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12719804 No.12719804 [Reply] [Original]

French Press edition. This thread is for all coffee related discussion and inquiries.

>what ya drinking
>where is it from
>getting any more?

Old thread >>12672987

>> No.12719843
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One day left of this. I like it a lot. After this, I've got a bag of 100% robusta beans from the same place, for the sake of curiosity.

>> No.12719847

Is there any best preground coffee? Or even best cheap beans to grind?

I really dislike foldgers and shit like that, it all tastes burnt as fuck. But I cant always spend like 9-18 bucks per pound on "the good stuff" or 2 on coffee because I tend to drink a lot. I enjoy trader joes coffee and that is pretty good and pretty cheap. Should I just stick with that or is there something else I can try?

>> No.12719858

Try Aldi if you have one nearby.

>> No.12719864

I recently swapped my morning coffee intake for a can of Four Loko and. it. feels. amazing.

Try it.

>> No.12719892

Why would I?

>> No.12719902
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Just some Folgers from a drip coffee maker. I ran out of creamer so i'm using a stale marshmallow instead

>> No.12719909

I know a lot of people complain about Folgers, but after working at a place that would always have it ready in the break room, I love it

>> No.12719912

There is one nearby, what do you suggest? Their house brand or something else?

>> No.12719922
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This was pretty good. If you can, buy whole bean then grind a few days worth at a grocery store with grinders.

>> No.12719925

Aight sick bro Ill keep it in mind

>> No.12719934

When I lived with my host family in Germany, they would only drink one brand of Fair Trade Organic Arabica Coffee that I forget the name of. They'd grind it in a box grinder by hand every morning before it went in the French press. Despite the local water having chalk in the water, it was the best coffee I've ever had. We'd always drink it with milk and sugar. I can't stand American creamer anymore because it overpowers the flavor of the coffee.

Although, when I worked at an RV place, they'd have Folgers in the break room with hot chocolate packets and creamer powder and sugar on the side. Some genius showed me to put the Swiss Miss in black coffee, and oh my Lord, that's still my favorite to this day.

>> No.12720006
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French press guy here.I believe I cracked the french press. Here is my method :

>Freshly roasted.
>Country of origin should wary so you will not be bored with the same taste.
>Always buy 250g ( 8,8 oz) or the amount that you use for routhly 2 weeks.
>Grind your coffee beans every time you make a coffee.
>It should be coursely grinded, a bit chunckier than sand.
>use 20-25g of coffee for 400ml of water to reach the best taste expierience
>boil water and wait 30 sec till it cools just a little bit
>pour water in a circular motion over the coffee in a french press
>wait 4 mins
>press it just the half way through
>pour to the cup
>wait 4-5mins
>enjoy your coffee

OPTIONAL : after you poured the water and waited first 30 sec, you can disturb the "air crust" that forms after the pouring process, by gently stiring the surface.

>> No.12720426

If I buy freshly roasted coffee, how long can I leave it in the packaging before opening it?

>> No.12720699

generally 6-9 months, but I recommend buying in a smaller batches, so you can use it in 2-4 weeks.

>> No.12720759

Thanks. I get through a bag in just over 2 weeks. But I want to buy 2 bags at the same time and leave one of them for 2 weeks as I only have one airtight jar.

>> No.12720796
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I like Trader Joe's Whole Bean Dark Roast. I can't be bothered grinding beans every morning so I grind it in the store and put it in an airtight mason jar.

>> No.12720908

But the creamer and the;
>Seasoned French press
Get rid of that nasty coffee taste

>> No.12720944

Maxwell House.

Cheapest shit at Costco. It gets the job done

>> No.12721404

yeah, that's fine. The less time it has contact with oxygen, the better. For me, soft cap is 1 month, the freshness is still intact, after that it deteriorate, if stored properly, it can last up to 6 months, but the quality is not the same.

>> No.12722570


>> No.12723602
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>> No.12724110
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>go to wawa
>want to get the "reserve"coffee
>go by coffee station
>closed sign on fancy coffee
>notice another canister behind it
>ask lady if it is ready
>she says no
Bums me out man

>> No.12724123
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I want to get back into coffee. I stopped drinking regularly this past year.

I love alcohol in all it's forms, but pure black hot coffee has been my favorite beverage of all time. I quit drinking it because it started making me tired instead of giving me energy. I would seriously yawn after drinking it.

French press has been my favorite brewing method thus far.

>> No.12724136

I have some Columbian and Peruvian beans from preumbra that I roast myself with a hottop roaster.
Current roast is a light medium.
Dont know if I'd buy from them again, was a bulk order and the quality isnt great but its cheaper then from the local roastery who sold me green beans.

>> No.12724158


>> No.12724208

Sorry, Anon. I'm not Cooper.

>> No.12724422

I only drink Death Wish Coffee, Black, because I'm an edgelord. I use a french press for convenience. I can turn on the electric kettle while I take my morning shit, and grind the beans in a few seconds when I'm done. It steeps while I shower.

>> No.12724887
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Robusta anon here. God they smell of burnt rubber. Will report back tomorrow.

>> No.12724915

robusta sucks.
robusta makes the kind of coffee that forces people to put shit on it, like sugar, creams, and other gay stuff.
also, it gives you heartburn.

>> No.12724918

i'll be the judge tomorrow lad.

>> No.12726425


>> No.12726663

I got the moka pot. It takes so much ground coffee to make one single cup that it feels wasteful. Why is coffee so much weaker than tea?

>> No.12726678
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this is the best coffee prove me wrong

>> No.12726683

What size did you get?

>> No.12726835

3 cup. but regardless the ratios are the same no matter the size. is it normal to take so much ground coffee to make a relatively small amount of coffee? like 3-4 teabag's worth of coffee for the same size cup. is coffee just more expensive to drink than tea?

>> No.12726839

How do you make coffee with one of these things?

>> No.12727597

Fresh boiling water in the chamber (the base on the left). Put coffee in the funnel, and put it inside the chamber. Screw on the bit on the right and put it on the hob. Coffee will start to come out after a few minutes.

>> No.12727787

Kinda what I do too

>> No.12728090

Update: it tastes of liquorice, which I like. Quite enjoyable t b h. But not as strong as I thought it would be.

>> No.12728202
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Using my gf's machine for the first time. Pic related is running water for the first time through it to clear the system of plastic residue. Just pulled 2 shots through it. Really rich. I don't see anyone in these threads talk about espresso. Idk if its a taste thing or the barrier for entry being too high. Imo cold brew and espresso are both really rich in a way at least I can't get from a french/aero most of the time. I do think there's a flavor to a press that nothing else can quite get, but its just not my preference.

>> No.12728219

Probably the price 'issue'. I don't see the value in it personally. I have a moka pot which suits me fine. If I bought an espresso machine, I'd have to buy another grinder for it. Plus both things would take up more space.

