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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12749831 No.12749831 [Reply] [Original]

heading to the heart attack grill

what should i get

>> No.12749848

>they're actually promoting obesity

Why is this even legal?

>> No.12749855

Didn't the heart attack grill guy get in trouble for molesting employees?

>> No.12749857


>> No.12749858

The meals are not really that unhealthy. It's eating an excess of it that is. That is rooted in hedonism. A healthy person can eat most of these things, regularly, without cardiovascular detriment, provided they do not eat excess so as to gain weight and succumb to obesity. You see, the gluttons and sensualist, it's not the meals per say that gets them, but the quantity of the meals,a nd the need for disgusting things like "choclate vanilla shakes" along with their sumptuous meal that gets them.

>> No.12749864

I read this in a Persian voice.

>> No.12749871

I'd probably just do a double with bacon, which is already way too much but it's a novelty place so ordering a single seems stupid. Also get a chili cheese fries and a pack of luckys (tfw they pretty much cost that amount already at a regular store/gas station in California). The alcohol is way overpriced but I'd probably pre-game if I ever seriously considered going here and then just get water.

>> No.12749878

at that point they're already obese, so who cares?

>> No.12749941

>they sell unfiltered luckies
Absolutely based and boomerpilled

>> No.12749951

One of the nurses, ofcourse.

>> No.12749972

Because the owner was an actual doctor who had to tell fat fucks to stop eating or they will die and they never listened. So he said fuck it and is living the American capitalist dream of selling unhealthy food to fat fucks and getting rich. We need more places like this to help speed up the fat fuck extinction

>> No.12749975


Fuck right off.

>> No.12749997

It's satire given life. Doctor took fattest black pill and can't find the strength to treat obese patients anymore who continue to choose food over health so he decided to help them on their way to death.

>> No.12750029

>being this gullible
Just because a bald troll puts on a lab coat doesn't mean he is or ever was a doctor. But at least it worked on you faggots.

>> No.12750067
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>being this much of a skinny poor eurofag

>> No.12750077

Take 5 seconds and google him you massive faggot.

>> No.12750096

>the gluttons and sensualists are upsetting the balances of the spirit.

>> No.12750353

Honestly the way things are priced I'd probably get the Octuple with 40 bacon slices, no chili and have meal for a week.

>> No.12750401
File: 136 KB, 600x450, 6A1C27F1-052D-4872-B361-437629893BCB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking retard

>> No.12750509
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Order a small salad

>> No.12750619

>Onion rings are almost 4 times the cost of the fries.
But why?!?

>> No.12750724

>Plus 8.25% tax for our wasteful government to squander

based and redpilled.

>> No.12750744

Haha yeah Nevada Gov is pretty dumb. But hey not income or property taxes so that’s cool.

>> No.12750771

Went there in Vegas, couldn't believe how horrible the burger was

>> No.12750948
File: 57 KB, 636x282, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There you go faggots. His linked in page mentions education from Thunderbird School of Global Management. He has never been a doctor it's just marketing.

>> No.12751172

If you're going to the one in Vegas go around the corner to pizza rock instead. Or triple George.

>> No.12751232
File: 169 KB, 459x475, 1556646957517.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Octuple bypass burger with the bacon extra. Post results

>> No.12751240

> Based accelerationist

>> No.12751378

This place is pretty expensive for it to be cash only.

>> No.12752762

The real crime here is the outrageous prices for roughly 2.2 shots of liquor.

>> No.12752778

>double bypass burgers x2
>Flatliner fries
>chocolate shake
The bigger burgers look yummy, but are a pain in the ass to eat.

>> No.12752789

>Not going to the pharmacy for a burger.

>> No.12752852

This anon is right, he did own a gym/weight loss center at one point in time though.

>> No.12752867

I’d buy a double bypass and a pack of lucky strikes. Never seen lucky strikes in person and I live in the us

>> No.12752913

>Never seen lucky strikes in person and I live in the us
I see them in some smokeshops.

>> No.12752919

You'd have to make a lot of things illegal. Fat models, fat cloths, fat actors...
As long as I don't pay their medical bills I don't care what they do

>> No.12752922

A heart attack.

