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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12739375 No.12739375 [Reply] [Original]

what's /ck/ drinking tonight?

>> No.12739381


>> No.12739385

>Steel Reserve

>> No.12739393

based water poster

>> No.12739403

This. It's fucking Monday and working hungover is awful beyond the age of 25.

>> No.12739405

Why the fuck is that bottle plastic?

>> No.12739414

Because it is a dirty homeless drink

>> No.12739423

>He didn't drink steel reserve exclusively before discovering the wonderful world of Natty Daddy

>> No.12739424
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Whenever you see someone post Steel Reserve in a plastic bottle on this board, it's a meme. Ignore it.

I'm drinking Mystified soft red blend 2017 from Napa, CA. Deep flavor for a $4 bottle. Not metallic or too acidic. fuckin raspberry plum and lemon notes. not bad.

>> No.12739436

You really don't belong here

>> No.12739437

I remember being up at the lake with my cousins a couple years ago, and we went to the nearest gas station to get boos. Some local was there and insisted we try this blue raspberry Steel Reserve. "I drink like 6 of these a day," she says. The stuff tasted like what I think antifreeze tastes like. The upper Midwest can be a depressing place.

>> No.12739464
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Hear me out. Be humble. Don't do your elitist shit. I know all of the "muh kraken isn't REAL rum" responses beforehand.

Kraken 94 proof rum with root beer. It's literally the best mixed drink I've ever had. And I've had a lot. Too many probably. It's simply the most comfy and tasty drink I've ever had. I usually do Virgil's sugar free root beer, but A&W is serviceable. If you do the diet stuff it's 0 carbs and 0 calories.

Don't believe me, it's fine. I wouldn't either. If you can spare to blow $25 and like to experiment, go try it. It's fucking amazing.

It's pic related in a cup.

>> No.12739546

>$4 wine
>describes it like a sommelier
What in the god damn

>> No.12739587

some coors, stout and weed, can't handle that malt liquor anymore, makes my stomach hurt...you will get that stomach pain if you keep drinking that crap. took me 10 years but it happens eventually the day after drinking.

>> No.12739595

How do you know it's plastic?

>> No.12739634

>If you do the diet stuff it's 0 carbs and 0 calories.
except for the rum

>> No.12739642

Liquor calories don't count.

>> No.12739697

Canadian Club and Miller Lite. Dipping Copenhagen wintergreen long cut

>> No.12739711

>no one has posted the video yet

>> No.12739713

I had a Boost, chocolate flavor.

>> No.12739728

St ides 40oz.

>> No.12739729
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So retarded hobos don't smash them into a hundred razor sharp pieces on the streets and sidewalks.

>> No.12739840
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coke zero

>> No.12739854 [DELETED] 
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any clairofags here ? chilling while changing my fob battery

>> No.12739857

Sofia, bags, and softly are good

>> No.12740236


>> No.12740241

Seen one on the ground at the train station
>>12739729 makes sense

>> No.12740259


>> No.12740315

Anyone else brew apple wine?
>cheap af (<25$ for the juices, a few more bucks for sugars and yeast)
>~10% usually
>produces 5 gallons at a time
>fermentation time regulates my drinking
I'll bottle the equivalent of 15 of those steel reserve pissbottles at a time, and the best part is that it isn't gross ass steel reserve.

>> No.12740351
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>> No.12740362

How much are these where you're at? $1 here.

>> No.12740366
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What did they mean by this? Am I gonna travel forward in time or something?

>> No.12740371

2 for $2.25 at the local gas station

>> No.12740372

>$25 for 5 gallons
Wow, so cheap. Not. I brew sugar wine, which is actually cheap.

>> No.12740374

here too, in STL, home AB

>> No.12740376 [DELETED] 

a-.. an-........ anon.... your hand makes that 42oz bottle look small... If on average, a male's penis's length is twice of that as his palm.... that means your.... *coughs & sweats*... um... you must be a big boy!

>> No.12740380

Nothing like knocking back a couple natty daddies while pumping gas.

