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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12786745 No.12786745 [Reply] [Original]

>Blue cheese
>Brussel sprouts
>Mineral water
>Steak cooked less than well-done
>Dijon mustard
>Manuka honey

What else?

>> No.12786759

antipasty can mean many things

>> No.12786760

>everything I like is amazing and if you don't like it you're a tastelet
Is there any bigger confirmation of insecurity than posts like these?

>> No.12786761
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Who the fuck eats steak well done?

>> No.12786787

Good list so far

Organ meat
Raw meat
Raw seafood
Any cheese with mold
Tofu products

>> No.12786832

Yes. A post like yours

>> No.12786838


Turkish Delight

>> No.12786859

"Never trust a man who eats steak well done"

Winston Churchill

>> No.12786864

>What else?

Starts shitty bait threads on the cooking board of a Lebanese Origami website.

>> No.12787143


>> No.12787205


>> No.12787223
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>> No.12787229


>> No.12787241

Lots of people i have met growing up in the midwest, particularly boomers. The flyover memes are not far off honestly

>> No.12787246

Bone marrow
Raw tomato slices with nothing else
Bitter melon (if nonasian)
Squid ink

>> No.12787261

I did not give you permission to reply to me. You are now on notice.

>> No.12787282

It can be done. I like mine rare to medium, but if you butterfly it, baste it in compound butter the whole time, and pull with the very last sliver of pink visible for holdover cooking, it can still be good.

>> No.12787306
File: 14 KB, 480x319, 7C0CD01A-9ABB-493B-AA56-C37FB2F00792.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>All these tastelets coming out of the woodwork like termites

>> No.12787318
File: 27 KB, 500x328, 1541804681604.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mineral water

>> No.12787339

Call me a tastelet all you want, but kombucha is fucking shit and so is mineral water.

>> No.12787388

stopped reading there

>> No.12787400


also known as the boomer slayer

>> No.12787402


>> No.12787406

roe/caviar, seaweed, urchin

>> No.12787408

octopus, also

>> No.12787434

Olives, onion, garlic, anchovies, coffee

>> No.12787452

also what? What anon?!

>> No.12787457

stop putting them on the same level, they're not even from the same type of cabbage

>> No.12787468

Something only head chefs at high end restaurants can do
>enjoy eating a whole raw tomato like an apple

>> No.12787556

Sauerkraut is just kimchi for weaker wh*te palates.

>> No.12787597


>> No.12787666


for a board about cooking there sure are a lot of picky primadonna. I mean, you are basically that 4 y/o throwing a public tantrum because your mommy tried to get you to eat salad. proud of yourself?

>> No.12787672

These are things that manchildren REFUSE to eat, you Satanist.

>> No.12787677

lots of people mistake well done for overdone

>> No.12787691

is there anything wrong with eating a whole raw tomato like an apple? I like to dip mine in a little salt.

>> No.12787733

Only the English like this shit.

>salted anchovies
>sichuan pepper

>> No.12787736

The most powerful man on the planet.

>> No.12787742

Congratulations. You have confirmed your insecurity. Thank you for your time

>> No.12787770

Star anise and chili oil in soup.

>> No.12788308

Tepache> kombucha