>> No.12728298

Well actual pressure applied to coffee in the brewing process makes for a distintly different product than the alternatives. 15bar of pressure is so many times more than you could ever apply in your french press

>> No.12728307

I know. An espresso machine uses ~12 bars vs ~1 bar of pressure for a moka pot, but I don't feel that I am missing out much.

>> No.12728324

I will say I have noticed high robusta blends like Lavazza forte smell of tar and rubber like you mentioned; especially after brew. Luckily the smell doesn't transfer to taste.
The thing with a moka pot is it is a poor man's espresso. It makes a small bit of concentrated coffee that you either drink straight or dilute.

Coming from the loose tea world, coffee does seem to be a little more pricey. Though I think someone's comment from a past thread is accurate: coffee is like cars, but gayer.

>> No.12728391

I love the smell of tar. It's prominent in some scotch whiskies that I like, so it's a nice holdover to robusta beans for me.

>> No.12728441

The worst part about this post is that it is prolly 100% genuine.

>> No.12728462

Those delonghi machines are shit and don't actually exert enough pressure to make espresso

>> No.12728851

wtf it's almost black

>> No.12728879

I'm tired of buying whole beans from my local grocery chain. What websites should I go for? I enjoy a bold cup of coffee and use a French Press.

>> No.12728892

How do you guys make café de la olla

>> No.12728919

Because the beans are roasted beyond the second crack.

>> No.12728986

>country of origin should wary
Why would the coffee bean farmers be afraid of you?
What are you talking about? I use a 3-cup moka and it is filled up with 13g of beans. It is meant to be like faux espresso, top up with milk or water.

>> No.12729072

Cafe Legal sells a coarse-ground coffee-bean-and-canela blend, you boil it in water, sold as cafe de olla, I like that. some other brands use cinnamon-flavoring, no bueno

>> No.12729114

I'd really like to try one of these.

>> No.12729120
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who else instant coffee here

>> No.12729146

I've seen some pretty nice used espresso machines on craigslist for like 2000-2500 dollars. I've thought about picking one up and plumbing water straight into it in my kitchen.
Currently I just use a Chemex pour-over to make drip coffee. It's OK but there's nothing like real espresso.

>> No.12729236
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I use a gaggia classic that i bought used for like $120. Mainly because pursuing espresso is like having another hobby and price. but to be honest ever since i got an espresso machine my other coffee brewing methods like the aeropress or v60 gets barely used.

>> No.12729239

>Coming from the loose tea world, coffee does seem to be a little more pricey.
okay, so i'm not just crazy. idk, i'll drink it, but tea will remain my mainstay.
>top up with milk or water.
i've been having it straight and it's fine.
>2000-2500 dollars.
>on espresso
>plus the cost of the beans
espresso is like $2 out... you could get espresso out every day for several years before you even meet the cost of the machine alone. I never see teafags do shit like this. My teastrainer was $4 and my teacup was $1. I can also get second cup with tea, but there's no second cup with a mokapot is there? It just seems like coffee is a fool's errand.

>> No.12729251

you don't really need an expensive machine, though it it nice to get a good heat exchanger or dual boiler. Though the grinder and coffee itself is very important than the machine. I mean you can get a good shot out of a simple lever machine like the flair espresso or something like a gaggia classic as long as you got a decent grinder and good beans.

>> No.12729264

I'll look into it thank you

>> No.12729265

I usually like to add about 1.5 tbsp of coconut oil to my coffee. It doesn't muck up the taste too bad, and starting my day with a big dose of healthy fats makes me feel really good. Lately, though, the lids on both coconut oil jars just won't fucking come off. I literally cannot open them, my fingers just slide around the top no matter how hard I grip. Towels do nothing. Help?

>> No.12729363

They are relatively inexpensive. As someone who doesn't have time on weekday mornings to weigh beans, use the 'correct' temperature, and use a timer, it's perfect for me. i would like to know if there is anything that's similar in terms of it not being time consuming in the morning. i was thinking of a clever dripper, but do i need scales and a meme kettle for it?

>> No.12729465


>> No.12729561

for me it's cheap instant coffee with 80% milk and A LOT of sugar

>> No.12729670

what is your problem

>> No.12729708

Hillary Clinton

>> No.12729719
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>Why is coffee so much weaker than tea?

>> No.12729724


>> No.12730121

Daily reminder that if you pollute your coffee with milk and/or sugar then you're a faggot.

>> No.12730227

Trade.com but just use it as a roaster catalogue, buy direct from whoever looks interesting to you

>> No.12730243


>> No.12730380

>being this stupid
i know the solution and won't tell you. i'm going to sit here and laugh at you. but yeah it's a good mix, i have this really fragrant coconut oil that smells like a coconut and it makes the coffee have a great taste. better than butter honest to god. 1.5 tbsp is way too much though. 1/3 teaspoon maybe.

>> No.12732149

enjoy your Alzheimer's

>> No.12732153
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>> No.12732167
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Anyone have a good technique for successfully making rich non bitter coffee in a percolator?

>> No.12732171

it's the chicory.

>> No.12732188
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Espresso beans are pretty average but the verve shit is great.
Also, my espresso machine is pulling quite weak shots, the coffee almost looks like it was filtered - am I just not tamping properly?

>> No.12732704


>> No.12733017
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This is OK and really cheap

>> No.12733032

what machine and grinder you using?

>> No.12733175

delonghi ec270 and kg79
maybe my beans are decent and im just doing stuff wrong - only got the espresso machine yesterday, usually use v60/french press/aeropress

>> No.12733178

also dont have a tamper yet, arriving tomorrow - I was just using a spoon

>> No.12733193

My regular is Seattle's Best Post Alley dark roast.
Super nutty.

>> No.12733341
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Thought I'd treat myself to a capachino from a local café/bakery. Been having fun trying different coffee places, but hopefully tomorrow I can brew coffee at home again.
Arnt percolators flawed by design since it basically keeps shooting brewed coffee through the grinds?

>> No.12733549

I have a grinder so I can use my beans for almost any type of coffee
I hava a french press, aeropress and v60
What are some other interesting brewing methods? I might try turkish

>> No.12733556

based. god, i didn't realise that these oily means leave so much grinds behind. the coffee is nice, but i think i will stick to medium roasts after these beans are finished.
try a moka pot or a phin (vietnamese).

>> No.12733618

Phin looks cool, never heard of it before thanks anon

>> No.12733634

Will... will that work???

>> No.12733653

Phin is based. It only makes a small amount and it's not that bean-efficient but it tastes way better than Moka to me.

>> No.12733689

tfw i don't own one
might buy one. how does the brewing process compare to a moka? how much coffee will i get out of it? i have a 4 cup bialetti atm. no intention of making vietnamese coffee with it btw. just want something that's low effort.

