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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 305 KB, 1000x665, evil assault ration(killed a whole preschool and 7 dogs).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12705428 No.12705428[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

No one NEEDS assault rations. We should ban them, how many kids have to die before you evil fascists surrender your assault rations?

>> No.12705439
File: 42 KB, 350x442, inside-chipotle630.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>waah mommy why can't I carry around an AR-15 and not have people look at me like I'm crazy, the mean normies are oppresssing meeeeeee!
Stay on /k/ you fucking sperg

>> No.12705444

As a left-wing socialist, I feel that the only way to liberate ourselves is to train and arm every single black man and Mexican and poor person in America.

>> No.12705446

>amerishit AR-15
>not Romanian AKM

>> No.12705451
File: 360 KB, 600x580, pepe-transparent-laugh-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love my /cookie board

>> No.12705476
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As a right-wing racist, I feel that the only way to liberate ourselves is to buy weapons, threaten our wife and kids with it and go to shooting ranges to feel powerful and compensate for my little dick and inferiority complex

Left wing guys had the most weapons. Just look at China and Soviet Russia.
Also murder rates go up when you have more guns, legal or not. Deal with reality, Americanó

Now slowly crawl back to the french-fry-breathers on /k or /pol. This fucking board is about cooking and delicious food you disgusting fuck. Nobody wants to eat your fried brain here.

>> No.12705481
File: 3.14 MB, 2295x2808, 20190729_091459.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>calls someone a sperg
>proceeds to sperg out.

Oh the iron knee.

Pic related, ate one of these the other day. Tasted great, chocolate chip cookie was too dry tho.

This thread is about MREs now. Fucking neck yourself you liberal pussy.

>> No.12705483

have sex, dis MRE bred nauo

>> No.12705558
File: 12 KB, 167x166, source.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> American constitution is built upon liberal values from Europe, including the free right to have a gun later on in the first ammendment
> conservative nationalists heavily restrict gun ownership in Europe
> fuck liberarallalalas

Your aristocrastic republican/democrat state propaganda fried your brain so much that you can't even think of the possibility that there could be more a political spectrum broader than left or right.
I am not even living in America so trash your fucking "libtard/consershit"-attitude. Doesn't work here. Go back to /pol to blame immigrants for your unemployment you loser

>> No.12705565
File: 103 KB, 640x721, 1563980601942.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I came in here to post this.

>> No.12705567

I remember buying some mres a coupkes years back. I enjoyed the novelty of it and might do it again.

>> No.12705569

have sex incel, you're the cvck taking a shitpost seriously

>> No.12705588
File: 3.19 MB, 1683x4514, 20190729_094821.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I cant hear you over the sound of my freedom, faggot. Immigrants aren't ruining the country. Faggot liberals are with their shitty social programs.

>> No.12705597

That’s why half of gun control in the US exists; conservatives trying to prevent minorities from arming themselves. Kinda funny how they fancy themselves guardians of the 2nd Amendment when they’re the ones who started all the bullshit.

>> No.12705608
File: 3.88 MB, 4032x3024, JPEG_20190511_102956.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You mean Democrats.

Anyways It doesn't matter the party, its shitty people who want to maintain control over the masses. There are plenty of conservative minded people who enjoy the thought of minorities practicing their 2nd amendment.

>> No.12705615
File: 15 KB, 480x240, landscape-1495745471-delish-gordon-ramsay-burger[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


> He is answering in complete sentences, he must be taking this seriously

Fuck. off. my. board. you inbred hippie garbage diver

> incel
> cuck
> shitpost

This is like a checklist for degenerate intellectual poverty. Wanna have a chat about Chad and Betas, too? You are probably the guy who lives on the end of the human centipede.

>> No.12705626

>doesn’t remember the parties flipped sides due to race issues
They can call themselves Floopzorps for all it matters. The people who call themselves conservatives of today were the ones to really get the ball rolling with gun control laws.

>> No.12705647

Right, which is why i said parties don't matter. Its just people who want to maintain their power by stepping on the little guy. Identity politics were a fucking mistake.


