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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 182 KB, 696x390, impossible_3-696x390.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12792752 No.12792752 [Reply] [Original]

I do not understand the target demographic for this product.

It tastes like meat. That's an instant redflag, regardless of anything. It may as well just be meat at that point. The only reason it should need to taste like meat is if it were intended to replace meat, yet if it were intended to replace meat then meat would stop being served, rather than being served alongside meat.

so it tastes like meat. why though?
vegetarians will eat other food.
vegetarians will avoid meat.
americans will eat meat.
americans will avoid impossible/beyond meat.

is this the google glass of foodstuff? seems like a lot of people dumped a lot of money into this with zero foresight.

>> No.12792760

>I do not understand the target demographic for this product.
I’ll answer this. You’re a fucking third world retard who we should’ve invaded, napalmed, and glassed off this planet.


>> No.12792762


Also, i would consider selling all your shares in this retarded shit asap you stupid nigger.

>> No.12792763

it's a pretty shitty product
i'm a vegetarian and i'd eat a beef burger before i ate that processed chemical slurry

>> No.12792765

Its introducing the concept of a veggie burger as an alternative. Whatd you think burger would change their entire menu overnight? They need to take public reception and feedback into account, and also all the logistics of mass production. Youre genuinely retarded OP i feel sorry for you.

>> No.12792777

veggie burgers have been a thing since the 80s, retard
impossible is just a shitty version of one

>> No.12792782

I think it would be a lot more compelling if it were cheaper than ground beef.

>> No.12792786

the target demographic is everyone, meat is literally unsustainable for a growing world population

so if you can have something that tastes just like meat yet doesn't use all the land and water required to create the meat, well great

>> No.12792810

in relation to burger king, they have already had a literal "BK Veggie" burger on their menu for a decade. It's a patty of ground up veggies and and mushrooms n shit. It gives substance to a sandwich and has it's own flavor without being a meat patty, with clearly visible chunks of various veggies in the patty. Burger King is the last one to need a vegetarian option, but all the same there are plenty other ways to have vegetarian patties as sandwich filler for any restaurant, the very least includes what burger king does by using MorningStar Farms Garden Veggie Patty, which is a veggie patty you can also buy at most grocery outlets.

Going this "impossible" meat-flavored not-meat route is ultimately fucking retarded. The product costs more than regular meat, so cannibals will eat the cheaper option all the same. Because it tastes like meat, it doesn't appeal to vegetarians.

you need to have brain damage to have faith in the concept of this product.

>> No.12792816

The target demographic is vegans and vegetarians who refuse to eat actual meat on principle, but can be tempted by meat-like substitutes. If you have a group of four friends and one is a vegetarian, having vegan options whatever they taste like makes it more likely that these four friends will eat at your restaurant, I don’t understand your question at all because the answer seems blindingly obvious.

Most vegans or vegetarians don’t turn down meat because they don’t like the taste, certainly there may be some people who develop a distaste for meat after years of not eating it and an even smaller minority who never liked it, but I’ve never seen anything to suggest that most or even many vegetarians refuse meat because of its taste. On the contrary there are probably more who do crave foods like steak, bacon, fried chicken etc. and would be delighted by what they consider a more ethical alternative.

To the extent that even the prospect of lab-grown cultured meat has received a quite warm welcome from the vegetarian community as a whole, and many have expressed enthusiasm at the prospect of eating ‘guilt-free’ meat, in some cases for the first time in years if not decades.

>> No.12792833

tldr most vegetarians and vegans turn down meat because of the deliberate and what they see as needless killin’ involved, not the taste. Some prefer tofu and beans to anything that even reminds them of meat, but others are okay with anything that doesn’t involve eating a slaughtered animal, even if deliberately made to sort of taste like one.

>> No.12792841

You're basing all of this off the assumption that vegetarians and vegans don't eat meat because they don't like it, but the primary reason they don't eat meat is moral or nutritional, not because they don't like the taste.
In their eyes they can have "meat" without hurting animals or eating a lot of fat and cholesterol. I know a handful of vegs/veges and they all eat this garbage. It is part of their confirmation bias that fat = bad and cholesterol = bad that a company would make this product to replace meat for meat eaters too.

>> No.12792845
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so what you're saying is that it's for social justice warriors and virtue signalling...