>> No.12733799

I got one from the chink store for like $7 and they're probably readily available on Amazon. They do require that you follow directions exactly though since it will fuck up if you don't. It takes like four minutes to brew and the thing is tiny so it's way easier to clean than a Moka or Fr*nch press. You can optionally heat up the filter by pouring water through it, then you add coffee to the indicated line and put the squeezer thing on top of it. You have to moisten the grounds with a tiny bit of water and leave it to bloom for a few seconds before adding the majority of the water or else it won't filter correctly. Then you just pour water until it hits the water line and then you put the cap on and let it go. Make sure to press down on the squeezer thing a few times during the brew because it keeps pressure on the grounds so that the water won't flow through them too quickly. It only makes like 85 mL of coffee for around 11 g of beans though which is not very efficient.

>> No.12733856

thanks for the info lad. not too keen on the inefficiency t b h but i will try it one day.

>> No.12734565

I can't go back to my keurig now you fuckers

>> No.12734583
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>> No.12734641

I had the time and desire to use my moka pot the last few days, and I used the same pre-ground stuff I put into my re-usable k-cup thing
And it was fucking amazing
And then I used my keurig this morning and it tasted like...bean water

>> No.12734666

To be fair moka already makes a strong concentrated brew compare to most preparations. You literally did a 180°

>> No.12734676

I assumed moka was basically an espresso so I'm not surprised. But it doesnt change the fact that I need more, satan

>> No.12734748
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>> No.12734773


>> No.12735243

If you live near Ikea, they carry organic coffee beans from Peru.
It’s probably the best cheaper beans I’ve tried.
They slso have preground Peruvian beans, but they flavor isn’t as good from what I recall the one time I purchased the preground.
My local Ikea also just got preground organic coffee from Uganda. I haven’t tried it yet though.

>> No.12735262

Nah it didn't work. Tasted shitty

>> No.12735890
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Someone gifted me this, trying it out. Not so bad, but nothing expectacular, any recommendations? I'm thinking about getting reusable pods and using different ground coffee.

>> No.12736075
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>> No.12736306

Sell it. Get a burr grinder and use moka pot, aeropress, filter, anything but this abomination.

>> No.12736486

I ordered a kinu m47 and a flair with the pressure gauge today. I can start shitpostumg bad spresso here in a few days.

>> No.12736707

Throw it away

>> No.12736713


>> No.12736732

Barissimo morning light roast from Aldi. I went from Folgers to this and it's so much better.

>> No.12737022

That was a typo. I meant vary

>> No.12737068

fuck these aren't foolproof at all. it took me 2 years after to figure out that:
>i didn't have to fill it with coffee grounds till its chock full with caffeine to wake you up for a whole 2 days
>drinking it while after its warm rather than hot actually tastes way better
i also gave up on saving money to buy a grinder. just get them pre-ground

>> No.12737237
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Making coffee at the new house didn't go as planned, so I bought some from that Columbian café. I love that place. Going to have to get some of their beans after I'm done with bricks. Got a ham&cheese roll and dulce short bread cookie, and macchiato for coffee.

The coffee was good, but I think the foam melted when I got to the old house. Had a sweet and nutty flavor to it. It also has a flavor that I associate with columbian coffees, but I never feel like I can describe it other than like a really earthy red wine flavor.

>> No.12737317

good tips lad.
>earthy red wine
sounds like ethiopean coffee t b h

>> No.12738087

Love me some pastries with my coffee.

>> No.12738516

I know there's way better stuff, I have a moka pot and a small espresso machine and got this as a gift, so it's mostly just curiosity. I wanted to know if there was something decent I could make up with it. My own blends on a reusable pod or something like that, Iast thing I want is to drink >nescafe

>> No.12738558

>i didn't have to fill it with coffee grounds till its chock full with caffeine to wake you up for a whole 2 days
That happened to me as well the first time I tried using it, didn't sleep for like almost 2 days. It isn't that difficult though, a few fuck ups are usual, too much coffee, too much water, keeping the lid open and forget to put it away from the heat, etc. but should learn how to use it quickly.
Fill half or a little less with coffee unless you enjoy heart attacks. Preground is fine if you are in rush. You can cinnamon or vanilla to the grounds if you wanna try different flavors and to play around with your pot.

>> No.12738578

i dunno lad. i fill it to the top with grounds and sweep off the excess. i don' really feel anything and sleep fine.

>> No.12739109

How is packing grinds into a nespresso pod any better than just using a moka? The entire purpose of those machines is to use their proprietary shit because you're lazy, tasteless, and wasteful. Even using refill pods is retarded because you're locked into a fixed ratio of water squirted out of a glorified water heater.

>> No.12739114

Not that anon, but I see them better in certain family situations and offices.

>> No.12739134
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So im a moka bro, but the new house I moved to has a French press. Thinking about getting some of luckys market French roast to try in it. Any tips on ratios or best types of coffee? Is French press really better on the medium, darker end roasts cause of oil's?

>> No.12739176

What does that have to do with anything said?

>> No.12739213

Mildly. You were comparing it to a moka pot. Moka will make the better coffee, but ok pod brewing means people can brew multiple different types of coffee; so big families and offices.

>> No.12739238

I don't think anon is talking about using it for his family nor does he run an office

>> No.12739239

> 100% robusta beans
never heard of this
really cannot stand robusta coffee, it has a taste that some might call "earthy" but it reminds me of dirt unironically

>> No.12739330

Didn't think about it before, but my workplace makes it really difficult to use any other coffee machine since there's little time for washing utensils, so pods would be definitely easier to handle. I know that goes at the expense of the quality, but if I could get a nice blend it could at least make it decent.
Also might as well mess around with it a bit since I got it for free.

>> No.12739770
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>> No.12739795

>got gifted a nespresso machine and a bunch of pods so start using it instead of my french press for a couple of weeks
>during those two weeks I'm marred by mood swings, irritability and headaches
>was taking 2-3 shots a day which I thought was the equivalent caffeine dose of my french press
What exactly happened here? I can't be sure but it seems like my french press must have a MASSIVE amount of caffeine in it without me realizing, and now I've built up a crazy dependence.

>> No.12739830

Oh and I should mention that now I've gone back to the french press my mood and energy levels have massively improved.

>> No.12739890

Fuck yeah. Their dark roast is better than the regular roast, but the single caveat I have with coffee is that it's fresh; I don't really care if the beans are very good - if I'm served some really good coffee that's great, but I don't go out of my way to be a snob at all. I just take it with half-and-half cream.

>> No.12740639

I don't think I'm describing it right. It's a certain type of earthy flavor that I only taste in colombians.

>> No.12740924

Pod brewing gives weaker coffee since it was basically made too quick and nestle pods are shit, unless you make your own blends on a reusable pod, you have to deal with whatever "coffee" grains >nestle or any other company feels like putting in their pods.

>> No.12741387

whats a nice looking moka pot which wont give me the alzheimer by aluminium poisoning?

>> No.12741479

Just get stainless steel if your paranoid. I doubt any legit brand in this day and age would cause aluminum poisoning.

