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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 196 KB, 555x370, bigstock-Homemade-Festive-Cinnamon-Eggn-55005329.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12787690 No.12787690 [Reply] [Original]

It's almost the holiday season! Thinking about practicing on making a pot pie.

>> No.12787774

I can't wait to make a beef stew. I usually make chili and maybe I will, but stew for sure.

>> No.12787827

What do you put in it?

>> No.12787830

My penis.

>> No.12787902

Mulled wine or butter beer.

>> No.12788345

How do you do the latter friend?

>> No.12788803

I dunno, I haven't decided on what kind of beer to use. American beers tend to be a shit-show so I want to get my hand on a traditional english ale. Then you warm the beer in a sauce-pan until it bubbles spice it up and add some butter to it. Though I also need to get some unsalted butter too.

>> No.12788852 [DELETED] 

Have to say one of my favorite threads of all time was several years ago when some faggot wanted to learn how to make butter beer for his gf on her b-day because she was a huge Harry Potter fan. I laughed so hard that night I felt pain in my abs the next morning. That was a fun fucking thread *sigh*.

>> No.12788882

it's august shut the fuck up

>> No.12789849

Bros anyone have that recipe for George Washingtons eggnog

>> No.12789859

I looked it up once. I think I can recall it.
12 eggs
a shitload of booze
chill and enjoy

>> No.12789879

>It's almost the holiday season! Thinking about practicing on making a pot pie.
Heh, I'm quite excited too. I've already upgraded my kitchen soap to the Method Apple Cider, and my hand soap to the "Acorn Spice" that I spotted at Target. I'm inhaling spices every day now.

I'm mentally planning some pumpkin muffins stuffed with cream cheese with some unsalted pepitas on top, might go for some zucchini banana bread first, just to get in the mood, but some cloves and cinnamon are going in there!

I've made pot pie a couple of times. Don't overcook the chicken meat is my tip. Simmer the bones or make the stock separately. Poach it at the end in the finished soup. It's extra comfy to get a set of 4 corningware or lecruesets and individualize them. It's also yummy to top a quick thick chicken corn chowder with pie crust, esp with a bit of cornmeal in the recipe.

>> No.12789891

>Bros anyone have that recipe for George Washingtons eggnog
I think Mt Vernon has the whole kit and kaboodle of his legacy online, kind of a national treasure like that and one of the first things cool on the Internet.

My favorite eggnog is Farm Stores. Thick, custardy and untainted with nutmeg and rum flavor. It's pure and thick like homemade, not overly sweet. It's perfect for the person to add their own aged delicious rum to at home, and grate that whole nutmeg on the top at time of serving.

>> No.12789903

This is a heterosexual board

>> No.12789927
File: 225 KB, 350x263, grandpa_chewie.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I could eat that shit up.

>> No.12789928
File: 125 KB, 743x1109, xmas_pizza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12789930
File: 120 KB, 900x600, 100-year-old-fruitcake.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Time to pull out the fruitcake once again.

>> No.12789935
File: 80 KB, 503x960, pizza_with_holiday_cheer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for those with a sweet tooth.

>> No.12790341

Why does everyone hate fruitcake?

>> No.12790346

Small portion, huh?

>> No.12790374

It's usually not made well. Dense, unpalatable, and unappealing.

>> No.12790451


>> No.12790521
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>> No.12790786

Made it last year it was great. Though you can get wasted in no time. Its strong as fuck I had no idea that people drank that much back in the day.

>> No.12790802
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>> No.12791186

Sounds like fun haha too bad I cant get wasted anymore

>> No.12792079

What mama don't know won't hurt her ;)))))

>> No.12792133


you can already buy pumpkin spice items and halloween candy in stores

>> No.12793223

Get some help with it, it can be overwhelming. I make one almost every year, around christmas so that there are people who cook around.

>> No.12793233

It's fucking October you autist

>> No.12793235

im thinking of practicing making a candle like that picture

>> No.12793720
File: 213 KB, 1218x812, Fresh-Apple-Cider-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>All these Christmas drinks

>> No.12793722
File: 1.67 MB, 2160x3840, christmaspuddi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12793745

Wigs huh? Fascinating serving instructions too...dipping in mulled elderberry wine or ale.

>> No.12793906
File: 1.35 MB, 2160x3432, christmaskek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's another page to keep the thread going, but it's probably even less interesting. This is the last of the recipes relevant to holiday season.