doing the inverted method given the long brew time? Your coffee is most likely coming out over extracted. This is where grind size will matter, if you're using a coarser grind (think pre-ground drip pot coffee) 3 minutes would be fine, but if you're using finer coffee then you'll want your brew time to be closer to 1-2 minutes.
So my method is this, grind your beans slightly coarser than espresso ground. Then doing the inverted method start your timer when you start pouring the water. Add about half your water and then just let the coffee bloom until the time hits around 30-35 seconds. Then add the rest of your water and wait until 60 seconds, then flip and press. Your press should be nice and slow steady pressure. It should take around 30 seconds to press. Then top up your cup with water. If the brew is still too dark for your taste you can shorten the time or extend it if its too weak.

On another note store bought coffee is perfectly fine, don't let anyone tell you otherwise. BUT Starbucks coffee specifically is bad. They generally tend to burn the crap out of their beans meaning everything but the lightest roasts are way too dark.

>> No.12845142
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Holy shit these are good.

>> No.12845263

well I clearly have a lot to learn, I tried doing it for 1 min and it came out pretty well, thanks

>> No.12845278

also i wasn't using the inverted method, i didn't even know that was a thing, i haven't had the aeropress for very long, like 2 months now

>> No.12845312

and they're vegan!

>> No.12845508

>Grocery Grinders.

Dont use that shit. I've seen employess put doritos in there. I've seen them unclog, and scrap the grinds with a toilet plunger stick, and they clean it with a dirty rag.

Just buy your own grinder. Control the grind and keep things sanitary.

>> No.12845593

>3 minute brew time for french press
>not letting all the grounds fall to the bottom by themselves over a 10 minute period for ultra strong coffee

>> No.12845612

>buy your own
Im poor. Also the store I go to doesn't have degenerates working there.

>> No.12845772

whats the best way to enjoy a fresh cold brew on a hot summerday?

>> No.12846542

anyone uses the metal filter for the aeropress? is it any good?

>> No.12846978

i use them in my cold brew tower, it really works great

>> No.12847315
File: 1.05 MB, 2000x1334, Bripe-coffee-brew-pipe-hiking-backpacking-fire-torch-08.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the groupthink on the Bripe Coffee Pipe?


>> No.12847424

>how to look like a methhead while only consuming caffeine

>> No.12848048

Doesn’t really make much of a difference flavor wise, adds a little more “body”

>> No.12848105

surely doesnt taste as good as a fresh cold brew

>> No.12848118

How is it fresh if you have to leave it out all night?

>> No.12848157
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got it for $30 at a thrift store, it's a really good easy to use pourover that doesn't make the water too hot. I need an electric burr grinder though

>> No.12849278


>> No.12849541

Have you guys got any ideas on how to make a decent mocha at home? This is literally the only thing I'm not good at making at home. I don't know what the right amount of cocoa is to mix in.
I also don't want to put sugar in unless it's very related to the consistency.

>> No.12850324

Add a shot of espresso to a tasse of hot chocolate

>> No.12850476

It's as fresh as it gets i'd say

>> No.12850512

where 2 start if i want to have good coffee every morning, what should i buy to make it

>> No.12850570

Not the same guy but are you stupid? You think a "Oral-B branded" toothbrush is going magically remove all the plaque and tartar from your mouth? Or your waterpik? You still have to floss the water jet doesnt get everything out.

>Oral-B is a premium brand

>> No.12850748

Do I absolutely need a goose neck kettle for pour over? I don't currently have one. Every coffee I make is flavorless. I'm tired of it. I don't know what I'm doing wrong/what the issue is. I've done the 30 second bloom then pour the rest of the water in and the result is always the same.

>> No.12850876

it's because all of that shit is a fucking meme
the only thing that really makes a difference is cold brew

>> No.12850931

I might call it a day and buy a French Press or an Aeropress.

>> No.12851064

french press also works great for cold brew, give it a try

>> No.12851088

I'm not really into cold brew. Buying a French Press tomorrow. Will report back. Maybe my grinder is the problem.