>> No.12752931

Real original OP

>> No.12752932

holy shit are those prices in liters

>> No.12752954

Vegas is a very expensive city.
Fuck Poorfags anyways.

>> No.12752964

>On February 11, 2012, a customer suffered what was reported to be an apparent heart attack while eating a "Triple Bypass Burger" at the restaurant.
>Restaurant owner Jon Basso called 9-1-1 and the customer was taken to the hospital. Reportedly patrons thought it was a stunt and started taking photos.
>Basso later said, "I actually felt horrible for the gentleman because the tourists were taking photos of him as if it were some type of stunt. Even with our own morbid sense of humor, we would never pull a stunt like that."


>> No.12752975

Get a burger and fries

>> No.12752994

Does it actually taste good? They advertise shit like the french fries fried in lard as if it's a selling point but that just sounds repulsive to me. But if this actually some treat for the senses I'd like to know

>> No.12753002

can't read the full menu
I destroyed my retinas from masturbating too much

>> No.12753014

It's pretty good.

>> No.12753016
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>> No.12753033

It's better than average fast food but not spectacular. It's cheap for a well known place in Vegas and you can/will get a spanking

>> No.12753046

>Because the owner was an actual doctor who had to tell fat fucks to stop eating or they will die and they never listened

Fuck you’re stupid.
Jon Basso was a personal trainer who got the idea after he was sued for a workout studio called In & Out Fitness.

>> No.12753047
File: 71 KB, 600x749, DA3A6C13-7A0F-43F9-B5F9-726CB523C703.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12753149

The way the burgers are priced is fucked, it's encouraging you to order the big monster ones since you get more of a bang in the buck with those
Isn't that supposed to be an iconic smoke? I'm third world and I can find em every street corner

>> No.12753198

I feel like that entire restaurant was created to fulfill someone's weight gain fetish. I'm actually kind of impressed.

>> No.12753207

Is it legal in the US to smoke in food places, or do they just sell them and you smoke them after the meal outside?

>> No.12753219

The alcohol shots are pretty big, equivalent to a triple to quadruple depending on your local laws and heavy-handedness of your bartender. I used to go to downtown Vegas often but last time I went to heart attack must have been ten years ago. I got a big ass Jim Beam, think it was around ten bucks back then. I guess it's worth experiencing once, but there are so many better options for dining around there. I mentioned a couple earlier but if you just want a greasy burger the snack bar in Binions will do the trick at a fraction of the price.

Is the original Arizona location still open or is it just Fremont now?

>> No.12753231

It is no longer legal to smoke where food is served in Las Vegas. But the casinos are only yards away if you want to smoke inside.

>> No.12753257

Can I order the octuple bypass but with like 20 bacon slices instead of 40? That seems excessive

>> No.12753368

That's kind of cool

>> No.12753480

he's no doctor but I respect him for making fat fucks die faster

>> No.12753506

The coolest thing he ever did was use his food to kill his own fat fuck "mascot". 110% balls.

>> No.12753513


I'll take a paddle and a dark nurse, to go...

>> No.12753520
File: 94 KB, 264x167, 1541358769724.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this just a poop on a bun?

also i will go with a single burger, fries and a water thanks

>> No.12753538

Not a bad deal considering onion rings are at least 13x better than fries

>> No.12753812

If they don't a qualified nurse on staff to immediately administer proper first aid for these scenarios, I will be disappointed.

>> No.12753835

True enough, but it really depends on an individual restaurant basis.
I have a burger place down the street that has their fries cooked remarkably crispy, I think they're dipped in a thin batter before frying.
Their onion rings are merely about 2.5 times better than their fries, at best.

>> No.12753844

>what should i get
heart attack

>> No.12754065

just remove the buns and you have yourself the perfect keto meal

>> No.12754382

Why would it be illegal for fat americans to gorge themselves?

>> No.12754408

but is he a real Jon?

>> No.12754439

Kek I can't unhear it

>> No.12754489

Just Fremont, the other locations closed.

>> No.12754502


Thank god I was not the only one to notice that. That's literally a turd.

>> No.12754509

Oh shit is that the one?

>> No.12754972

No. I saw the original (the one that lead to the site going down) when it was first posted and that is not it.

>> No.12755533

Battered fries are great.