>> No.12741565

I honestly prefer lighter roasts in my french press, I use this technique https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=st571DYYTR8 and it always produces good results
I use about 50 or 55g per liter

>> No.12741729
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First cup made at new home and can finally settle in after working on the previous house. The most eventful thing was one morning being woken out of a deep sleep to my brother bursting through the door panicking that he couldn't get the bath tub going at full force to shut off; it was clogged and the handle came apart. Tried to turn off the water, but realized after living there for two years we didn't know where that valve was. Then when I saw the little rod sticking out I remembered you can turn it with an adjustable wrench. Remembered I had a couple of those in my trunk, got one, ran inside and was able to finally turn off the water. I got a mild headache from that just from going 0 to 100.
Thanks for the video. I'll try this and basic method. I'm curious to see how this compares to my moka.

>> No.12741830

enjoyable story t b h lad. god, cleaning this grinder after an oily french roast is a pain.

>> No.12741873
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Any Chemex-brothas here?

>> No.12741904

I have always used a v60 but thinking of trying a clever or chemex, have you tried a v60? Is there much difference? I know the filters are a lot thicker. I really like the look of the chemex

>> No.12741931

I've had a chance to drink it a lot of times, but not brew it. IMO it is certainly towards the aeropress end of filter brewers - that's due to the filters being a lot thinner. You can get acidic and herbal results there, but that would mean seriously driving extraction down.

>> No.12742022

Wilfa Svart? I-is that Origin Coffee?

>> No.12742051

Yup. It is a Wilfa Svart, and it is indeed Origin Coffee. It's Nicaraguan washed, pretty dark and chocolat-y, with red fruits and berries. I'm not a _massive_ fan of it, though - too easy to lose the fruits and go into deep dark flavours. My next pickup is going to be some Ethiopia probably.

>> No.12742127

i'm going to buy that ginder at some point. Using a Bodum Bistro right now.
Ehhh, makes me glad I prefer medium roasts. I'm going Ethiopia next too. I really don't get the light roast craze personally.

>> No.12742164

Well, I'm not a roaster and my knowledge of roasting is limited, but from what I know, light roasts are a nice and relatively stable way of delivering "lighter" taste notes (berries, herbs, fruits. etc) for roasters who can't balance it well with sweetness and full body. Plus, I like acidic and berry-like coffee, so for me, it does work out.

IMO it's the least of two evils compared to the craze about omniroasts, which takes someone really experienced and knowledgeable, and when done badly, just delivers mediocre "coffee-tasting" beans.

>> No.12742212

indeed - those tasting notes and high acidity are not my cup of tea. I prefer dark chocolate, fudge, spice and so on. Looks like Origin offer free delivery, so it's not too bad. I had to Google omniroast. Sounds like a meme.

>> No.12742244

>I had to Google omniroast. Sounds like a meme.
Not always, anon. Gardelli uses omniroast, and to my knowledge, they've won several roasting championships with it. I have tried their beans multiple times, and if you feel like splashing out, they are amazing, both in espresso and in filter. It just takes someone as experienced as them to do it.

>> No.12742275

maybe one day. if i ever bother to upgrade from a moka pot.

>> No.12742506
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Anyone have experience with this? My main thought is how difficult is it to push down. Seems like a good option if you don't want to pay out the ass or deal with lots of upkeep.
Sounds bad desu. Though being able to enjoy fresh grounds must be nice.

>> No.12742535

If you haven't already, cold brew with it. You're welcome.

>> No.12743026

Isn't omniroasting just standard practice in most third wave cafes? I don't think any of the shops around me roast a bean differently for espresso and what they sell for retail/brew in shop

>> No.12743668

What makes a pour-over rig "good" or "bad"? Be as specific and detailed as possible

>> No.12744381

Mine gets here tomorrow. I pucked up a blemished signature for 160. Paid 50 for the gauge and stainless steel plunger.

>> No.12744394

Neat! Post pics if you can.

>> No.12744408
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Will do. I got high last night and ordered some random beans. They're here Thursday, so I'll have to go snag something locally tomorrow.

>> No.12744446
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>> No.12744590

>be me
>love french press coffee
>hate cleaning grounds out of plunger
>pressed coffee gives me instant diarrhea for a while
>so bad I can only do french press on the weekends

p-please tell me pour over coffee through a paper filter is j-just as g-good

>> No.12744642

Is it all coffee in a press or just one that is acidic? I think its the acid in the coffee that makes you shit

>> No.12744666

I'm amazed I'm not addicted yet. I have a 12 oz cup in the morning, it's all I look forward to each and every day, yet I don't have the craving to drink coffee the rest of the day. Anyone else? Been going on 2 years like this

>> No.12744974
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morning lads
how are you enjoying your coffee today?

>> No.12745107

Are cezves a meme

>> No.12745365

All coffees I've tried. I still get a minor effect from pour over or diner coffee, but it pales in comparison to how rekt I get from french presses or pour overs without a paper filter.

I notice a lot more oil floating when I dont use a filter so I assume that's part/most of the issue. I've done multiple trials using the same beans in a mr. coffee, french press, pour over no filter, pour over with filter, etc and the french press seems to fuck me consistently

>> No.12745417

I love my after-coffee shits.
Me too mate, I just tried going 3 days without coffee and didn't notice any withdrawal effects. The first day I was falling asleep midday which never happens to me but other than that, nothing.

>> No.12745574

Pourover is leagues better than the fucking swill that the Fr*nch press produces

>> No.12745619

How does pourover compare to a moka pot in terms of flavor?

>> No.12745693

Moka pot sucks dick

>> No.12745708

B-but I like its simplicity. What's the next best thing, if you consider I do not have time in the morning for scales, filters, or making sure water is at the ""correct"" temperature? I need something quick and easy

>> No.12745751

I use aeropress and the whole process takes like 5 minutes tops. You weigh and grind as your water heats up, and you don't even need a nice electric kettle of you use a thermometer in a regular stovetop one. Pourover only takes a couple minutes longer to brew comparatively and the end product is leagues better than moka.

>> No.12745766

To follow up... you don't need to do any of those things for any style of brewing, but those things in general make all brew styles better. For example, grinding fresh, weighing, and ensuring a precise temperature for your moka would drastically improve its taste compared to simply eyeballing preground coffee. For pourover, French press, or whatever else you can still use preground and just scoop in a couple tablespoons or whatever. Scales, temp control, and fresh grinding are all best practices, not necessities.

>> No.12745877

Can you stop talking in memes and explain what makes pourover better?

>> No.12745902

Not him, but generally better extraction dynamics. Immersion brewing tends to saturate the water to the point it can no longer dissolve certain compounds, whereas the continual supply of fresh water in pourover can easily bring them out of the coffee. It's not without its risks, there is a risk of channeling (water taking shortcuts through the bed and pulling too much out of a small pathway while mostly skipping much of the bed) no present in immersion brewing. But when done right, the best possible extractions are significantly higher.

