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12749003 No.12749003 [Reply] [Original]

What's the worst "depression meal" you've ever made and eaten?
Other thread at bump limit, but I wantP to keep it going.

The other day, I put Velveeta cheese on a slice of toasted white bread and ate it with a can of beans...

>> No.12749005

I microwaved it after putting the cheese on it.

>> No.12749008

Oh, also previous thread: >>12723479

>> No.12749013

Water, just water for days

>> No.12749016

>What's the worst "depression meal" you've ever made and eaten?
Apple/ banana/ or protein bar for breakfast and nothing else for the rest of the day. Depression sends me into spoopy scary skeleton mode.

>> No.12749034

Rice-a-Roni is pretty depressing.

>> No.12749039

>Depressed spoops mode
I remember when I got like that.
Wish I knew how I resolved it. Might be an extreme stress thing.

One thing I think I do remember is you should try to focus on the here and now. Don't go off trying to look at the passage of time and all that bullshit. Everything just is and likewise you are only what you are right now, but the potential to be more is always there if you think "okay this is where I'm at. What's my next step?" so just pace yourself and don't think so much about whether you will succeed or fail.

>> No.12749325

slowly eating teaspoons of tomato sauce
1 teaspoon 5-10mins

>> No.12749338

My dad said in Mexico he poured meat fat on a tortilla so he would add flavor to the tortilla and have meat to eat later. His childhood was pretty fucked up. Feels are preheated at sad.

>> No.12749341
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>> No.12749366

Had a harsh breakup with a girl, it fucked me up bad and I only ate saltine crackers and gummy bears. Years later, I'm happy, healthy, and a homosexual. I blame the gummy bears.

>> No.12749391

I eat welll no matter my mood but there are foods that make me sad and poor.
Potatoe salad
Soggy rice and chicken
Stale bread

Glad they are all rare, some are so rare I forgot them.

>> No.12749393
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Cup Noodles

peel lid slightly open
add slice of generic American cheese
add dehydrated onion
add pepper
add boiling water
put spoon on lid so it holdst shut
let it sit for a few minutes
stir well and enjoy.

>> No.12749397

Room temp?

>> No.12749412

I’m just gonna repost this because I want to support thread and it was my lowest point in terms of anything I’ve consumed

>be drunk
>be 20
>want to hide drinking from gf who lives with me
>she wakes up all of a sudden
>spill vodka trying to hide it
>find dirty sock
>all my other clothes are dirtier
>use sock to soak vodka out of 20+ year old carpet
>under bed so not washed in a long time
>vodka is brown when I wring it out of the sock
>drink it anyways

I can feel my stomach cringe when i type it out

>> No.12749415
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another one

ramen chicken in a plastic sandwich container
add white pepper, pad butter, flavor packet
and drizzle oil
that's it
microwave high for 5 minutes
put on lid and let sit for another 5 minutes so the noodles absorb the broth and get really fluffy

it's like eating piss clouds

>> No.12749424
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last one

tortillia on a paper plate
shredded sawdust cheese
any kind of hot sauce
microwave for a minute
fold in half and let cool

enjoy with mayo or sour cream, or ketchup if you don't have hot sauce

>> No.12749463

Biting stale dry crunshy bread, crumbs gets inside your shirt and stick around your sweaty neck.

>> No.12749537

Hey, That's the San Francisco treat!

>> No.12749540


>> No.12749553
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>> No.12749569

spam with bread, its not as nice as you think

i didnt feel like washing an extra dish so I just put the frozen slices of spam on top of the bread and popped it into the microwave for 3 mins.

the spam melted and defrosted and all the water soaked into the bread.

so the outside edges of the bread was rock hard and the middle was a soggy mess of pork liquid

still ate it all though

>> No.12749589

Canned tuna with scoops of mayonnaise between bites

>> No.12749592

Usually just get Domino's. Or I'll go to the gas station across the street and I'll get one of their overpriced sandwiches that are 5/10.

>> No.12749594
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Alcohol on an empty stomach.

>> No.12749598

One time I had a quarter of a bottle of whisky then angrily decided to stop drinking for good and poured the rest of the bottle down the sink. Two hours later I woke up sober and desperate, so unscrewed the S-bend to drink what was in there.

>> No.12749609

I’ve had sleep for dinner sometimes.

>> No.12749636


Almost as worse as going to bed whilst needing to take a 4 day old shit.