>> No.12792862

That's not how a sensible brain works.
If the product tastes like meat, then it cannot be properly distinguished from meat. You did not see the product made. For all you know, there actually is meat or animal derivatives in the product; assuming of course you have a working brain.

Not that you would, because you eat meat.

>> No.12792886

it doesn't taste like meat though
and it's worse for you than actual meat

>> No.12792889

nothing is worse than eating meat lmao

>> No.12792892

What’s hard to understand?

Vegans don’t wanna eat meat, restaurants want their money too, so they have developed a product that appeals to them.

>> No.12792909

It is a meat substitute for people who like meat but don’t want to eat it for other reasons. There are lots of vegetarians like this and there even a lot of meat eaters like it too. How are you not getting it? It’s like you’re one of those people who believes you’re not a ‘true vegetarian’ if you eat quorn sausages or some shit.

>> No.12792911

you make it sound like vegans don't want to eat anything at all. most food is vegetarian as is.

What's hard to understand?
Veganism is not a lifestyle that suddenly sprang into existence mid-2018.

>> No.12792925
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You could say the same thing about any soup, sauce, etc being possibly made with chicken broth or similar.
That's why consumer protections exist. You expect to get what you ordered and expect that it was prepared in the way it was described.

What do you think you know about "how a sensible brain works?" Your entire viewpoint on this subject is based on an unfounded and incorrect personal assumption. You're just as bad as vegans are with the confirmation bias.

>> No.12792926

I stopped eating meat 9 months ago, even though I love the taste and smell of meat, and it's entirely for my own mental health / spiritual health reasons. So fake meat is a blessing for me.

>> No.12792930

>most food is vegetarian as is

Not in most fast food chains at least until recently. When I was a kid there was literally no such thing as a veggie option main at the vast majority of fast food restaurants unless you counted salads (not really a main of course) and sometimes they still had bacon and shit in them.

>> No.12792937

You're not a vegetarian if you eat animals. That's literally the definition of vegetarianism. There's no thinking about it. Most Vegetarians usually aim to cook for themselves anyway, where they know what ingredients they're using and can guarantee their meal is vegetarian. If they eat at a restaurant, they'll order vegetarian.

They gain nothing by ordering some meme-meat.

this product is purely for liars and retards.

>> No.12792943
File: 56 KB, 621x702, vO7lRZ7.jpg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go to fast food joint
>order french fries
mission complete

>> No.12792955

>Most Vegetarians usually aim to cook for themselves anyway
Have you considered that maybe they cooked for themselves because they HAD to, not because they wanted to? And now they have more options.

Ask yourself why it makes you so mad that other people have more options now.

>> No.12792958

eating sub mediocre tasting factory goo is definitely worse

>> No.12792960

>what is beef tallow
Even if not, a side of greasy salted potatoes is not a meal, dumdum

>> No.12792977

>what is beef tallow
Something most restaurants dont even cook with

>> No.12792980

enjoying the taste or smell of meat is enjoying the slaughter of innocents.

Unironically, if humans should eat any meat, the only meat they should eat is the meat of another human.

>too many humans
>humans accomplish nothing
>humans don't have souls
literally no reason against the only meat any meateater should eat just being human meat.

>> No.12792990

what's wrong with enjoying the slaughter of innocents?

>> No.12792996

its a sin that sends you to hell instead of anywhere else.

>> No.12793011

hell isn't real

>> No.12793015

>its a sin that sends you to hell instead of anywhere else
I'm pretty sure killing human beings to eat them would be considered a sin by that standard.

>> No.12793020

Why are you so dumb? Meat substitutes taste good, vegetarians and vegans don't eat meat primarily for ethical reasons, not because meat tastes bad.

>> No.12793021

>vegetarians will eat other food

Speak for yourself. I'm a vegetarian, and I don't avoid meat because I can't stand the flavor or texture or anything. I'm not a 5-year-old with a tantrum over food. The issue is that I don't want animals to die so that I can eat. If the Impossible Burger lets me have convenient fast food with no animal harm, I'll eat it.

Is this really so hard to understand?

BTW, I love how boomers (and non-boomer idiots) think this is part of some conspiracy to outlaw meat. Then they're like "hurf durf I'm going to eat extra barbeque this weekend, just because Burger King is offering a vegetarian alternative! That'll show them!"