Also generally cleaner than even paper filtered immersion brews since the percolation through the bed of coffee helps keep it clean. For similar results with immersion you need to be using serious micro rated lab filters.

It also depends very much on what you're going for and isn't just "this good, this bad", but there are certain things each is just straight up better at doing.

>> No.12745909

Oh, also, MANUAL pourover is trash but the best readily accessible kind. Much better to automate. Problem is every single residential drip machine without exception is bad at it (Techniworm, Bonavita, Ratio 8, etc included), batch brewers are too lorge for the home, and stuff like the SP9 needs too much infrastructure. Hopefully Decent Espresso's pourover automation changes that.

>> No.12745935


Is this an okay purchase?

>> No.12745938

Thanks for the clarification. I think I'll just stick with my Jura.

>> No.12746028

probably okay, I have a mesh filter but it doesn't make anything as good as my v60

>> No.12746073
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Last of my Lavazza forte. I think I like it more than the classico. The classico is much smoother, but I like the bold character of the forte and how great it is with sweets.
Morning. Starting to get into a rhythm with my brewing. New place has coil stoves, so a little bit different than my last HOB. That and this place doesn't have an ice maker, but the trays, so the ice is shaped different. Brew came out a little cold do now I know how much to add.
Do you eat anything with your coffee?
Just like your mom

>> No.12746831

comfy lad.

>> No.12746861

I like Starbucks cinnamon dolce with 3 sugar 3 cream. Idc if it’s faggy, the shit is delicious

>> No.12746902

Got a pour over dripper coming in a few days. How many grams/tablespoons of coffee am I looking at for 1 cup? Same for the water amount. I like strong coffee but not where flavour is lost. Is 25g of water enough for the bloom phase?

>> No.12747709

>1 cup

>> No.12747815

A 250ml cup

>> No.12748127

Sorry for the late answer, Anon, I was at work and then crashed to sleep. I don't know how it is where you live (and I'd love to find out BTW), but I live and am familiar with the speciality coffee scene in Eastern Europe, and here omniroast would be anything but standard. Most roasters would specifically scout out (or go to Nordic Approach and buy, which is especially true for smaller roasters) green coffee for a pourover/filter roast and then for espresso roast.

>> No.12748325

Not bad, but you should be grinding MUCH finer. Somewhere around table salt. Low agitation brewing like french press will not extract high enough unless you are grinding fine.

>> No.12748335

Ratio of like 1:14 usually so 250/14 = 17.86 g coffee for 250 g water nigger

>> No.12748341

I live in Detroit and in my experience, shops will roast their single origins one way specifically to what they think highlights that bean's characteristics best and will also have a signature blend that they use as their house espresso so they don't alienate the more "classic" darker espresso style fans. Some shops around me include madcap, Anthology, Chazzano, and Ashe and to my knowledge all of them omniroast their coffees. I don't think I agree that espresso requires a different roast to extract better - especially given the attention to controlling shot parameters more closely becoming a trend lately using shit like pressure profiling and long preinfusion.

>> No.12748478

This is actually interesting. I think I might have a theory as to why omniroasting doesn't happen here that frequently - most shops draw a very fine line in their menu between "classic" espresso-based drinks and "alternative" brewing methods like pourovers.

People expect very different flavor profiles from these offers, so nobody is really going to order Chemex/v60 if it tastes bitter (and if you do a dark-roasted coffee in it, it will), because americano costs about two times cheaper and doesn't taste different enough for it to matter when deciding.

So at least filter-aimed blends/beans will need a very dark roast, and espresso prices will not be sustainable if shops started doing only those on espresso, using tricks like those you mention. Customers have grown to expect pretty cheap shots, and generally the same "classic" taste, which can be achieved with cheaper beans (usually brasil-rwanda or colombian blends) roasted dark enough to hide imperfections.

>> No.12748505

>will need a very dark roast
very light, typo

>> No.12748583

Don't get me wrong, it is definitely not the norm, but then again starbucks is the norm over here and I hope it changes. A lot of it has to do with these shops having multiple beans available at once, and rotating them regularly so new beans have their spot as an espresso for a week or so before a the next selection replaces it. It would be insane to try to roast each single origin to match brew methods with such frequent cycling. But this way, your single origin always tastes fresh and new but the house blend exists to have a consistent flavor. This makes drinking espresso itself a much better experience instead of having just burnt bitterness, though I've been to Italy and all cafes there blow most of the common coffee around me out of the water.

>> No.12748585

I usually have a costco croissant in the morning because i'm gay

>> No.12749933
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Yo this shits great. I went to pick up some cheap beans to dial in the grind but sprouts had some single origin Honduran shit with a single barrel so I snagged an lb. Been making cortados all day.

>> No.12750161

>shitty community coffee
>from work

>> No.12750306

So my local coffee house insists on selling their beans in half pound bags. It's a pain in the ass to drive over there every week to buy more but I don't want to just buy multiple bags.

What should I look for in coffee storage vessels?

>> No.12750313

There is NOTHING wrong with putting milk and sugar in your coffee!!!!!!!!

>> No.12750393

Croissants are good though.
Dude, that sounds nice. Cortados are the best.

>> No.12750520

look up tightvac. works fine for me.

>> No.12750975

Back to regular work hours. Be nice to have money flow again.

>> No.12751119

Ice cream works in a pinch

>> No.12751241

I've been using my mom's old percolator from the 70s or 80s while staying at her place. It actually makes quite a nice cup of coffee. She doesn't drink much coffee though so I've been drinking like 3 cups every morning.

>> No.12751245

All coffee tastes the same you fucking snobs.

>> No.12751297

>double the usual brewing time
>don't actually press the coffee in a french press coffee maker

Not surprised though, this dude is an enormous fop and a pouover snob.

>> No.12751882

Seems at least like an alternative method to try at least.

>> No.12751892

Folger classic roast out of my $15 coffee maker
sometimes a splash of shitty whiskey

>> No.12751895

forgot the place and any more of it
>not in the near future I got a drum of it

>> No.12751915

Just brewed a bag of beans in my V60 and accidentally heated up a 100 grams less water than I needed. Still tasted decent enough so I'm looking forward to getting it perfect.

>> No.12751925

I went to a coffee shop recently and had some Ethiopian that blew me the fuck away. Smelled like Jones berry lemonade and tasted like chocolate covered strawberries, no joke. Good coffee brewed well is definitely a completely different beast than a regular cup of diner joe, not that they don't both have their place, but you'd have to be bereft of tastebuds if you can't tell the difference.

>> No.12751935

It works. The press is the least important part of French Press brewing. The important part is the immersion. This removes the bitter tasting oils and replaces them with a longer extraction, leaving behind only the great flavor from immersion and a little bit of oil. Definitely a different approach, but one I like for days that I don't have shit to do.

>> No.12751940

Been drinking instant Maxwell house since i was 15, in my late 20s now. It's all I drink. I enjoy Starbucks occasionally, but the price of fresh beans just isn't worth it to me, even at my most affluent times.