>> No.12755539

No. You have to get 40.

>> No.12755674

Put beetroot and pineapple on your burger, you know, a true blue aussie burger.

>> No.12755693

7.39 for 40 slices of bacon is actually a pretty good deal

>> No.12755746

Unfiltered Camels are better, Luck Strikes are hipster meme trash
I think that's the chili loaded on top of the dog with a shitload of bacon.
But yeah it looked like poo to me too.

>> No.12755970

Yeah, the prices actually go down the more ridiculous your order. If you could somehow split the octuple and bacon with three to seven other people the per person cost becomes almost reasonable.

>> No.12756703

why don't they allow sharing of burgers other than singles?
I never understood how restaurants can tell you what you can or can't do with the food you paid for.

>> No.12756742

Oh, I didn't even notice that. Well I guess they want to prevent it from being reasonably priced per person.

>> No.12756760

They can't, it's your property. Similar thing with them wanting to look at your bags as you walk out of the grocery. It's your property, and protected from search under the 4th amendment to the constitution. The problem is the vast majority simply bow and scrape to someone pretending to be an "authority" not even realizing their rights are being violated. Pathetic really.

>the right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause

Your property (effects) is your property and you should deny access unless served with a warrant, period. Your food you've contracted to pay for in a restaurant is yours to dispose of however you wish.

>> No.12756856

First aid for a heart attack is aspirin, water, and rest. There's not really much you can do until the EMTs get there.

>> No.12756884


>> No.12756897

Lucky Strikes are in a few shops where I used to live.

Ain't bad, really does have a "toasty" flavor, but highly overrated due to them being shown in popular movies/shows

>> No.12756933
File: 60 KB, 827x538, IMG_20190726_152446.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Retards, they're a private company they can do whatever they want. I bet you idiots also think it's against your freedom of speech when Facebook bans you for saying the nword.

>> No.12756983

Both correct. It's your right to try and split up the huge ass burger you're paying for and it's their right to tell you to gtfo when you do so.

>> No.12757101

Camel Unfiltered is the patrician cigarette, better than anything in the world

>> No.12757127


Nice get!

>> No.12757206

Are you guys autistic? Ever have a conversation in your life with a human? its a JOKE about fatness. fucking morons.

>> No.12757214

>Jon Basso

Conman name

>> No.12757276
File: 32 KB, 500x625, 1562636199513.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was going to post the real one but have just found out its mysteriously dissapeared from my device.

>> No.12757377

If you don't finish you get spanked.

>> No.12757396

Add 40(!) bacon slices...$7.39

>> No.12757414

order something you know you could stomach. If you happen to be skeltal and don't finish your food midgets in nurse outfits will smack your ass with a paddle in front of the whole establishment

>> No.12757585

Cheap fuck.

>> No.12757614

Because we don't live in a fascist state

>> No.12757745

>Are you guys autistic?
>Ever have a conversation in your life with a human?
Depends, what are you?

>> No.12757754

>lefty antifa tranny complaining about free food

>> No.12757783

I read a lot of weight gain fetish stories and thought this was a fictional thing

>> No.12757804

>cash only

>> No.12757814

Cash is king dipshit. Maybe the sooner you learn this the better off you'll be.

>> No.12757817

No shit. Didn't think they even made these anymore.

>> No.12758010

The fries are great even when compared to the ones i make at home
The burgers are pretty good

>> No.12758016

Will you post proof of your order?

>> No.12758031

Nah, it's just a cleverly themed restaurant.

>> No.12758141

Free speech, the entire restaurant is essentially one big statement and the owner has every right as an American citizen to get his message across, Which means selling food that would normally be illegal to sell because of health code violations.

>> No.12758154

I find weird that they don't have lettuce, but they have tomato, which is probably healthier than lettuce.

>> No.12758173

Should I open a "Liver Failure Bar" where alcoholics could drink for free?

>> No.12758193

If you have millions of dollars you're willing to lose please open one near me.

>> No.12758196
File: 124 KB, 893x500, EatingMyon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd probably just go there once, eat a borgar, and never return. That shit has to be so fucking fatty for your body it isnt even funny

>> No.12758220
File: 23 KB, 600x853, CallImage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A heart attack-ack-ack-ack-ack, you oughta know by now.