>> No.12851272

A gooseneck really isn't required but it helps. You can do it with a normal kettle if you're careful about your pouring. If all your coffee is flavorless it probably has more to do with your grind or beans. How fresh are your beans? Your grind might be too fine and you're over extracting.

>> No.12851397

The beans are 2 weeks old. I've tried every grind setting from pour over to the finest setting.

>> No.12851454

When you look up a specific model toothbrush for the motor and ability to desolder the battery and replace it down the road, yeah its a premium product. Hows that equate toothpaste tho? Get the job done?

>> No.12851509
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I know you've been dumb your whole life, but I still believe in you. You can change.

>> No.12851551

It's literally day old coffee

>> No.12851640

cringe take
its just a different brewing time :3
like saying freshly brewed coffee is old, cuz it took the whole time it needed to brew
atleast it's not a bitter mess, like your brainlet "fresh" coffee is ^w^

>> No.12851739

i know this is bait but, if you brew hot coffee properly its not bitter in the slightest. When you do cold brew you don't get a full expression of the bean's oils and aromas because many of those need heat. There's literally nothing wrong with cold brew, but flavor wise it is strictly an inferior product. That doesn't mean i don't absolutely love a tall glass of cold brew on a hot day.

>> No.12851795

>t. Aeropress user

>> No.12852191


>> No.12852645


>> No.12853540

Bought a French Press boys.

>> No.12853554

>just fucked up turkish coffee again
I'm never gonna make it bros
I just don't understand what I'm doing wrong

>> No.12853558

That was me for pourover.

>> No.12853570

didn't you autists love the aeropress a year or two ago

>> No.12853613

Most grinders are just not well aligned enough from the factory to grind that fine. Had to spend a few hours with my ek43 to get it to that level of alignment. Not that I ever make Turkish coffee, but having well aligned burrs makes all coffee taste better.

>> No.12853628

What happened anon

>> No.12853642

Nobody loves the aeropress, it's a marketing campaign.

>> No.12853670

how so?

>> No.12853681


>> No.12853693
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>> No.12853702

100% They're not a manufacturing company, they're a marketing company with a contact in Shenzen China. Marketing company market. Astroturfing with bots is cheaper than paying NYT to write puff pieces about how the "aeropress made me fall in love with coffee again" as they're getting starbucks delivered by bike.

>> No.12853714
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Hey what ratio should I use for my espro press? 16:1 seems crazy to me, that's like 19 grams of coffee for 250g of water.

>> No.12854091


>> No.12854155

Kill your self you French shill guerrilla marketer.
Unless you use a Flair Signature Pro $299.99 and Kinu M47 $344.99 you are a plebeian tastelet who shouldn’t be allowed to drink coffee. I bet you don’t even brush your teeth with an Oral B Genius Pro 8000 $189.99 and Waterpik Ultra Dental Water Jet WP-100W $297.79 Fucking worthless scum.

>> No.12854337

>Oral B

>> No.12854677

i'll have some covfefe pls with extra sugar and milk ;)

>> No.12854809
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How mad are you I picked up the kinu and flair with upgrades for 400 even. That's like, a paycheck and a half for you. Ever held that much cash? Got the waterpik for 70 and the brush for 110. Tell me, did you guys have Listerine growing up, or did you water down peroxide? Don't break that aeropress sperging out, they're real expensive to replace.

>> No.12854812

Just remember. Equate: its almost the real product!

>> No.12855600

Sounds like maybe it could be a water problem. Maybe your water is too cold? try to just boil it then use. Maybe your water has the wrong amount of general and karbonate hardness? Check out the barista hustle water recipe.

>> No.12855607

16:1 is about 15.5g.

>> No.12856045

I was thinking that. Hard water area so I use a filter. But then I tried bottled water and there was little to no difference.

>> No.12856769
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Afternoon lads.

>> No.12856930

It’s sad you think that’s an amount of money worth bragging about, I’m making fun of the way you included their price tags in your other posts because it makes you look like an insecure child

>> No.12856944

I've been Drinking Deathwish this morning. Its good stuff. How are ya'll?