>> No.12751990
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Brandywine Coffee Roasters order finally came in

>> No.12752002

No, it doesn't, you literal retard.

>> No.12752131

is there a good place to buy a bunch of dark roast beans online for a good price? I am not really picky I usually get the store brand bag from BJ's but I am too lazy to go there now

>> No.12752197

Fuck yeah I love brandywine. Tell us how it is anon

>> No.12752957

imo medium course is best for french press.
after blooming for 40s-1m, finish the pour and then stir, let sit for 3-4 minutes, then plunge. not as muddy of a cup, still extracts well.

>> No.12752971

>hey guys, just stopped by the coffee thread to say i don't really care about coffee.

>> No.12753019
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That's not true. I care about convenient coffee that's easy to travel with as opposed to bringing a pot to a motel. Then why invest in 2 setups? If I drink good coffee all weekend, I won't be able to enjoy the coffee I bring for work during the week, cause I'm not lugging a glass carafe to get broken in my duffel bag. I do stop at a coffee shop, sometimes not even a chain one and enjoy a cup from time to time. Sorry my enjoyment of coffee isnt up to your par to qualify as enjoying coffee. You must have one sad unfilling life, even for 4chan, to try to invalidate my opinion on something as insignificant as coffee.

>> No.12754004

Shut the fuck up retard

>> No.12754149

Trying Colombia now. I think that something is wrong with my grinder because it was extremely hard to crank and also the grind ended up being way more coarse than it usually is even though I used the same setting that I always do for pourover. Even though the coffee that I got was really weak, I can tell that this is a very acidic coffee and the lime and guava flavors mentioned on the package are immediately apparent. I'm hoping to get a more fine grind tomorrow and hopefully taste the butterscotch that is in the flavor profile. It also says gooseberry, but I don't know what those taste like, so I can't tell if I'm getting that flavor or not. I was kind of excited to try the Burundi tomorrow but I think that I'm going to wait until I get at least one really good brew of the Colombia.

>> No.12754320
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Based phin moomoo mug poster

>> No.12754379

Texas pecan from H.E.B and before you nonTexan fags get lippy, they deliver nationwide. Best damn coffee I've ever had.

>> No.12754386

morning lad.

>> No.12754426

Why do people pretend to like coffee?
It's a bean left to rot for months, which then gets burned until black, ground up and splashed with water.
You might as well be drinking ash water at that point.

Of course people add creamer, milk, or sugar to make it taste tolerable.

There are slight differences but all coffee tastes horrible, that's for sure.
Just like alcohol and cigarettes, people just pretend to like it because marketing started the myth that people like it.

>> No.12754438

Good morning tastelet retard

>> No.12754531

I want to buy some espressi bean too make in my moka pot, is Lavazza a good brand for it?

>> No.12754534
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That's what I thought. Nothing to say that adds to the discourse, just ignorantly disagreeing.

>> No.12754536

>a drink that predates most civilizations

>> No.12754537

>Being edgy on /ck/

Roody poo confirmed

>> No.12754832
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>home roasting sweet marias sampler in air popper
>lido grinder
>kalita wave pourover
rly struggling to get fruit/floral notes, suggestions?

>> No.12754893

>making up a delusional conspiracy theory about people pretending to like coffee to cope with being a child-palated dork
It's ok, big boy, nobody is judging you for ordering gummy bears and a milkshake with a quiggly straw.

Btw, just to prove how you are a clueless retard, I'll bring up light roast coffee which isn't even close to dark brown in color.

>> No.12756288


>> No.12756382
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This is what it feels like to drink coffee in Seattle. You people are missing out.


>> No.12756439
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Moomin mug with more Colombian Gustavo de Jesus Rivera with my new Zojirushi travel mug (I haven't had a chance to use it yet) and also guest appearance from my gaiwan. I'm really nervous right now because I asked a girl out for the first time in like three years and she said that she would think about it. Thanks for reading my blog.

>> No.12756492

Also I did a finer grind than usual and it seemed to help somewhat but the resulting coffee is still weaker than I am used to, not really sure what the issue is though... I guess I can try just using more coffee, like maybe up it to 25 g for 350 mL. I've also found that my grinder, the Hario Mini Slim Pro, is producing an extremely inconsistent grind, with half of the grind being nearly espresso-fine and the other half being medium, bordering on Fr*nch press grind. I have no idea how this is happening, since Hario is typically considered to be a brand that produces quality products.

>> No.12756595
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Don't read this post. DON'T!!!

I started putting cream in my coffee (automatic machine, with frothed milk) and now I'm absolutely addicted. I'm also doing keto so I've probably built a taste for fat. Oh my lord it's amazing.

>> No.12756873

>in an air popper
I think I've identified the issue

>> No.12757057

Cream is the only acceptable coffee additive (even though it's only permissible in the event of coffee being really shit)

>> No.12757138

I'm Australian btw. You might not know the cream I'm referring to.

>> No.12757201

>I'm gay btw. You might not know the cream I'm referring to.

>> No.12757203

Had a couple gulps of coffee since the withdrawal headaches got really bad.

>> No.12757495
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>> No.12757865

Hit the edges of the aluminum lid with a solid butter knife; run under hot water and bang on its head and maybe try banging the edges too again if that doesn't work.

>> No.12757894

Go to a fancy liberal coffee shop and have them make a pourover of some african light roast. It will blow your mind, I guarantee.

>> No.12757899

just use almond milk creamer. Tastes good enough.

>> No.12758176

Pretty much the same here with me anon. I just use a drip coffeemaker and Maxwell House dark roast. I'll go to a coffee shop for better coffee (which does taste better I admit) but Maxwell House, fresh, in the morning with just half-and-half cream hits the spot pretty well.

>> No.12758427
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There might be some truth to the idea that objectively coffee tastes pretty terrible. Personally I'm so addicted I could hardly fathom it. Most people's coffee drinking is probably highly ritualized, mine is certainly so. The stimulated feeling is strongly connected with the taste of the coffee and the feel of the hot drink in your hand, and so on. You get addicted, in other words, and then start to really crave the taste, and other aspects of the experience.

>> No.12758437

Neckbeards can't relate to kids and family taking away coffee grinding/pressing time. Of course I enjoy good coffees like everyone else, but the travel really fucks me up with having to settle for instant. I'd much rather have drip coffee but I can't handle bouncing back and forth from instant to drip. I got the taste (or lack there of) for instant and I can't fuck up the routine.

>> No.12758444
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Why do you people suck so much?

>> No.12758829


Why don't you just drink all your coffee in the morning? I do that now, 3 espresso shots from my automatic machine with milk etc. I drink it all while watching the sun rise. Then nothing for the rest of the day.

>> No.12758915
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Might clean the drip machine at the new place so I don't have to premake coffee in my moka pot on early mornings.
Not everyone can take that much caffeine at once.