>> No.12793023

>t. already hellbound

humans don't have souls, it's fine.
not even a question. think about what steps it took to land you a burger on your plate. no doubt about it that humans don't have souls.

though maybe the lack of a soul is why human meat isn't farmed. perhaps it just tastes like garbage and dirt by being an empty vessel.

>> No.12793030

Nah, you're not a vegetarian. You're a retard.

If a meat substitute tastes like meat, and the first thought through your mind isn't "I can't tell if this isn't meat", then you're lying about various aspects in your blogpost.

>> No.12793033

>humans don't have souls, it's fine.
animals don't have souls, so if the standard is based on having a soul, both things are permissible.

>> No.12793051

>describe my position in 1 paragraph with 6 sentences

Reading is tough, huh?

Are you a vegetarian? Then you're just sitting around pontificating about something you don't understand or know. Cool, cool.

Do you really think vegetarians are basically toddlers who have "picky" problems with the taste and texture of meat? Wow.

>> No.12793052

animals definitely have souls. Even plants have something similar to a soul, though compared to their lifetime timescale, being snipped and fried up is a lot quicker and painless of a death than any human or animal will have the grace of getting to experience.

Humans definitely do not have souls.

>> No.12793064

Do you really think vegetarians are retards who are picky about what they eat? "ohhhh i wish i could eat a grilled steak! but i'm a vegetaaaaariaaaaaan"

You are fucking mindless, my man.

Being a vegetarian in your retarded worldview is like being a smoker, quitting, then living as a retard constantly tempted to smoke again instead of properly rationalizing the smell and flavor and experience of it as a negative.

>> No.12793071

>animals definitely have souls.
humans are animals.

So if humans are animals, and animals have souls, then humans have souls. That's called the transitive property.

IF a = b
AND b = c
THEN a = c

>> No.12793081

humans are not animals.

humans are golems. they're an object that irrationally moves as if given life, despite never living.

There are clear similarities between all animals, and clear differences between any animal and a human.

>> No.12793091

>humans are not animals.
>humans are golems.
Where are you getting any of this from.

>> No.12793093
File: 1.67 MB, 961x711, ramon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I do not understand the target demographic for this product.
um maybe these types?

>> No.12793110

I'm a meat eater and love me a good steak and burger but would not be sad at all if they stopped selling meat at fast food joints. That shit is hardly considered "meat" anyway.
That being said you touch my steak and I'm gonna be pissed.

>> No.12793113

how is it vegan if it’s cooked on the same flat top as regular meat is?

>> No.12793114

>is this the google glass of foodstuff?
Except it's actually accessible to the masses. Plus there are more veg heads out there than people looking for goofy looking glasses with a phone built in.

>> No.12793121

It's not. Real vegetarians would never set foot in a burger king even if they had a vegetarian burger.
This is just for marketing so a bunch of fatass youtube "reviewers" can eat it up and create hype to get more people in the door.

>> No.12793123

this was the clincher for me to get me to stop ordering most foods at restaurants regardless if they were veggies. Chefs aren't washing pots and pans and griddles after every meal. Contamination is an extremely high probability.

>> No.12793124

b12 deficit is one hell of a drug

>> No.12793130

medical science is a hell of a drug.

>> No.12793150
File: 24 KB, 640x669, 1564924519324.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Didn't realize this was a rekt thread

>> No.12793155

>catfag """"""""""""""""""""humour"""""""""""""""""""'"

>> No.12793249

>target demographic

People who are aware that raising beef is bad for the environment and are seeking alternatives. People are becoming more conscious of how their choices impact the world.

>> No.12793260

Oh and by the way, the impossible burger tastes like if you overcooked the shit out of beef, let it dry out, put it in the fridge, and reheated it in the microwave the next morning.

>> No.12793387


it's just a meme. ask this again 5 years from now. no. the "vegan revolution" will not have happened by then no matter how many impossible burgers get sold.

>> No.12793394

Oh so faggots, thanks for clarifying.

>> No.12793441

You're just mad because you were eternally btfo cuck

>> No.12793480


>> No.12793492

what are you talking about?

>> No.12793504

its cheap to make, it's a quick buck for anyone selling it, that should have been obvious by all the non-burger places selling it
a lot of places will stop selling then in the next couple years probably or they'll just casually replace all the meat in anything worth replacing

honestly though they could make mcdonalds little paper thin patties with like, beef stock and potato flour just to claim they're beef but hey.