>> No.12856956
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Just bought this coffee maker last week, Bonavita Connoisseur. It's a pretty barebones model (no hotplate, no programmable functions) but it does have a bloom function. But I love it, it makes absolutely perfect drip and the carafe keeps hot forever.
Also I got it open box from Amazon so I only paid $88 and it was brand new, just the carton had been ruined so it came in an unmarked box.

>> No.12856991


>> No.12857071

Filters usually don't reduce hardness much if at all, depends on the type of filter. Those that do reduce hardness usually reduce the one you want to keep. Bottled water is not great usually in terms of gh kh. Who knows, maybe your coffee is not good.

>> No.12857080

It could be the beans, water or even the grinder. Wat do about water? I'm not buying any reverse osmosis stuff.

>> No.12857109

Not shilling, you can always just buy the minerals on their own and probably for much cheaper, but the lazy route is to buy third wave water packets and just throw them into gallons of distilled water, I think they have 5 gallon packets too. There are machines at any grocery store that will refill water jugs with RO or distilled water

>> No.12857113

interesting. will look into it lad.

>> No.12857221


>> No.12857270

I was just given a bag of Starbucks Guatemala Antigua grounds. How do I feel about this?

>> No.12857347

i dont know.. just like.. consume it?

>> No.12857566

Is there a step up worth taking from Silvia + Baratza combo? Or is that the sweet spot of price:performance for a home setup?

>> No.12857603


>> No.12857720

The sweet spot is the Kinu m47 and Flair Pro

>> No.12858096
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Part of me is glad the hurricane is going to graze us, but the other part is mad I don't have a reason to get drunk.

Also got a chance to try ORO freshly grinded. I can see why is well liked. Sweet kinda "fruity" and vaguely floral, and smooth. Also adjusted my typical grind at the store. Instead of just "fine" I moved it so it rests on the line between "fine" and espresso. Came out really nice and even did that bubble thing in that one moka brewing video.

Got some café bustelo on sale, and still need to add entries into my coffee log.
That meme is so old.
Afternoon. Metal French press?
Nice finds. Never really knew fancy drips existed.
Free coffee is free coffee. If it isn't good, it's an excuse to add flavorings and spices to it.

>> No.12858106

Yes lad. It was either that or glass. It's double walled, which is nice.

>> No.12858177

Nice. Don't have to worry about it breaking then.

>> No.12858190
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absolutely not.

>> No.12858228

No brewing method will make you not have the palate of a manchild.

>> No.12858314
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Any word on how good the Niche Zero is?

>> No.12858442
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I wanna wake up to fresh coffee but I don't wanna buy a Keurig.
Is there a similar machine that lets me load whole beans and water and have it automatically grind it to make coffee at a certain hour?

>> No.12858500

Grinding takes 30 seconds, stop being lazy

>> No.12858581

I had a nitro brew with sweet cream from Starbucks
Shit was good

>> No.12858598
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Hope you like radically overpriced drip coffee

>> No.12858620

good if you like dosing

>> No.12858622
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made some flaky bois for my coffee

>> No.12858798
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Based, it makes you dream faster

>> No.12858977

how do the French line their coffee?
like, Italians have espresso, North Americans have watery stuff they drink in mugs... but what do the French commonly prefer?

>> No.12858979

... you've never wondered why it might be called a French press?

>> No.12859026

I figured because the French invented it, but whether it's still the preferred method or not I have no clue, and as it turns out the modern French press was invented and patented in Italy so the cultural link doesn't even seem strong

>> No.12859037

>the modern French press was invented and patented in Italy
... in the 1950s. And the patent owner sent his design off to France to be manufactured in a clarinet factory.

>> No.12859040
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For reference, here is a French patent from 100 year prior to the Italian one in question.

>> No.12859097

i finally got a job that pays well enough that i can spend money on all the quality of life improvements i have been putting off. i've been hand grinding my beans for 6 years and now i want to get a good electric burr grinder. what is worthwhile?

>> No.12859172


Do what I used to do, and save some money:

Load the water and filter in the maker that night. Measure out your beans and put them in the grinder, and leave them there.