>> No.12705656

Stop calling leftists "liberal". Stop being part of the problem, you brainwashed nigger monkey. Break the cycle.

>> No.12705663


>> No.12705697
File: 36 KB, 620x413, Damning-review3[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Ignorance is bliss
> no word about jobs

You are actually fucking unemployed, aren't you?


Yeah, letting kids with cancer die, because their parents can't afford the necessary medication or people actually being more afraid of hospital bills than the injury itself is the true definition of freedom.
Somehow your TV seems to have convinced you that blowing up goats in the Middle East with 100'000 $ rockets (per piece) is a good investment.

>> No.12705713
File: 3.76 MB, 2422x3344, 20190729_102955.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not my problem, i already contribute 35% of my paycheck to the state. That's 35% too much for me.

Ps. I work.

>> No.12705724
File: 10 KB, 300x300, celebrities-visit-extra[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You know it's a dead giveaway that you are a virgin if you are unable to think or talk about anything else than sex?

>> No.12705802

I like this

>> No.12705804
File: 19 KB, 636x358, 8c53bbc79e6e6dd14ebaf2bdc2e58201[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


> Works for the state
> "Taxes are bad!"
> "I don't like to contribute to my state"
> Posts personal work station with movie running in the background

Honestly anon, you are kind of a mad man, I kinda like that.

> PS. I work.
> Has movie running in the background
> Those wrists


I really hope your boss doesn't find out who is eating all those "First Strike"-rations, anon. Your left thumb is kinda giving it away.

Since you seem to enjoy MRE's that much... I suppose you know Steve1989? If not that could be good place to start for you, I guess.

>> No.12705811

>actively associating with chair force

I’ll take Yikes and Oofpilled for 500, Alex

>> No.12705818

Yeah you look really hard at work you fucking leech

>> No.12705819

Shall not be infringed

>> No.12705826

>hate social programs
>relies on the USA’s largest jobs program because he couldn’t hack higher education

>> No.12705828
File: 81 KB, 750x600, d67b3afa5a4596642fb2116000f10c50[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Chairforce

That steak is burnt now, anon.

>> No.12705829

Sorry you cucks aren't big brain enough to have this level of comfort.

>implying we get MREs.

>> No.12705899

Well regulated

>> No.12705906

>he thinks that applies to anything but a Milita.


>> No.12705915

So why am I not allowed to buy tanks and nukes?

>> No.12705922

>he doesn't know well regulated means properly trained and outfitted and not regulated through government
>he thinks the national guard is the militia
Imagine being this retarded

>> No.12705932

You can buy a tank. And Boeing does work with warheads. Technically nuclear warheads fall under ordnance and are also subject to the nonproliferation treaty, so blame the commies for that. If I had things my way SHALL NOT would mean SHALL NOT.

>> No.12706024

It's okay anon, I voted for Hillary too.

>> No.12706060

>fat hands
>dirty nails
>improperly written date
Slap yourself.

>> No.12706076
File: 3.90 MB, 2702x2822, 20190729_122218.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fat hands
Not fat, bad picture angle.
>dirty nails
That's just graphite from a pencil
>improperly written date
Its correct for maintenance forms.

No u.

>> No.12706081

Stop shitposting and get back to work, boot.

>> No.12706094

I am working :^). These posts won't shit themselves out. Someone has to do it.

*laughs in GS scale*

>> No.12706114

we get it, you're edgy and 16

>> No.12706118
File: 1.99 MB, 400x400, 1563858916957.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you liberal pussy

>> No.12706123

Alright, desk jockey. Whatever. Don't you have a lot of important nothing to do?

>> No.12706131
File: 437 KB, 245x118, 1564007106673.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hahaha dude holy fuck if your grasp of US history is this weak maybe you should stay out of politics

>> No.12706159

>writing something twice and then repeating the key phrase is all caps in place of an actual argument

>> No.12706179

I don't need an argument. I've got the bill of rights backing me up. You, however, lack any form of coherent argument for why we should ban guns from the public. And no "MUH FEELINS, MUH CHILLUNS" is not an argument.