>> No.12793508

Ten years ago a person like you would have predicted that veganism would not be where it is now. Good luck clinging to your preconceptions, because the world is changing and doesn't care what you think.

>> No.12793522

>It tastes like meat.
lmao no it doesnt

>> No.12793550
File: 76 KB, 574x600, 1541851682920.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not a vegetarian by any means but I actually enjoy a veggie burger from time to time. Theres a chickpea buffalo one that is money with some onions, pickles and hot sauce on top.

>> No.12793562

Some of those veggie patties are really fucking tasty and they not trying to imitate meat. They're proud of what they are and do a damn fine job. I eat them on occasion just because they're good, even as a meat eater.

>> No.12793724

i agree, black bean patties are usually preferable over ground meat patties unless the meat is high quality

>> No.12793730

If it's as good as meat while not being meat, I will gladly eat it over meat. Especially if it means mitigating animal slaughter.

>> No.12794398

Because meat tastes good but people are vegetarian. Why is that hard to understand? You are a complete moron

>> No.12794404

This. It tastes like salty beef flavoring you'd find in a soup or seasoned potato chip.

>> No.12794508

It's basically margarine. It's been introduced to the masses as an alternative to livestock-based food, and stupid people think that means healthy, but just like every other imitation food, in twenty years we'll "have just recently found out" that's there's tons of negative health effects caused by eating it.

Personally, I think all industrialized meat farms should all be shut down. People should only have the right to eat meat if they're killing and butchering it themselves. If you think that's wrong, you're the problem.

>> No.12794522

>growing world population

Last time I checked Western populations were in decline and only grow because so called 'environmentalist' liberals import millions of shitskins every year. I'm supposed to stop eating meat because ass-smeĺling Indians and bugfaced chinks won't stop fucking each other?

Let em starve.

>> No.12794523

Maybe there's people out there with moral qualms about eating meat but still like the taste?

>> No.12794525

It tastes like dry ground beef. It's not bad. If it was healthier and cheaper then I would switch to it completely (no loss of nutrients), but as it stands, it's more expensive and just as fattening. I guess when you reconstruct amino acids of meat with vegetables you get...meat??

>> No.12794536

having the choice between meat and plant that tastes and feels exactly like meat
i still choose meat
and before the healthfags get here i wonder the mountain of cancerous shit this thing has so it can immitate beef

>> No.12794548

Why would that matter? A splash of animal fat getting onto a veggie burger isn't causing harm to animals, it's just about being a picky eater for the sake of being a picky eater. You're literally a child saying "I'm not eating my food because it touched other food." I grew out of that when I was six. What's your excuse?

>> No.12794791
File: 37 KB, 505x567, 5588445.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is this the google glass of foodstuff?

>> No.12794814

everywhere i have seen this on the menu (both sides of the us and all around the middle on work trips) its always sold out
so whoever the target demographic is they sure as fuck are buying it

>> No.12794848

It's designed for vegetarians and those who feel iffy about consuming beef because of ethical reasons. People who like the taste of meat but don't want to eat it.

I don't want to touch it because it's an overly processed pack of shit and if I wanted to have bloodless hands and feel virtuous I'd need to turn off my brain or go become a hermit in the woods.

>I eat meat far more than I should
>I was pretty deficient in B12, like 5-10 points away from the lowest threshold.
>Symptom can cinclude Tingling feet

Fuck me, I guess my multivitamin isn't doing it enough. And it's not Diabetus the bloodwork also found I was not prediabetic.

>> No.12795337

It's been making money because people are curious to try it. To replace the meat on something like a whopper is not exactly the hardest thing to do. If sales continue they'll have cut their own niche in the fast food market. It's new and it's already priced competitively with real meat. In a couple years they could refine production and sell it even cheaper if there's still interest. Replacing actual cuts of meat isn't a goal right now. The average consumer doesn't care what's in junk food and fast food; what matters is price/quantity (value) and taste. Impossible/beyond shit is just the newest wave of junk food to hit the market. Whether it's here to stay remains to be seen.

>> No.12795341

Tastes like soy my man.

>> No.12795534

>or eating a lot of fat and cholesterol
What? They literally put a whole bunch of fats in it for it to taste close to the real thing.