When you wake up, go downstairs, flip the switch on the grinder, wait what, 90 seconds? Then dump your grinds in the coffee maker and hit start. Get int he shower and by the time you are back in the kitchen your coffee is probably done.

This will cost you a lot less than a combo unit, more modular, and really doesn't add much time to your morning.

>> No.12859201

Baratza Encore. Buy it from an authorized source, they sometimes have issues and if they do it will be almost immediately. They're very good about customer service.

>> No.12859245

How's that javapresse pair with the aeropress? You're right, its a paltry sum. But you still can't afford it.

>> No.12859335

Are you old enough to have any major expenses yet?

>> No.12859821
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>want not horrible coffee

is the best way to go french press + cheap manual grinder

>> No.12860164

As a fellow poor fag I went the moka pot route pre grind my beans at the store.

>> No.12860220

looks perfect, thank you

>> No.12860725
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Bros coffee has started making me nauseous and makes my heart race.
I think it's the caffeine that does it.
Is decaf still a viable solution?

>> No.12860730

What's the brewing method called where you have like a closed coffee dripper that you let the brew stew in before letting it drip into a cup?

>> No.12860787


>> No.12860933

Where do you guys buy your beans online? I live in flyoverville, US so I have nothing outside of Starbucks or Kroger brand beans and I'd like to try something different.

>> No.12860950

George Howell is pretty good if you want a big behemoth that still has "street cred"

If you want to buy local-ish, Metropolis is in the capital of flyvoer land

>> No.12860955

Drinking some coffee from some four points by sherraton in Houston tx, actually pretty decent. No sugar, creams (half and half)

>> No.12860957


If you’re fat start walking and work up to jogging/running. If you’re already skinny it’s over.

>> No.12861256
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So I work with a girl who enjoys coffee. Has it every morning. Recently, our coffee breaks happened at the same time, and she informed me that the H.E.B. brand coffee - specifically the Taste of Houston one - is the best she's ever had and she can't bring herself to try any other. Now, I'm not going to immediately dismiss it, but can a grocery store brand coffee inspired by a scummy place like Houston really be that good? Can anyone vouch for it?

>> No.12861270

Taste is subjective, what you think is good is entirely dependent on your frame of reference

>> No.12861321

I'm going to say yes. Seem some roasters on drink trade offer it. The main thing you want to look for is how the beans are decaffeinated.

>> No.12861327

Drinktrade is a catalog of American roasters. Give them a look.

>> No.12861899

Literally placebo. You thinking that the caffeine is the problem is causing the problem itself.

>> No.12861941

buy french press y/n

>> No.12861946

Really depends on what kind of coffee you want.

>> No.12861969

the kind with caffeine in it

>> No.12861993
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Cheap instant then.

>> No.12862006

I want to get into coffee with a French press what do I need to buy/know?

>> No.12862106

Beans roasted to order online/speciality coffee shop. Leave them unopened for 5 days. Buy an airtight coffee canister. More importantly, you need a good grinder. Baratza Encore if USA/NA, Wilfa Svart if Europe. Done.

>> No.12862261

Electric kettles are useful, at the very least get a thermometer because temperature affects the extraction a lot

>> No.12862455

Yeah I've got a house and 100k in student loans. Answer the question.

>> No.12862476

try some cold brew
it will change your life

>> No.12862494

350ml French Press here, how do I into cold brew?

>> No.12862732

Depends on the person. I could easily do it, now I immediately get severe heartburn.

>> No.12862754
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Anyone else notice a strong empathogeic effect when you have (too much?) coffee? I think 3 shots of espresso might be my sweet spot, once a day, if I have more I'll get to talkative and I'll do that thing where you have pretend conversations/arguments in your head about stuff

Otherwise whats your daily coffee intake like? I think 3 espresso shots should be my max, 4-5 is a bit overkill

>> No.12862760
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I got some Tommy Lee Jones shit, haven’t tried it yet

>> No.12862764

I don’t have a javapresse, I mostly do pour over

>> No.12862780

What is a water pick?