>> No.12758222

what does speech have to do with it? hes actually harming people

>> No.12758230

He's holding a gun to their heads and forcing them to eat his hamburgers?

>> No.12758234


>> No.12758270

>Should I open a "Liver Failure Bar" where alcoholics could drink for free?
How would you test for that? Heart Attack Grill makes you get on a scale to see if you're over the free eating weight.
Whatever the case though you absolutely can choose to sell free drinks for self-destructive reasons. It's not like we have laws against running non-healthy food or drink promotions for non-healthy people.
In Texas for example one of the trick questions when you get your TABC (Texas alcoholic beverage commission) certification is whether you should let a clearly pregnant woman buy alcoholic drinks.
A lot of people assume the answer is no and that you shouldn't let them get drunk since alcohol consumption is ridiculously harmful for unborn babies (e.g. fetal alcohol syndrome). But the correct answer is actually that you must serve them alcohol if they're ordering it or it will be considered illegal discrimination.

>> No.12758278
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>> No.12758284

It's not just Texas, even Commiefornia requires you to allow a pregnant woman to get alcohol.
Must be a federal law, most likely.

>> No.12758290
File: 23 KB, 355x198, 55.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Which means selling food that would normally be illegal to sell because of health code violations
What are you talking about? It's not a "health code violation" to sell high calorie food.
>what does speech have to do with it? hes actually harming people
How is making high calorie food available for people informed of exactly what it is and how bad it is for you an act of harming someone? How would you even enforce such a rule when there are endless ways to get large numbers of calories in?
Pic related has 530 calories per 8 ounce container for example. You can break 2000 calories just drinking 32 oz of it.

>> No.12758600

If they have a note from their doctor stating that they have cirrhosis then they should get free drinks

>> No.12759038

Why don't burger places actually do this

>> No.12759414
File: 19 KB, 240x300, s-l300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like that the beers are represented by women of different hair and skin colour in a pin-up style. Looks retro and reminds me of Mucha's adds.

>> No.12759424

>Deep fried in pure lard
Meh, the best fries are in beef tallow but lard is good too.

>> No.12759577

Vanilla milkshake and fries only. Dip fries in shake.

>> No.12759800
File: 97 KB, 680x910, d2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Should I open a "Liver Failure Bar" where alcoholics could drink for free?
There's already a beer named after delirium tremens and a craft beer shop named Widowmaker Brewing, so it wouldn't be that weird.

>> No.12759810

It's not meant to be good, it's meant to sound unhealthy. That's the entire point of Heart Attack Grill. All the items are supposed to be the most stereotypically bad for you things you could do with food and drinks.

>> No.12759918

Pussy nigga

>> No.12759950

>per say
Around americans, I never know wether this is being said ironically or not.

>> No.12759991


>> No.12759998

>where alcoholics could drink for free?
Make them trade in their AA chips for an entire night of free booze

>> No.12760007

>Around americans, I never know wether this is being said ironically or not.
It's clear that wasn't intentional. Wouldn't blame it on being American, lots of people regardless of nationality don't take Latin in school and get exposed to phrases like "per se" or "et cetera" through hearing them instead of seeing them written, resulting in them later writing their own mistaken phonetic versions like "per say" or "ect" with the C before the T.
A similar one without Latin involved that was pretty bad was this one anon on /sci/ who kept on writing "wrote memorization" instead of "rote memorization" because he imagined the phrase was a reference to memorizing by writing something repeatedly without thinking about it.

>> No.12760041

>Cash is king
You're using that phrase wrong, retard. "Cash is king" isn't a saying about paper money being better than electronic money. It's about the difference between actual cash flow vs. claimed earnings that aren't actually paid out yet.
Electronic money isn't speculative. It's just money and has the same level of guarantees and protections cash does. What isn't "cash" in the context of "cash is king" would be for example if you made X sales on credit worth Y dollars, since you can report that as revenue but don't literally have access to Y dollars at the time you're reporting it, and it's completely possible you won't end up with Y dollars in actual cash in the future if lots of customers default / cancel.

>> No.12760062

>to be against fascism you have to be an antifa leftist
really goes to show you the state of politics these days.