>> No.12759047
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Working at Starbucks for a couple months awoke my love for pure coffee, my favorite of their regular coffees was last year's Thanksgiving blend. It was robust, but not very bitter and not too spiced. I also fell in love with the Clover machine and tried every reserve coffee I could. That machine was so impressive, each cup had the perfect oily aftertaste, I have yet to replicate the experience at home.

Right now my house has 4 coffee drinkers so we have to drink based on value rather than substance, usually it's pic related

>> No.12759086

My grandma. She takes 1t Folgers instant in 10 oz scalding hot milk, and if it's not completely scalding she asks me to microwave again. It's crazy, but when you're in congestive heart failure you do what you want

>> No.12759105

>I have time to shitpost on 4chan
>I don't have 2 minutes to make coffee

>> No.12759108
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I have pic related and everything turns out well. I do grind the beans as coarse as possible, in case that's something you do differently. Maybe play around with a few different types of coffee, some might brew more bitter in a percolator than others

>> No.12759120
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mother earth is happy

>> No.12759130
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I prefer biscoff because they have the perfect fucking dunking texture

>> No.12759165

As stated previously I travel weekly for work, not every motel has coffee. Instant is the only practical option

>> No.12759167

I'm phone posting while I shit cause I have a baby going through sleep regression

>> No.12759250

How do you make ice coffee?

>> No.12759616

honestly I was thinking it might be this. You think heat gun + dog bowl would be better or are you one of those people that's gonna tell me not to bother unless I get a Huky?

>> No.12759680
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afternoon lads. coming from a moka pot, the flavour is clearly not as intense. i'll see how it goes.

>> No.12759776

Moka bro too. Been debating on getting the same one.

>> No.12759798

this doesn't make real espresso.

>> No.12759813

I mean, it seems pretty damn close without the high expense and upkeep.

>> No.12759831

It's shit mate, just get a cheap pre ground it's already 10 times better. And it doesnt take long to prepare either.

>> No.12759843

i like the moka pot, but not having to fiddle around reaching for the oven/hob switch early in the morning makes a change. plus quickly running over to the tap once it starts making a fountain, and having to wash 3 bits is a bit annoying. i'll either sell the moka pot or only use it on weekends.

>> No.12759878

What would be real espresso? It can at max brew close to 10 bars.

>> No.12760012

where my kalita wave bros at

>> No.12760040

Update: I tried the Burundi and it's also really good. Similarly bright and juicy to the Colombia, it was a bit closer to a medium roast though so it was slightly nuttier in smell. It had very apparent berry and vaguely sour tropical fruit (I could never specifically pinpoint pineapple as the packaging would suggest) and a very beautiful kick of juicy apricot when aspirated well. Unfortunately I don't remember detecting any jasmine, which was also mentioned in the tasting notes. That's probably my fault though.

>> No.12760057


>> No.12760078

I've switched from a moka pot a a french press. I tried pourover but it's too fiddly and the coffee is mild.
Press makes a more robust cuppa and is much less hassle.

I've also got a little Vietnamese filter for when I want a small shot of that strong moka brew. Not quite the same thing but it's close enough and every bit as hassle-free as the french press.

>> No.12760080

How does phin coffee taste compared to other pour over methods?

>> No.12760086

dude Maxwell is worse than instant get some Folgers or something.

>> No.12760120

>french press
eh, i might buy one at some point. we'll see.

>> No.12760123

I worked in convenience stores for 6 years the amount of ppl that drink first thing in the morning on the way to work was quite shocking toe at first

>> No.12760151

Buy two: one for coffee, one for tea.

>> No.12760166

i'm not a tea fan t b h

>> No.12760169

>t b h
Stop avoiding wordfilters you coward.

>> No.12760191 [DELETED] 

no. death to anime.

>> No.12760367
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Maxwell house instant poster back in the fray. Am I doing it right? I made my own tea bag filled with grounds, cloths pinned it shut and threw it in a pot

>> No.12760491

100% does. Try reading a few hundred pages on HB before outing yourself as a retard. The age old espresso advice is 60ml water, 18g coffee, 6+ bar, and 200 degree water.

>> No.12760524

sl28 is the shit

>> No.12760652

>"boiling water"
>eh good enough

sure thing poor fag

>> No.12760671


The ideal water temperature to get an excellent espresso is 90.5 to 96 degrees Celsius (195 to 205 degrees Fahrenheit).

I had some doeskin flown out to England last month. 3 days later I had a pair of bespoke, rabbit fur lined gloves. Your cigarette break is almost over faggot.

>> No.12760704

Those sound nice, picture?

>> No.12760715
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>> No.12760817

just got duotemp pro for 300 cdn

>> No.12760849
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18g Javier Gómez Colombian Nariño. 60 ml water at 205. 20 second preinfusion at 2 bar, 40 second pull at 7-8bar. Lemme know how that scorched mokapot tastes tho.

>> No.12760871

>as in "good enough"
>what is temperature profiling

good enough is good enough right poorfag?

>> No.12760878
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The palm pieces are calfskin treated to work with touchscreens. Mimics human skin or some shit.

>> No.12760885

Again, you don't know shit about coffee. Starbux beans and a porlex mini.

>> No.12760891

Very nice, mind giving up the name of who made them?

>> No.12760895
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you get the clerk at the coffee shop to grind it for you too? that kind of defeats the purpose of making espresso with fresh beans. then again you are using a glorified french press so

>> No.12760901

>thinks eyeballing boiling water can make good espresso
>tells other people they know shit about coffee

>> No.12760919

Chester Jefferies. Order your hand stitched gloves in summer so you're not waiting 8 weeks in winter.

Kinu m47


Tell me more about how you don't know what the fuck you're talking about though. Javier Gomez picked these beans 17 days ago.

>> No.12760934

It makes a shot that tastes like espresso. I guess comparable to Moka but I think that it tastes better than Moka.

>> No.12760940
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anyone tried this?

>> No.12760941
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>Kinu m47

meme handheld. jesus holy poverty

measuring the temp with a thermometer doesn't allow you to CONTROL the brew temperature you fucking mong. too many variables including the hilarious requirement of having to soak the brew cylinder makes CONSISTENCY a complete crap shoot with your fancy french press

>> No.12760946

piece of shit

>> No.12760954

how come

>> No.12760968

overpriced for what it does, low quality, made specifically for stale supermarket preground coffee (pressurized basket), no OPV. shit all around.

>> No.12760985

Phoenix. I'm not paying $150 more for the same burrs. Imagine thinking dropping a thermoprobe into your doublepreheated stainless steel piston, then filling with water set with a decent temp controlled electric kettle doesn't give you accurate brewing temp.

>French Press
>1 bar of pressure with the same temp

You never stopped eating crayons, did you?

>> No.12760989

this is basically what i was taught when i was a barista

>> No.12761026

>then filling with water set with a decent temp controlled electric kettle doesn't give you accurate brewing temp.

because it doesn't you brainlet. moving water between vessels *SURPRISE SURPRISE* affects the fucking ater temperature. that's why it's a crap shoot. you have ZERO control over what the end product temperature will be.