>> No.12862848

ok I tried it and it’s alright but the can is amazingly tough I can’t crush it with my hand

>> No.12862853

I just purchased 100% Kona Coffee, A Mild Peaberry Blind. How should I best prepare it? I intend to drink it black, as I've had it before and it's delicious black.

>> No.12862884

Someone who hates aeropress pls explain?

What's wrong with them? I'll wait don't worry

>> No.12863103

All shills must be burned at the stake.
Also hot water in plastic is never a good idea, but mainly fuck shills.

>> No.12863193

What about food safe plastics?

>> No.12863299

tell me why it should be good?

>> No.12863586
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anyone else had these, They were pretty good IMO.

>> No.12863605

for pourover literally all you need as a good grinder. when i upgraded from a hario to a kinu my pourovers went from undrinkable messes to nectar of the gods

>> No.12863619

aeropress is actually on the menu at a lot of uk cafes. I've been to some that have it as their only filter coffee option. not really sure why this is but it seems to make a decent cup. i don't really use mine at home since figuring out v60

>> No.12863817

So long as the grinder is under 20 bucks, yeah. Otherwise just use a blade grinder, as cheap hand grinders are not much better.

>> No.12863885

probably yeah, but if the grinder is any worse than a knock aergrind ($99 usd) it's not going to be good for much more than french press and cold brew

>> No.12864035

wait.. what does a grinder matter for coffee?

>> No.12864084

me like dirt water

>> No.12864096

I took the percolator pill. so far not bad but it does take some refinement

>> No.12864101
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>> No.12864368

This is just a watered down caramel sauce.
I thought it was a joke that Americans drank butter.
And don't start about the whole bullet coffee shite those guys don't add sugar and milk (which contains even more sugar) to their morning brew.

>> No.12864372

Harry Potter takes place in Britain and was written by one of your disgusting 'women'

>> No.12864377

America is just neo-Britain plus a dash of German autism.

>> No.12864392
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the post stems from a tumblr page made down under. Y'all just disgust me

>> No.12864395

Good grinder = evenly ground coffee
evenly ground coffee = evenly extracted coffee
evenly extracted coffee = consistent coffee

With a good grinder you can dial in your grind size for the perfect cuppa every time.
With a bad grinder you are rolling the dice on how your coffee is going to taste.

>> No.12864685

I can't buy that grinder (Eurofag). Are there any other manual or electric alternatives?

>> No.12864728
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>> No.12864935

what to do you mean you can't buy it as a eurofag? they're based in germany

>> No.12864957

I Googled the M47 and find no online shops selling it.

>> No.12864999

Get a feldgrind or whatever the latest grinder from made by knock is, they should last for decades

>> No.12865097

I was looking at the Aergrind, but feedback seems mixed - burr allignment can be iffy and other stuff.

>> No.12865507
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Anyone here had experience with both the Baratza Encore and Baratza Virtuoso? I'm looking to get my first nice burr grinder and we have the Virtuoso at work and it's great, so I'm wondering how much of a difference there is between the two models.

>> No.12865625

only the burrs differ i think. you can upgrade the encore's if needed.

>> No.12865666

Higher build quality and burrs in virtuoso. You can install virtuoso burrs into the encore though, and if you buy a refurb then you can basically get the virtuoso grind quality for the cost of a new encore and save yourself $100

>> No.12865805

>hold a lighter under it for 2-3 minutes
>whole instrument made from a single piece of highly-heat-conductive copper
>sip 140-degree water directly into your mouth through a straw

this seems like a nightmare. I may as well lay on a bed of coals, I'd be less liable to burn myself.

>> No.12865815

I do maintenance work for apartments near A One-Of-The-Big-Ones university. All the rich Asian international-students' kitchens are decked out with Zojirushi everything. I aspire to that one day. Nice find.

>> No.12865825

Imagine using britain to shill aeropress lol.

>> No.12865831


I've got the phoenix.

>> No.12865885

Imagine being this obsessed with something you don’t like

>> No.12865925

I went for the Wilfa Svart in the end. It will do for now.