>> No.12795559

>want to eat meat
>dont want to kill stuff
thats the audience. its literally that simple, you fucking brainlet

>> No.12795624

At this point are vegans just openly abandoning the "healthy" theme completely? These fake meat burgers are literally chemical sludge.

>I don't gaf about my health.
>Only "the animals" matter!

>> No.12795633

>Wants to eat meat
>Eats chemical sludge instead

It's your health to do with what you will lol.

>> No.12795721 [DELETED] 

*a growing nigger, poo, sandnigger, gook, and spic population. White people shouldn't have to give up meat for a larger population of subhumans.

>> No.12796750

those are made from beef. Even Oriental Flavored Ramen has dehydrated beef stock in it. Not a good sign if impossible meat tastes like that, cause it probably has something from an animal in it.

>> No.12798034

Because even vegetarians admit that they like the taste of meat. The issue is with animal cruelty, not flavor.

>> No.12798223

>humans don’t have souls
>random pigs and cows do
Animal worshipping wh*Te people are mentally deranged

>> No.12798239
File: 70 KB, 700x467, pills-lede.w700.h467.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>random niggers and wh*tes have souls

>> No.12798307

I walked up to the counter once and outloud said "zero percent beef huh? What's the difference between that and anything else on your menu?"
I was kicked out.

>> No.12798313

10-11 billion is sustainable. Infact the real issue is when it starts falling.

>> No.12798465

Yikes and cringe buddy boy, racism isn’t allowed outside of /pol/ and /b/, perhaps it’s time you went back there?
>wh*Tes have souls
Well they obviously are animals, not humans, so it seems pretty obvious to me that they don’t have any.

>> No.12798515

Even if you're a meme, just leave. This place isn't your blog

>> No.12798626


Do you drink soy milk or almond milk, products intentionally designed to replicate the flavor and quality of cow's milk?

Are you a troll?

>> No.12798785

everything is chemicals and there is no difference between natural vs synthetic

>> No.12798791

>in relation to burger king, they have already had a literal "BK Veggie" burger on their menu for a decade
it contains eggs, it's only suitable for lacto-ovo-vegetarians

>Going this "impossible" meat-flavored not-meat route is ultimately fucking retarded
the impossible burger is vegan and vegans are a very large and growing demographic of customers now

>> No.12798802

i mean you could say that about anything
are people against murder sjw's a virtue signaling by being against it? what about child rape? etc

>> No.12798812

this, why do anti-vegan meat eaters reeeee so much and complain about vegans all the time over nothing?

>you make it sound like vegans don't want to eat anything at all. most food is vegetarian as is.
vegetarian =/= vegan

>Veganism is not a lifestyle that suddenly sprang into existence mid-2018.
there are more vegans now than there have been in the past

>> No.12798817

I agree with you two. If i want a beef burger I eat a beef burger, but sometimes i feel like a been burger. they are two seperate meals to me. Ive had it with bacon, its pretty good.

>> No.12798819

mcdonalds fries are not and have never been even vegetarian-friendly
they contain beef product for flavoring

>> No.12798821

mcdonalds, which is by far the most popular fast food place and are known for their fries, does

>> No.12798832

would you eat food with a "splash" of human fat or blood? what about food that was cooked in a cast iron pan used to cook human flesh? would you call yourself a "picky eater" if you said no?

>> No.12798842

a) most meat-eaters are also b12 deficient
b) you can take a b12 supplement
there are many foods that are fortified with b12, including animal products/meat

>> No.12798849

are you a time traveler from the past?

>> No.12798855

animals aren't human

>> No.12798910

what do you mean? mcdonalds STILL uses beef tallow and they STILL are the most popular fast food joint

>> No.12798924

it's an example to understand where vegans are coming from

>animals aren't human
humans are animals

>> No.12798976
File: 68 KB, 584x339, Annotation 2019-08-18 213916.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>wired com/2014/07/whats-inside-mcdonalds-french-fries/

>> No.12798984

oh, i was going by the other guy
well "natural beef flavor"
so they're still not vegan like pretty much every other fast food joint is now

>> No.12798991
File: 51 KB, 413x243, DC4ADD96-9113-4F92-AC2A-7CF7ACAB50C3.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>even if you’re a meme, just leave. This place isn’t your blog

>> No.12799013

I looked more into it, it turns out "natural beef flavor" actually does not contain beef, but it's still not vegan because it does contain milk. So one of those guys I quoted was right in principle.