>> No.12749654



>> No.12749674

For me, it's walking into a local pizza place, telling the guy there I'm borderline homeless, and getting a slice of free pizza.

>> No.12749725

so were just unaware somehow you were gay or did you just give up on women?

>> No.12749742

why would anyone hold in their shit like this?

>> No.12749792

When I was a kid I would make "chili soup" by adding chili flakes to hot water.

>> No.12750331

Cheerios with tap water. Because going out to buy milk that morning felt like too much human interaction.

>> No.12750371
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for basically my entire life i would crush up a maruchan ramen brick into powder and microwave it to make ramen mush with the consistency of oatmeal. i don't honestly expect to live past 32.

>> No.12750497

Canned tuna with grated cheese isn't so bad.

>> No.12750521

No pics but I used to eat downriver with eggs and soysauce 3 meals a day for 5 years until I met my wife

>> No.12750577

oh, you'll live past that. You'll live and be happy, damn you!

>> No.12750588

Pizza crust.

I was couch surfing at the time and my friends would go out to eat. Some of them were picky and every time they'd get pizza they wouldn't eat the crust. I gobbled that shit up.

>> No.12750601

bbq sauce sandwich.
I was hungry, hadn't eaten in like 12 hours and plain bread sounded bad.

It was tasty.

>> No.12750625

the gummy bears made him gay anon he said it himself

>> No.12750810

Meal prepped chicken/broccoli/rice is pretty depressing no matter what, but I've eaten several right from the fridge. They had only recently been unfrozen and the food came out in chunks covered in ice crystals.

Was that depression or just a kid thing? I once tried something similar with a bullion cube and some herbs.

>> No.12750888

Made a pan of corned beef slices and mushrooms. dropped the plate from my table and just ate it from the floor bending down between my spread legs, scavenging through the ceramic shards with my fork. Sand and dust grinding between my teeth. Later I vomited into the sink.

>> No.12750938

Based water fasting bro

>> No.12750984

i let spaghetti noodles soak in a cup of tap water for 3 hours? drained and ate with a fork at my desk.

>> No.12751059

Hydrating every hour

>> No.12751066

I’m the sock guy and I genuinely think yours is worse, congratulations, I guess.

>> No.12751088
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At least 3x/week right now, tough times. To make it extra depressing I cut out a bunch of coupons I use when I've already used the app coupons

>> No.12751136

I fucking LOVE what the urge to get fucked up does to people, I've drank half a can of beer that had been left sitting since my last drinking session the week before and was used as an ashtray but I always knew it could get a hell of a lot more depraved than that.
Goddamn you'll do just about anything when you're sobering up while still wanting more.

>> No.12751154

getting drunk on isopro. did that a few times. pretty sure i have liver damage. even made a thread about it a few months ago

>> No.12751252
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Don't have a lot of choices so I Just made and ate this. 5 day old left over sloppy joe meat, on top of a piece of stale toasted bread with 4 olives that I had, the last of some capers, the last of a piece of Colby jack, the last of an onion. Salty and I have heartburn atm

>> No.12751254

Literally the most depraved shit happens on alcohol at one of two times
1. When you just start drinking and you aren’t drunk enough yet and something happens that cuts you off from more alcohol
2. When you wake up after being blacked out and passed out, you’re still half drunk, and the only thing you can think about is how you’re gonna get more drunk.

>> No.12751259

five day old sloppy joe meat might fuck you up a bit more than that

>> No.12751352

>1. When you just start drinking and you aren’t drunk enough yet and something happens that cuts you off from more alcohol
I don't drink often or hard enough to understand what this is supposed to mean. Explain

>> No.12751359

I fear that it has

>> No.12751373

Jesus Christ bro...

>> No.12751382

I watch my mom do this exact thing every day. Makes me a little upset.

>> No.12751392

Alcoholism, mate. If you can drink a couple beers, a couple shots, or a couple glasses of wine and you have no more urge to drink, you’re not an alcoholic. The second you start drinking and feel an uncontrollable urge to drink more and more until you’re a certain level of “drunk” is when you know you’re an alcoholic.

Some alcoholics are black out drunks, some only drink until they’re almost black out. The key factor is that they always take one single drink and feel an uncontrollable urge to keep on drinking more. It’s the true defining factor of an alcoholic, and anyone else who claims to be or accuses someone of being an alcoholic for any reason other than that one factor is wrong.