>> No.12866040

i enjoy cold brew and have it every day but usually i drink straight extract, the only dilution being ice

>> No.12866341
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Pretty sure my old house might be fucked tomorrow. Also the rose water with the ORO is dank.
Can that do Turkish grind?

>> No.12866348

Probably not very well. I don’t have one but typically you need a much higher end grinder to get that fine and even, those models are more for brew grinds

>> No.12866350

comfy lad.

>> No.12867110

I tell people to smoke cigars instead of cigarettes too. If you're going to consume the fruits of the earth, do it properly. Dont use a coffee 'press' made of melted frisbees.

>> No.12867122

It's not about consistency. Even extraction leads to much tastier extraction. All but the cheapest grinders will produce the same grind from one batch to another.

>> No.12867166

Nigga you can get a conical burr grinder on Amazon for 15$ American.

>> No.12867175

Got one. Fucking worth it. Sick of replacing carafes every three months.

>> No.12867195

You know how those shitty $70 restaurant pepper mills drift after about an oz of peppercorns goes through it? Yeah you want consistency in your grind. No slip.

>> No.12867196

Thank you for the mental image of you walking up to a smoker and telling them that

>> No.12867311

based. i like it t b h. i wouldn't break the glass one, but i don't like the plastic bits, so stainless steel it was.

>> No.12868693


>> No.12868717

Just popped in to say im off coffee for like 6 weeks and it feels great, get fucked fags

>> No.12869308


>> No.12870420

Wilfa Svart arriving tomorrow boys.

>> No.12870722

How about you Wilfa Svart my balls, faggot

>> No.12870796

Grinder or brewer?

>> No.12870801

Fuck off faggot.

>> No.12870833
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Nice, what you grinding for if I may ask?

>> No.12870929

French Press. And pour over if it 'works'.

>> No.12870952

Lmao I get to drink coffee AND feel great because I'm not a genelet who finds coffee too spicy

>> No.12870959
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I fucking hate it when hurricanes just sit in one spot. Its much better when they wiz by.

Made ice coffee with rose water and cardamon. If that anon is still lurking here, thanks for mentioning the rose water. Going to try orange blossom next.
Sounds good. The grinder seems nice, you should be able to do pour over.

>> No.12870960
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do you guys ever just want cheap coffee

>> No.12870967

Aye lad, but can I be bothered for muh circular pouring and waiting at 6am? We shall see.

>> No.12870978

I'm actually on a quest to find out what the best basic bitch brick coffee is.

>> No.12871068

how much is that?

>> No.12871868

People rave about bustelo

>> No.12872070
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I've heard mixed opinions. Went ahead and grabbed one when it was on sale at publix. Not sure what kind of roast it is.

>> No.12873213

La LLave is better than Bustelo

>> No.12873497

Are bleached paper filters the best?

>> No.12873769

Just got a French press and coffee grinder. I don't usually drink coffee outside of desserts like frappes, but I am in need of lots of caffeine. What kind of beans do I try? I don't really know what I like. Was thinking light roast Arabica.

>> No.12873795

Brazilian beans t b h. Tastes like chocolate.

>> No.12873819

For a French press definitely stick to a lighter medium roast. You can try like a light or blonde roast but idk if you'll like it (although lighter=more caffeine). Remember, caffeine needs water in your body to metabolize, so the more water you drink with your coffee (Austrian method, look it up), the more you'll feel the effects, and the longer they'll last. My personal favorite is a Columbian, however that mat be to much with the full-bodied taste of a French press. Try an African coffee, like Kenyan, and report back.

>> No.12873837

Isn't light roast = moar caffeine a meme?

>> No.12873849

No. It's science. Same with Tea. White tea>green tea> black tea in terms of caffeine. Starbuck's blonde espresso has way more caffeine than their regular, for instance.

>> No.12873855

tfw told otherwise
I don't feel the effects of it anyway. Based.

>> No.12873982

Also, don't pour boiling water on it unless you want super bitter coffee. I let my water boil, then sit for like 5 minutes before pouring it onto my beans. You need a coarse grind too, unless you want silt in your cup.