>> No.12799028

humans are more cyborg than animal

>> No.12799038

go chug a gallon of pvf slurry

>> No.12799042
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>> No.12799054

some chemicals are toxins/poisons but the 'chemicals' in that veggie burger are not
being unnecessarily chemophobic like some anti-vaxxer facebook mom is dumb

>> No.12799058

when people use the word "chemicals" in this way, they're usually using the vernacular to describe "made through chemistry" instead of "naturally", not literal chemicals

i hope you know this and are just being obtuse
otherwise you're autistic and also retarded

>> No.12799072

again, there is no distinction between synthetic vs. natural
there's still no reason to be weary of foods "made through chemistry". in a lab, or whatever

>> No.12799078
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i think you mean wary and of course there is a distinction between synthetic and natural, you absolute brainlet

>> No.12799099

>there is a distinction between synthetic and natural, you absolute brainlet
what is it? a chemical is a chemical, some products in nature may contain other, different chemicals alongside, but the chemicals themselves are the same
there are also natural products that are worse for you than synthetic variants (ie. asprin (acetylsalicylic acid) vs salicylic acid found in willow bark), not to mention naturally-occurring poisions and similar
the anti-chemical point of view the original poster posted is dumb

>> No.12799140

the original poster said they didn't want to eat processed chemical slurry which is exactly what this beyond trash is
that doesn't sound """anti chemical""", i think you're just being autistic and trying too hard to sound smart
people are rightfully averse to eating non food made in a lab instead of actual food grown on the land like it has been since the beginning of time

do you have shares in the company or something?

>> No.12799166
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Because they will use the target demographic for free advertising knowing they will post it to every social media account they have to show how virtuous they are for internet points

>> No.12799188

Don't conflate people who are skeptical about chemicals in a one time inoculation with people who are skeptical about chemicals in an item intended for dietary replacement that you could be consuming hundreds if not thousands of times throughout your life.

>> No.12799194

>It tastes like meat.
No it doesn't

>> No.12799206

>the original poster said they didn't want to eat processed chemical slurry which is exactly what this beyond trash is
it's not though, it has ingredients that are no different from any other processed/packaged food that's NOT vegan
>that doesn't sound """anti chemical""", i think you're just being autistic and trying too hard to sound smart
you brought up incorrect/wrong points, i just said they were wrong
>people are rightfully averse to eating non food made in a lab instead of actual food grown on the land like it has been since the beginning of time
my point is that there is no reason for that
non-vegan foods are just as "lab grown" as you're saying the impossible burger is

>> No.12799208

>look up the chemicals as nutritional information is available for basically every product ever
>see they are no different from the same food-grade products used in other processed foods

>> No.12799230

>the same food-grade products used in other processed foods
Which probably causes a lot of cancers and GI diseases.

>> No.12799237

dude, no one is arguing that it doesn't have nutritional content
some people would just rather eat peas with butter than some disgusting mashup up of peas, refined oil and multivitamins that don't even taste good

>> No.12799453

Because it's not? Are you hard of reading?

>> No.12799489

this is what educated veggies/vegan know and think, in reality they are mostly gung-ho for it since the marketing labels it as "natural"

>> No.12799506
File: 752 KB, 732x649, picture of a prominent vegan activist.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to send this dude $100 or $200, I feel like going carnivore and keto has brought me back from the dead, it's an amazing diet.

>> No.12799623

Am I the only one who likes the unique taste of veggie burgers? Imean it isn't a burger but fuck it I prefer it.

I fail to see how this item will remain popular after the marketing bucks run out

>> No.12799731

haha nigga just don't eat it like nigga just close your mouth

>> No.12799787

yeah i like it
i like bits of corn and peas and carrot in it too
i don't like when food tries to trick me
i'm smarter than food that's why it's okay to eat meat

>> No.12799993

it’s just a vehicle to feed unsuspecting fatasses aborted fetuses

>> No.12800783
File: 1.66 MB, 1280x800, 1559657396594.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>His shirt says "go vegan"

>> No.12801031

yeah then just say that instead of doing a whole song and dance because you were:
to embarrassed to be wrong
too retarded to be right

>> No.12801060

if you can't read sure

>> No.12801069

Lmao ok fag
Keep infering meaning that isn't there and then getting butthurt about it
Seems like a winning strategy

>> No.12801078

It is a soy and wheat based product for bugmen.

