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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12666670 No.12666670 [Reply] [Original]

Daily reminder that if you put beans in chili it becomes a casserole.

>> No.12666675


>> No.12666678

Actually it becomes chili with beans.

>> No.12666705

Ok then I never want to eat chili, only casserole

>> No.12666709

If you don't put beans in chili, it becomes too boring to eat.

>> No.12666716

No, casseroles are baked.

>> No.12666723

instead of just regular beans have you ever put in something like bush's baked beans

>> No.12666738
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Daily reminder that if you put beans in chili it becomes a Cassoulet.

>> No.12667238

Chili without beans is spicy meat sauce not chili

>> No.12667241

Chili is a kind of Cassoulet.

>> No.12667249

Please don't use my wife for your low quallity shitposts.

>> No.12667276

Chilli without beans is meat soup

>> No.12667317
File: 60 KB, 530x647, A83D1EAF-466F-4632-BEED-76DE80434D2C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your wife belongs to Yui.

>> No.12667360

kys weebs. death to anime.

>> No.12667376
File: 282 KB, 320x480, 1560911241389.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why do so many people have undeveloped brains, you know thats a sign you have an undeveloped brain right, when you dislike anime, just from that fact alone i know youre likely a degenerate savage, an untermensch, an inferior, a bug

>> No.12667378

says the """man""" who watches childrens' cartoons? top fucking kek.

>> No.12667380

Chili is a stew. Beans or no beans.

>> No.12667387

Yui is straight and doesn't act gay at all. Kyouko is only pretending to be gay as a joke just like how she pretends to be retarded.

>> No.12667391
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>> No.12667398

You don't possess the IQ to interpret profound and meaningful themes found in all television programming do you

>> No.12667406

take off your fedora ya fucking weeb simp.

>> No.12667429
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>> No.12667432


>> No.12667434
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this is you

>> No.12667439


>> No.12667442
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i know you are but what am i

>> No.12667461
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Without beans it's just spicy bolognese.

>> No.12667463

How do you know so much about anime?

>> No.12667469


>> No.12667488

Lurking before the place got overrun by normalfags helps.

>> No.12667497

daily reminder that I always love a new filter term.

>> No.12667501
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daily reminder

>> No.12667541

>he says, posting a picture of a popular anime character

>> No.12667665

but owww the edge confirmed that ryuko was his waifu

>> No.12667762
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>> No.12667777

Lol, no. Beans don't make foods more "interesting". In fact, it's the opposite, beans without other ingredients are too boring to eat. You need some more COPE.

>> No.12667783

Wrong. There's no tomatoes, milk, carrots, or ground beef in real chili.

>> No.12667792
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go choke on your beans

>> No.12667830

Caved-in head take

>> No.12667836


>> No.12667998
File: 2.50 MB, 960x540, 1563716109300.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Daily reminder: If you watch DQ commercials then you are a pedophile and God will send you directly to hell.

>> No.12668013

If you got aroused by that video you might have a problem

>> No.12668057

I prefer an equal amount of meat to beans.

>> No.12668092

I am all for not putting beans in chili but that is not what the word casserole means

>> No.12668126
File: 41 KB, 392x469, cucumber mokou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking this

>> No.12668180

Right? Now if that was a little blonde boy in speedos they might have a point.

>> No.12668204

No tomatoes in chili? What?

>> No.12668208

Have sex.

>> No.12668230

I'm not going back to prison.

>> No.12668274

Remember the story of the woman who had sex and went to jail for 20 years. That was a funny story.

>> No.12668315
File: 117 KB, 720x960, IMG_20190628_182527.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you don't put beans in chili it's just taco meat filling

>> No.12668364

I'd love to see some dumb asshole try and put chili in tacos. You'd be making a literal slop o' shit.
Beans are fine in your home-served chili, (even I add beans to my own chili at home sometimes), but if you're serving chili to others, or at a cookoff or potluck, keep your damn beans out. What you like in your own home isn't acceptable to everyone, so keep it contained, fuckfarts.