>> No.12706186

Democrats are the ones who have been actively trying to disarm the populace for the past half-century. They are also the ones who are being secretly racist by telling minorities that they can't do anything and need social programs and assistance to live. When in reality they just need to hustle, work and climb the ladders like everyone else.

Socialism is a fucking disease.

>> No.12706218

Ah yes, the democrats. The party of Lindon B "I'll have those niggers voting democrat for the next 200 years" Johnson. Such a tolerant group.

>> No.12706475

how old are you?

>> No.12706493
File: 291 KB, 2000x1333, dont_blicky_on_my_stiffy_uh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

29. Wanna fuck?

>> No.12706508

>They can succeed, they just have to break their backs climbing the ladder :^)
Oh how tolerant of you.

>> No.12706518

He succeded, didn't he?

>> No.12706520

reagan was responsible for the assault weapon ban

>> No.12706530

>how tolerant of you
Yep, way more tolerant than telling them they won't amount to shit, so here's free gibs. Anyone can be rich and powerful, they just have to work.

Reagan was responsible for the Hughes amendment. Clinton signed the AWB. Both of them are faggots.

>> No.12706557

>born into impoverished family, providing for siblings because father is absent through no fault of your own
>born into area with shitty public schools with high turnover rates for educators, drop out early to start supporting family
>have to work two jobs seven days a week to pay rent and put food on the table
>no money to afford vacation, can't afford to take time off work
>can't afford higher education, can't afford to take time off work
>managers can abuse employees however they want because they know there's no chance anyone can afford to litigate
>what little savings you have are kept for emergencies
>can't afford healthcare so just cross your fingers and hope you don't get sick
>work shitty dead end jobs until you die or get lucky or somehow manage to save enough to break the cycle
>rich conservatives born into wealth tell you you're not working hard enough over and over until you die early from poor living conditions
>aren't you glad you live in a free country
>america #1

>> No.12706577

spoken like a true silver spoon bitch boy

>> No.12706638
File: 31 KB, 480x480, 1479133042347.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>born into impoverished family
>forced to adapt to your surroundings.
>have to bust your balls extra hard to get out
>school doesn't provide much
>but the library is free, i could go read some books to further educate myself
>use the free internet provided from the school or library to find scholarships or alternative education
>or get job in a labor or trade union that are mostly composed of minorities anways
>work ass off
>earn decent money at a young age
>further educate myself or start my own business
>remove self from shitty area, help family remove themselves from shitty area
>now better off with life and make a good living with health insurance

There are jobs out there that take no skill to start at. Lots of manufacturing places take on people with no skills and teach you skills. There are unions across the country that will take on young help because all the boomers are retiring. The problem comes from faggots like you telling minorities that someone is keeping them down, instead of telling them that there are opportunities out there for them to take advantage of.

I was born into a relatively poor family in a state with a high cost of living.
I watched my dad bounce between 4 jobs before he retired. My mom started off as a fucking secretary for an abusive boss in a legal firm that felt her up daily, and got paid minimum wage. They worked their asses off to get out of their shitty situations. I worked 8 garbage jobs before i found my career, i've had my arms in sewage, breathed in dangerous chemicals, been on the wrong side of a knife for money that belonged to wealthy elites. (Drove an armored car in a place where wealthy liberals own lavish vacation homes)
I decided to better my situation by joining the military, so i sold my soul to the devil so that my family and I can enjoy a better life.

So fuck you and your shitty socialist ideals.

>> No.12706669

>attempts to change the meaning of words to suit his purpose
Coping this hard. The right to keep and bear arms is qualified under the umbrella of a well regulated militia. It doesn't mean Cletus McBumfuck should be able to own an arsenal of assault weapons.

>> No.12706697

Its not qualified under the umbrella of a well regulated milita. Its along side.

"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."