>> No.12801100

Well unless you impose full stop trade embargoes, those poos and gooks are going to buy more meat when they get richer, and you can say goodbye to your meat unless you're fine with paying several times what you pay for it now.

>> No.12801228
File: 29 KB, 657x527, disappointed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How are you this retarded OP?
It's meant for people who want to eat burgers but would prefer it if you could do so without slaughtering animals for their meat.
Just because you don't like the idea of slaughtering animals doesn't mean meat somehow doesn't taste good.
What the fuck are you thinking?

>> No.12801299

Imagine eating only vegetables? What are these kids taught in school man

>> No.12801315

It's obviously a virtue signal product similar to iPhone. There's no reason it should be more expensive than beef. People would be all over it if it were saving them money.

>> No.12801321
File: 258 KB, 1500x1125, 400[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jews fear the indoor chicken farm

>> No.12801337

There are transitional vegans/vegetarians who still like the taste of meet who would appreciate this

There are also longterm vegans/vegetarians who just wanna indulge in some nostalgic Americana from time to time while still upholding their values

>> No.12801348

Nice try retard

>> No.12801354

Chickens are some of the nastiest and dirtiest animals you could possibly keep inside the house.
I'd go with rabbits instead if I had to secretly raise my own meat.

>> No.12801477

Raising an animal indoors just to eat it is a costly investment of time and effort. You've only taken the option of paying more for the same diet.

>> No.12801500

Pork and chicken are so cheap now they might as well be free. Cost will not be a thing unless you are talking about specialty grass fed beef.

>> No.12801508

>everything I don't like has to be virtue signaling if someone likes it

>> No.12801530

But it isn’t actually meat. Are you retarded?

>> No.12801535

coincidence the first thing veganoids start doing is reinventing meat?

>> No.12801884

Or you’re just a stupid fucking conservatard who can’t comprehend or accept the existence of different lifestyles from your own flyover existence.

>> No.12801927

It's the same shitty corporate consumer burger eating lifestyle, dumbshit

>> No.12802019

What? You have the gall to call others retarded?

Anyway, numb nut. It's marketed towards vegans, which tend to earn above the median income so we can afford to buy these products. I hope more people eat them because it will bring the price down as production scales up.

Just because you choose to eat meat doesn't mean everyone does, you spoiled brat. The epitome of stop liking what I don't like. I think it's great that now everyone has a choice of what to eat when they order, other than just fries.

>> No.12802542
File: 29 KB, 741x568, hmm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is it with the anti-vegetarian autists here and this weird conviction people who don't eat meat must also magically somehow not have any desire to eat meat? It's a perceived (that word there means don't response saying 'b-but it isn't!' to the next word, because I'm not even saying it is, just that it's perceived that way by them) MORAL issue, not a taste issue. If you weren't some culture deprived zoomer you'd be familiar with the several different idioms that express this exact sentiment of enjoying meat but not wanting to watch a slaughterhouse in action e.g. "everyone likes sausage but no one wants to see how they're made" or "one would risk being disgusted if one saw politics, justice, and one’s dinner in the making."
Meat tastes great. Slaughtering animals has been the unfortunate but historically necessary cost for meat. If you could somehow get meat WITHOUT having industrial slaughterhouses, that would be ideal, with the main remaining objections being related to how much the product we're talking about actually is still meat vs. just a shitty imitation.
I eat meat and probably always will eat meat. I'm not very convinced we'll have an exact replica of meat that doesn't come from animal slaughter within my lifetime. But if we did, of course that would be a good thing.

>> No.12802566

stupid frog poster

>> No.12802573

It's been over a decade now, frogs aren't going away you stupid 'stupid frog poster' poster.

>> No.12802575

stupid triggered frog poster

>> No.12803948

So actuvely choosing not to eat meat means you still want meat? Just fucking eat it, nigger.

>> No.12803960

>So actively choosing not to molest children means you still have sexual urges? Just fucking molest a child, nigger.

>> No.12803977

What are you trying to communicate you downy?
People like meat. People mostly don't like slaughtering animals, but go along with the process out of necessity. Meat without slaughter would solve for previous sentence. This isn't complicated.

>> No.12803979

everyone here is retarded, they won't understand