>> No.12668375

Daily reminder that if you don't put beans in chili, its just a Bolognese

>> No.12668379

>What you like in your own home isn't acceptable to everyone
most normies expect beans in chili

>> No.12668518

I've actually used leftover chili for soft tacos. It's fantastic faggot.

>> No.12668550

too bad muhamutt is based and pedopilled
inshallah my muslims

>> No.12668557

>leftover chili
So it was chili that had reduced down. That's not the same. And I bet it was still a slop o' shit.

>> No.12668560

Not true.

>> No.12668580

Reminder that it's chili (peppers) con (with) carne (meat), so if you put tomatoes in your chili, you made spicy tomato beef soup.

Chili can be as simple as some pollock fillets served with ancho chilis. But under no circumstances should you make a tomato soup to go with it, because that's not the name says.

See, OP? I can be a retard too.

>> No.12668584

My boner is the problem. That commercial is the solution

>> No.12668603

It's very true, keep your no bean autism contained to your home.

>> No.12668615

God-tier chili
>minced onion and mushrooms
>tomatoes: crushed, sauce, and paste
>chili seasoning: salt, black pepper, cumin, garlic powder, onion powder, cayenne, smoked chili powder
>ground beef
>pork sausage
>kidney beans
>pinto beans
>black beans
>great northern beans

Then the extras
>shredded cheese blend
>sour cream
>Fritos (the original confetti ones, not the scoops

>> No.12668620

Chili without beans is a runny, watery, mess.

>> No.12668664

It's not true, you tasteless cunt. What are you, a yankee or a europoor?

>> No.12668669

Guess how I know you're a shit tier cook.

>> No.12668720

I make mine without beans, it's fucking true

>> No.12668751
File: 149 KB, 1080x820, chili.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If you don't put beans in chili, it becomes too boring to eat.
If you can actually taste beans in your chili you fucked up.
Chili flavor's supposed to be extremely strong. That's pretty much the entire point of making chili.

>> No.12668760

>Chili without beans is a runny, watery, mess.
What the fuck? Please never try cooking anything ever again.

>> No.12668824

reminder: chili with beans is the only proper way to eat chili

>> No.12668991
File: 105 KB, 640x480, 1560782365376.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reminder that your opinion only counts if your picture is from an anime

>> No.12668995

i have a CIA fren who gave me a recipe for chili that uses cubed round steak. i need to try making it 4-10 more times to get it perfected

>> No.12669071

cringe and bluepilled
based, redpilled, and dailydosepilled

>> No.12669072

based jim

>> No.12669154
File: 312 KB, 400x225, Boatlights.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder how Hitler would have felt about anime. I remember a thread about a WW2 pilot who was a big fan of Sky Girls or something like that.

Remember that if there's no beans in your chili, it's just beef stew.

>> No.12669269

>reminder: ranch is the best dip for buffalo wings
^What your post sounds like.

>> No.12669299

if it's not beef and chili peppers, it's not chili.
Garlic and onions? get the fuck outta here.

>> No.12669301

>Chili flavor's supposed to be extremely strong.
maybe you should quit dip, Cletus. Chewing tobacco dulls the taste buds.

>> No.12669315

Maybe you should listen to the professionals from the area where chili was invented. Beans are a filler ingredient. If you can taste beans in chili you fucked up and made a shitty weak chili.

>> No.12669335

umm actually my dad invented chili he told me

>> No.12669500
File: 249 KB, 1300x990, 1357871239214.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

um sweetie my dad works at Chili's, I think he knows better

>> No.12669896
File: 167 KB, 403x369, 1554952903273.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

umm sweatie, my dad owns a Chili's in Chile, i think he knows better

>> No.12670221

umm sweaty my dad is literally a chili i think he knows better

>> No.12670227
File: 101 KB, 252x303, dammit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

alright you win