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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 1.19 MB, 716x1280, thievingmachine.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12690681 No.12690681 [Reply] [Original]

>*steals your money*

>> No.12690688

Yeah.... I mean if loot boxes in video games is gambling I feel like these friggin things should be too.

>> No.12690692

Very current reference and analogy. Not bad, boomer! Youre puttin in effort to keep up. Just one small request: try not to force it so hard, daddy-o. You're fine. Be yourself :)

>> No.12690695

>tiered system
>chances of better items from vending machine increase as you pay more
>chance of not getting anything decrease as you pay more
>small chance of double loot or hidden foods
We should release these.

>> No.12690697

Imagine all the concerned editorials in the gossip press.

>> No.12690701

Damn id give it a go. Japanese vending machines already have prize systems built in, we need to catch up.

>> No.12690707

Exactly. Free publicity.

No such thing as bad press until the first lawsuit. Just put them in a good spot with a disclaimer. I'm really concerned about the no guarantee of dispense of item counting as illegal gambling, but claw grab machines and shit like that can get away with it so I'm sure we can find a technicality somewhere; maybe a hold-in button or quick-time event.

>> No.12690716

What number are you pressing, /ck/?

707 here

>> No.12690717
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>*breaks machine open*

>> No.12690719
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>> No.12690725

>charges 10% more for using a credit card without telling you
Heh, nothing personnel

>> No.12690732

I remember going on a field trip for school and putting the 20$ bill my parents gave me to buy lunch (it was a field trip to a place with a cafeteria) into a vending to buy water and it ate it.

When it came time for lunch no one not even the teachers would give me money to buy something and I didnt eat all day. It was a good field trip.

>> No.12690738

Me too man, me too. I think if we didn't have any blacks we could probably have outdoor vending machines like that. I mean the Mexicans would tag the shit out of them but at least they wouldn't be getting smashed open every other day.

>> No.12690739
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the world would be a much better place without nigs around.

>> No.12691048

just break it open with a crowbar snap lulz

>> No.12691053

How does he know the racial heritage of the people who did that?

>> No.12691057

no thanks, can I just have my god damn sandwich that I paid for?
>can't invent a vending machine that doesn't use those shitty garbage useless thieving nigger spiral racks

>> No.12691065

oh come on

>> No.12691073

>Flaming hot Cheetos but no regular Cheetos

That machine is based and quite frankly doesn't exist. In my world it is always the opposite of that. Flaming hot Cheetos should be the standard not cheesey Donald drumpf Cheetos

>> No.12691079

Mouse trap for humans
Hmm I was on my way, thinking of other such things and sorts...
My god, me! I now crave for peanuts and chocolate...and chips, and cheetos
(stuffs money in wrong, in a rush)

You could have just kept walking; problem solved

>> No.12691083

what if I'm at work and forgot my lunch cooler

>> No.12691086

What other race do you have to literally put cages on elementary school snack vending machines because even their 4 foot 3 toddlers can't be trusted to not smash them open

>> No.12691095

If you've never met a white vandal (they break things just for fun), you don't know anything about the world.

>> No.12691126

>Call number on the sticker
>Say the machine stole your 5 shekels
>Give address
>Receive an envelope with a single coin in it
It's dumb, but it's really satisfying.

>> No.12691132

Get checked out for early onset alzheimers.

>> No.12691140

There's one of those in my city that gives you two bottles of tea and then when you press the change button it gives you back all the money you put into it. Hope they never fix it

>> No.12691371

>b..but white people vandalize too
not as often and you know it

>> No.12692640

>*buys vending machine corporation and steals your money*

>> No.12692794


>> No.12692804

Yeah okay grandpa. Read a crime statistic and stop bitching about zoomers having your occasional antic, while you brag about the stupid shit you did as a kid.

>> No.12692817
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its payback for all the free sodas and cigarettes boomers stole out of the old machines

>> No.12692821

And in conclusion it must have been a black person who broke that condom machine. Nice brain you got going there. I wonder if that's natural or if it was damaged at some point.

>> No.12692836

Ive been screwed by these machines a couple times. Im getting my money back, thanks for pointing this blatantly obvious option out for me.

>> No.12692847

carry one of those pocket torches, when one steals your money, melt the plexiglass and take your shit

>> No.12692870

Funfact, these machines are extremely top-heavy and have a higher mortality rate than bear attacks.

>> No.12692876

they're purposely built that way
don't fuck with the snack mafia anon

>> No.12692880

I never ever understood of the loot boxes be gambling. There is nothing to lose, you are always guaranteed something, it might not be that great of a prize but it's something.

>> No.12692977

those options and you choose some whack rice krispies that you could make better on your own? pls step up anon we're waiting on you

>> No.12693011


>> No.12693017

On one hand we have destructive stupidity and petty theft. While these are surely the hoofprints of pavement apes i just cant imagine a large percentage of blacks are being responsible and having safe sex.

>> No.12693063

how can one island contain so much A E S T H E T I C

>> No.12693898

>has a tappa tappa
>doesn't work

>> No.12693951


They could sell them, use them as bags to carry more stolen shit in them, or even as a mask to commit a robbery.

