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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12722619 No.12722619 [Reply] [Original]

When will we reach peak American cuisine?

>> No.12722621

When every American has died of engorgement

>> No.12722623

>bypass burger
Did they rip off the heart attack Grill?

>> No.12722633

The universe is infinite, therefore American cuisine potential is infinite.

>> No.12722952

Why would anybody order this? If I wanted to do it for a laugh I could make this easily at home and invite my friends over. Why would you pay so much money for something you know you're not going to eat and is literally just eggs, toast, bacon and cheese?
Or am I reading this wrong and it's literally fatasses who unironically order this for second breakfast?

>> No.12722961

I’d order it if it was free for eating the whole thing plus my name on the wall

>> No.12722968
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>> No.12722976

Do Americans really do this?

>> No.12722992

You're pretending to be stupid right?
It's a gimmick

>> No.12722996

>Why would anybody order this?
For their instagram.

>> No.12723114

As a light snack, yes.

>> No.12723251

Looks good but what makes burgers great is that you can eat them with your hands so making it that tall defeats the purpose

just separate all the melts instead of getting the mess all over the "buns" and I'd eat them every day

>> No.12723304

It's called a Smo-Fried Turkey.

>> No.12723316

Nothing America has done has been a positive thing for the world except for Moby Dick.

>> No.12723328

Instagram has ruined food

>> No.12723365

Already have with fried butter covered in butter that’s also fried

>> No.12723366
File: 2.93 MB, 640x360, bbq platter.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wrong. The perfection of the art of Barbecue.

>> No.12723376

>America has done nothing positive
>bombed japan twice and killed hundreds of them
Idk anon, sounds pretty positive to me

>> No.12723395

that fucking knife tap at the beginning

>> No.12723413

>the nuclear bombs dropped twice killed hundreds of Japanese people
>this is correct
>this is a positive

Why are burgoids sociopaths and also uneducated? I am amazed.

>> No.12723437

>Americans: the only people who successfully drove an entire continental locust species to extinction
Murica produces certain talents.

>> No.12723456

In LA, there are tons of these hipster BBQ places and the cuts can look just as delicious and tender as pic related but somehow be totally flavorless.

>> No.12723497

the flavor is too subtle for your pleb ass that needs 500 MG of sugar and sodium in every meal

>> No.12723535

If it's brisket they're fucking up, it's because their wood is crap. Texas brisket is usually just salt, pepper, and smoke.

>> No.12723679

>no buns
That is unamerican

>> No.12723714

The day someone puts chopped burgers and bacon slices in a cheap hotdog bun topped with mayo, ketchup, fried pickles and a metric ton of cheese.

>> No.12723718

That's a lot of cheese. I don't think you'd be able to taste anything else.

>> No.12723723

Oh, and it has to be seasoned with barbecue sauce/dry rub and smoked for two hours

>> No.12723943

Jesus one of those could feed a starving village for at least 3 days

>> No.12724101

Why do the guys in these videos look like nerds?

>> No.12724220

That's because la hipsters are retarded and don't understand how to bbq but instead are approximating bbq.

>> No.12724288

fucking hell that's vile. what is wrong with americans?

>> No.12724307

>No chin
>Neckbeard facial hair
>Stupid faces
EVERY time

>> No.12724313

>facial hair in the kitchen
I fucking hate this, even worse if they dont even net it.

>> No.12725353

I've seen this webm like 100,000 times and I still click it every time because it's basically pornography.

>> No.12725365

I thought it was French toast.

>> No.12725396

>9000 calories
Not surprising since thats a gargantuan quantity of relatively calorie-dense food. I could see myself eating that sandwich over the course of 4 days, split into 12 meals of 750 calories each

>> No.12725501

All the food from always sunny in philadelphia

>> No.12726013

you fucking autist

>> No.12726053

>The perfection of the art of Barbecue
Argentina and Uruguay are better at it

>> No.12726078

>it's a soylord
why am i not surprised?

>> No.12726102

>eating literally any bread

>> No.12726144

American foie gras...

>> No.12726169
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yeah it's a good book but come on, that's the one thing you like about the place? Electric guitars and fake tits aren't higher up on the list than Moby Dick?

>> No.12726224
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we already have
with ranch on the side to dip in

>> No.12726294


What the fuck is 'Texas toast' when it's at home? Pretty sure the civilised world simply calls that toast.

>> No.12726305

I think it's just a bigger slice of bread