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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12726454 No.12726454 [Reply] [Original]

Are you pro at cooking, /ck/? Rate yourself 1-10 and briefly justify

>> No.12726759

What's the point of thinking anything else

>> No.12726764

12 here

>> No.12726775

7 I know enough

>> No.12726777

I can cook easy household shit to keep homies and occasional family fed (burgers, steak, chili, tuna casserole, taco salad, all the easy shit) and they usually seem satisfird if not outright enjoy it, shits good enough for me. Have taken absolutely 0 steps to educate myself further than basics

>> No.12726825

competence - 8
experience - 3
give me some time i'll be a pro

>> No.12726833

5 but improving. Just moved into my own place with a kitchen a few months ago so I haven't had much experience, but I've tried my hand at quite a few different recipes and they've turned out decent. With time I hope to get pretty good.

>> No.12726897

fuck your scale is shit, but I can put myself at a confident A-
you'll need to divide it into subcategories before you see anything other than 2gud10's and safe 7s

i'd suggest using a 1-5 with multiple categories of equal importance and then a total at the end

people greatly over rate themselves on 1-10 scales because they feel 5 and under is worthless, we already got some prime examples

if you're a starter cook you're a 2 or 3 not a 5/10
only way to be a 1 is to not manage basics, and 0 if you choose not to do it

>> No.12726899

Im not bad considering I didnt know how to fry an egg a couple years ago.

>> No.12726900

I'm about a 7-8. I'm not recreating any michelin star dishes but I can cook mostly anything from seeing it done once or by winging it.

>> No.12726911

If you aren't a 10, you're a 0.

Declare yourself the best! But you're not the best as long as I'm around.

>> No.12726914

whatever happened to dave?

>> No.12726925

Private chef style cooking for friends or family? absolutely zero budget, then I'm a 9.85.
I really don't enjoy most seafood myself, so that's the missing part there. I've cooked every kind of seafood for family, friends, and guests and pretty experienced in fishing in most climates, just don't really bother with more than a bite and can take it or leave it. It's not only theory, it's just that I don't care and I don't take a bite of very fishy things, from canned herring, preserved foods, fishy aquatic bird or reptiles, nor darker meat fish.

The largest dinner party I've hosted was 45 persons, cocktail and buffet/snacks kind of parties about 55. Thanksgiving, Christmas is easily that amount, but across hours of coming and going of family in phases, really. I have some relatives that are musicians, so people are always dropping by after they get done with their own families and it turns into a jam session for about 24 hours. It's invigorating, hard work, and I would not want to do this professionally or for profit (like I said, no budget), but I prefer <8 ppl so I'm free to short order if my whim was that.

>> No.12726930

Solid 5 or 6. I can make most dishes from scratch without a recipe and it doesn't taste half bad. My S/O says I'm an 8 though.

>> No.12727076

3 or 4. been on my own for like 3 years, make dinner most nights, food is usually pretty good and i can make the basics

>> No.12727083


>> No.12727091

5/10 - proficient home cook with strong baking skills (breads and pastry) and I spent enough years working in the food industry to have a lot of knowledge, but I wouldn't rate myself any higher because I almost never get to cook for other people anyone.

>> No.12727093

I remember visiting this guy's website like 5 years ago, well after he faded from the spotlight, and his forum was infested with pedos sharing spam links like a guestbook lol :(

>> No.12727113

I understand the theory and chemistry of it very well but I just lack creativity to make my own recipes

>> No.12727190

I get by

>> No.12727620

Ahh school girls, Dave come back

>> No.12727647

6/10 - I cook professionally, but have only been doing it for a little over 5 years. Put in context, that would be an 11/10 on whatever scale all the "proficient home cooks" are using where they give themselves a 5/10.

>> No.12727648

i can follow a recipe and know how to make general adjustments for my preferences. i've certainly surpassed my mother's boomer cooking, and i like to think i have decent taste. but my creativity doesn't go beyond "let's add these three spices too", i don't have leet knife skills, and my experience is very limited. enough to get by and enjoy what i make.

>> No.12727650
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Is this the guy from pure pwnage?

>> No.12727656

out of curiosity, if "proficient home cooks" are by no measure a 5 on your scale, what constitutes a 4, 3, 2, or 1? because some people really can't cook for shit.