>> No.12693961


>> No.12694175

>drops an extra candy bar

>> No.12694562
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why we can't have nice things

>> No.12694602

Would Japanese style vending machines work in the west if it was card payment only? Maybe make them extremely durable so no nogs can smash them open and loot all the drinks/items inside, that way you can have machines set up in quiet neighborhoods and parks like they do in Japan. Theres always the solution of putting them in populated areas where nobody would dare openly try to break open one or else be seen by a lot of people, but that would defeat the purpose of conveniently placed vending machines just a short walking distance of wherever you live.

>> No.12694624

>food analogy

>> No.12694841

why would you set up a vending machine in a quiet area? if you're the owner you want a populated area so you make more money

>> No.12694847


>> No.12694851

there was one vending machine in my school cafeteria that stole like $10 from me. I don't know why I kept trying to use it.

>> No.12694858

>*shake it to get free stuff*
only when no one is looking

>> No.12694860


Japanese are just different. Even with all the immigrants there, its totally unlike america.

>> No.12694876


>> No.12694877

>in building for night school
>notice that the vending machine has one pack of knotts berry farm cookies left
>when I come back after class to buy them it's gone
>no one else in my class went past the vending machine
fucking ghosts

>> No.12694884

Probably not. Not the US, at least. If blacks don’t break it, homeless will. No homeless? Rednecks will. Rich area? Teenage boys will. A rich white retirement neighborhood? Some crotchety old fucker will destroy it because it doesn’t accept wooden nickels.
Americans love to destroy.

>> No.12694899

Imagine if you could gamble $1 but would be guaranteed at least a penny back, would it no longer be gambling?

>> No.12694935

Have many of them set up almost everywhere so people can have access to the products easily

>> No.12694978

>thanks for pointing this blatantly obvious option out for me
As blatantly obvious as this option is, people still don't do it. "What? Spend a couple of minutes to get my 5 shekels back? Pass."

>> No.12694988

>A rich white retirement neighborhood? Some crotchety old fucker will destroy it because it doesn’t accept wooden nickels.
Probably some dumb shit like he doesn't understand why it doesn't work the way he wants it too and hates things changing. Besides, some rich fucker built it and they can afford to replace it.

>> No.12695084

you are gay

>> No.12695334

>wasting time and moneu servicing vending machines 1 or 2 people are using a week

>> No.12695337

>work break room machine ripped me off
>boss says to fill out this little slip for refund, tape to machine
>notice the vending guy has come and gone the next day to restock the machines
>he didn't take my refund slip off the machine
do I gotta go bust some kneecaps? where's my money

>> No.12695723

>refund slip
I hope you filed that in triplicate or it’s not valid

>> No.12695929

its not really a "slip" its more like a little envelope where you write down the info on the outside and tape it to the machine. and the vending guy is supposed to take it when they come to restock and bring it back next time they come with your money in cash inside it, and give it to the supervisor on duty.
but he didn't take it its still sitting there taped to the machine reeeeeeeeeeeee gimme my 3 bucks

>> No.12695959

>Brown and green milky way

Real milky ways are blue and white- ya know, like the fucking milky way

>> No.12696138

the standard flavor Milky Way has always been a brown and green wrapper, wtf are u smoking?

>> No.12696144

You jump timelines again Steve?

>> No.12696461


>> No.12696508
File: 3.25 MB, 267x182, gD8uUiC.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ew, these guys just reddit'd all over the place

>> No.12697225

105 or 404

>> No.12697274
File: 1.16 MB, 400x400, 1479996716855.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12697282

>as she phone posts

>> No.12697292

This, everyone knows that minorities don't use protection

>> No.12697318
File: 43 KB, 363x233, 1563799157197.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>machine at work takes my dollar
>tell my supervisor
>sends me to the receptionist desk in the front office
>she opens a drawer in her desk and pulls out a coffee mug full of quarters
>gives me my dollar back
It's obviously a problem, why not get rid of the machine?

>> No.12697356

606 and 211

>> No.12697420

spoilers don't work here lad

>> No.12697559

Well. Ya got me.

>> No.12698177


>> No.12698223

605 is the chad choice

>> No.12698227
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>> No.12698662
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>> No.12698858
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>tfw the other day at work I passed the machine, saw some animal crackers hanging off
>barely knocked the machine and they fell out
>gave it to a co workers little girl

Based retard who can't fill the machine right. Second time this has happened

>> No.12698865

You must have been the annoying white kid. No wonder you ended up here lmao.

>> No.12698883

>4chan tells me to start a vending machine business
>Fucking everybody irl tells me it's a retarded idea. Parents couldn't believe I would come up with something so stupid

>> No.12698895

What the fuck are you talking about, they have literally and objectively always been blue and white.

>> No.12699163
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>press cherry coke button
>says price and not "SOLD OUT"
>insert money
>press cherry coke button
>refund button doesn't even work

>> No.12699174

I mean if you could come up with a cool idea for a vending machine, why not take the risk?

Do what Japan does: hot meals in a vending machine somehow. Better yet, try to see if a Japanese vending company will do business in the US, and outsource your vending machines from Japan.

>> No.12699236

603 dawg

>> No.12699451
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>> No.12699556

youre thinking of 3 musketeers

>> No.12699574

Always wondered about those old machines, were they really just a glorified fridge you had to pay to open?

>> No.12699901

it even looks like an old refrigerator