It makes no mention of keeping firearms only for invasion. It just says TOO KEEP AND BEAR ARMS. Fuck off with your yuroshit ideals.

>> No.12706718

even the basic opportunities that you had, a lot of people don't. the only political goal I have is for everyone to have those same basic opportunities so that no one is so desperate that they have to jump through arbitrary societal hoops for ten years just to subsist. I'm not a socialist, I don't claim to be, I don't want to be labeled as one, but something is clearly fucking broken here and a lot of other countries have already figured out the contributing factors. i respect a need and desire for hard, meaningful work because I have that need and desire too. my point is that it's fucking stupid to revere this economic system just because it didn't kill you. a government that takes so much owes proportionally more. it sounds like we don't fundamentally disagree.

>> No.12706741

sorry that your mind has been poisoned
usually you grow out of it, but keeping the populace in an infantile mindset has been the number one goal for a long time

>> No.12706758

>t-t-thank you for the garbage jobs, uncle sam

>> No.12706795

>I wrote it twice and capitalized a few words

>> No.12706800

I personally think its impossible to give everyone equal footing through the goveenme The government is incapable of it. With have too many bloated social programs that are impossible to get rid of.

Frankly, it shouldn't fall on the federal governments shoulders. If an individual state wants to provide social services, that's great. As long as the population is well informed and gets to vote on it.

>I have no argument

>> No.12706807
File: 49 KB, 480x371, 1561814896582.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the supreme court justices are wrong, compared to me, an illuminated citizen of the internet

>> No.12706810

Civilians posting military memes are like children who bring daddys bag of coke to school. You dont know what it really is, and you should be punished
>inb4 punish how?
Anal torture

>> No.12706812

that pic made me lose my shit for some reason

>> No.12706818

>I hate to work my ass off with miserable jobs because I barely even got a chance to improve myself
>this system is great, fuck socialist ideals of giving everyone an equal opportunity!
1000% goy

>> No.12706857


>> No.12706890


>> No.12706978

>parents work crummy jobs
>work 8 crummy, dangerous jobs yourself, frittering away years of career potential, before eventually suckling at the teat of the state while fighting Middle Eastern goats, children, and wedding attendees

You are an example of capitalism's failure.

>> No.12706995


>> No.12706998

Actually i used the government to paid to learn skills, which i then used to become employed by the government. Which really, any able bodied person that can rub two sticks together can do.

>> No.12707008

>When a tub of lard and a manlet Mexican are more alpha than every leftist in america right now.
The absolute state of communists.

>> No.12707040

>participate in the most bloated government social program of them all
>rail against government social programs

Medicare and SNAP has saved lives. What have you done that justifies your paycheck besides drone-strike children?

>> No.12707062

Assist in global mobility operations that help deliver valuable aid across the world.
And drone strike those poor innocent terrorists. Feels good man. Sorry you're too much of a brainlet.

Medicare and SNAP is also heavily abused and social programs are the biggest drain on our economy. They're overall failures because theres almost no accountability for the people who are using them. Considering thousands just sell their EBT cards for straight cash to buy drugs, unessecsry electronics, and booze. Its not helping society at all. The feds should not be handling this shit.

>> No.12707089
File: 180 KB, 1024x819, 1564343397814m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We are 10-20 years out till civil war anyway.

>> No.12707102

>when the rightwing stacked court agrees with my position it's originalist, when they disagree they're activists
The absolute state of the right's hypocrisy.

>> No.12707111

>They're overall failures because theres almost no accountability for the people who are using [conducting] them.
Whoa, that's what the majority of Americans think about Iraq, Afghanistan, and Vietnam! Looks like there's some common ground between us.

Also, regarding abuse, tending to the needs of citizenry is more important than any associated (and inevitable) corruption. You wouldn't close a hospital because a few nurses swipe morphine. You also wouldn't shut down the local PD because an innocent black guy got shot. You also wouldn't freeze the Air Force even when there's documented evidence of murdering unarmed civilians. The services they provide are far more important than the inefficiencies they bring.

>> No.12707234