>> No.12727671

Zero through four is literally half the alphabet. The fact that you can't see the gradient on the bottom level just shows that you've never been around anons who can really cook.

>> No.12727680

ok. i wasn't trying to make it a dick measuring contest of whose been in the food service industry for longer. i was asking a sincere question.

>> No.12727696

Idk I'm around a 6, boyfriend likes my food but I think he's just being nice.

I'd say I'm a better baker though but not by much. Probably 6.5-7.

>> No.12728196

dave still browses /ck/, believe me

>> No.12728221

>GF rates me a 10
>Mom (maitre d') rates me a 9
>Father (manager of a 4 star restuarant for 10 years) rates me a 8
>Best friend (half chinese and chinese chef) rates me as a 4
>Extended family rates me a 10

I personally rate myself as a 6

>> No.12728227

That's retarded, pro means are you paid for it.
What kind of stupid survey shit is that and why doesn't OP answer for itself?

>> No.12728337

People tell me all the time that my food is great, but they don't see most of my failures. I always think that I can be doing a little better to improve my food and take it to the next level. I also tend to follow too many recipes, but recently I've been trying to freestyle some food and it's been turning out well. Nothing too fancy, just some stuff like pantry pasta, burgers with homemade sauces, and some cookies.

>> No.12728342

3. I know some stuff, but don't really use it because I only cook for myself and don't care enough to put in the effort. I just tried it until I worked out how to do it and then didn't bother anymore. It's easier to just throw stuff in an oven and take it out when it is finished.

>> No.12728354

Oh I forgot to add that I've made my own recipes in the past few years that serve me well. My most recent one was a recreation of a a Nigerian dish I grew up eating. There was no written recipe for it at all and I had to recreate from what I remembered it tasted like and the few times I helped to cook it when I was young. Turns out I got it down after the second try and transcribed the recipe and put into cloud storage so it won't be lost to time. I also have a few bread recipes too.

>> No.12728356

Rarely cook but when i do i put anywhere from 2 weeks to 4 months into learning and prep

>> No.12728370
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Why did she get that HRT?

>> No.12729936

Maybe it's a humility thing, but I don't think I'm all that special. I've got 14 years experience BoH, 5-6 managing. I know a thing or two about a thing or two, but compared to the top dogs I might as well be smearing shit on the walls.

>> No.12729939

I've seen that movie too.

>> No.12729968

There's so many different types of cuisine and different techniques that to know everything would be virtually impossible. I couny myself as a 4 because my cooking sucks but it manages to sustain my continued survival somehow

>> No.12729971
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OVER 9000!

>> No.12729994


I can create meals from ingredients available without looking at a recipe now. They often taste pretty good.

>> No.12729999

Well that's just it. All the home cooking I was taught by my grandmother and father are these traditional french colonial meals, but I've worked most in Italian restaurants. I feel like I have refined skilled there's so much outside my scope.

>> No.12730004

4. When I follow a recipe word-to-word the meal usually comes out great. When I try "experimenting" (like, this meal requires 2 cloves of garlic for like 4 liters of a stew, I like garlic, I'm gonna add 4 cloves - shit turns out a bit more garlicy than I'd wanted it to be), it's probably a 2

>> No.12730076

it's just cooking. You are either a talented, average, or a dumb millennial

>> No.12730098

3. I enjoy cooking but I’m not very good at it. Always learning though and I have fun doing it

>> No.12730107

I just cooked with soysauce that expired in 2011. Am I gonna be okay bros?

>> No.12730114

3. I watch cooking shows but hardly ever cook. I can competently follow recipes, chop stuff somewhat evenly, and control heat decently. and so far everything I make turns out better than mom. I also have a good palette, but I really don't know shit about many techniques and couldn't construct any real dish by myself.

>> No.12730115

Checked. Also if you feel like you're not learning anything what's stopping you from getting into a different cuisine? That's if you want to I guess. Personally as long as you can cook a number of healthy meals with raw ingredients and aren't relying completely on fast food, you can pretty much cook. Anything much further beyond that is just a pissing contest to make food more cosmetic instead of nutritious.

>> No.12730285

Is that Emmy in Japan?

