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12675951 No.12675951 [Reply] [Original]

How did an entire generation get tricked into thinking mass consuming hydrogenated vegetable oil was a healthier alternative to using less butter?

>> No.12675955

I remember that being the marketing game back then, yes.

Butter and butter-fats were EVIL. Margarine GOOD.

>> No.12675975
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Whoa. I was just about to make a thread opening with "there are people in the world that still use margarine". Margarinemind

>> No.12675999
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80's baby here. There was a HUGE trans fat thing that blew up back then. Everything had it and according to marketing, those where what caused cholesterol and heart issues. Margarine took full advantage of that and proudly labelled themselves the healthier trans-fat free low calorie option to butter "with the same great taste you won't believe".

Being hyper thin and bouncy and aerobic fit was the peek desire and we all jumped onto that train.

Fast forward to today: My aerobic queen of an aunt has horrid knee problems and my mother suffers from heart disease despite her margarine slathered trans-fat-free lifestyle.

>> No.12676005

there was a really big marketing push. butter and fat was "bad" because our expert tv doctors said so.

>> No.12676014

You fucking mongoloid, trans fat IS awful for you. You're confusing it with saturated fat.

>> No.12676020

That's why I never trust any food "studies"

>> No.12676032

Fully hydrogenated is healthier. It's PARTIALLY hydrogenated that contains trans fats and is less healthy.

>> No.12676041

iirc, it was used because it was cheaper years ago, thus it got a big push

>> No.12676099

I know that you fat slapper. What I'm telling you is how this shit got revamped for the boomers and x-gen.

>> No.12676228

No, that’s just because you’re an impressionable retard

>> No.12676245

Calories in > Calories out is all that matters for weight loss (health) for 90% of people. The long term effects doesn't apply/matter to most people

>> No.12676279
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The diet crazy of the 80s that took out all the fat in the food endorsed fake food like margarine. Now when you take the fat out of food, it tastes like shit, so they replaced it with fillers like sugar/corn syrup.

Now everything has too much sugar in it and diabetes rates have exploded and obesity is worse than ever.

>> No.12676298
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Sugar consumption has regressed

>> No.12676378

They conveniently forget to tell you they didn't include HFCS and sugar was referring to cane sugar. You're a sly one, Mr. Grinch.

>> No.12676779
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>How did an entire generation get tricked into thinking mass consuming hydrogenated vegetable oil was a healthier alternative to using less butter?
Oh shit guys, the vegetable oil from the grocery store comes with another one of these. It's gonna kill you faster than butter.

>> No.12676812

just think about what lies haven't been exposed

>> No.12676820

Most cultures cherised animal products when they were harder to come by and not as readily available. Once they became cheap and everyone could have them every day, people just started eating too much and getting sick. So people came up with plant alternatives and said it's healthier because it's from plants, instead of addressing the overconsumption issue which is harder for most people to do.

>> No.12676830

'95 here and i genuinely thought for the first 10 years of my life that margarine was butter. and i was a smart kid too its just that we never really bought butter and called margarine butter. i was neither abused nor poor.

>> No.12676837

so are you single??
you're the perfect age... heh...

>> No.12676844

There were basically huge vats of chemicals left over from various wars that needed to be sold and horrifically amoral people willing to do anything to sell them, including marketing them as food products

>> No.12676858

No one got 'tricked' into anything it's just that vegetable oil costs less so it is more widely consumed

>> No.12676978
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Okay guys, I want to know if there are any LEGITIMATE truths about types of fat and health. I see so much contradiction that I dunno what to think. There was the big cholesterol scare a couple decades ago but now people are saying that cholesterol levels are mostly linked to your genes. Should I really be eating super lean meats? Are trans fats actually fucking killing us? What should I even believe?

>> No.12677018

Trans fats will kill you dead. Saturated fats aren't that great for you, lower your consumption replace them with unsaturated fats and not carbs. Most importantly, don't be fat.

>> No.12677047

>don't be fat
Yeah, I'm working on that on

>> No.12677055

Source on this?

>> No.12677059

Based and redpilled