>> No.12740395

sorry to disappoint, but my penis is only 130mm

>> No.12740418

Sugar wine always ends up gross. I hope you're flavoring it, at least. I'd recommend ginger, but avoid vanilla extract unless you like the taste of cake batter.
I only really meant that they're fairly comparable in price. Hopefully you can scrounge up the cash for that premium apple juice.

>> No.12740420

Can i brew with a couple of empty Carlo Rossi jugs?

>> No.12740491
File: 128 KB, 640x640, pumpkin barrel ale.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i was helping out my boss's main store by rearranging the beer so that everything was neat and organized, put together by brand, straight and pulled to the front. I bought one of the last two of these 4 packs for about $14 so that I could free up some shelf space for the main stuff and put the other 4 pack with the 'last of its kind' shelf. it's 10% and not the worst pumpkin ale I've had.

>> No.12740524
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>Napa, CA
>drinking California wine
>not just smoking their herbs and trying the cheapest varieties of their wines from various places around the world
Quit trying to act elitist, you probably still think it's about the 'soil and grapes' rater than the water. It's okay. Beer drinkers commonly make this mistake as well.

>> No.12740546

>pumpkin ale
Come on. Really?

>> No.12740561

>listening to a generic "omg I'm a totally unique teen who could literally just die rn!!" industry plant
cringe my dude

>> No.12740713

I hear diet soda gets the alcohol in your bloodstream faster than the sugared stuff.

>> No.12740765

i have the money to buy more but i don't want to, not tonight

>> No.12741789

It's a way to market that you're gonna get drunk fast while still being able to claim they don't advertise their drinks as such if some anti-drinking agency tries to claim they do. You see that kind of stuff a lot on cheap high % booze.

>> No.12741863

It's so minuscule as to be meaningless. It's like maybe 1 or 2 total.

>> No.12741878
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>> No.12741897

>stop liking what i dont like

>> No.12742336

I almost convinced myself to buy beer and spend the next 6+ hours force feeding myself until I puked foam, but luckily I had to shit and hurried home. So I guess it's just water for me.

>> No.12742589

Jameson and coke

>> No.12742593

trying to stay sober. day 8

>> No.12742612

you should have left it in the fridge for longer. it says it's cold when blue but yours yellow.

>> No.12742639
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Tall glass of libtard tears

>> No.12742649


>> No.12742721
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just cracked open a cold water bottle
I'm thinking about getting one of them filter pitchers so I can fill up my poor mans hydroflask instead of dumping water bottles into it

>> No.12742747

Pure alcohol contains 7 calories per gram

>> No.12742766

jesus christ

>> No.12742843

probly nuthing

>> No.12742861
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Nothing. Going sober till Christmas. I'm one week in. This shit is harder than I thought it would be.

t. alcoholic for 10 years

>> No.12742888

top kek
shoot for 2 weeks next time buddy
in fact, shoot for 2 weeks this time

>> No.12742898

You can make it pal

>> No.12742902

Go to bed the moment you run out of shit to do for the night ght

>> No.12742903

Like 10 years every single day or what?

>> No.12742918

Most days, yeah. A dry week or two here and there. Then I started getting really fat and waking up confused/unable to tell if I'm still dreaming, so it's time to quit. At least for awhile.

I did the whole month of May sober, then bitched out. This time I'm going long.

>> No.12742925

thanks breh

>> No.12743058
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It's almost a year old I believe. And yes, pumpkin isn't bad. I was riding the pumpkin train before the train got to today's time. So don't fucking lump me in with the rest of the pumpkin-fad, I've been putting pumpkin in my protein shakes for the past two years now when bulking kid.

>> No.12743251
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for me, it's a porter, the best type of beer.

>> No.12743313
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Pumpkin bears can be fantastic, but it really does seem to vary from year to year. I've become more of a liquor person, and alcoholic. I can't get old speckled hen (canned of course), franziskaner, or any of the stuff I really want down here aside from fat tire which I'll occasionally partially freeze (don't ask, old coworker fun). I miss Wychwood beers even if they're sweet and thick.

>> No.12743359

pumpkin beers are a favorite of mine, you gotta get the ones that aren't too sweet though and have a good amount of spiced flavor.

>> No.12743374

Still slonkin a bottle of Finlandia I picked up a couple of days ago