>> No.12730305

3, I rarely do meat even though I eat it often, also I never did a really complex dish

>> No.12730352

I remember watching this show with my friends back in high school. I actually made his chili once and it was the bomb.
good times

>> No.12730359

I'd put myself at a solid 6. I can follow a recipe and have the tools to do it, but I've made more than a few sketchy science experiments when left to my own devices and that keeps me humble.

>> No.12730370

give me a recipe to follow and I'll cook some tasty shit
well, maybe 4, since I still can't reliably butterfly a chicken breast

>> No.12731401

6 but that's just to piss off retards like >>12727647
who get high on their own farts.

In reality, I'd still go for 6 which would be "slightly above average". Or is this like one of those whiskey tasting scales and even though it's a score out of 100 anything under 88 is garbage?

Let's say 10 is ridiculous like 3 michelin stars. Do we need 8 to be one michelin star? following that logic 6 would still be "the best one in a 15 miles radius" or whatever. That would only leave 1 and 2 for "under average" and 3 be "average".
However, that would be ignoring the fact that this is a board for "cooking" not restaurateurs or some bullshit.

>The fact that you can't see the gradient on the bottom level just shows that you've never been around anons who can really cook.
Nice way to evade actually addressing anything, are you a leftist and/or brain damaged?
What the fuck does "really cook[ing]" means? and before you respond with asinine bullshite like "oh if you don't know than then [stupid shit]", you'd just be dodging and proving my point.
And why does it have to specifically be "anons who can really cook" Why the emphasis on "anon"? would a regular person not qualify to your undefined standards?
Also alphabet doesn't mean that. And 0 to 4 is 5 numbers. 0 to 10 is 11 numbers, so that's not half either. Do you suck at math or are you just some deluded asshole thinking lying is acceptable because you're right anyway?
Also nice job on not defining the gradient. Just because he didn't agree with your definition (that you kept undisclosed for some reason, maybe because that way people can't point at how full of shit you are) doesn't mean that he didn't conceptualize some sort of gradient. Only someone on the autism spectrum wouldn't realise that.

So you're either lying or an idiot. Congrats.

>> No.12731582

as an american home cook I'd probably rank around a 7.5 or slightly higher but if I was comparing myself to professional chefs I would be lower. most americans can't cook anything from scratch so I feel pretty confident ranking myself in the higher percentile of the total population.

>> No.12731589

is that a young hideo kojima

>> No.12731681

that is domo arigato Mr. Roboto

>> No.12731763

4, but a lot of that is because I lack the proper tools to make good shit and don't want to buy the tools.
150 dollars for a fucking stand mixer? No thank you

>> No.12731821

At home cooking? Definitely an 8, but could easily be a solid 10 if I were to put more effort in.

>> No.12731914

unironically 8.5/10
>spend about 15% of my free time reading booksn & online material on international and regional cuisine, culinary technique, service and management, bookkeeping, wine service, mixology, fermentation, etc
>spend another 35% of my free time attempting new cooking and baking projects, learning through practice (and sometimes, trial & error) all the time
>(the last 50% of free time is video games & 4chan)
>have worked in restaurants across all positions for 10 years
I will own a restaurant one day and it has always been my dream.

>> No.12731939

My mom is the better cook, but I can cook some convoluted stuff
I just wish that I could make actual gyro/doner kebab meat

>> No.12731941

It's not hard to cook if you follow directions. It's the small adjustments that you have to make for your own kitchen that might test you,

>> No.12731992

I make my own recipes and give them to friends who love them, but I don't use crazy bullshit ingredients like pro chefs use.

>> No.12732015
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I only eat steak, eggs, and bacon. Occasionally rice if I'm feeling lazy. Trying to find a butcher so I can spice things up with liver.

>> No.12732244

3 cause I know there's so much shit I gotta learn still.

>> No.12733513

I can cook normal things that people normally like to eat pretty well and can think of what would taste good together on the fly. I cannot cook high cuisine or anything that shows off your talents in that sense. (6.5/10)

>> No.12733516

I cook simple yet delicious food. I'm not the best cook ever, but I'm pretty good. Everybody who eats my food enjoys it.

>> No.12733520

5, I'm very good at what dishes I know but there are a lot of cuisines I haven't even tried to cook, I can't say I've really mastered any particular dishes or techniques either. There's also stuff I just don't do very often like cakes or breads, cakes I can do OK but I have yet to make a bread that wasn't clearly made by a beginner. I haven't even tried pastries.