>> No.12761048

anyone have an irish coffee recipe they'd recommend? is it just whisky/baileys/coffee?

>> No.12761066

An Irish coffee is when you have a coffee with Irish cream, cabbage, and then work the fields for 9 hours.

>> No.12761073

I have absolute control over the after temp. Its always going to be a few degrees less than my starting temp. Its not going to GAIN heat after passing through the puck, and with a consistent grind, dose, and tamp, I know exactly how my coffee was brewed. These aren't mystery variables you mong. If I can get the SAME ending temp with the SAME coffee with the SAME brewing temp, the shot is consistent. But please tell me more about how you don't know what the fuck you're talking about. I can go pick up a $12 coil burner from walgreens and get the pistol redhot if I fucking want to. You understand that right? Do you understand thermal dynamics or thermal mass at all?

>> No.12761147

I just don't think you're gonna be able to get a really good light roast unless you use a real roaster, the amount of work and skill that goes into getting the ideal RoR curves just isn't possible with those tools - that's not to say you won't get enjoyable coffee using them

>> No.12761174

>I have absolute control over the after temp.

lol no you don't

>> No.12761175

I'd try with one of these over a butane stove outside. ~$50 experiment.


>> No.12761204

>Do you understand thermal dynamics or thermal mass at all?

Guess not.

>> No.12761214

>says the guy who just assumes the brew cylinder will 100% retain heat because it's made of stainless steel.

muh amazon thermometer says it's the same temp hurf a durf. good enough

>> No.12761239

Not measuring the cylinder jackass. Measuring the temperature of the water IN the cylinder AFTER the SS piston has been preheated.you understand theres a hole in the piston where the gauge slides into right? I can poke the distribution screen(thats also been preheated) with my amazon thermometer.


See that nice little hole through which I can measure the temp of my water and see how much if any heat was stolen by my preheated parts? Remember back as a kid when you weren't coordinated enough to play Operation? You're not supposed to touch the sides.

>> No.12761349

without the means to adjust brew temperature on the fly (which an actual espresso machine will do) you are playing a crapshoot. but that's good enough right?

>> No.12761385

make coffee with ice in it duh

>> No.12761402

imagine thinking that you can get good coffee picked, processed, fermented and roasted within 17 days.

>> No.12761412

Why would I ever need to exceed the upper limit for the dark roasts I prefer? But keep backpeddling and explaining to everyone you don't know shit. You're telling me you just guess that your shitty craiglist pickup is on temp? Maybe you just go by the fact that water boils at 212? Might be checking with a used thermopen off amazon? Have you calibrated it? When the last time you calibrated the calibrator? Tldr you're a fucking moron and espresso is just the tip of the iceberg.

>> No.12761420

24 hour fermentation and drying process. Shipped to America, then roasted to order. But keep explaining to everyone you don't know shit about coffee.

>> No.12761434


moron, if you can't even understand TEMPERATURE STABILITY is the key to consistency you have no business making coffee.

this. rest period for good roasts is 9 days so this idiot claiming his coffee was picked from the fields and dried a week prior to him buying it off amazon is such laughable BS

>> No.12761445
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>have two cups of strong black coffee on an empty stomach
>four hours later still haven't eaten and have two more cups
>start feeling sick and need to pee heaps

>> No.12761454

Yep, which is why preheating your stainless steel components(and glass) is essential. How long do you think 367g of 310 stainless steel holds its temp at 212f? Long enough for a 40 second pull with water just off the boil?

Since we both know you're unemployable, get back to me after reading this thread.


>> No.12761471

>pre-heating my stainless thing a ma jiggle
>eh good enough

>> No.12761481


>> No.12761520

>pulling shots fucking 10 seconds
>still get a 4C temp drop
>probably a good 10C drop if the dingus pulled the shot in 24-35s that most good roasters would recommend for their beans

eh good enough

>> No.12761523

everything delonghi has an underpowered pump

>> No.12761536

>tfw you don't understand thermodynamics
>tfw when the probe is at the surface of your water which immediately comes in contact with air when 1ml is expelled.

>> No.12761544

no gives a shit about the autism about your garbage probe setup. the evidence is in the fucking vid you posted. it's trash.

>> No.12761545

Starts pressure at 6:06, lets up at 6:36

>tfw 10 second pull

>> No.12761560

he didn't start extracting like 10 seconds later you tard. and the bulk of the extraction was in the first 10 seconds.

>> No.12761564

Remember those rectal thermometers you'd beg mom to use? Your internal temp doesn't drop when she pulls the probe out of that little puckered anus. Its still the same. Your body retains the heat.

>> No.12761569

because of stainless steel right right moron

>> No.12761573

You really dont understand shit do you? Extrac

>> No.12761574
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>he dunked his cylinder thoroughly

>> No.12761589

ion starts as soon as water contacts the puck. Him resting his hand on the lever has nearly doubled the atmospheric pressure the puck is experiencing.

Which has more thermal mass? Your rectum or 310 SS?

>> No.12761591

what part of constant pressure and constant temperature do you fail to understand? maybe use a real espresso setup before spouting bullshit about other people's "lack of understanding"

>> No.12761598

Buddy of mine has a hotrodded slayer. Pretty sure its the single group v1. He's pretty upset at shot quality of a $200 lever.

>> No.12761601
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don't forget to dunk you cylinder cletus

>includes pre-infusion time in extraction time
>having to pull all these mental gymnastics to justify your 10s pull glorified french press


>> No.12761605
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it's "good enough" right?

>> No.12761613

>tfw you dont think hot water extracts soluble fats

What do you think preinfusing is doing?

>> No.12761640

I get that you don't have the arm strength to maintain 45lbs of downward pressure with a simple lever. It's ok. We'll get you a moka pot and bike pump.

>> No.12761733

>pour-over is mild.
That's why I dont think I should get one. I like strong coffee.

>> No.12761751

>Human doing the weird mechanical labour

Kaczynski was right

>> No.12761841

>weird mechanical labour
>lever dates back 5000 years
>tfw am robot

>> No.12761842

What are Kaczynski's thoughts on waifus?

>> No.12762219
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What are you fellas drinking?

>> No.12762678

Excellent choice my man. A fellow Albertan?
Right now I am experimenting with roasting my own on a modified popper... with mixed results. Did a few batches of burundi today that I will cup tomorrow.

>> No.12762683

He had a long preinfusion with the low pressure at the start. Longer preinfusion will lead to much faster flow rate during the rest of the shot. I use a 10 second preinfusion with about 18 seconds after that, pretty similar to what he did in the vid.

>> No.12762734

I'm doing a little longer on both on the flair. ~20 second preinfusion at 2bar gets me a few drops through the puck, then I'm ramping up to 7.5+ depending on the day for ~30 until theres no more pressure in the piston. He also mentions in that video he's not taking his time tamping, so its going to run a bit quicker.