>> No.12874739
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Orange blossom is also good. I can imagine it being even better with a coffee that has citrus undertones.

>> No.12874908
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afternoon lad. sounds nice.

>> No.12874980

>bought a manual grinder and a french press
>never have time in the morning to make coffee because grinding takes life

god I'm an idiot

>> No.12874993
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sorry lad.

>> No.12875014

Even with a Hario Skerton, 25g takes like 90 seconds

>> No.12875066

Afternoon. I see the grinder came in.

>> No.12875070

Pre measure your beans the night before and leave them in the grinder, then that morning grind while your water heats. Or just pony up for an electric

>> No.12875086

That it did. Will be using it tomorrow morning.

>> No.12875499

how much do you add, and when?
do you add in the cardomom or post or pre brew?

>> No.12875637

When I pre boil the water for my moka pot, I throw some whole cardamon seeds in(not the pods) my mug; about 3-6. I then put in just a little bit of hot water and steep the seeds while I put my moka pot together and brew it. When my moka pot is done brewing, I remove the seeds from my mug and pour in the coffee brew. I recommend starting off with less seeds and adjust as needed.

As for the rose and orange blossom water i put in just a tiny bit. I fill up the bottle caps slightly and add so many drips or drops worth. I prefer to add less flower water, but adjust to your preference.

>> No.12876129

This is a joke right? With a coarse French press grind you shouldn't be tiring yourself out over 30 grams.

>> No.12876930

Bump before bed

>> No.12876948

bought an aeropress and coffee is slightly better
any online sellers based in the us? i live in hicktown so no third wave coffee shops near by

>> No.12876957

>what are you drinking
black coffee
>where is it from
el salvador
>getting any more
berhabs :DDDDDDDD

>> No.12876965

Drinktrade.com ships you fresh degassed roasts.

>> No.12877146

Lol he fell for it.

>> No.12877788

>White tea>green tea> black tea
this is wrong

>> No.12877923
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Hit the gold mine of coffee deals a few weeks ago, a psuedo whole foods near me closed down and was selling their bulk coffee for $2.50 a pound. over two trips I ended up with over 20 pounds of delicious bean. About 10 pounds of columbian, 4 of espresso, 3 of french roast and 3 pounds of their custom blend.

>> No.12877992

thank you based anon

>> No.12878029

noice lad.

>> No.12878101

Sometimes I drink decaf before bed. Then when I wake up in the morning my piss has that coffee pee smell and I feel like I'm damaging my bladder somehow. It is real in my head.

>> No.12878114

the latter.

>> No.12878118

>what are you drinking
Vietnamese coffee, I really like it for some reason. It tastes so different.
>where is it from
Vietnam originally, my local asian market more specifically
>getting any more

I also tried civet cat coffee recently and damn it tastes good. Not good enough to justify the price, but really good.

>> No.12878119

I prefer instant coffee. Am I a heretic?

>> No.12878125

Yes, but I won't hate you for it. People like different shit, nothing you can do about it. I won't tollerate you talking to impressionable youth about it though.

>> No.12878258
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The best part about drip coffee is that it's an excuse to add sugar and flavors to it
Your welcome
Might be robusta or butter roasted.

>> No.12878348

Haha got him, now he’s gonna have good coffee

>> No.12878526

You gonna freeze any of it?

>> No.12878854

I'd like this clarified; when I first try a store bought coffee the bag usually recommends 2 tablespoons per 6 ounces of water. For whole bean, does this mean ground or whole beans? I'm assuming it's ground but it looks like much less coffee than when following a certain ratio.

>> No.12878884

Ground. You should fo by ratios though.

>> No.12878886

Yeah, I just like to try the coffee once by their recommendations to see what it's like. Thanks.

>> No.12878901

Don't measure coffee by volume

>> No.12879213

Its dank as shit. Toss some grounds in a french press in the evening, fridge, then pull it out in the morning and press it. I love it because its a lot of caffeine and my tired ass doesn't have to put in any effort.

>> No.12879892

Doubt it. He'll post here incessantly while asking why he can't make good coffee though.