To give myself credit I am really good in gauging textures and tastes (with the kinds of dishes I'm familiar with) but it's all very intuitive and I can't really replicate the previous ways I've made stuff.

>> No.12733524

Damn, have you worked as a cook or a chef? The people I know who cook for parties that size usually have worked as short-order cooks or something similarly intense.

>> No.12733709

you sound like a reddit npc

>> No.12733747

I can make basic shit but I do little bit of everything so I don't get bored of cooking the same thing over and over. My friends tell my cakes and pies are pretty good, though.

>> No.12733800
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I can smoke meats, grill, and make a wide variety of dishes. I know the rules on fat/sear/deglaze, making stock, I grind my spices fresh, I make really crispy fried chicken.

Where I'm lacking in knowledge is probably Italian food because it's meh anyway. I have traditional american/french braises and stews pretty well mastered though. I know how to make good curry and make a good fried rice. I could probably learn more nippon shit like ramen but I don't particularly even like it.

>> No.12733842

He's a gay trip man but he is correct in this instance

>> No.12733863
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Chicken fucker / 10

I love cooking. Like, REALLY love cooking.

>> No.12733869
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That's not creamed spinach in there, if you know what I mean.

>> No.12734817
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>Are you pro at cooking?
yes, somehow
>rate yrself
8/9 I suppose, but it is hard without some degree of comparison - I could cook the tits off any amateur on the street, but there are one or two cooks I've met who make me look like a daft cunt
>Let's say 10 is ridiculous like 3 michelin stars
believe it or not, there are less-than-able cunts doing the shit jobs as well as the savages running the show

>> No.12736320

8, rarely follow recipes, know enough to just fuck around and wing it while still making real tasty shit, still not good enough, though need more experience

>> No.12736324

How is that an 8?

>> No.12736340

Most things I try to make by myself for the first time I'll fuck up one way or another, and then instead of correcting the obvious mistake and doing the same thing again I'll try to experiment with the recipe to tweak it. However if I make something for the third time and further on it comes out good reliably, and I never experiment when I know someone other than me will eat my cooking. The few times I did share my cooking I got a bout of honest compliments so I assume that's decent.

>> No.12736346
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7, maybe 7.5
I can cook quite well making things up on the spot with varied resources by using techniques and tricks I've learned over the years in a lot of different settings, but I feel I'm still fairly limited in what I will attempt if I'm trying to put out a definite pleaser for those I do not know, and there's a whole lot of styles and regions I have barely messed with. Not that I think any cook can master all there is, but being extremely well versed in 3-5 regional cuisines with excellent and consistent execution with plenty of ability to improvise and innovate is what I would consider a 10/10 and godlike status, short of mythical inner fire sort of cooking.

>> No.12736349

6 im Better than most i know

>> No.12736369

I'm assuming 10 is extremely skilled, extremely experienced, making an excellent meal is just a Tuesday for these dudes, I'm just 20, and there are thousands of things I've not tried cooking, nor learned about, and honestly while there are Lots of ways to flavour and season a dish, many of the main components, like your steaks, your chicken titties, or whatever are more a matter of not overcooking them or screwing up the seasoning, you can really do a whole lot of improvisation. I also need to practice with my knives more, you ever see Ramsay mince an onion? Dude blasts through that bitch without looking sometimes, I wanna get that good, that also feeds into plating I ain't that great at plating and learning to do more with my knives will really help

>> No.12736387

i am literally a professional line cook at a 4-diamond hotel property

>> No.12736394

5, can cook most Asian dishes pretty good but not very skilled at Western foods.

>> No.12736711

Actually, my name is Dawei but the White barbarians call me Dave.

>> No.12736858

knife skills - fcking 2 or 3 coz im shit with knifes
cooking - like a 4, I can follow simple recipes nad sometimes improvise but thats it.

I would give myself a big minus coz my knifes arent always sharp

>> No.12736884

Nice trip faggot

>> No.12737511

i was a sous chef for about 4 months when i was 21 before a natural disaster forced me to move. ive got talent but im not very confident. im too afraid to push myself because im scared to fail.